Lilith Waycrest

Lilith Waycrest is the younger sister of Diamon Waycrest  and older sister of Moira Waycrest . She married a wealthy merchant and took over his business after he passed away, granting the Waycrests access to an even vaster fortune. She maintains a close relationship to her deceased husbands sister, Tana and her family, Sam and their sons, running much of their business for them and seeing to their well being.     After her fathers passing she became the martriarch of her family in many ways.  She was known to often quarrel with her younger sister Moira on matters of politics.  Lilith has always seen herself as the inheritor of her fathers political accumen and warden of the families reputation among the imperial nobles.  She has a reputation of being conniving and treacherous, and several of her political enemies have found themselves suddenly very ill due to what some say were poisonings.  She has become as feared in the Imperial Court as her brother Diamon is on the battlefield.


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