Corinne d'Vadalis

As a princess of Aundair, younger sister to Wrogar and Jurian, Corinne was born and raised in Fairhaven.   It always seemed like she got the short end of the stick. Unlike Jurian, she was not bookish, dexterous or smart. Unlike Wrogar, she was not charismatic, strategic or athletic. And, although not unattractive, it has been made clear from a young age that she did not possess the same natural beauty as her brothers did. She also had little to no interest in Aundairian high fashion or make up. Her exterior made her out to be quite plain and very boring.   However, from a young age, Corinne possessed one gift that her brothers did not: A dragon mark from House Vadalis. Passed on from her father, Sasik d'Vadalis. Her natural proficiency with animals is what had her take up her father's last name instead of her mother's. The mark is on her left hand, often covered up by lace gloves.   Being the youngest and "least interesting" of the siblings, Corinne was often able to slip out of the palace (under the disguise of a stable boy) from time to time and go riding with one of her many beloved horses.   Her betrothal to Prince Thalin  of Thrane marked the end of her freedom. Moving to Flamekeep required her to remain the Blood Regent's Palace for most of her days, training to take the role of the new Queen. But, with the aid of Cygnus and the two Aundairian guards who escorted her to Thrane, Corinne is sometimes able to find reason to leave the palace for a few hours, and go riding in wilderness of Thrane.
Current Location
Fairhaven, Aundair
Current Residence
Flamekeep, Thrane
Long, Chestnut brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Very slightly tanned
Aligned Organization
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