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Ogawa Clan

The Old Breed of Shinano

The oldest and most revered of the Five Clans of Etchu, the Ogawa trace their lineage back to the very foundation of Shinano, as their ancestors are the early members of the Imperial Family. After the clan split from the lineage of the Emperors in 213, it quickly established a reputation for being formidable warriors.   The clan has declined significantly from its heyday. It's once impenetrable castles are crumbling, once verdant fields lie barren. Where a gleaming legion once marched a massed peasant levy now staggers. However to call them truly faded would be a mistake - the history of the Ogawa and that of Shinano are one, and as such their name will always carry a weight few others can match. Young ronin still flock to Ogawa Castle in the hopes of gaining the prestige and honor of fighting under the greatest name in the history of the land, and in the capital Tei-Kyo their name is still whispered with awe and reverence. To prove a relation to the Ogawa is a ticket to the most exclusive and prestigious positions in the land, and to be their enemies is to court public ire.   The Ogawa were known as some of the closest supporters of Kiku Hirokuni during his rise to prominence, and still retain close relations with the Kiku Clan despite their fall from power.


Despite holding more land than any of the other clans, the Ogawa are poor in terms of liquid wealth, barely able to pay to maintain their large army and numerous castles. They are reliant on trade with the wealthy Arima Clan to provide the gold they need, a fact that irks them, as they have little love for the clan they consider an upstart.   Their traditional power base is in the plains of southern Etchu, where they have deep ties. As much as possible they keep their territory united and together, rather than spread out like some of the other clans.

Loyal to the Land

Founding Date
213 of the Era of Jade
Geopolitical, Clan
Leader Title
Family Leader
Though like all clans gold Koban coins are the generic unit of currency, the old ways of bartering are far more common in Ogawa lands than others. Often merchants will trade goods with each other rather than gold, and peasants will pay more readily in rice than coin.
Controlled Territories


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