
Rosolina is a town in the Celestine Empire. It is a larger town in population, but fairly remote and quiet. It is known mostly for its red sheep, which produce a naturally red-orange wool that is prised by clotheirs. For this reason, the Tailors Guild is based in Rosolina.    

Notable Inhabitants


Wooly Anchor Inn & Tavern

The Wooly Anchor is the only inn within the towns borders. Rosolina does not get many travelers, so the inn has trouble bringing in enough funds to keep up to date, so it added a tavern catering to the fisherfolk and shepherds.  

Amaranth Fields

The pastures around Rosolina are somewhat dry, and hard to grow many crops. Amaranth is one of the few crops that grows easily here, which is also a favorite of the local sheep. It grows wild around the town, which the sheep will seek out for a tasty snack, but is also fenced off and grown as the main food export of the town. Herds of sheep can be found for miles around the town as the shepherds move them from pasture to pasture, although they are keen to keep them away from the Wildwood and the many hungry creatures that lurk on its edge.  

Silver Pools

The Silver Pools are three large ponds that were once granite quarries. Now filled in by rainwater and a natural spring, the water here gives off a silver sheen. The water is used by the locals to bathing, having a high mineral content that to nourish skin, and ease rashes, cuts and bruises. The locals will warn you not to drink it, as ingesting the water can make you quite sick.  

Tailor's Guild

Given the sought after wool of the red sheep, the tailor's guild made it's home in the quiet Celestine town. The guild sends out instructors all over the empire to teach techniques on spooling, weavering, tailoring and more. A few of the most skilled tailors have workshops in Rosolina, although their product is sold almost exclusively in Velicia.  


Shortport is a small set of docks for ships passing through. Goods are usually sent overland to Velicia to be sold at market. Ships usually end up in Rosolina when there is not enough space for them to dock in Velicia. Most of the boat traffic comes from the local fisherfolks, who supply the city with a great deal of their food, the soil being limited it what can be grown in it.    

Festival of Paragon

Once a year the town celebrates when a shipment of luxary goods arrives in town from the Imperial City to honor Paragon of Order. The festival consists of music, dancing, and the chaotic natured sheep races in which sheep are numbered and wander through a small maze, being coaxed along by their shepherds. The main event however is the fish parade, where the children of the town are dressed in colorful, often abstract fish costuming, and parade through the streets chanting old rhymes and songs.


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