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Hikaru Stygia

Hikaru Stygia

just. a warlock. yeah.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

the really big hat ontop of her head.

Physical quirks

seems to have an oddly sized... backside. like there is something ontop of it. The hat also looks like it never quite fits right. Huh.

Special abilities

Whole appearance will shift under pressure or provocation.

Apparel & Accessories

Carries an uncannily large hat and a very big bag that has wierd sounds emanating from it if you approach it without any money.

Specialized Equipment

//potential spoilers.         Has horns, and a long and bulky tail. Both are very durable.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Not much comes to memory of her actions. She got into serious gambling at some point, throwing away a potentially bright future, but was seriously overconfident in her actions. Last she was seen by the people she knew in that life, she lay upon the casino floor, slowly dying from a smite that entered through their left hand, and exited from their upper left thigh, causing mass internal bleeding, 3rd degree burns, and a taint upon the soul that sent Hikaru nearly immediately into the darker reaches of the expanse upon death.   What the fuck happened?

Gender Identity

any pronouns used will work, but she/they is the most prominent.


Aromantic, and Ace.


Seems pretty sharp, is relatively bright. Never had any qualifications to speak of. Has pretty good common sense, was taught that through life experience.


Recalls working long, arduous shifts at a convenience store, but everything else is hard to grasp.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Has no recollection of doing anything particularly impressive, aside from outplaying a dealer notorious for cheating- what was his name, Benji? Beck? Something like that.

Failures & Embarrassments

spending years in a cycle of poverty due to gambling, which started at some point that can no longer be recalled.

Mental Trauma

The Expanse likely took a very serious toll, even down to this person not understanding their name, or who they are anymore. With this loss of a sense of self, alot of important memories were also lost.

Intellectual Characteristics

The sharpness Hikaru had in that previous life still remains, however it has worn away with time, and they are no longer so good at diplomatic abilities, and communication skills, They have a crumbled confidence, oft turning towards Luke to help get through conversations. This confidence still exists, but is rebuilding.

Morality & Philosophy

This is very hard to discern at this time because of Hikaru’s lack of understanding about the circumstances and environment they are surrounded by. Things will get clearer as time goes on.

Personality Characteristics


Protecting Luke, and defeating Demiurge.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Coffee, unusual and potentially cursed artifacts, small dragons, Luke (platonically), money, landing a nice hit and getting blood everywhere, and sometimes an ice cream sundae topped with butterscotch or dalgona; but they hide that one.   Dislikes: When the going gets tough. Random trickster gods, being in situations they do not 100% understand, losing fights, being forced to flee, and thinking about the expanse.

Virtues & Personality perks

Gets attached very easily to people, and will defend a group of people they like to the ends of the earth.   Swears to kill Demiurge.

Vices & Personality flaws

Gambling and showing nastier colours under pressure are the biggest generalisations for this category. Also having subtle urges to commit atrocities like murder or arson pop up at times.

Personality Quirks

Seems to be fond of small animals or pets, but has no experience handling them.   Has a separate shade of self, that is hard to discern from Hikaru. This was called Umbra by Lucifer, who mocks Hikaru with this oxymoron.   (Hikaru; translates to Light.) (Umbra; translates to Shadow.)


It’s the apocalypse; thankfully having a surge of infernal power means her body is mostly self cleaning, however hiding in a dark corner to shift out and shed scales is probably a disgusting thing to describe.


Family Ties

Seems to have had a family at some point. May have distanced from them? No idea. They probably think Hikaru is dead, as they were last seen; under a different alias, probably; in a smoking heap on the casino floor.

Religious Views

um. god is. um. god is pog. yeah.

Social Aptitude

“hey hikaru how are you”   “no”


All food is finger food. even the ketchup.

Hobbies & Pets

Some wierd fucking dragon, called Snappy, is usually seen travelling with Hikaru. Sometimes the bag will open and there will be multiple dragons. Maybe Hikaru is a magician?


It’s mildly impeded by time in the expanse, muted. Has a funny sound to it. Almost sounds English?


Muedin Tarawarn

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Hikaru Stygia



Hikaru Stygia

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Muedin Tarawarn



Wealth & Financial state

fluctuates depending on how stupid im being.

local warlock

View Character Profile
Neutral Chaos, Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
In a series of boss cards i did, Hikaru here was described as the Baneful Beast of Ginza.
30 (appears 28)
Date of Birth
4th of March
looks female enough
Brown, past shoulders
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White, seems oddly grey at times?
Hasnt checked in 5 years. Maybe a bad idea.
Known Languages
Common, and Infernal. They didnt know Infernal before having a trip to the expanse.

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