Ayla Arslan Character in Sipenta | World Anvil

Ayla Arslan (AY-luh.)

Lady / Biro Ayla Arslan (a.k.a. “Lion Cub of Varrahasta”, “The Unburnt”. "Kitty-Cat".)

The Gift

The Arslan family are renowned for their Arcane magic, with historical figures being associated with acts of great Arson and sow devastation on the battlefield. It is written in the family annals, that Asier Arslan (family progenitor) caused a great wildfire that burnt down the Eskandr fleet of the Great Heathen Army at Relouse. The most infamous is Alizée Arslan, well renowned for her literal ‘scorched earth’ policy during the expulsion of the Tourrare from Perrence, and the latter act of the great fire of Redwater (Varrahasta) which turned the city into ash. Alizée holds the highly controversial position as the Grand Demon of Cruelty: Hetraxa within the Perrence church.
Due to her petite and frailty in younger life, Ayla was not subject to the usual training of her siblings and has been left mostly to her own education. This has led to her innate magic potential manifesting as extensions of herself, a more free-flowing and fluid artform outside the regime of orthodox teaching and mentoring. Techniques learnt have focused on heightening creative performance rather than direct application.
Arslan family typically had a lower RAS measurement compared to other major noble families, especially with the decision to start selectively breeding the Fireblood trait into the family line. This decision is viewed as necessary to further enhance their relationship with Arcane magic, but created ideological differences with their former allies, House Frannemas.

KinecticSonicIV. JourneymanTest
ChemicalUndefinedI. NoviceTest
ArcanePyromancy?. ???Test
BindingUndefined0. NeophyteTest
MagneticUndefined0. NeophyteTest

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Ayla has an appearance in keeping with south-eastern Torragòn, those who migrated across with the Tourrare during the Conquest of Zaqhora. The Tourrare are noted for their paler complexion and lighter hair hues than on the West Severa continent, formerly being from Parrence (now Perrence) of East Constantia. Noticeable distinctive features for Ayla are the vivid sapphire colour of her eyes, typical of the Arslan family, and the scattering of freckles adorning her skin. She is petite, small and dainty in her stature. Ayla is often dressed in silks, displaying vibrant colours with its attractive shine and subtle rainbow-like hue. It is a smooth and soft material that is breathable, making it very practical for entertaining. Wearing a decorative head-dress when outdoors, which includes a veil which covers the mouth and nose.   Often carrying around a satchel-style saddle bag to carry her possessions along with a Flauta (flute).

Physical quirks


Special abilities

❖ [ Blueblood ] 9%, often found in high noble lineages, 1/11 people – Bluebloods simply tend to be more powerful than other types of mages, with RAS capacities rarely below 7.5. They can draw and expel (cast) prodigious volumes of energy. However, they often struggle somewhat with containment and efficiency, though these obstacles are not insurmountable with the right training and dedication.   ❖ [ Fireblood ] Mainly in lineages from West Severa, 20/1000 magic users – Firebloods are masters of offensive magic, particularly from the arcane, chemical, and blood schools. Their resistance to magnetic spells covers Chemical’s traditional weakness. They are resistant to hot temperatures and being burned, not having to worry about wasting energy on preservation, but their power levels are often modest, very rarely exceeding 7.25.   ❖ [ Demonblood ] When a being from our dimension is sent into a parallel dimension and then pulled back into ours, a different type of demonification process occurs than we see with beings who are simply ripped from their own dimension. These demons are often considerably more sane and properly humanoid, though they may still be violent and powerful beings. The Oni of Nikan are a good example of this. The precise effects of a demonification vary depending on situational factors such as skill of the summoner, time spent in the parallel dimension, mood, magic abilities, and even weather, time of day, and location. The ten factors vary in each case. However, they are always present to at least some degree. Due to Ayla becoming partially purified through contact with a large black aberration, she has become a Quasi-Demon with the following effects. 1) Prehensile Hair 2) Different reactions to aberrations than normal beings. 3) Demonic Interpretation: Able to understand Demonic Speech without typical restriction. 4) Can only be identified by advanced Dark magic practitioners.   ❖ [ Shadowspeaker ] The individual can call forth sound from the VOID, and can also send sounds into the VOID. Shadowspeaker Abilities These are listed in order of difficulty to use. With practice, they can gain in power and precision. 1) Pure VOID Sound: basically just any ordinary day-to-day life sound from another dimension. 2) Corrupted VOID Sound: discordant and terror-inducing sounds as pulled through a VOID portal. 3) Corrupting VOID Noise: no longer consciously audible, but retain their ability to influence feelings, emotions, and perceptions. 4) Purifying VOID Noise: no longer consciously audible, but may influence demons to make them more biddable.   ❖ [ Fruit of Ahn-Ipte ] Ayla consumed the pink apple from the Orchard of the Gods and gained the blessing of Ahn-Ipte, the Goddess of Beauty. Those of the first grove grew bright and beautiful. Their branches were laden with delectable passionfruit and pink apples.
  • Pink Apples: Any action considered beautiful will receive advantage.
  • Apparel & Accessories

    Wears Kaftan, Flamenco, or non-revealing bedlah style clothing.Ayla is often dressed in silks, displaying vibrant colours with its attractive shine and subtle rainbow-like hue. It is a smooth and soft material that is breathable, making it very practical for entertaining. Wearing a decorative head-dress when outdoors, which includes a veil which covers the mouth and nose. She wears a range of jewellery from chains which adorn the wrist, waist, neck and head, to rings, bracelets and earrings. A distinctive piece is a moon crescent adorned with a sapphire, which takes pride and place in her collection. She also has ornamental decorative pieces depicting a lion. Outside of metals, fabrics are also used as ribbons, scarfs, and other wrappings for the body, typically silk or similar, though there are leather pieces as well.

    Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    Born in the bustling port metropolis of Varrahasta, the sound of seagulls permeated throughout the air is a constant chorus accompanied by the heated bartering of merchants, with a harmony of artisans singing to apply their trade. Prosperity and growth bring ships to dock within the ports, bringing trade of spice, silks, and sapphires from across the continents, a thriving cultural melting pot blending the best Constantia and Severa has to offer. Torragòn is an Empire on the ascendancy.   Duarte Arslan, Ayla’s father is a Noble of the Torragonese military who oversees protection of trade routes along the Arapora river, the life blood of the nation. Often away from the home to oversee the garrison and his presence requested in the court based in Torra Corda for state business. This leaves Azahara Arslan, Ayla’s mother, to oversee the domestic matters and the household, often responding in her husband’s name and acting on his behalf to strengthen relationships with the other noble families and rising merchant classes.   Ayla was raised in her household with her siblings, born a physically weak child which experienced fever at a young age which meant she was often kept within Varrahasta due to the natural benefits of the rich sea air. This meant that her bonds are stronger with the new direction of Torragòn, further removed from the steppe nomadic people of the past. Patronage in the arts is leading to the moulding and shaping of the Torragonese identity with ever increasing access to exotic goods leading to the inclusion of vibrant colours and smells to entertain the senses. Ayla expressed an interest in using inks for painting after witnessing the techniques used by street artists and as her skills grew, supported by her mother in having access to alcohol-based inks express herself creatively in a flamboyant style, the hues shimmering like a rainbow. The encouragement extended to expressing herself through music as well, taught to play the Flauta. Ayla’s role within the household was entertaining the important guests with her talents, providing the social lubricant to enable the Arslan family to grow its sphere of influence within the city and the expanding empire itself. These skills are seen by the family as highly valuable resources in helping to secure prominent marriage in the future.   In contrast to the more direct application of magical theory to military practical use which was taught to her siblings by her father, Ayla was left to develop her abilities more organically, leading to its usage to become extensions of her creative outlet and abilities in her expression of art. This has led to a style of magic which focuses on enriching the five senses, primarily on vision and sound. This has led the air being a free-flowing canvas to display her talents, enthralling a captive audience within its display. It is these talents which led to her official enrolment into Ersand'Enise Academy of Thaumaturgy though rumours circulate she is the most dispensable of the Arslan children to represent and further Torragonese interests.

    Accomplishments & Achievements

    Successfully negotiated a treaty on behalf of the Tethered Refuge with Duque Huarcan Frannemas. Survived the Secrets of Zaqhoria. Team Sycamore (Zemana) came first in the Trials.

    Mental Trauma

    Fire Incident as a child. Her encounter with Heart at Zaqhoria.

    Personality Characteristics


    [ Independence ] - Ayla is kept like a caged bird in Varrahasta. Her goal is to become independent and less reliant on others doing things for her. Seeing magic as a potential avenue for this. Perhaps even escape a future that has already been decided for her or have one which aligns more with her own values rather than just furthering her family's interests. [ Adventure ] - Seeking new opportunities and experiences outside of the port metropolis of Varrahasta. [ Legacy ] - Aspires to expand her creative horizons and achieve something special like composing a song that can be shared and enjoyed across every corner Sipentia.

    Savvies & Ineptitudes

    [ Physically Weak ] See also: Exhaustion, Frailty, Petite. Ayla has always been small, even as a child, often being sickly. She has often been laying in bed with a fever easily becoming unwell, and physical overexertion leads to becoming quickly exhausted and bedridden. As a result, she was often left alone at the main residence, figuratively wrapped in cotton wool whilst her siblings and family went away. This non-inclusion led to her to pursue her own interests and hobbies due to being unable to perform as her family demands.   [ Avoids Physical Confrontation ] Due to the above frailty, avoids any physical confrontation as she is inherently the weaker party. This leads to behaviours which could be seen as cowardice by fleeing, shielding, or using other skills such as negotiation to plead a case. Whilst she has developed some means to help overcome this weakness, this applies to having time to prepare or specifically counter the situation. A brash hot-headed berserker is her natural enemy as they are not subject to reason, impatient, and unpredictable behaviour.   [ No Real-World Experience ] See also: Lacking common-sense. Ayla has been living life as if in a bubble, never travelling any great distance outside of comfort, and virtually has never left the port metropolis of Varrahasta. Whilst knowledge rich, she has no wisdom or common-sense.   [ No Warfare Experience ] See also: No Combat Experience. Only combat experience she has is attempting to fight through her bed linen in the middle of the night and losing. Outside of people brawling in the streets and broken up by the city guards, she most likely has not seen any significant harm being inflicted upon another.

    Virtues & Personality perks

    [ Creative ] See also: Artistic, Lateral thinking, Outside-of-the-Box When presented with a problem, Ayla often takes steps which are often not immediately obvious by adopting different perspectives to overcoming the challenge which is often unconventional. This is not to forsake common step-by-step problem-solving methodology, but exploring alternatives means to achieve the result desired. So a hypothetical problem may be attempting to get a bucket to the water source, so whilst a common problem-solving method focuses on how to make the bucket reach the water source, Ayla is questioning the premises, reducing the problem by questioning why that particular water source or bucket is needed, or adopting perspectives such as how to get the water to the bucket like using a medium such as a hose-pipe or liquid telekinesis.   [ Indirect Confrontation ] See also: Deployment/Preparation, Long-term Thinking, Proxy, Subtle. Ayla being weaker than others has avoided direct confrontation as this would not end in her favour. This has led to skills and strengths of indirectly confronting problems. This would be preparing the environment to shift the odds in her favour, thinking long-term where she may have the advantage to employ skills others don’t have access to, or working in subtle ways where her actions cannot be easily countered. It could be eliciting and empowering third-party support to act in her stead as a proxy.   [ Negotiator ] See also: Art of the Deal, Collaboration, Compromising, Inspiring, Teamwork. As direct confrontation is not a strength, she adopts the position of being able to negotiate or compromise. Could be using skills to turn a win-lose situation into a win-win, turning a foe into an ally. It is working with others to compensate for her weaknesses, eliciting support, or inspiring others to increase their effectiveness in overcoming the odds.


    Very High Hygiene standards.


    Contacts & Relations

    Maura Mercador - Childhood Best Friend, Business Partner, Group Member of the Spratz Sisters. Zarina Al-Nader - Her first Ersand’Enise friend, one of the Deserted ‘Besties’. Kaspar Elstrøm von Wentoft - One of the Deserted ‘Besties’, Romance Option. Jocasta Re - One of the Deserted ‘Besties’ Dorothea Hohnstein - Friend, Group Member of the Spratz Sisters. Yalen Castel - One of the Deserted ‘Besties’ Evander Fino Synesti - Romance Option. Friends - Jamboi, Yuliya, Ysilla, Marceline, Oksana, Ingrid. Acquaintance - Desmond, Manfred, Penny, Isabella, Ymiico, Sven, Silas, Casii, Ismet. Unknown - Benny, Carmillia, Esmi, Fiske, Jomurr, Marlijn, Nazih, Niallus, Owain, Trypano, Zarra.

    Family Ties

    Daughter of House Arslan


    Doesn't use 'I' in conversation. Considered to be bad manners.


    Jorge Arslan

    Brother (Trivial)

    Towards Ayla Arslan



    Ayla Arslan

    Sister (Important)

    Towards Jorge Arslan



    Ayla Arslan


    Towards Casii'fyret'alan




    Towards Ayla Arslan


    Zarina Al-Nader

    Zazzy Horse (Important)

    Towards Ayla Arslan



    Ayla Arslan

    Kitty Kat

    Towards Zarina Al-Nader


    Wealth & Financial state

    High Noble

    16 | Female | Torragonese | Noble | RAS 7.43 Fireblood

    View Character Profile
    Divine Classification
    Lawful Good
    Current Status
    Aberration Madness
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    Daughter of Duque Duerte, Casa Arslan del Torragon, Guardian del Varrahasta, Protector del Río Arapor, Warden del Reserva Natural de Arapor, Keeper de la Basílica la Llama Sagrada. Biro of Ersand'Enise Academy of Thaumaturgy.
    Date of Birth
    Tiptos 13
    Jorge Arslan (Brother)
    Current Residence
    Mousey Brown
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Fitzpatrick type III
    4ft 11 / 150cm.
    95lb / 43kg
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    “I may not be a lion, but I am lion’s cub and I have lion’s heart.”
    Known Languages
    Raised in Varrahasta, the bustling port metropolis of Torragòn. Would have experienced a mishmash smattering of various greetings and conversations due to living in one of the busiest port cities of Sipentia. ❖ [ Torragonese ] – Native language, fluent & literate. ❖ [ Avincian ] – Lingua franca, fluent & literate. ❖ [ Major Languages ] – Basic Conversational. Zaphory, Revidian, Perrench, Virangish. ❖ [ Minor Languages ] – Broken. May be aware of a greeting or a phrase.
    Ruled Locations


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