Church of Lolth

  • Core Structure and Beliefs
The Church of Lolth is the primary religious institution among the drow, responsible for upholding and disseminating the teachings and will of the Spider Queen. Structured as a matriarchal hierarchy, it is an amalgamation of power, reverence, and fear, reflecting Lolth's nature and values.  
  • Priestesses at the Helm
The priestesses, or Yathrinshee, are the church's backbone, serving as both spiritual leaders and political influencers. Female drow, especially those from prominent Houses, often undergo rigorous training from a young age to join the priestesshood. Being chosen as a priestess is considered a significant honor, and they enjoy elevated status within drow society.  
  • Rituals and Ceremonies
The church hosts a plethora of rituals honoring Lolth. These range from daily prayers and offerings to grand ceremonies involving entire cities. Often, these rituals involve displays of magic, dance, and sometimes even sacrifice to appease or seek favor from the Spider Queen. Major ceremonies might coincide with celestial events, drow political shifts, or specific edicts from Lolth herself.  
  • Drow Society and the Church
The church's influence extends beyond the spiritual; it plays an essential role in shaping drow culture and politics. The priestesses often hold key positions of power within drow cities, making decisions that impact trade, alliances, warfare, and more. They serve as the ultimate judges, meting out justice (or punishment) as they interpret Lolth's will.  
  • Teachings and Indoctrination
From a young age, drow are taught the tenets of Lolth's faith. The church oversees educational institutions, ensuring that loyalty to Lolth is deeply ingrained. The teachings emphasize ambition, the value of cunning and deception, and the importance of adhering to the societal hierarchies established by Lolth's will.  
  • Challenges and Trials
Consistent with Lolth's nature, the church often subjects its members, especially aspiring priestesses, to challenges to test their loyalty, strength, and wit. These trials can be perilous, with stakes as high as life and death, reflecting the harsh realities of the Underdark and Lolth's demanding expectations.  
  • Temples and Sacred Sites
Dotted across the Underdark are grand temples dedicated to Lolth. Crafted from dark stone and often adorned with spider motifs, these structures are both places of worship and symbols of Lolth's pervasive presence. Deep within these temples lie sacred chambers where the most secretive rituals take place, accessible only to the highest-ranking priestesses.  
  • Eilistraee and Internal Conflict
While the Church of Lolth holds significant influence, it faces challenges from followers of Eilistraee, Lolth's daughter. This divide leads to tensions within the church, as Eilistraee's teachings of redemption and harmony starkly contrast with Lolth's principles. The church often views Eilistraee's followers as heretics, leading to internal strife and sometimes even open conflict.

Mythology & Lore

  • Divine Genesis
In the church's doctrine, Lolth's genesis is portrayed as an act of divine awakening. She emerged from the cosmic void, embracing her destiny as the guardian of the drow and the ruler of the Underdark. Her former identity, Lysara, is rarely spoken of, but when it is, it's described as a nascent form that Lolth had to shed to realize her true potential and might.  
  • The Cosmic Web
The universe, as depicted by the Church, is a grand web, with each strand representing a force, destiny, or life. At the web's center sits Lolth, the grand weaver, overseeing and influencing the cosmos's ebb and flow. Every twist, turn, and event falls under her gaze, and she uses her divine powers to shape the destinies of not just the drow but all of creation.  
  • Lolth and the Drow's Chosen Status
In the annals of the Church, the drow are not merely another race; they are Lolth's chosen. She saw potential in them, a reflection of her own tenacity, cunning, and ambition. Bestowing upon them the gifts of magic, resilience, and intelligence, she destined them to be the undisputed rulers of the Underdark, her sacred realm.  
  • The Descent and the Ascension
A crucial narrative in the Church's teachings revolves around the Descent—a metaphoric journey wherein Lolth led the drow into the Underdark, a realm that tested their mettle, only to have them ascend as its supreme rulers. This journey signifies the trials, tribulations, and eventual triumph of the drow under Lolth's guidance, and it's commemorated with various ceremonies and rituals.  
  • Lolth's Adversaries
The Church portrays Lolth as the ultimate deity, but it does acknowledge the existence of other powers, some of whom oppose the Spider Queen. These adversaries are taught to be tests, sent to challenge the drow's resolve and faith in their deity. Overcoming these challenges, under Lolth's guidance, is a testament to the drow's superior status in the cosmic hierarchy.  
  • Eilistraee's Dichotomy
The tale of Eilistraee is delicately handled within the Church. Recognizing her as Lolth's daughter, the Church frames her as a deity who strayed, beguiled by false promises of harmony and redemption. However, they also emphasize that Eilistraee's existence is a reminder of the choices available to the drow: to follow the true path under Lolth or be led astray.  
  • Everlasting Dominion
Lolth's mythology, as espoused by the Church, concludes with a promise—an everlasting dominion of the drow over the Underdark, with realms beyond soon to be under their sway. This future, radiant with power and glory, awaits the drow as long as they remain steadfast in their devotion to the Spider Queen.

Divine Origins

  • The Era of Lysara
Before Lolth was the revered Spider Queen, she was known as Lysara, the Gossamer Weaver. In this primordial form, she was a deity of destiny, weaving the fates of elves and influencing the paths of many. While not the central figure of worship, she had a dedicated following among the elves who revered the intricacies of fate and destiny.  
  • The Schism
As the elven societies grew and flourished, so did their pantheon. Differences in ideologies, coupled with the allure of newfound arcane powers, created rifts among the divine. Lysara's own evolution, marked by a growing thirst for control and power, pulled her away from her initial role. This shift created a divide among her followers: those who yearned for the old ways and those drawn to her newfound ambition.  
  • The Descent into the Underdark
When the schism became irreparable, the followers who chose Lysara's new path, now embracing her as Lolth, were pushed into the depths of the world. This descent into the Underdark wasn't just physical but symbolic. It represented their devotion and willingness to follow their deity into the unknown, embracing the challenges ahead.  
  • The Birth of the Church
In the obsidian abyss of the Underdark, isolated from the rest of the elven society and amid countless dangers, the nascent Church of Lolth took shape. The drow, seeking guidance in this alien realm, clung to Lolth's teachings, which promised power, dominion, and a divine destiny. It was here that the first priestesses emerged, serving as the conduits between Lolth and her followers.  
  • Evolution of Teachings and Rituals
In the oppressive darkness, rituals and practices developed to venerate Lolth and seek her protection. The bio-luminescent flora of the Underdark played a central role in these early ceremonies, symbolizing the light of Lolth in the encompassing darkness. Over time, these rituals grew more intricate, reflecting the complexities of drow society and politics.  
  • Incorporation of the Spider Motif
The Underdark's fauna, particularly the numerous species of spiders, became deeply symbolic for the Church. They epitomized many attributes of Lolth: patience, cunning, and the ability to weave intricate webs. The spider, thus, became the primary symbol of Lolth and her church, representing both her divine nature and the intricacies of drow society.  
  • Consolidation of Power
As the drow established their cities and strongholds in the Underdark, the Church of Lolth grew in power and influence. The priestesses, seen as the chosen of Lolth, became central figures, guiding not only religious practices but also influencing politics, trade, and warfare.

Cosmological Views

  • The Eternal Web
Before all else, there was the Void, a vast emptiness. From this emptiness emerged the first threads of the Eternal Web, spun by the primordial deity known as the Weaver. This entity, sometimes identified with Lolth but often depicted as an even more ancient and inscrutable force, wove the fundamental fabric of reality.  
  • Emergence of Lolth
From the very threads of the Eternal Web, Lolth was born, or perhaps she had been the Weaver all along, her true form merely transitioning. As she took consciousness, she began to weave more intricate patterns, creating the multiverse and filling the Void. The Underdark, a reflection of her dark majesty and mystery, was among her earliest creations, a realm she particularly cherished.  
  • Creation of the Drow
Lolth, seeking beings to inhabit her worlds, crafted many races, but the drow were her masterpiece. She created them in her image, bestowing upon them grace, beauty, and power. They were placed in the Underdark, given dominion over its vast caverns and tunnels, and Lolth watched them with a mother's pride.  
  • The Great Betrayal and the Descent
The cosmology speaks of a time when the drow lived on the surface, under the open sky. However, due to their allegiance to Lolth and conflicts with surface elves who followed other deities, they were betrayed and driven underground. This is known as the Descent, a critical moment in drow history. The Church of Lolth teaches that this was both a trial and a blessing: a trial because of the betrayal and hardship faced by the drow, but a blessing as it brought them closer to Lolth and the heart of her realm.  
  • The Cosmic Struggle
The universe, according to the Church of Lolth, is a web of power struggles and dominance. Just as drow houses vie for power, so too do deities and cosmic forces. Lolth is ever in a state of challenge and competition with other deities, especially those of the elven pantheon. Her followers are taught to see this cosmic struggle reflected in their own lives, encouraging their ambitions and reinforcing the importance of their faith.  
  • Afterlife and the Webs Beyond
Drow who serve Lolth faithfully and achieve greatness are said to join her in the Demonweb Pits after death, a plane of existence where she reigns supreme. Here, they are rewarded and can bask in her eternal favor. Those who defy or fail her might find themselves ensnared in lesser webs or cast into the Void, lost forever.   The cosmology of the Church of Lolth emphasizes themes of power, dominance, struggle, and ambition. The universe, in their understanding, is an intricate web of plots and power plays, and every drow has a part to play in this grand narrative.

Tenets of Faith

1. Seek Dominion: Aspire for control and power in all pursuits. Elevate oneself by understanding the nuances of one's surroundings and manipulating them to one's advantage.   2. Embrace Ambition: Personal ambition is a flame that should be nurtured. Do not shy away from your desires but chase them with vigor and determination.   3. Weave Intricate Webs: Just as the spider weaves her web, so should followers create intricate plans, plots, and schemes. Always be several steps ahead, and let others fall into your designs.   4. Respect the Shadows: Darkness is not just a realm; it's a weapon, a shield, and a cloak. Use it wisely to hide intentions, protect oneself, and strike unexpectedly.   5. Honor the Spider Queen: Absolute loyalty to Lolth is paramount. All achievements, conquests, and triumphs are a testament to her glory.   6. Strength Through Ruthlessness: Mercy has its place, but showing it too freely is a sign of weakness. Be decisive, and when necessary, be ruthless.   7. Cherish Knowledge and Secrets: Information is as valuable as gold or weapons. Hoard it, wield it, and use it to gain leverage over others.   8. Embrace Duality: Recognize the duality in all things, especially oneself. Just as Lolth has her layers, so should her followers be multifaceted and adaptable.   9. Defend the Drow Legacy: The legacy of the drow, as chosen people of Lolth, is sacred. Uphold it, defend it, and work to see it rise to unparalleled heights.   10. Challenge the Surface: Do not be content with dominion over just the Underdark. The world above is ripe for influence, infiltration, and eventual control. Challenge it, manipulate it, and seek to expand the reach of the drow and Lolth's teachings.


  • Guiding Principles
1. Matriarchy Rules: Reverence for the feminine form, especially as it embodies Lolth's essence, is paramount. Women naturally assume positions of power and leadership, and men are conditioned to respect and submit to this order. Acts that undermine this principle are deemed sacrilegious.   2. Strength through Ambition: The church teaches that the drow must constantly strive for power and control, not just for the sake of ambition, but as a test of worthiness. Passive behavior or complacency is seen as a sign of weakness, and thus an affront to Lolth's teachings.   3. Sacred Deception: Deception, cunning, and manipulation are not just accepted but are encouraged as they mirror Lolth's own intricate web-weaving. Those who master the art of subterfuge are celebrated, while the easily deceived are scorned.  
  • Acts of Piety
1. Ritual Participation: Regularly attending and participating in the church's many ceremonies and rituals reinforces a drow's devotion to Lolth and is considered essential for spiritual growth.   2. Sacrifices: Offering sacrifices, whether they be creatures, treasures, or even drow adversaries, appeases Lolth and reaffirms one's dedication to her.   3. Spreading Her Dominion: Expanding drow territories, establishing new strongholds, and subjugating other races to Lolth's will are all seen as holy endeavors.   4. Defending the Faith: Taking arms against heretics, infidels, or any threats to the church is an act of divine duty.  
  • Sins and Transgressions
1. Rebellion against Matriarchy: Any act that challenges or undermines the matriarchal order is a grave sin. This includes insubordination towards priestesses and Matron Mothers.   2. Apostasy: Denouncing Lolth or entertaining the teachings of rival deities, especially those like Eilistraee, is one of the most heinous crimes in the eyes of the church.   3. Showing Weakness: Displaying excessive mercy, failing to seize opportunities for power, or showing vulnerability can lead to public scorn or worse.   4. Neglecting Ritual Duties: Missing important ceremonies, failing to observe sacred days, or not offering sacrifices can be seen as a sign of waning faith.   5. Betraying One's Own for Outsiders: While betrayal within drow society can sometimes be justified (or even celebrated) if it leads to greater power or status, siding with outsiders against drow interests is viewed with utmost disdain.  
  • Nuances
While these ethical guidelines form the core belief system for the faithful, interpretation can vary based on the individual, family, or even specific city-state. Some drow communities might emphasize certain aspects more than others, and individual Matron Mothers may have unique dictates that their families and followers adhere to. Nevertheless, the overarching theme remains the same: a life lived in the image and service of the Spider Queen, Lolth.


Worshiping Lolth is a complex and multifaceted practice, encompassing not just prayer but various rituals, sacrifices, and ceremonies designed to appease and honor the Spider Queen. These practices weave into the daily lives of drow faithful, ensuring that the presence of Lolth is always felt.   1. Daily Prayers: Faithful drow, especially priestesses, are expected to offer daily prayers to Lolth, often at specific times. These prayers are moments of reflection, submission, and connection to the deity, reaffirming one's loyalty and seeking her favor.   2. Spider Symbols: Spiders are revered in drow culture as sacred creatures of Lolth. Many drow keep live spiders in their homes or wear jewelry fashioned in the likeness of spiders as a form of reverence. Tending to these spiders, ensuring they are fed and cared for, can be a form of daily worship.   3. Ritual Sacrifices: High priestesses often oversee sacrifices, ranging from offerings of precious materials to blood sacrifices of creatures or even rival drow. Such sacrifices are made during special ceremonies or when seeking Lolth's particular favor or guidance.   4. Sacred Dance: Dance plays a significant role in many rituals, with priestesses performing intricate patterns believed to evoke Lolth's favor. These dances can be both a celebration and a form of penance.   5. Ritual Combat: Combat trials or duels are sometimes organized in Lolth's name, where drow might prove their strength, cunning, and worthiness in the eyes of their deity. Such combat can also resolve disputes or decide on leadership within a house.   6. Meditation in Darkness: To better connect with Lolth and the essence of the Underdark, followers might engage in periods of solitary meditation in total darkness, embracing the silence and shadows to better understand the Spider Queen's mysteries.   7. Feasts and Fasts: Special days dedicated to Lolth might involve grand feasts where drow come together to celebrate her power. Conversely, there are also periods of fasting, where drow abstain from food or certain luxuries to demonstrate their devotion and self-discipline.   8. Study and Learning: Priestesses, in particular, spend considerable time studying sacred texts and scrolls that detail Lolth's teachings and the history of the drow. This continuous education ensures that they can guide and instruct the rest of drow society in the ways of the Spider Queen.   9. Pilgrimages: Although rarer, some particularly devout drow might undertake pilgrimages to especially sacred sites or caverns dedicated to Lolth. These journeys are both a test of faith and an opportunity to draw closer to their deity.   10. Festivals: Certain days or periods are especially significant in the church's calendar, leading to grand celebrations, ceremonies, and rituals that honor Lolth and commemorate pivotal moments in drow history or mythology.


  • The Matrons and Priestesses
  1. Matron Mothers: At the pinnacle of the church's hierarchy, and often the political structure of drow cities, are the Matron Mothers. These matriarchs typically lead the most powerful families within a drow settlement. Their positions are both religious and political, granting them immense influence. A Matron Mother's word is divine law, and her family's status is a direct reflection of her standing with Lolth.   2. High Priestesses: Reporting directly to the Matron Mothers, High Priestesses are chosen for their unyielding devotion, cunning, and expertise in ritual practices. They oversee major ceremonies, ensure the church's doctrines are upheld, and serve as spiritual advisors to the drow elite.   3. Initiate Priestesses: These are drow females who have shown promise and been selected to serve Lolth directly. They undergo rigorous training, learning the intricacies of rituals, the church's dogma, and the ways to wield divine power. As they progress, they may rise through the ranks based on their talents, accomplishments, and, quite often, their ability to navigate the treacherous politics of the church.  
  • Appointment
  1. Divine Selection: Often, young drow females who exhibit unusual talents or have had prophetic dreams related to Lolth are chosen for the priesthood. These signs are seen as direct interventions from the Spider Queen, marking the chosen ones.   2. Heritage: Lineage plays a significant role in drow society, and daughters of priestesses or influential families are often groomed from a young age to join the priesthood.   3. Trials of Faith: Some priestesses ascend through undertaking perilous quests or tasks in Lolth's name. Success in these endeavors not only proves their dedication but also their worthiness to serve as intermediaries between the drow populace and their deity.  
  • Distinguishing Features
  1. Attire: Priestesses wear ceremonial robes, often adorned with spider motifs and symbols of Lolth. These garments are typically made of the finest materials found in the Underdark, befitting their esteemed position.   2. Tattoos and Markings: Many priestesses bear tattoos or ritualistic scarifications that signify their rank, accomplishments, or specific blessings from Lolth.   3. Sacred Objects: Carrying divine symbols such as scepters, staffs, or daggers, priestesses often bear these artifacts during rituals or when representing the church. These objects are not only a sign of their status but also potent tools infused with Lolth's blessings.   4. Divine Abilities: As conduits of Lolth's power, priestesses can wield divine magic. Their abilities to heal, curse, or summon creatures are visible attestations of their close connection to the Spider Queen.

Granted Divine Powers

Lolth, being a powerful deity, bestows various supernatural abilities upon her most devoted followers. These gifts not only serve as a testament to her might but also provide tangible benefits to her followers, reinforcing the importance of loyalty to her.  
  • Spider Abilities
  • Spider Shape: Priests and some devoted followers may be granted the ability to transform into spiders. This transformation can be into small spiders for espionage or large monstrous spiders for combat.
  • Spider Climb: A classic gift, this allows followers to climb surfaces as easily as a spider, moving on walls or even ceilings without falling.
  • Web Weaving: Some can produce webs, either from their hands or mouths. These webs can be used for various purposes like trapping enemies, creating barriers, or making temporary shelters.
    • Shadow Magic
  • Darkness and Shadow Manipulation: Devotees can summon magical darkness, blinding their foes or using the shadows to hide. This darkness is often impenetrable, even by normal darkvision.
  • Shadow Step: High-ranking priests might be able to step from one shadow to another, effectively teleporting short distances.
    • Mind Manipulation
  • Charm and Dominate: Reflecting Lolth's own manipulative nature, her priests often can influence the minds of others, making them more compliant or even taking control of their actions.
  • Send Nightmares: A tool both for punishment and control, some priests can send terrifying dreams to targets, ensuring they're haunted by fear even in their sleep.
    • Poison Mastery
  • Poison Immunity: Many followers of Lolth, especially those of the priestly caste, are immune to a wide range of poisons, reflecting the spider's own resistance.
  • Poison Creation: Priests can magically produce potent poisons, which they often apply to their weapons or use in political intrigues.
    • Divination
  • Visions from the Abyss: Through intense rituals and prayer, priests might receive cryptic visions or dreams from Lolth, offering guidance, warnings, or prophecies.
  • Detect Thoughts: Some can delve into the minds of others, reading surface thoughts or emotions.
    • Abyssal Summoning
  • Summon Demonic Allies: In times of need, and with the appropriate rituals, priests can summon demonic allies from the Abyss, creatures bound to serve them for a time.
    • Protection and Warding
  • Protective Barriers: The faithful can conjure barriers of magical force or thick webs, shielding themselves from harm.
  • Warding Against Scrying: Given the drow's love for intrigue, some priests are granted the ability to ward spaces against magical spying.
  • Political Influence & Intrigue

    The Church of Lolth isn't merely a religious institution; it's an intricately woven mesh of political ambitions, power plays, and covert operations that significantly impact the sociopolitical fabric of drow society and even the Underdark at large. The church’s involvement in politics is multifaceted:   1. Matron Mothers as Political Figures: In most drow cities, the highest-ranking priestesses of Lolth (often referred to as Matron Mothers) also serve as the leaders of their respective houses. Their dual roles as both religious and political leaders entrench the church's teachings and tenets into the very heart of drow governance. A Matron's word is law, and her favor can make or break political careers.   2. Counsel to Leaders: Even in situations where secular leaders exist, the priestesses of Lolth frequently serve as advisors, ensuring that decisions align with the Spider Queen's interests. These consultations cloak the church's influence, making it a power behind many thrones.   3. Power Struggles and House Wars: The church not only condones but often instigates infighting among drow noble houses to cull the weak and ensure that only the most cunning and powerful families rise to prominence. This constant state of rivalry keeps the society under the church's sway, as houses frequently seek the church's favor and guidance to gain an edge.   4. Control of Information: Priestesses of Lolth, aided by their divine magic, often serve as the primary intelligence gatherers, with an extensive network of spies and informants. Control over such information grants the church significant leverage in political matters.   5. Diplomacy and External Relations: While the drow are known for their insularity, they occasionally engage with other Underdark denizens, such as mind flayers, duergar, or kuo-toa. The church plays a pivotal role in these interactions, ensuring that any alliances or negotiations serve Lolth's greater agenda.   6. Judicial Influence: Many of the laws and punishments in drow society have religious undertones. Priestesses often oversee trials and mete out divine justice, blending the line between secular law and religious doctrine.   7. Military Might: The church often has its own dedicated force of warriors, zealots, and arachnomancers (spellcasters specializing in spider-themed magic). This military arm can be wielded to enforce the church's decrees or to intervene in conflicts that have religious implications.   8. Economic Control: Through offerings, donations, and control over certain resources (like sacred reagents or unique spiders), the church has considerable wealth. This financial power allows them to fund ventures, bribe officials, or economically pressure families that resist their influence.


    The Church of Lolth, while primarily centralized around the worship of the Spider Queen, has, over time, seen the emergence of various sects and sub-groups. These sects often differ in practices, priorities, and interpretations of Lolth's teachings. Some of these divergences are tolerated by the primary church, while others are viewed with suspicion or outright hostility.   1. House-Specific Cults: Some of the powerful drow houses, particularly those with ancient lineages, have their own interpretations and traditions related to the worship of Lolth. They might emphasize certain aspects of her teachings more than others and have unique ceremonies and rituals. These are generally tolerated as long as they don't outright contradict the primary teachings.   2. The Brood of the Webspinners: This sect believes in a more direct relationship with spiders, going beyond mere reverence. They see themselves as Lolth's chosen, becoming one with her sacred creatures. Members might keep numerous spiders, undergo rituals to take on spider-like traits, or even imbibe spider venom in sacred ceremonies. They are often seen as fanatics by the mainstream faith.   3. Silken Whisperers: A more mystic and secretive sect, the Silken Whisperers emphasize the importance of dreams, visions, and prophecies in their worship of Lolth. They believe that the Spider Queen communicates most directly through such means and have a cadre of seers and dream-interpreters. This sect often clashes with mainstream priestesses over interpretations of Lolth's will.   4. The Webbreakers: A radical faction that believes in a more aggressive expansion of drow influence and territory. They argue that the drow should not just be content with the Underdark but should actively seek dominion over surface realms in Lolth's name. Their militant stance is sometimes a point of contention within the church.   5. Nightshade Sisters: This sect places an even greater emphasis on the matriarchy, asserting that only females can truly understand and serve Lolth's will. They are strict in enforcing female dominance, even to the point of undermining the traditional drow family structures. Their extreme views are often met with resistance within broader drow society.   6. Moonshadow Cult: While still worshiping Lolth, this sect also incorporates reverence for the moon and its cycles, associating them with various aspects of the Spider Queen's domain. Some speculate that this sect might be influenced by, or trying to bridge the gap with, Eilistraee's followers, which makes them highly suspect in the eyes of orthodox Lolth worshippers.   Each of these sects has its own rituals, ceremonies, and hierarchies, making the landscape of the Church of Lolth diverse and, at times, contentious. While all agree on the central importance and dominance of the Spider Queen, the differences in practice and belief can lead to rivalries, disputes, and even conflicts. The primary church always seeks to maintain its dominance and orthodoxy, but the existence of these sects demonstrates the multifaceted and complex nature of drow society and religious practice.
    Religious, Cult