Trading District Settlement in Shireon | World Anvil

Trading District

As the largest area on Shireon dedicated to trading, Lenthir's Trading District seems like a chaotic collection of stands, shops, smells, sounds and people. When you get over the initial shock of a thousand attacks on all your senses it is a fascinating place where you can buy just about everything. Although there are occasional shops scattered around the rest of the city, the Trading District is where people go if they want something specific, or need more than a few different items.

Very few live in this part of the city. There are some traders who have apartments in the same buildings as their shops, often toghether with the workshops they make their merchandise in.


This is one of the most patrolled areas of Lenthir by the city guard. With this anount of currency being passed between individuals, this is a very tempting area for criminals. The area has low crime rates due to these patrols, but since the city guard fear less patrols will make the crime rate rise, the quantity of patrols are kept high.

Industry & Trade

This district is dedicated to most of Lenthir's trade. Some of the shops have workshops or similar to produce their merchandise in the same building. There are also several traders coming from other parts of Shireon to sell their imported wares.

The Lenthiri Trade District is where you can get most things. Some local delicacies and obscure objects might be hard to find, but if you meet the right trader and can wait for a month or two, possibly longer if the merchandise is out of season, it's possible to get even some of the rarest trade goods on Shireon. There are some things that are easier to get other places than here. One example is supplies for students of the Academy of the Arcane, which is easier to get up on the Plaza District. Fresh fish is also rare, although some river types can be in stock at some food traders.

What you can get here includes food, houseware, clothing, armor, weapons, art, furniture and tools. Among other things.
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