Morgance Character in Sielah Universe | World Anvil


Goddess; Most Blessed One

Divine Domains

Morgance is the creator of the Sielah Universe, the Whippled-Nethers, and Tangwyn among other places within the Sielah Universe.

Holy Books & Codes

Vision of Faith by Bran Kendall   The Evil in our Land by Bran Kendall   Ciannedra's Legacy: Love, Loss, and the Power of Choice by Bran Kendall   Prayers/Chants

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Fire (a building of fire, which is seen in the night sky as a constellation)   Kenmetta   Wren

Tenets of Faith

  1. Use Magick Wisely
  2. Help Others
  3. Be Loyal to Morgance
  4. Obey the King and Queen
  5. Rebirth is possible


The dead are burned by a Priest. Bodies are either buried in hidden burial mounds or at the Royal Mausoleum (dependent on Status). A feast is always held after royalty dies. For all others, it depends on the family and money.   New Year's Celebration: Lighting of a bonfire with a prayer to Morgance. Dancing all night.   Marriages are always performed by a Priest. There's always feasting and dancing afterwards. The level of formality and the kinds of foods are dependent on status and money.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Morgance's history started in a universe that is otherwise dead, thanks to Tynan.   She was born a mortal in this universe, on a planet that valued money as a symbol of power over the value of life. At 14, her family sold her to a brothel. But just before her first night of work, The Great One rescued her, taking her to where he and the other Gods/Goddesses lived. The price: She became their Seer.   This caused her to become physically blind but she could still see with her "third eye". It also allowed her to have visions of the past and prophecies of the future. As the years passed, she was content and happy, even felt loved by The Great One.   One day though, The Great One surprised her by telling her he was sending her back to her planet. She fought against this for several reasons. One: She had nothing to return to as her family believed she was dead. Two: She was comfortable being their Seer and pointed out that the next mortal might not fare so well. Three: She just didn't want to leave.   The Great One agreed to let her stay but warned that she would never get another chance to go back. Morgance accepted this and she gave The Great One her most recent prophecy.   Only a few days after that did the first part of her prophecy come true. When the Norisea River died, she started dying with it because mortal life was tied to this river. Right after this, Morgance was raped by Tynan. She was saved, again, by The Great One but not before she got pregnant.   She witnessed The Great One's fight with his son, Tynan. She did what she could to help but it wasn't enough to save The Great One. As he lay dying, he gave her his power, to save her, to pass on his legacy and to take his place as leader of the Gods.   Morgance became the most powerful Goddess in their history. She led The Great One's force against Tynan and his group. But in the end, she was ejected from her original universe.   This was when she created the Whippled-Nethers, Tangwyn, and Kenmetta.   She intentionally miscarried her baby because she feared it would have too much of Tynan in it. Kenmetta is its resting place.   Morgance stands watch over both the living and the dead. But even under her protective watch, Sielah Universe has been invaded by Gods and Goddesses from her original universe. And some of the mortals she created now worship them.
Divine Classification
Current Location
Date of Birth
1/1/4000 Time of Gods
White (she's blind
White, long, blows in the wind even when there's none
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale with a hint of gold
5' 5"
120 lbs
Related Myths
Ruled Locations
Loving, Protective, a bit weary
Dewy Diamonds Badge by Strixxline
Camp On Stream #WASC24 by Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Cover image: by Lady Wynter
Character Portrait image: by Lady Wynter


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