Ryth Venali

Ryth is a young elf in his 70s with gold hair and tanned skin from his many years of travel. He is typically found wearing dark utilitarian clothes with elven make and design and carrying an elven-made light blade. His demeanor in the tavern is very inquisitive, always asking about what people are up to and where they are heading without becoming overly friendly. He often talks about his travels to far away cities such as Dun Durak and Balashova and tries to appear as the most worldly person in the tavern. When alone he often seems lost in though, but also seems to always have an eye on everything that is going on around him.   [If your passive insight is 13] Ryth tends to speak in vague terms, not outright lying, but always seeming to hold back as if he wants to get more information out of any conversation than he gives away.   [If your passive perception is 15] Ryth is constantly taking notes on everyone that he meets in the tavern, recording as much about their personality and physical characteristics as he can. He also uses magic to very subtly do to small tasks without trying to let anyone be aware of it.     Adventurers (10): The Goblin Warren, Blackwater Hideout, Ol' Grimsby, Disrupt the Goblin Encampment, A Man on the Inside, Siege of Lochwood, Malice in Malaster, Mystery of the Stone Knight, Bear and the Demon's Fare, Scaling the Stonespire


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