Titania Waycrest

Titania Waycrest is a  demon hunter from the Celestine Empire who worked with then joined the Demon Hunters known as The Sacred Flames .     Titania Waycrest is the daughter of Moira Waycrest and Edwin Brosh. As a child she spend a large amount of time with her mother, who as a former instructor at the Venatos Monastary, and spent much of her early childhood there. She recieved an education at a young age by the church, however her adventurous and mischeivious spirit often got her into trouble.   Things changed when her father resigned his command following the events of the Oldbuck Killings.  His unwillingness to kill the hellspawn there was widely considered a fall to the corruption of the demon kings forces.  He was disavowed by the Waycrest family, although both Titanita and her mother were absolved from any of his dishonor.  While her aunt and uncle insisted she return to the Imperial City for her saftey following these events, her mother insisted she stayed at the monastery to continue her education.  However her mother fell ill shortly after, causing Titania to return to the city.     She is now regarded as one of the Empire's best demon hunters, known for her stealth, agility, bravery, and strategic mind. While there is more distance between her and the rest of the Waycrests now, she openly regards Diamon Waycrest as a surrogate father, despite being involved in the Oldbuck Killings as well.


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