Report: The Bounty on Ol' Grimsby

General Summary

Vinny Maze here, to recount to the great people of Gravesend the tale of Ol' Grimsby's demise! While I was tending my most venerable business, Maze Creations, I found that the audience in this fair settlement didn't have the same tastes and preferences I was used to. When I showed some of my finest self-defense merchandise to a pair of broads, did they jump at the opportunity to protect themselves and their families? No, they did not. In fact, they called me a flasher! A guy shows his dagger off, and these are the conclusions people jump to?     There was plainly a lot I needed to learn about this plce, and what better way than mingling with the locals? I spied a group in the town square – clearly adventurers. I offered them my services for their quest, and that was how I joined the hunt for Ol' Grimsby.     My new group consisted of an eclectic bunch. First, there was this magic-y looking guy, but he also had a sword. So...fighter or caster? I don't know – elves are weird. That was Ryth. Next, we had this odd, flippy dude. I can't even begin to understand how he could do all that shit with a musical instrument in hand, but that's bards for you. His name was Patrick. Finally, there was this stalwart type from the church, Elron. He had like a personal slave or sometahing with him too – that was Dodo.     We started by visiting a mushroom gatherer in the swamp, a halfling named Kip. The old man was a little off his rocker, but aren't the best of us? Anyway, after generously giving us our fill of shrooms, he gave us some handy information about the crocodile and some other hazards in the area. He also mentioned something about a wood elf, but I wasn't paying that close attention.     As we were preparing to continue on our journey, Elron decided to leave Dodo behind. I objected, as I thought the servant would be useful. What would look tastier to a crocodile than a defenseless halfling? Of course we wouldn't have let any harm come to the little guy, but the croc didn't know that. Even Ryth appreciated having the extra hands around. Nevertheless, Elron had made up his mind.     One party member down, we went on our way. We came across a camp, probably set up by the wood elf. It didn't look like he'd been gone long. I looked around to see if he'd left anything behind, but there wasn't anything worthwhile. Though there was a very strong smelling ointment I wish we hadn't come across.     After the camp, the swamp started taking a darker, spookier look. We should have taken it as a sign that we were getting into trouble. Because there was TROUBLE ahead – and behind us.     We were on the path when I heard a buzzing sound. The next thing I knew, a swarm of giant wasps was flying from behind us! The little fuckers were on me, and would have struck me dead, if it weren't for my own ingenuity and will.     The bugs had us winded, but we pushed on. We couldn't let a few insects discourage us. If we let wasps get us down, how could we stomp a crocodile?     Finally, we came to a pool in the swamp. The water was chest high, perfect for lurking amphibians. But we were more perceptive than just that. We spied a cave off to the side and knew that was where our croc would be.     After a few more obstacles from the swamp, we made our way into the cave. It was dim, but we could just make out the shape of a twenty foot monster – Ol' Grimsby! Ryth and Elron went up to the beast, only to find his wakeful eyes shining back at them. He had been waiting.     With the elf and the human in range, the crocodile lashed out, and the fight was on! Patrick and I were watching from a dry ledge in the cave, ready to support our companions. And support them we did! Patrick would jump down every now and then, flipping around like a living tumbleweed, to heal them up whenever he had the chance. Meanwhile, I was taking shots with my crossbow. I also used my trusty Rock Lights (coming soon to Maze Creations!) to illuminate Grimsby.     Those two really had to wrestle the old boy down. Imagine if they had to do that wet and blind? I couldn't help out with the wet part, but at least I gave them the light to fight by. They absolutely would have been chum without it.     They still got pretty close though. Just as Ol' Grimsby was coming up to take a bite out of Elron, the old man hefted his glaive straight through the creature's head. And that was the end of that.     After, we searched the cave. Indeed, many shmucks had fallen into that old boy's jaws. Their bones and trinkets were scattered all across the muck. They hadn't gone down without a fight though. Taking a closer look at him, the crocodile was covered in bright red scars. They looked painful. If you ask me, putting him down had been an act of mercy.     In our search, I discovered another tunnel leading further down into the earth. At the end of it was a mud pit, filled with mud mephits (what else). There was also a nasty surprise waiting for us in the ceiling. As Elron crossed into the room, an ochre slime dropped in front of him, missing him by a hair's breadth.     The fight was messy - real slog. But ultimately, it wasn't much trouble for a seasoned group of adventurers like us.     Beyond, we entered a lost Runidiri temple. On one side was an elaborate bat mural. It looked like it might have opened up. There was a Sylvan inscription scrawled across it, something along the lines of only followers of that bat god could enter. Whatever.     On the other side was a dimly lit chamber. Two things caught our eye. The first was a fresh body lying by the left wall. The second was a pedestal standing against the far wall. We went to the body first.     It turned out that it wasn't just a body, it was a barely-living Runidiri elf – the one Kip had told us about. I tried to wake him up, but we needed something a little stronger, a healing potion, to rouse him. Once alert, he told us that he'd been approaching the pedestal when a bright light swallowed him. Waking up in my arms was the next thing he remembered.     So...the pedestal was bad news. Elron and Patrick wanted to investigate the thing further, but I convinced them that it was a bad idea. Why risk our necks when we'd already got what we came here for? We'd already done more than enough.     On the way back to Gravesend, we retrieved Dodo. The little guy didn't look any worse for wear. I was glad; I have a feeling I'm going to be seeing more of him around town.     Once we arrived back at Town Square, we divvied out the reward. I volunteered to give my share to the Celestine church. Elron had spent the whole trip talking it up. I could think of no way better to ingratiate myself to such a prestigious establishment. I even insisted that Elron introduce me to the Vicar so that I could hand him the gold myself.     Penned by Vincent Maze   Adventuring Party: Ryth Venali, Patrick Smith, Elron Cartwright, Vinny Maze   Date: 31JUL21
Report Date
31 Jul 2021
Primary Location


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