Dishes of Tangwyn: From Palace Feasts to Peasant Treats Document in Sielah Universe | World Anvil

Dishes of Tangwyn: From Palace Feasts to Peasant Treats


This manual was created to showcase the various dishes from around the Kingdom of Aon. It covers dishes that are fit for royalty as well as those the commoners eat.

Document Structure

Publication Status

This manual is available for everyone. All the Priests of the Kingdom of Merkan have a copy of it.

Historical Details


It was written by a wanderer who was accepted by all classes. He was a bard of sorts, who enjoyed food so much that he collected recipes.   He copied these recipes into one volume so that he had them all in one book to find. He marked down where he got them from, how much he enjoyed the recipe, and what he felt could be improved on, if he felt it needed any.   In his older years, he settled down, and his daughter found him when he was near death. She published it, under his name, as a way to honor him.

Public Reaction

People reacted with shock and many with dismay. Royalty and nobles turned their noses up at what the commoners ate while the commoners were jealous of what royalty and nobles ate.   But under it all, there was excitment for this manual. While royalty and nobles said one thing about it public and to each other, in private they delight in "slumming" by having their servants make these dishes for them. Commoners either look over the royalty recipes either with longing or with greed while hording money to buy the supplies for one big feast.


Having this manual published near the beginning of the Kingdom of Aon's history allowed the people to try food from other provinces, because even though traveling was easier before the Civil War, not everyone was able to travel.   As time went on, the divide in food equality lessened. And even after the closing of the borders at the end of the Civil War, this manual was still available and these food items were available in all the Kingdoms.   In more recent years, there is very little difference between what commoners eat and what royalty/nobles eat, unless the person is trying to show off or there's a feast for a special occasion like celebrating a marriage. The types are food for a feast is dependent on the wealth of the family.
Manual, Culinary
Authoring Date
Cianday in the month Mialan in the 300th year BCW
Dewy Diamonds Badge by Strixxline
Camp On Stream #WASC24 by Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Cover image: by Lady Wynter


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