Camille De La Saumure Character in Sipenta | World Anvil

Camille De La Saumure

Written and played by Pir

Camille De La Saumure

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Depending on who you ask, the description for Camille changes with whatever version of her story they heard and who they heard it from. Some say she is a seven foot tall giant of a woman, others claim her skin is hued with gold, and even some that believe Camille is a man.   The truth beyond the myth of Dami’s Chosen is that Camille is a nearly eighteen year old girl, thrusted into the mantle of apparent sainthood. She measures at an average height of five feet and six inches, average build although she has noted some more defined muscles and a gain of weight within the past year but hardly enough to make a man strain himself to carry her. Her dark hair is kept short, barely reaching her neck with her bangs cut to keep her face, and embellished boyish features, apparent. She maintains unimpressive brown eyes and bears hardly any scarring throughout her form.   And no. She doesn’t have golden skin.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born as Camille to an older couple, Pierre and Berenice, living in Port Morilles, she was an only child due to the general infertility that her parents had. Port Morilles, Camille’s birthplace, was a well established one on the southeastern coast of Perrence. It prospered on the back of mushroom trade to foreign nations which allowed the town to be relatively well off compared to others of its size in Perrence. Her parents were commoners though her father as a leatherworker, afforded him a slightly higher standing as a craftsman, it still did not benefit Camille in any obvious way. The town, however, did.   With the wealth afforded by healthy trade routes, Port Morilles managed to afford a stone wall to close off the small peninsula. This pushed people to build up and inside the walls are three to four story buildings to jam as much population as possible in the safety of those walls. Port Morilles was bustling but protected from any Eskandr incursions leading to low stress inside the walls.   Camille remembers her childhood here fondly with the community being very supportive and uplifting. Her parents were surprisingly aloof towards her in contrast. Some of the other children her age would tease her about not being a boy as that had something to do with family inheritance but it just struck Camille as odd that they would treat their only child like that.   She was fairly quiet and independent as a child. When her mother would finally release her from daily choirs or when her father would stink up their whole floor with the smells of rotted hide, she’d slip away into Port Morilles. Sometimes she’d even be content just walking along the beach outside the walls on her own, letting the sand run through her toes.   Yet with any paradise, came with coveting eyes and it would be in her sixteenth year that Camille would find out exactly who the Eskandr were. Up to this point, she had heard the stories and terrors that these raiders would bring but they never tried to take on the walls of Port Morrilles. However, one Eskandr raid chieftain had finally been tempted enough.   That day, Camille remembers vividly as that changed who she was going to become.   They came with a two-pronged attack. A few longships harried the coastal wall while an advanced party would land out of view and go for the landside gate. With the defenders focused on the seaside, there were few to offer an intimidating resistance on the landside. At the time, Camille just remembered having to run back home past the seaside gate. The shouts of orders above, howls and growls of the Eskandr unseen. She was terrified as her parents pulled her inside. Her father stood at the door to know what was going on. He might have even wanted to help from the way he was pacing back and forth. That’s how she heard it.   ”The other gate! The other gate! They are going to break through!” One of the sentries from the landside gate said, running past her home towards the seaside gate. Camille didn’t realize what that meant before her father and mother were ushering her, pulling her even, to run for Lord Gabriel’s keep. It was only when they were running through the streets did she realize what was going to happen if they got in.   She prayed in her head, desperately for the guards to hold the landside gate. They had to. There was no other way for everyone here to escape. Among the scrambling through the tight streets, Camille would catch sight of a guard. Then another. Followed by another. They weren’t headed towards the landside gate. They were leaving it, headed towards the keep.   Camille’s heart dropped at the sight. Her whole life had been in this town, was really going to be destroyed just like in the stories she heard about? Why in the gods’ good graces allow this? She felt tears well in her eyes as pictured everything she loved burned to ash. How was that fair?   When life looked darkest, did a light shine through.   Through a gap between buildings, sunlight shined through. The rays piercing the smoke of a panicked fire caused by an accidental out of control fire at the blacksmith. The light rays hit and lit up the head of the blacksmith’s hammer, laying there on the road in front of Camille and for a brief moment the light reflected off of the metal head and flashed in Camille’s eyes, blinding her.   In that briefest of moments, she saw both forms of Dami carrying the banner of Lord Gabriel’s blue dove and the blacksmith’s hammer and crested on his chest was a golden lily, blooming. He reached out offering Camille to take both the banner and the hammer and then he looked towards the gate before vanishing and she was back in the street, kneeling before the hammer.   In the panic, her parents had gotten ahead of her and the whole town was on the verge of chaos but the gods had told Camille how to prevent that and as terrified as she was, she would not let her heart burn.   She picked up the hammer and found Lord Gabriel’s banner getting a metal cap attached to its pole for planting into the ground. Another sign of Dami’s will! Picking the banner up with the other hand, she began to run towards the gate. Other than a few curious glances, she wasn’t seeing anyone willing to follow her. She prayed to Dami in her head as she ran, reciting over and and over again.   “Let others find courage and follow! Let others find courage and follow!”   Over and over again she repeated this mantra, focusing on it. It took her one more minute, nearly at the gate, when she realized a mass of people were following her, arming themselves. They were going to fight for their town! Her heart! Her god!   Camille led the host of guards and people towards the gate just as it was slammed open by the horde of Eskandr. The sight it must have been to see for the Eskandr hesitated and that was enough encouragement for the surge of her kin to charge. The gateway was filled with people fighting blocking her from engaging, all for but one.   There was a large enough break in the gate from earlier that one of the Eskandr, a smaller boy maybe a little older than Camille, had slipped in. He emerged from a building in complete shock to the change on the streets. Nobody had noticed him, save for Camille and she felt compelled to charge. He noticed her, shakedly drawing his sword and swinging wildly.   “Spare me and let me swing your hammer! Spare me and let me swing your hammer!”   The Eskandr’s sword swung high, surprise in his face for a moment before she swung her hammer down on his face with such a force, the skull fractured and the fight was over an instant. She collapsed as the adrenaline wore off.   Awakening in the evening, she was greeted by Lord Gabriel himself in his keep. Word of her valor to lead the defense of the landgate had reached even his ears and that it would be wrong to deny the gods their wish to let Camille lead the people in their defense. She was knighted and spent nearly a year in training and running with levy to defend the shores of Perrence from any who would do Her harm!

Personality Characteristics


Her conviction is quite different to the stories paint as well. Camille isn’t this strongly motivated force of Dami’s Judgment. She is a teenaged girl who believed she witnessed a vision from the Pentad to perform one act in devotion. An act that swiftly swept her up into playing a much larger role, one she didn’t want to even dream of, let alone conceive and comprehend.   At times she believes she never wanted any of this but has to deal with the curse of knowing that she’d crush so many hopeful people by being anything different. How many people would have died if she had not been there? What would people say when she saw her if she quit? What if she saw someone else who needed help? What happens if they think she is a fraud? What would the gods do to her if she rejected their blessing? These questions haunt her at night if she ever considers quitting and thus she can’t. Ever onward until the end, using her faith in the Pentad to push herself to try and remain the image of this saint for all to believe.

Virtues & Personality perks

❖ Blessed Saint: Whether you believe the gods blessed Camille or not, reality shows that Camille is often on the advantageous side of fortune. She doesn’t know she has the Gift but managing to channel magic unintentionally through her singular focused prayers regardless is evidence to that point. ❖ Legendary: The legend also prescribes a certain reverence from commonfolk, at least those that know her tale. Few women wear platemail, fewer still are younger than themselves. She is easily recognizable for all the good and bad that will come with that. ❖ Communal: She adored the closeness in the community of her hometown. Everyone tried to get along with one another, probably due to the relative abundance of her hometown. She is willing to give her kin the benefit of the doubt and has a patience for others. Up until they class with her ideals, anyway. ❖ Conviction: At the center of Camille’s driving motivation is her belief that the good should prosper. Good people deserve happy lives and she has always held this in her heart. After being ascended by her vision, she is absolutely sure that the good deserve the gifts of the world while the evil should be judged. The gods told her so, after all.

Vices & Personality flaws

❖ Reliance: If you take away her Gift, she is a 17 year old girl and incapable of swinging a ten pound greatsword while dressed in full armor for collapsing in exhaustion. She needs to channel to make her armor lighter so she can walk, sword lighter so she can swing, and mood enhancement to keep people fighting! ❖ Jocasta’s Box: If opened, you reveal to Camille that she has the Gift after all revealing the extent of all the new potential she can reach. This comes at the cost of shaking her belief, if you can convince her in the first place. A belief that has, successfully up to this point, led to her channeling magic to enhance her abilities. You shake her belief, she doubts her abilities and then she might not be able to reliably channel again. Is it better to open the box or keep it closed? ❖ Naivety: Camille still holds the world in a positive light having only seen some of the nastiness that the world holds. She has killed her first person (after crying about it later that night and for the next several nights) and has ventured around Perrence this past year to see more of the world. She believes she has everything figured out but as she explores more, both the world and the depths people are willing to go, there will be events that shake her significantly. ❖ Uneducated: Being a commoner at birth afforded her no luxury of a proper education. Although this makes it easier for her to find faith in the gods, it limits her abilities to comprehend new concepts, understand strategies, or realize connections as fast as others around. It also affects her ability to relate and interact with nobility.


Asier Arslan


Towards Camille De La Saumure


Camille De La Saumure


Towards Asier Arslan


Lawful Good
Current Residence
Port Morilles
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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