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The Mediator, the Calm God

An old and respected god, Rao is the god of Peace, Reason, and Serenity. Old texts mark Rao as the creator of good in the world, noting Tharizdun as the inducer of humanity's downfall. The faith of Rao has never appealed greatly to commonfolk; sages, scholars, and philosophers make up the bulk of his faithful, although Rao's powerful worshipers have made their deity's teachings far more influential than mere numbers would suggest. Monks and spellcasters who seek uninterrupted meditation also revere Rao. Many gurus urge their flagging pupils to be as Rao is.   Rao does not often interact with Agnesia, however there are a few myths about him. One popular myth is The Swordless Scabbard, a "man with a swordless scabbard," who defeats his opponents without the need for a weapon.

Divine Domains

Wisdom, Peace, Reason, Serenity

Holy Books & Codes

Rao is mentioned and praised in the ancient text of The Word of Incarum, this text talks of the creation of Agnesia and humanity's downfall to evil.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Followers of Rao tend to wear or carry a white rock in the shape of a heart, reminding his followers of peace and reason. More serious followers will carry a small broom to sweep the ground around them before they sit or lie down in order to be sure not to harm any of creation.   Rao does not interact much with Agnesia, but he supposedly left behind the his Crook to help banish the forces of evil. Devils and demons are said to shudder at the mere mention of this object. Other artifacts of Rao are said to exist as well, with similar properties against malevolence.   The Cap of Reason was created by the order of Rao long ago to further the cause of peace. Resembling a worn cap made from dented and well-used helms, it has defensive properties against weapons and magic, as well as enchanting the tongue of its wielders to make them more skillful at diplomacy. More wealthy followers of Rao often recreate this item and may even hand it out to townsfolk to further the cause of peace.

Tenets of Faith

Rao teaches that the greatest gift is reason, which leads to discourse, which leads to peace, which leads to serenity. For those who refuse to see reason and resort to violence first, action—governed by reason and wisdom—is required to restore the peace.   Rao's priesthood urges their followers to reject strong emotion for the calm and serenity of inner peace. While Rao generally sees violence as unwise and most all times believes there is an alternate better solution, even he admits that in rare occasions there is no other choice. However, violence is seen to Rao and his followers as the very last option. When Raoans are stirred to battle, however, their foes find them a difficult challenge: calm, implacable, and utterly convinced through the power of reason of the righteousness of their cause, for only when it is entirely wise and logical they go to battle. Though slow to act, Rao's followers act surely, carefully, and with great force. They need not harm more than is absolutely necessary.


There is no organized Church of Rao at the moment in Agnesia, however many of his followers hope for one in the near future and some have even begun to take matters into their own hands and create Holy Days they believe Rao would smile upon.    
  • Breadgiving Day. On this day, taking place on the the Winter Solstice, clerics of Pelor, Rao, and Saint Cuthbert distribute food to the poor.
  • The Feast of Edoira, named after a well known follower of Rao, this feast celebrates peace and is generally a quiet meal of fruits and nuts where followers of Rao quietly enjoy Rao's calmness.
  • The Holy Day of Serenity, celebrated with religious singing and worship. Raoan worship songs are hushed with followers trying to obtain divine serenity.
  • The Night of Hopeful Judgement, called Dark Night by most peoples, this night is a particularly holy time for the faith of Rao, as the Book of Incarum states that Rao will cleanse the world of evil on a night when neither moon shines in the sky.
  • Midsummer's Night is, in the lunar calendar, the opposite of Dark Night, for it is on this night that both moons shine full in the sky. As such, this is another important time for the faith of Rao. Followers of Rao celebrate his creation of the moons and his protection against evil.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Rao does not have any active goals. He knows with absolute certainty that his way is true and good and in time will prevail. He sees no reason to force the inevitable, and doing so may even impede progress.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Rao is often depicted as an old man with bushy white hair, dark skin, slender hands, and a peaceful smile, although it's said that he grows a day younger whenever anybody makes an offering of peace. It is said that any who gaze upon him will fall into an unparalleled sense of calmness. Rao is rarely seen without his Serene Staff, an undersized shepherd's crook.


Contacts & Relations

Rao is liked or ignored by most of the gods, save for a special few who despise him (see Tharizdun) he has the respect of most all gods and mortals alike.
Divine Classification
Greater God
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Mediator, the Calm God, the Wise God, God of Peace, The Reasonable One

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