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High Chief of the Gorl

The High Chief of the Gorl is elected by the heads of the 15 clans, from among themselves, and while many outside of Gorlmark might call him the King of the Gorls, in most ways that matter, the position is not very different from the other chieftains of the clans. The High chief can cast tiebreaking votes at the Alting (including for their own reelection) and they are arbiters of disputes between individual chieftains, but they have very little say in the running of lands beyond those of their own clan.


According to the laws of the Gorl, any clan chieftain can call an Alting, and at this Alting any one chieftain can challenge the reign of the current High Chief. If one other chieftain then backs his challenge a vote must immediately be done. However, the heads of each clan most vote for a new High Chief, or vote to abstain, and if all fifteen heads of the clans are not present, the new High Chief cannot be declared. At the death of the High Chief, command passes to his Second, usually a close member of his own clan, like a son or a brother, but an Alting must be called as soon as possible to vote for a new High Chief. The High Chief has never been a woman, though there is no rule preventing this.


The High Chief rules their own lands, but otherwise their primary responsibility is to serve as arbiter of disputes between other chieftains, to preside over, and lead, the Alting, and to represent Gorlmark to other nations when called for. They are also the high commander if the Gorl decide to go to war, though in this capacity they often defer to the leaders of the individual clans, much as they do in peacetime.
The crest of the High Chief of the Gorl.
Royalty, Non-hereditary
Form of Address
Lord/My Lord
Source of Authority
The Alting
Length of Term
Until a challenger wins an election at the Alting


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