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Church of Corellon


Large temples to Corellon Larethian may be alabaster wonders with soaring spires. In smaller communities, they may be built among the branches of a large tree such as an ipp. Most temples are happy to lend aid to traveling elves and any other race that plans to do harm to the drow.   Corellon's temples can be located anywhere elves live. Usually in sylvan woodlands. Though always beautiful and designed to blend in with the surrounding landscape, they are invariably both sturdy and defensible. They are often placed on hilltops, river crossings, and other locations of strategic significance. Living plants or trees are always included in a temple of Corellon, either as decoration or part of the same structure.

Mythology & Lore

The Eye of Gruumsh In a past time, Gruumsh had two eyes but he lost one in a fight with the chief elven god Corellon Larethian. Myths say that Gruumsh had become enraged when he saw the newly formed bodies of the elves, viewing them as an abomination. Accordingly, he gathered like-minded deities into an army meant to crush the Seldarine and their own allies. Gruumsh meant to paralyze Corellon with his magical spear; this attack failed and initiated an epic battle. During the course of this battle Gruumsh injured Corellon and, according to legend, from the blood shed by Corellon the elven people were brought to life, while the blood shed by Gruumsh was used to create the orcs. Corellon ended the fight by putting out Gruumsh's left eye, which is how Gruumsh earned his moniker "One-Eye." Some orcish clerics deny this tale, dismissing it as elven propaganda, and claim that Gruumsh always had one eye.  

Tenets of Faith

Corellon concerns theirself with all aspects of elven welfare. They also remain alert to any taint of evil among the elves, and they seek to stamp out any evil influence the moment it appears. Corellon played a leading role in the schism that ultimately resulted in the banishment of the drow underground.   Corellon spurs their people toward self-reliance, vigilance against danger, and appreciation of the world's beauty. It is Corellon's influence that leads elves to study magic and swordplay for the duration of their long lives, to serve as guardians and caretakers of the forests, and to appreciate aesthetic pleasures in spite of their warrior heritage.   Elves believed that they were reincarnated with a definitive, final goal of perfection. Corellon was the souls' guide towards that perfected state.


Elves and half-elves (as well as many bards) worship Corellon. He favors those who kill orcs and the followers of Lolth. He blesses those who aid others. He is upset at those who defile the dead, or flee from their foes.   Corellon Larethian is worshipped at natural geological formations. His rituals are integrated with the major events of elven life, such as births, coming of age rites, weddings, and funerals.   Prayers to Corellon, which are always in Elvish, begin "Hei-Corellon shar-shelevu," which means, "Corellon, by your grace grant..." Before battle, worshippers of Corellon recite a prayer called the Litany of Arrows.   Among Corellon's worshipers were elves, eladrin, and their descendants, as well as many bards. Elves, Eladrin, Half Elves, Archers, Bards, Good Leaders, Fighters, Poets, Rangers, Sorcerers, Wizards, Butchers, Bakers, and Candlestick makers comprise the main worshippers.


Clergy: Corellon's clerics wear silver circlets and gossamer robes of the brightest azure. They often wear blue cloaks. They serve as leaders, teachers, diplomats, and generals in elven communities. They train others in the arts of combat and magic while honing their own skills, and they serve as mediators in any disputes that may arise from the elves' independent lifestyle. They usually seek to maintain cordial relations with other good, sylvan creatures.

Granted Divine Powers

The channel divinity for this faith is Arcane abjuration, Preserve life, Radiance of the dawn, Guided strike, War god's blessing


Fellowship of the Forgotten Flower The Fellowship of the Forgotten Flower is a loosely structured organization made of elven knights dedicated to the recovery of lost elven relics from long-abandoned elven realms. Members must be elven warriors or elven paladins.

Corellon, by your grace grant...

Religious, Organised Religion
Permeated Organizations

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