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Lievuzha (Lee-e-VU-shar)

The Lievuzha is a massive feline predator found all over northern Sildair. It lives and hunts alone, and will eat anything smaller than itself, up to, and including, brown bears. The males will defend large home ranges from other males, while overlapping with a handful of females, that he will have reproductive claims on. Females give birth to usually two or three cubs that stay with their mother for about two years. When becoming independent, they leave their mother's home range and establish their own. Its name is derived from the Kusharan words Lev Uzhas, which means "Horror Lion".

Lievuzha CR: 3

Large beast, chaotic neutral
Armor Class: 13 (Natural Armour)
Hit Points: 59 (7d10+21)
Speed: 8 Squares , climb: 3 Squares


20 +5


12 +1


17 +3


3 -4


12 +1


7 -2

Skills: Perception +3
Senses: Darkvision 60 Ft., passive Perception 13
Challenge Rating: 3

Keen Hearing and Smell: The lievuzha has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.


Multiattack: The lievuzha makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws.
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: (1d10 + 5) piercing damage.
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (2d8 + 5) slashing damage.

The lievuzha is a massive predatory cat, with a body much more stocky and muscular than even a tiger. Its fur is usually brown or black, sometimes with stripes and sometimes spots. It has a short, stumpy tail.
Male lievushas can grow to almost a ton in weight, and stand taller than even the largest bears. The female are considerably smaller, but still very imposing, weighing up to 600 kg.


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