Report: Staff of the Boar Spirit

General Summary

Our report begins, with a party of intrepid heros.     A task had been given to them, too long ago, to return the Stick of Nago to Brother Nago. There was some debate on whether there was a man, or if the destination was simply the temple, located somewhere in the Ren forest. Ren wood? In the woods.     This was a task Pales, Patrick, Russell and a man whom expertly wielded two wooden sticks with incredible skill, were given by the Runidiri in penance for a crime the man with the sticks accidently did with the greatest of initial intentions and seemed like a heroic effort at the time. Either way this task was given with surprisingly little detail and resulted in a bit of confusion in the onset of the mission. In an effort to find the actual location of the temple, or brother of Nago, the man, whom once wielded two sticks, took upon himself to wield one, the stick of nago, in an effort to summon the spirit it was known to summon and consult it, in hopes it could lead them the temple. The summoned Boar, confusingly may or may not have been named Nago, did not have a brother, and shat in answer to questions asked.     Thankfully, Monique, a mystic of sorts, was able to consult the gods (I think?) and see a vision of the path the party of heroes would need to take. Across a lake and through the woods, to Nago’s house.     After a days or so journey and a crossing by a handy chap on a raft we the party set out into the woods, seeking a lumber town seen in the vision. This, is where the true adventure began.     Upon coming upon the village it was found to be desolate. A cloth in the center of the town was lifted to reveal a sour sight, three dead people. It seemed they were indeed dead, and upon inspection from Pales, likely by arrow fire. The one with the now thrice sticks was concerned, with flashbacks of a similar response by elves at onset of this ordeal. A ruckus was heard in the woods and the ever so brave wielder of sticks bravely went to investigate. Russell, the average height brightly dressed bard followed, and in short order so did the rest of the party.     The party came upon the scene of elves and lumber jacks arguing. It of course all came together quickly for the party, as they heard discussion by the lumbering jacks that the land was theirs, purchased from the Baron of Malaster (likely at the behest of Hal, another cog in his plot) by the Goodbugs to be lumbered. The Runidiri contested that this land was sacred, protected by them in the name of the lord of the forest, Ceranos, the Elk Spirit.     The party was torn, to interject, or move along. However Pales and the man with the sticks, whom also wore a very intimidating yet fashionable wolf mask, felt that the conflict would only escalate, and likely the humans would be dead before dawn, standing no match for the superior warriors the elves obviously were. Patrick argued, but the party stepped in, lead by the man in the wolf mask.     He called out to the jacks of lumber, urging them all to calm and that this party had business with the elves as well and would negotiate with them, keeping their plight in mind and hopefully arriving at a solution that would solve all those involved problems. The man in the mask was incredibly well spoken, his tongue a tool of diplomacy, and soon all parties had backed down, negotiations on the horizon. However the Jacks took some issue with something, unknowable what, and started again their yelling. They maintained that the elves had killed their own and retributions needed to be paid. It was at this point that the masked man invited Patrick to join the discussion, he was regarded by some as a good talker.     Things soured fast.     However, familiar with the elves, Pales roused the elves to solution, negotiating transport for the party on their incredibly fast elk. And so, the masked man hopped upon the elk and before he even wanted to leave, for he would never leave his friends behind in such a way, took off with speed he had never before experienced. Certainly not with such speed that he wondered what may be wrong with his horse Spooks that he was so much less fast.     The rest of the party did indeed follow the man with the sticks, all but only slightly delayed, Patrick having picked up a bit of a flesh wound and somehow putting Pales in a bit of a mood.     We this brave party traveled for a time, and arrived at the most incredible sight, that of a tree easily 300 feet tall, by a pond of incredible beauty and a pack of elk that numbered in the thousands. Standing amongst them was a Stag of incredible size, glowing silver with antler unmatched by the reach of lesser trees highest branches. He was big.     The party was taken to tree, where the elves had made home, and met with Tranquil Rock, and Running River. The man with the wolf mask knew Tranquil Rock and discussion was had. Sorrowful news was heralded, that the Hollow Glade had been invaded by demons, forced there by conflict, laying seige to the land. The spirits there were ferried away by those that could to protect them, but it was not good. Further, Bear Island was under siege by the little one armed shit demon Malice. Pales, and of course his friend, the man in the wolf mask, promised their support in the conflict. The other party members also, said something about support I think.     Pales, ever wise, also presented the Onyx gems he and the man with sticks had recently freed souls from, looking ask if anything else was to be done to end their evil. It seemed there was as Runnin Tranqu one of the elves disintegrated it immediately with magic that baffled even the seasoned magic users of the heroic party. Awkwardly he could not do the same of the second stone presented, so he just pocketed it, for later. He stated the gem was Abyssal Onyx, from the place beyond, not a place, but the lack of a place. Huh? This absence of space was to be feared, and he knew magic specifically to undo it. Was this perhaps the origin of the being working with the goblin known as Rikidikisikiki? The same being seemingly seeking to harness the power of the Animal Spirit Gods, Children of Sindar, to use for foul no goodness? Perhaps.     Nonetheless the party moved on in talks, and the staff was returned, the Man with three sticks, became again the man with two, expertly wielded sticks. It was a little underwhelming a return. Never even saw Brother Nago. But for their reward the party was allowed to glimpse into the Sky Well, a mystical pond that could show those the looked within it the answer to their hearts greatest questions. The man with the wolf mask looked within, and was rewarded a glimpse of his ever wise Old Man, known as Virgil by some, gazing upon the Monastery of Venatos with concern in his eyes. Then, the old man grew two white angel wings and took to the sky. Incredible.     Upon looking away from the pond, an action that took some effort as something seemed to pull at the man, yet of course his will was like that of Iron and was up to the task, the man was told by the elf that some never look away and go mad in the visions. A nice detail to drop after the entire party looked.     The others had less interesting stories of their visions. Monique, after much prodding, revealed to have seen something of gods, and an answer to why her shield was glowing green, something the rest of the party had failed to notice for hours. It was, supposedly due to the land being sacred.     Russell said something about a family portrait in the Deadstone tower. Not helpful, and needs further looking into.     Patrick said something about Pales being a Torovian, well Patrick said he had a secret he’d only tell one person. Cause he likes secrets. But then he revealed that, well that, that Pales was once a Torovian, something Pales still had no memory of. (Ask Pales, if he wants this said.)     Pales saw his bird get struck by lighting. Awful.     At Dawn we left, too short a time amongst the beauty of the place. The Elk spirit, now gold with the rays of dawn, left with its herd of thousands. We The party was again whisked away on the backs of speedy elk, to the lumber town. Because for some reason Patrick thought it a good idea to tell the Jacks that we were now gonna punish the elves.     Oh, the Elves had, with incredibly bravery, decided to accept their punishment for the deeds of killing the lumber jacks.     So the heroic party, now without speedy elk, but with the grumpy lumber jacks, set out to longburrow, where authorities of some sort could decree justice on them all. Upon arriving they met with the leader of the guard, Blackburns. The man with the wolf mask, knowing of course that he was a wanted man, absolutely did not go in the guard house with them and sit through a talk. And there for did not hear the idiot Blackburn speak some stupidity of justice. However the rest of the party handled things seemingly fine as the ruling of justice was given to the Lady Countess of Longburrow. The lady Countess Derringer was a fair and kind lady, decreeing that the elves would not be put to death, but instead stay on to serve labor for their misdeeds, training the Lady’s troops to shoot arrows.     So all in all the group of heros, led by the unshakeable Pales, protected by the Man in the Wolf Mask whom wielded sticks with incredible precision and brutal power, were able to save the day, returning the Stick of Nago and settling peace between Elves and Jacks along the way.     -Penned by the Man in the Wolf Mask   Adventuring Party: Patrick Smith, Stiks, Pale Moon, Monique, Russell   Date: 10APR22
Report Date
10 Apr 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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