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Corellon Larethian

The Protector, Coronal of Arvandor, Creator of the Elves, First of the Seldarine, Preserver of Life, Ruler of All Elves (a.k.a. Corellon)

The Protector. God of elves, Magic, Music, Knowledge, Arts, Crafts, Poetry, and Warfare. He is the creator and preserver of the elven race, and governs those things held in the highest esteem among elves.   Corellon may appear as an elf of either gender (though usually he appears as male) often bearing the traditional weapons of the elves, the bow and the sword.

Divine Domains

The Elven Race, Magic, Music, Knowledge, Arts, Crafts, Warfare, Poetry, Celerity, Chaos, Community, Good, Liberation, Magic, Protection, War, Arborea, Arcana, Life, Light, War

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Their symbol is a Quarter moon or starburst.   Their favored weapon is Sahandrian (Longsword). Corellon owned Sahandrian, his glittering longsword, and Amlath'hana, his longbow, which he could use to hit targets within an entire mile. He did not need to care for lack of ammunition because his quiver had an endless supply of arrows.   He owned an amulet, which worked like an amulet of pure good, and a wand, which worked like a staff of power, staff of the magi, and a wand of frost with unlimited uses.

Tenets of Faith

Corellon concerns theirself with all aspects of elven welfare. They also remain alert to any taint of evil among the elves, and they seek to stamp out any evil influence the moment it appears. Corellon played a leading role in the schism that ultimately resulted in the banishment of the drow underground.   Corellon spurs their people toward self-reliance, vigilance against danger, and appreciation of the world's beauty. It is Corellon's influence that leads elves to study magic and swordplay for the duration of their long lives, to serve as guardians and caretakers of the forests, and to appreciate aesthetic pleasures in spite of their warrior heritage.   Elves believed that they were reincarnated with a definitive, final goal of perfection. Corellon was the souls' guide towards that perfected state.


Most of Corellon's holy days are tied to celestial events and occur only once every few years or decades.   Once per month, when the moon is at its quarter phase, followers of Corellon gather in moonlit glades for a ceremony known as Lateu'quor, the Forest Communion of the Crescent Moon. There, they praise their Creator through song and dance and offerings of beautiful art. The art is not destroyed; sometimes it is physically transfered to the Upper Planes for elves to enjoy in the afterlife, while other times it is used to decorate Corellon's temples. Sometimes the very landscape of the glade is reshaped into a work of art.   Once per year, on the 26th of Haust, the holiday of Agelong is celebrated. Elves hunt for orcs to slay in memory of Corellon's battle against the god of the orcs, Gruumsh. According to myth, after Corellon Larethian spilled his blood during the battle with Gruumsh, the rest of the Seldarine gathered this sacred blood. The Seldarine then infused these divine fluids into vessels they had created to be the bodies of the elven race. This day is, among the elves, mostly an excuse to go orc-hunting. Elven warriors cut themselves with daggers carved from volcanic glass to remind themselves of Corellon's own wound from Gruumsh's spear, then strive to slaughter as many orcs as possible during the night.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Corellon desires to protect and preserve the elven race, return to his people their lost artistic heritage, and to thwart the schemes of the drow and the orcs. This also means guarding against the corruption within that resulted in the creation of the drow. Corellon advises his faithful to guard against stagnation as well, continually seeking out new experiences. They seek to bring out beauty through art, craft, and magic.   As a general rule, he watched over the elven race as a guardian.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Corellon used to be able to call many forms his true form but fixated his to that of a male sun elf. This did not mean that he lost the ability to take other forms like that of a female elf. Either of these forms looked beautiful, and while the first impression of these forms was how lithe and swift these seven feet tall forms were, the strength in them was obvious to everybody.   He always wore a sky-blue cloak, a large amulet with a crescent moon motif within a circle, that worked as a talisman of pure good, and a pair of dazzling gauntlets.

Special abilities

Corellon was a master swordsman and a powerful mage. He expertly wielded his longsword and longbow and could cast spells from all spheres and schools. He could cast any ritual of elven high magic like casting a normal spell and could summon one to four powerful air elemental once every 10 minutes who then served him as long as he needed them.   Corellon was immune to everything that inhibited his ability to move, caused wounds, or tampered with his mind, as well as to all illusion spells. It was impossible to hurt him with a weapon with an enchantment of less than +3.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Corellon is surprisingly humble, for a regent of his stature.   While Corellon shared the elven trait of pride that may border arrogance, this never got the better of him. He was a god with an endless willingness to learn from others and acted on it, even including mortals to his sources of discovering new information, methods, and philosophies.


Contacts & Relations

Gruumsh One-Eye, god of the orcs, is one of Corellon's greatest enemies, because Corellon took his eye in an ancient battle. The entire orc pantheon hates Corellon intensely. He also opposes the deities of the goblinoids.   Corellon was also the one to banish the drow goddess Lolth to the Abyss. For this, he can count all evil drow gods as enemies.   Corellon's truest friends are the rulers of the other demihuman pantheons: Moradin, Yondalla, and Garl Glittergold. Together, they work to ensure that the gods of the human and monstrous pantheons don't grow strong too quickly.   Corellon is also allied with Ehlonna, Oberon, and Pelor.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Chaotic Good
(Usually) Male

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