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A Daimyo (or Great Name) denotes the head of a major clan in Shinano, usually a direct vassal of the Imperial Court, though it can apply to any sufficiently powerful clan leader. The general rule of thumb is that if a lord has more than 20,000 koku of land to his name and leads an independent clan, he is to be called a Daimyo.


The first Daimyo were warriors who won fame and glory in the struggle to conquer Shinano from the Hobgoblins. They took the traditional Hobgoblin rank of Warlord and copied many of their practices, resulting in the ranks as it is known today. During the coronation of the first Emperor of Shinano, the Daimyo were guaranteed their landholdings by the Gods in exchange for their continued military service, a practice that remains to this day. All Daimyo are warriors first and foremost by the nature of their station, and there exists no laws to prevent fighting between the Daimyo.
Nobility, Hereditary
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