Kingdom of Aundair

  Fertile farmlands surround the grand cities of Aundair. The floating towers of Arcanix are the finest institute for mystical study in Khorvaire, and magic is deeply ingrained in Aundairian culture. The nation produces more magewrights and wandslingers than any other in Khorvaire.   From the nobles lounging in the towers of Fairhaven to the common folk working the vast vineyards of Bluevine, Aundairians value wit and wisdom. Aundairians prefer finesse to brute force and appreciate cunning wordplay and fine fashions. The Sovereign Host is the dominant faith of Aundair, with a particular devotion to Aureon. However, the Silver Flame also maintains a devoted following—some might say overzealous.   Although Aundair is a small nation, its arcane superiority allowed it retain its dominion during the Last War. The people of Aundair know that knowledge is power, and they take pride in their nation’s magical advancements. To ensure her nation’s prosperity and dominance, Queen Aurala ir’Wynarn instituted the Arcane Initiative, an aggressive series of programs intended to forward the development of mystical infrastructure and battle magic.  

Interesting Things About Aundair

  • Arcanix is the most prestigious academy of magic in Khorvaire. Most of its sages specialize in ritual magic and abstract theory, and don’t have the full powers of wizards.
  • Magic permeates many aspects of Aundairian life—more so than other nations. A cleansing stone graces every village, and you might encounter animated farming equipment in the fields. The Knights Arcane are an elite unit of eldritch knights, and the spies of the Royal Eyes of Aundair specialize in divination magic.
  • Some Aundairian nobles are bound by arcane pacts handed down through generations. Only remarkable heirs—such as player characters—develop into warlocks. Most such lines have an Archfey patron.

Aundairian Characters

Regardless of your Intelligence score, as an Aundairian you’re sure you’re the smartest person in the room. Consider the following characteristics for your Aundairian:   Arcane Talent. If you’re not going to play a magic-using class, consider creating a high elf or a human with the Magic Initiate feat. Whether you favor damage-dealing cantrips or more utilitarian ones, every Aundairian should know a little magic.   Magic Beats Mundane. Why use your hand when you could use mage hand? Why strain your muscles tugging on a bowstring when you could use a wand?   Show Some Style. Don’t settle for common clothes and a squalid meal when you could wear glamerweave and drink the finest wine. If you’re a fighter, focus on finesse instead of crude strength. And never miss an opportunity for a clever quip.

Aftermath of the Last War

Aundair and Thrane were bitter rivals during the Last War. Thrane seized the ancient city of Thaliost during the war and holds it to this day. Most of the people of Aundair remain furious about the occupation of Thaliost, but the city has become a haven for Aundairians who revere the Silver Flame.   The Eldeen Reaches seceded from Aundair halfway through the Last War. The western farmers rebelled over high taxes and neglect, allying with the druids of the Towering Wood. Aundair was forced to accept the sovereignty of the Reaches under the terms of the Treaty of Thronehold, but many Aundairians view it as a renegade nation.   Extensive use of magic has repaired most of the damage to the cities of Aundair, but the countryside remains scarred by the war, especially along the border with Thrane. The Crying Fields are a region of farmlands permanently scarred by magic and haunted by restless spirits. Aundairians claim their nation is stronger than ever, but some worry about the long-term impact of the loss of the Eldeen farmlands and the Crying Fields.   Now, Aundairians debate over differing views of their nation’s future. Some believe the first focus should be reuniting Aundair and the Eldeen Reaches, whether through diplomacy or force. Others consider Thaliost to be the pressing issue. And still others support Queen Aurala’s claim to the throne of Galifar. When creating an Aundairian, consider whether you have ties to any of the affected regions and if this influences your opinion of Thranes or druids.


  • Fairhaven
Geopolitical, Country
Head of State

Army unit of the Nation of Aundair

Treaty of Thronehold recognized the Eldeen Reaches as a nation

Fifty years ago, the people of eastern Aundair seceded and formed the Eldeen Reaches. The Treaty of Thronehold recognized the Reaches as a nation, but its citizens fear Aundair will try to reclaim the region.   The Reachers are fiercely independent. They broke with Aundair, and they bow to no monarch.   The farmers of the eastern Eldeen seceded from Aundair during the Last War, and tensions between the two nations remain high. Most Reachers believe it’s only a matter of time until Aundair tries to reclaim the region, and every village has a militia ready to serve.   The people of the Reaches value hospitality and regard all people as equals, but the fear of Aundairian aggression can cause Reachers to treat foreigners with suspicion or hostility.

Articles under Kingdom of Aundair