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Sumeragi Tenyo (皇天女)

The Daughter of Heaven, The Young Sovereign of All Shinano

The 99th and current Emperor of Shinano, and the third woman to sit on the Chrysanthemum Throne.   Sumeragi Tenyo is, by the laws of men and the will of the Kami, the rightful and sole sovereign of the four islands of Shinano. Before her the Daimyo of the Twelve Great Names prostrate themselves, begging her blessing and approval. The lords of Shinano are obliged to obey every word that leaves her lips, and it was her call to arms that united the feuding warlords under Kiku Hirokuni against the monsters in the Great Monster War.   As empress, Sumeragi Tenyo holds all the power in Shinano in theory. In practice, each lord rules their own domain, and so long as they pay fealty to the empress and obey when she makes a rare decree she shall do nothing to infringe on this right. Even in the city of Tei-kyo, her imperial capital, her interests are represented by a council of governors rather than by the empress herself. Despite the fact that the Imperial Court oversees all the mages and magic in Shinano, she doesn't usually make rulings on the conduct of mages often leaving that to lesser officials. She has only one meaningful obligation, one task that she must do and can only be done by her. Every year she ascends the sacred Mount Midoriyama to speak with the Gods of Shinano, ask their guidance, beg their blessing, and carry the prayers of the people with her to heaven.   At the start of the war, her life was famously saved by Kiku Hirokuni when he and his brother entered her burning palace to rescue her and her handmaids from a bloodfire ooze. Since then she had a special relationship with Hirokuni, giving him pride of place among her subjects and treating him as her only true friend. The anniversary of his death is a period of mourning for the court, even seven years later.
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
It's improper to ask
Taller than you when you're prostrating before her
A national secret
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
The exact age of Sumeragi Tenyo is unknown, due in part to her own interference. When she came to the throne, she desired for all to refer to her as older than she was, projecting an image of the Mother of the Nation. However as the years have gone by she has begun to have her courtiers emphasize her youth and innocence. While she has been on the throne for 17 years, it is forbidden to extrapolate her age from that fact.


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