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Zoir/ Zoirrian (Z-or-e-an)

Basic Information


They are a tall and lean species, with black leather-like skin. They have digitigrade legs with a sharp talon on each toe. They have long tails to help with balance, and have no sexual features. They have small blood sacs in their wirsts that allow them to inject their blood using stinger-like spines on their knuckes, into their eggs or enemies.

Biological Traits

Their traits are often very similar to the others in their communuties. Some have thin fur, some have horns or lighter grey skin. Many variations of many different traits can be found.

Genetics and Reproduction

They reproduce from eggs, however only the born ruler can lay eggs. Eggs require three sets of DNA to be fertilized, one set from the ruler, one set each from the two parents. Before an egg is fertilized, it has a soft membrane as its shell. The parents inject their blood into the egg. The egg will then develop over the course of eight months, producing up to four Zoirrian spawn when they hatch.

Growth Rate & Stages

When they hatch, spawn sort of look like bipedal tadpoles. They can walk within three minutes of birth. They mature at about age 10 and at this time develop their telepathic/sensory hairs, tail flaps, and inividual markings. They continue to grow and develop until they are about 15, then stop growing all together.

Ecology and Habitats

They thrive in cool, wet environments with plenty of space. They typically live in the temparate and boreal forests in the north, close to the mountains.

Dietary Needs and Habits

This species is omniverous, which hunt the nearby animals with their sharp claws and fangs. They prey on large animals like bears and bison, with the occational Caribou. They will also forage for edible plants to add to their meals.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Each family is given a sort of mutual rank based on that family's contributions to society. The rankings arent exactly "ranks" per-se but more of the trust and respect the family has. The "Highest ranking" or most respected is typically titled the "King's Family" with its head bearing the ceremonial title of "King of kings". Each family has its own semi ranking system, usually by age. The eldest is the family head, while those younger will fall in line with the older members. This is called "Kalmoa" in their language. When spawn hatch, even though they hatch togther, they are all at different 'ages' in their devolpent. The difference is usually very clear, although can be hard to distinguish at first.

Facial characteristics

They have jaws very similar to a python's, sharp pointed teeth and fangs for tearing, forked tounges, and long pointed ears. Their ears have a full range of movement, which gives them exceptonal hearing capabilities.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They are mostly scattered in large modernized cities throughout the mountainous boreal forests, arctic islands, and scattered throughout the kingdom of Valdoras and Orintha. They live in tightly knit communities.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They can sense when others are nearby by vibrations in the air. This helps with communication and hunting.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

They name their children by combining the names of the parents, and the last name is a family name only givien after they have been crowned.

Relationship Ideals

Pairs of Zoir will usually mate for life, never leaving the other's side even in the face of death. Since the species doesnt have two defined sexes, there aren't any defined rules for mating or the ceremonies that accompany them. There are however, no ceremonies for separation of a mating pair. When a separation occurs, the two Zoir will traditionally split whatever family they had equally, including their names. The last name is split in half, and its up to the pair to decide how.

Average Technological Level

They have technology that far surpasses that of current technology. They are adept at craftmanship, and thir tech uses magic as its source of power. They use a special metal in thier weapons and armor, similar to steel but much stroger due to the metals innate magic properties. Their villages have all the modern essentials, running water, electricity, and temperture control

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The vast majority of Zoir can understand english and Sinerian Draco, however cannot speak it due to the odd shape of their tounge and jaws. Their native language consists of hisses, clicks, and gutteral sounds accompanied with phyisical gestures. Their language is called Zailchan

Common Etiquette Rules

The Zoir welcome guests into their villages with open arms, and are very freindly to other species.

Common Dress Code

It is uncommont to see zoir wearing any form of clothing, mainly because they use their body markings to distringush one another. However, on occations when around other species, they will occasionally wear loose and thin silk clothing in order to appeal to the other species.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Common Taboos

The Zoir heavily dislike direct eye contact, especially for prolonged periods. They consider it as a human would consider flipping one off. The only eception o this is with good freinds as a sign of trust, but even those moments are brief.


The Zoir were first discovered near the end of the Thousand year war by Kiroas on his ventures. The Zoir originally lived the amethyst caves underneath the savanna. They had been living there ever since the war began, having migrated from above once the war began in order to be better protected from the raging battles above. This is when they developed their toxic and slightly acidic blood, along with their clawed hands and leathery skin.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They are a very freindly and welcoming species. They always welcome guests from other contries, species, and religon. Whenever they have a new group of visitors, they will insist that they stay for dinner. They are always open to conversation about other places, and will even wear clothing to appeal to them. Some species call the Zoir monsters, so they do thier best to be open and welcoming to try and fight the stigma.
Scientific Name
Zoircatu Sapiens
Common, Astral, Molten, Cerulean, Forevant.
300 years
Average Height
7-8 feet
Average Weight
257-320 lb
Average Physique
They are usually very lean and agile, with the most bulk in their chests and legs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They have dark grey to black skin that is similar to leather. All across their bodies, they have markings of their auras color (Amethyst, ivory, onyx, silver) that are a unique as a fingerprint. These markings help the Zoir distinguish one another. A Zoirrans markings will usually remain similar in shape to their parents. Ex: the spawn of two Zoir who have more zagged markings will also have jagged markings.
by Draconic

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