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Goblins are usually around 3' to 4' tall with long pointed ears and teeth. They usually have dark hair and green skin But these creatures often vary based on their environment. They do their best to survive.   Goblinkin are one of the only races to directly come from Vouldo Vouzka Vashon, Vozo besides the demons and devils. Goblins are basically an infection on the planet and are very numerous. Some goblins find themselves drawn to larger more dominant species like Bugbear, Hobgoblin, or even Orcs. An outcast orc can find himself easily a king of goblins, but as with any goblins they must watch their backs from constant attacks from the backstabbing treacherous goblins.   Goblins aren't known for a written language or even speaking common in an understandable manner but many were forced into Dwarf slavery and learned their script and now they have a rudimentary version of that language if they were taught or forced to learn. Many goblins refuse or have a fear of the written word. Almost no goblin is able to master arcane magic and instead draws their power from the Ash Magic or some other divine being of their choosing. They are curious and meddling, and will often unleash terrible being or demons because they don't read or know the warnings of such things.   Goblins are generally terrible creature and are known to backstab and be awful to one another if it even slightly benefits them. Betrayal and survival is the key to life and the credo of goblin life and ith the often short fuse of the goblin they are constantly fighting with one another, whether for food or for fun The best feeling to a goblin is winning and revenge. However they don't contest one another or other creatures in open combat. They prefer to sneak a kill one another through backstabbing or biting. They are masters of guerrilla warfare. They will lure targets into traps often times and fool their opponents into pits and traps and loot them thoroughly afterwords The only exception to the rule however is when it comes to wargs. When a goblin clan raises wargs it usually makes them a more bonded and stronger clan   Goblins are known to live in caves or ruins and usually only come out at night. They don't have a specific sensitivity to light but they do have a preference to the night, possibly due to the fact that they are born of Vozo and traditionally worship the black moon, or the head of Vozo, that orbits the world. They tend to live near settlements they can steal from like trade routs or farming communities. They usually have a filthy environment and live together in a large chamber and have no concept of privacy. Its believed that because of this lack of privacy it trains them to be stealthy and nimble. Goblin women are generally always pregnant because the survival rate of goblins is incredibly low. Goblins are often cannibals and see fresh goblins as a possible meal. Speaking of food goblins often see mold and rot as a type of spice. they arent big fans of man race foods and find it bland and see things like rotting rats and moldy bread as a much tastier meal.   Goblins reach maturity at a young age, sometimes as early as 10 years old. The eldest of goblins is around 40 or 50 but if a goblin was wealthy and protected it could possibly live up to 70 or 80 years of age.   Because Goblins live in such a prison culture its not often they will even live up to 40. They know they are constantly under siege so when they see an opportunity they take it. Goblins often use swarming tactics to defeat their enemies. If there is any indication that they wont succeed they will flee as soon as they can, and will often run into their own traps they've set for their enemies. They are a trap building people but not as good as Kobold for their ingenuity and precision of traps. They like cruel games of sport like hunting blind rats or picking on a weak goblin for hours. They also love to gamble and thrown sport like darts.

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