Aundriel, God of the Forest & Nature

Description: Aundriel is often visualized as a tall and majestic figure, with skin resembling the bark of ancient trees and hair cascading like vibrant vines. Green, luminescent eyes, akin to fresh leaves kissed by morning dew, exude an aura of serene wisdom. Ethereal in form, he appears to be an extension of the forest, often adorned in ornate, living armor made of intertwined branches, leaves, and moss. Fluttering around him, spirits of the forest emanate a soft, radiant glow, further enhancing his ethereal beauty.   Personality: Aundriel embodies the soul of the forest—patient, nurturing, but fierce when provoked. His emotions flow like the seasons: at times gentle and nurturing, allowing growth and rebirth, and at other times, fierce and tempestuous, protecting his domain with unwavering determination. He values balance above all, understanding the intricate dance between life and decay, growth and dormancy. While generally benevolent, Aundriel's wrath is a force to be reckoned with, especially when the sanctity of nature is threatened.   Divine Realm: The Fey Wild, a realm of enchantment and boundless nature, serves as Aundriel's home, which he shares with his brother, Thoran. This realm is a vibrant reflection of all the forests in existence, magnified in their beauty and mystery. Towering, luminescent trees form ethereal canopies, under which myriad magical creatures frolic. Springs with crystal-clear waters possess rejuvenating properties, and the very air is imbued with magic. Deep within this realm, in a grove where the oldest trees of the Fey Wild stand, lies Aundriel's personal sanctuary—a living temple that pulses with the pure essence of nature.   Worshippers: Aundriel's followers come from various walks of life, but they all share a deep reverence for nature. Druids, who understand the ebb and flow of natural energies, see Aundriel as their primary guide, drawing strength from his teachings. Rangers patrol the edges of sacred groves, ensuring they remain untouched by those who might harm them. Shamans, through intricate rituals, commune directly with Aundriel, often receiving prophetic visions.   Communities living at the forest's edge often celebrate festivals in Aundriel's honor, with dances, songs, and offerings of fresh fruits and flowers. These celebrations culminate in the planting of new trees, symbolizing growth and continuity.   Temples dedicated to Aundriel are architectural wonders, seamlessly integrated into the forest without harming a single tree. Pilgrims journeying to these temples often undergo rites of purification, ensuring that they carry no ill intent towards the sacred land. Those who prove their dedication and show genuine love for nature might receive Aundriel's blessing—a touch of the forest's magic to carry with them for the rest of their lives.


Aundriel, God of the Forest & Nature

husband (Vital)

Towards Valindria, Goddess of Flame & Pyromancy



Valindria, Goddess of Flame & Pyromancy

wife (Vital)

Towards Aundriel, God of the Forest & Nature




  • The Meeting of Flame and Forest:
  When Valindria, the child of the cosmos, descended, her introduction of fire wreaked havoc upon Aundriel's cherished forests. Yet, from the ashes of the destruction emerged new growth and rejuvenation. Aundriel recognized this transformative power of fire, seeing beyond its immediate chaos to the potential for renewal.   Their relationship blossomed as they found a balance between their contrasting natures. Aundriel's patient and nurturing essence provided a grounding force for Valindria's passionate and volatile spirit. Their union, symbolized by the Fire Lilies, portrayed the possibilities that arise when two seemingly opposing forces find harmony. Through their bond, they demonstrated that true understanding and love can bridge even the greatest divides.  
  • The Dance of Fire and Nature:
  Their love story is one that has been retold countless times across the realm. A tale of two powerful beings, each representing seemingly opposing forces, finding love and balance. It serves as an inspiration for lovers, artists, and worshippers, emphasizing the power of understanding, compromise, and the strength that can be found in unity.   In their dances of passion and love, Valindria's flames would intertwine with Aundriel's vines and leaves, creating a mesmerizing display of life, energy, and color. These dances are recreated in ceremonies and festivals across the realm, as worshippers seek to emulate the divine love between the God of Nature and the Goddess of Flame and Pyromancy.  
  • Challenges and Triumphs:
  Though their love was strong, it was not without challenges. Nienna's jealousy served as a testament to the allure and power of their bond. Yet, despite external adversities, their commitment to each other never wavered. Their resilience, symbolized by the Fire Lilies that bloom after the flames, showcases that love can thrive even in the face of adversity.  
  • Legacy:
  Every Fire Lily that blooms serves as a reminder of Aundriel and Valindria's eternal affection. Their followers, whether they are pyromancers dancing with flames or druids nurturing the forests, carry forward the teachings and stories of their divine patrons. The love story of Aundriel and Valindria remains a beacon of hope, passion, and unity, echoing throughout time as an enduring tale of the harmonious dance between fire and nature.

Aundriel, God of the Forest & Nature

Son (Vital)

Towards Fayeth




Mother (Vital)

Towards Aundriel, God of the Forest & Nature




  • Origins of Their Connection
It is said that when Fayeth first breathed life into the Material Plane, she yearned for a guardian who would watch over her creations with an equal measure of love and fierceness. Thus, Aundriel was born from her wishes, emerging from the shadows of the densest forests. While Fayeth embodies the overarching majesty of nature in all its forms, Aundriel personifies the specific spirit and essence of the forests.  
  • Their Roles in Nature
While Fayeth oversees the grandeur of the natural world – shaping terrains, forging mountains, and creating rivers – Aundriel delves deep into the heartbeats of forests. He ensures that every tree grows strong, that every grove remains sacred, and that the secrets of the forests are guarded from those who would misuse them. The balance they maintain together ensures that while the world evolves, the sanctity of nature remains untarnished.  
  • Shared Memories and Moments
Their interactions are the stuff of legends. It's whispered among the elves that during twilight, Fayeth and Aundriel can sometimes be seen wandering the woods together, their forms illuminated by starlight and their laughter echoing like the wind. They share an eternal bond, manifesting in moments like these where they revel in the beauty they've co-created.  
  • Confrontations and Conflicts
No relationship, even among gods, is without its trials. There have been instances when Fayeth's desire to expand and create clashed with Aundriel's protective instincts. Yet, each conflict only deepened their understanding and respect for each other. They've learned that while their approaches might differ, their love for the natural world remains the same.  
  • The Covenant
To ensure that their energies never work against each other, Fayeth and Aundriel established a covenant. Within this sacred pact, it was agreed that while Fayeth would continue to breathe life and expand the natural realm, Aundriel would have the authority to guard specific places that hold immense power, ensuring they remain untouched.  
  • Worshippers and Rites
Many rituals and ceremonies invoke both Fayeth and Aundriel, recognizing their symbiotic roles. Druidic rites often begin with praises to Fayeth and conclude with offerings to Aundriel. In elven temples, dual altars are erected, honoring their combined blessings. Pilgrims who trek to woodland temples understand the necessity of paying respects to both deities, for the land flourishes through their combined will.   In essence, Fayeth and Aundriel are two halves of a greater whole. Their relationship exemplifies the intricate balance of nature, reminding their followers that creation and protection are two sides of the same leaf.
