
(a.k.a. Stygian)

Divine Domains

The Norisea Universe, where he was born, and the universe which he stole from his father, The Great One.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Tynan's goals are to bring darkness and devestation to the worlds of mortals. He believes that only the gods deserve to live.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tynan was born of a loving union between The Great One and a goddess in his court. Tynan was raised lovingly by both, but a darkness and and an anger grew in him.   He was mad that his father never choose his mother to rule at his side. He disowned his mother after she refused to push The Great One for what Tynan thought was her rightful place. Plus, she refused to go against The Great One.  
No seer, no prophecy can alter the inevitable. Mortals are but dust before the wind of destiny.
— Tynan upon learning his father's choice.
As the darkness grew within him, so did his need to dominate all life. He watched as the other Gods and Goddesses 'pandered' to mortals, ensuring that they thrived and were happy. And he was insulted when The Great One choose a mortal to the Gods' Seer. So, Tynan ensured that this mortal couldn't handle living in the Citadel.
  Tynan was disgusted that this didn't stop The Great One. Tynan continued to mess with the mortals his father brought to the Citadel and at the same time, started talking with other Gods and Goddesses. Slowly, he started recruiting some to his side.   Eventually, he and his group broke away, claiming to be the rightful rule of the Norisea Universe. Tynan didn't even bother to mess with Morgance when The Great One brought her to the Citadel. He figured that a whore, and a young one at that, would never make it when grown men failed.   He was surprised when she didn't and when she fought to stay in the Citadel. But she was still mortal and still nothing more than a whore to him. As such, he didn't see her as a threat and continued with his plans.   He went forward with his plans, and created the Obsidian's Eye, an orb of immense power, filled with Tynan's dark energy. He used his own mother to make the Bloodstone that filled the grooves of the orb he made.  
A breaking and a crushing on your bones, you stupid bitch.
— Tynan to Morgance
He drew his father out, by attacking and raping Morgance. He used the Obsidian's Eye against The Great One so he could poison his father. What he didn't expect was the strength and loyalty of Morgance, who was able to knock the orb out of his hands, where it shattered into eight pieces on the floor.
  Even without this powerful weapon, Tynan waged war against his father's court. As usual, he underestimated his father, and he found himself facing a group that wasn't broken, grieving, but more than willing to fight... A group led by Morgance, a new Goddess, thanks to The Great One.   After several battles, he was able to push Morgance out of the universe. But since her power and his both came from The Great One, he was still able to since her and what she was doing (to a point). And he yearned to destroy her and the mortal life she created, even though at best, he'd achieved a pyrrhic victory in his universe.   With a great deal of planning and power hoarding, he was able to was able to get three of his cohorts into Morgance's new universe, where they began working to break through her defense so that Tynan could join them.
Divine Classification
Current Status
Trying to kill Morgance
Date of Birth
1/1/1500 Time of Gods
Dark, cold
Dewy Diamonds Badge by Strixxline
Camp On Stream #WASC24 by Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Cover image: by Lady Wynter by way of NightCafe and Canva
Character Portrait image: by Lady Wynter by way of NightCafe


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