Nesza Greenthorn

Nesza Greenthorn

Nesza Greenthorn is a radiant appearance whereever he goes. He's an Aasimar with bright golden hair and clear blue eyes that almost seem to emit light by themselves. He's 27 years old, member of the Wardens of the Woods and hails from a very small settlement close to the Grove of Guardian Trees, in the North of the Eldeen Reaches.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Relatively tall at 5"10.

Facial Features

Bright Blue eyes, radiant Golden hair. usually with short stubble or the beginnings of a beard, depending on whether he's in towns/cities or out in the wilderness.

Identifying Characteristics

Very bright eyes and hair, almost radiant. Soldiers mark on his left lower arm, and scar under left eye

Special abilities

Nigh impossible to see with the naked eye in total darkness.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears a combination of Studded Leather armor, and warm cloak. The tones are brown, green, grey and gold. The gold is used in a embroidered logo of a Tree with roots, set in a circle. This logo can also be found on various other clothing pieces and indicates membership of the Wardens of the Wood.

Mental characteristics


Trained by the Wardens of the Wood from very young age, he's especially capable with his Bow. Amongst other skills, he's also learned tracking and communicating with wild animals and moving silently and unseen. These last skills were honed especially during his stay with the 3rd Nightowls division of the Aundairian army.


Contacts & Relations

Bwest Friend of George Lockwood


Dreas Greenthorn

Father (Vital)

Towards Nesza Greenthorn


Nesza Greenthorn

Son (Vital)

Towards Dreas Greenthorn


Sarah Greenthorn


Towards Nesza Greenthorn


Nesza Greenthorn


Towards Sarah Greenthorn


Born in a small settlement in the Eldeen Reaches that consisted mainly of druids and rangers. Member of the Wardens of the Woods. Drafted into war and got out "broken" as a Fallen Aasimar

Character Location
View Character Profile
Date of Birth
473 AG
Grove of the Guardian Trees
Bright Blue
Golden Long
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
175 lb.

The Falcon's perspective

Dear journal,   I think that's how a journal works? you write in it as if you're alive? oh wow, maybe you are, I'm so sorry if I insulted you..   Uh, today was so cool.. I've actually flown! Like.. you know that I've always looked at the falcons, owls and ravens back home, and wondered what it would be like to fly up high, see the forest from their perspective..   We went out riding with our new new friends, the ones that Griff introduced us to, you know the ones if you're alive, if not, then uh.. Well I know the ones.. anyway, so we went to ride with them, on horses. My horse knew his own name "Twinkletoes". Very regal if you ask me, well fitting to his character I think. To be fair, it was a bit of an awkward conversation, he was very focused on how I would climb on his back, and told me he doesn't really like it when people do that.. Griff thought Twinkletoes had no choice in that matter though, it was that or get eaten?.. uh, I digress..   We went to a forest where we took a small break, Griff went up in the air with Godrick and our new friends went up as well and then Vence actually did a magic thing and made me fly. It's much more difficult than I thought, just makes me admire the seemingly effortless ease that those owls showcase every night, more than ever before even. I think I've been up at least 800 feet, probably more.. I wish I was able to properly draw the perspective you get of seeing a forest and it's surroundings from that height.   Our new friends showcased an unimaginable talent for talking, interacting and just generally being in full harmony, with the creatures in the forest. it was an amazing sight to behold.   This visit to the forest was just so good, it almost made me forget about the restlessness, that feeling of being incomplete.. speaking of which.. April proved once again she's an amazingly sharp and smart person, she was able to gather from just looking at that scroll box I've carried for years, that it's from the Lhazaar principalities. Another clue that could help find that stranger maybe... Strangers.. yeah we met this very brightly colored robe wearing wizard "the fastest wizard of the world", the one that Conrad told me to go talk to about my best friend. I think he's fine where he is right now though, and I'm not entirely sure about this guy yet. Again, and by this point probably unsurprisingly so, he knew Cissa.. of course he did, everyone seems to know Cissa..   oh almost forgot.. This Tristan fella we met? I think he might actually be like a lycanthrope maybe? he seemed to know a lot about that. I think if I understood correctly, he told the princess that he isn't one, but I'm not 100% sure if I interpreted his lip movement correctly, Griff thinks he's a vampire. I don't have a clue about those..   Gotta leave you alone for a bit now journal, I'm heading back to the spire of knowledge with those questions about my mom and about who made that statue of hawk. And then finally go see a lock about a key. I'm actually a bit hesitant to be completely honest with you.. who knows what might be behind that door...

It's confirmed!

Wow.. had a very interesting day in Flamekeep today! I've suspected that Hawk was my uncle for a while, since I heard that rumor about my mom having more siblings. I've checked the statue of him in Flamekeep, couldn't find any signs of it ever having danced as some of the more recent rumors said. Malak was very helpful, he pointed out the statue also has a casting of a book, with the title Ancient Relics. He seemed to know that book, so we went to the Spire of Knowledge to go see if this ones Molly had a copy for us to look at. Turns out.. there were two copies, one "lost" and the other one in Hawks actual study in the spire. And then she said, I would have access as "you are next of kin". Makes me wonder how often a Molly is wrong? However, we went up to the study, and the door lock magically opened when I touched the door. We tried afterwards, but the door would not unlock for Malak, even though he works at the spire. Must be some kind of magic that detects whether you're family or not?   Oh, before we went to the Spire of Knowledge, we went by that house that's marked on the map that stranger gave me, I think that same kind of magic had been used there, because when Malak knocked on the door, nothing happened, but when I did it, I suddenly heard that voice I've heard a few times in my head. The one male voice that spoke in Celestial. He actually responded to me too! The voice said "you will need the key", and a key hole appeared in the door.. Malak saw that too.. but then I tried asking where I'd have to go search for this key, and the voice said "in my study".. I'm sure somehow, that voice belongs to Hawk! Malak said something like that as well!   So Malak and I went to the study, found the book, which didn't seem to contain anything special. Malak's impression was that it was "just a clue" to get me to the spire of knowledge, and into this study. If that's true, and this was only included in the statue as a "clue".. Maybe who-ever made that statue knows more? Gotta go find out who made it!!   oh, yeah the study.. I found that key in a locked drawer, which again magically seemed to open for me. There was a letter there from Sarah, I guess that just has to have been my mom then. I wonder why she never ever mentioned having a brother? Was she ashamed of being related to a hero like Hawk? Or maybe she didn't want to draw even more attention to herself than she already does with her gift at healing people? Wish I could talk to her and find out more. I mean, I'm not sure if I have any right to be asking these kind of personal questions, but it's odd right? Why would someone keep their family relation from their own family.. Wonder if dad actually knew this?   Wish Cissa was here, I'm sure she'd be interested to know more about this as well.. Did she even know my mom? Did Hawk ever mention my mom? I found a locked journal as well, one that did not magically open for me. I'm not sure I would've read it anyway, it doesn't seem right to pry.. though I did take it with me for Cissa, I think she might want to see it or read it, maybe it will help her understand more about Hawk.   So journal.. uh, I'm sure I'll have more interesting things to tell you next time.. oh btw, if we're ever in Flamekeep again, I need to go back to the Lazy Bull and get those amaaazing pancakes again! Their Orcish Ale isn't half bad either :D

Flamekeep & Feathers

Finally getting close to Flamekeep, and starting to understand a bit more about that whole deal with those special Feathers. Still not quite sure how it all fits together, but it feels like this group of people that seemingly randomly met, actually have more in common than I first realized. Now this Tristan guy also has something to do with Feathers. I really hope that the statue of Hawk will give me some more answers when I finally see it. Hope that Malak was correct about the map that stranger gave me back home.. If it isn't what he thinks it depicts, I'll have to start my search all over again. I should also have asked mom about Hawk. If they were truly siblings, why would she never have mentioned that before? He sounds like such an amazing person, and a hero at that!   I gotta go see about learning to do that thing that Vence/Emir and Malak can do with talking to people from great distances, that would come in so handy. Maybe Flamekeep has one of those Spires that can help me figure out how to do that.   OH Bollocks.. I should have asked Cissa if she could scry on the stranger that gave me the map! Must go and see Vence/Emir about that, maybe he can help out somehow. Really hope Cissa is doing alright, can't imagine what losing your dad feels like...   I'm not very good at writing these journal entries yet, I just realised. On the road we met a few fellow travelers, one of them had a twisted ankle. I'm not sure I understand the whole tea analogy Malak tried to use after I rushed to help this poor man out. Mom always taught me that her healing gift was to help people that were in pain, and that when able, you should always try to help someone that's in pain, especially if they're not able to do this themselves. I don't expect a reward or anything of the kind, I just feel like it's the least I could do to help fix some of the suffering in the world.

Met Tristan

Met Tristan today.. "Cheerful" fella.. Hope he'll find who he is looking for. In this world after the war, it surprises me how often people still get lost.. either physically or mentally. And then there's this asshole that wants us to trade Mia for Jenny and April's mom.. like that's ever going to happen.. Got a reward for our work previously, and was able to get some items. Not exactly sure if they really do as they were advertised by Fia Ennessi in Thaliost, but there's only one way to find out.. Oh, also got something for Mia for when she comes back, hope she's alright, wherever she is right now. Likely somewhat tipsy and loudly complaining about lack of service?   now.. how does one do this Attunement again?

Solaris Celebrations

Had so much fun in the Solaris celebrations! It was nice to see my training with dad paid off. My congratulations to the runner up though, your form was excellent. I'd love to get a chance to re-do this competition with our own materials at a proper archery range. Also Silmer really surprised me with his display of skill with the bow! Wish George would have been able to enjoy himself here as well, wonder how many stalls he would have put out of business with his appetite..