
Lolth is a deity of ambition, dominion, and duality. Once known as Lysara, the Gossamer Weaver, she was dedicated to weaving the destinies of elves. Now transformed, she embodies the complexities of unchecked desire for power and control. As the Spider Queen, she rules the Underdark and the drow with a web of manipulation, maintaining a delicate balance between her past as Lysara and her present ambitions. She is both a figure of awe, representing the limitless potential of ambition, and a cautionary tale of the perils of losing oneself to unchecked desires. Simultaneously intrigued and challenged by her daughter Eilistraee's ideals of redemption, Lolth remains a multi-faceted figure in the pantheon, always weaving, always plotting, and always yearning for greater dominion.

Divine Domains

Deceit, destiny, ambition, spiders, darkness, manipulation


1. The Loom of Lysara: Before she was known as Lolth, she was Lysara, the Gossamer Weaver. The Loom of Lysara is said to be a magnificent construct where destinies were once woven with threads of magic and fate. Now, in the hands of Lolth, the loom has a more sinister purpose. It weaves intricate webs of manipulation and can ensnare the destinies of those who cross the Spider Queen. The loom's tapestries are believed to have the power to bind or free souls, depending on Lolth's whims.   2. The Scepter of Shadows: A symbol of her dominion over the Underdark and the drow, this scepter is imbued with the essence of the deepest shadows. It allows Lolth to peer into the darkest corners of the Underdark, control shadow creatures, and even envelop regions in impenetrable darkness. The scepter is also said to resonate with a low hum, a haunting reminder of her past as Lysara.   3. The Obsidian Spider Amulet: Shaped like a spider but made from the darkest obsidian, this amulet grants its bearer protection from mind control and manipulation, echoing Lolth’s domain over deceit and schemes. However, it's a double-edged artifact; while it defends against external influences, it also subtly binds the wearer’s loyalty to Lolth.   4. The Veil of the Voidweaver: This diaphanous veil is said to be a fragment of Lolth’s original tapestries as Lysara. When worn, it allows the user to traverse between the material realm and the ethereal plane. Rumors persist that the veil also holds the power to glimpse moments of the future, though such visions are often tangled in webs of potentiality and are challenging to decipher.   Each of these artifacts, while powerful, also serves as a testament to Lolth's intricate nature and her journey from Lysara to the Spider Queen of the Underdark.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  • A spider weaving an intricate web
  • A broken loom overlaid by a spider’s web
  • A shimmering tapestry with dark, twisting patterns.

Tenets of Faith

1. Seek Dominion: Aspire for control and power in all pursuits. Elevate oneself by understanding the nuances of one's surroundings and manipulating them to one's advantage.   2. Embrace Ambition: Personal ambition is a flame that should be nurtured. Do not shy away from your desires but chase them with vigor and determination.   3. Weave Intricate Webs: Just as the spider weaves her web, so should followers create intricate plans, plots, and schemes. Always be several steps ahead, and let others fall into your designs.   4. Respect the Shadows: Darkness is not just a realm; it's a weapon, a shield, and a cloak. Use it wisely to hide intentions, protect oneself, and strike unexpectedly.   5. Honor the Spider Queen: Absolute loyalty to Lolth is paramount. All achievements, conquests, and triumphs are a testament to her glory.   6. Strength Through Ruthlessness: Mercy has its place, but showing it too freely is a sign of weakness. Be decisive, and when necessary, be ruthless.   7. Cherish Knowledge and Secrets: Information is as valuable as gold or weapons. Hoard it, wield it, and use it to gain leverage over others.   8. Embrace Duality: Recognize the duality in all things, especially oneself. Just as Lolth has her layers, so should her followers be multifaceted and adaptable.   9. Defend the Drow Legacy: The legacy of the drow, as chosen people of Lolth, is sacred. Uphold it, defend it, and work to see it rise to unparalleled heights.   10. Challenge the Surface: Do not be content with dominion over just the Underdark. The world above is ripe for influence, infiltration, and eventual control. Challenge it, manipulate it, and seek to expand the reach of the drow and Lolth's teachings.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • Known Divine Goals:
Dominion over the Underdark: Lolth seeks to maintain and expand her rule over the Underdark, ensuring that her influence remains unparalleled in these depths. The vast subterranean realms offer endless opportunities for expansion and conquest.   Upliftment of the Drow: As the primary deity of the drow, Lolth desires their ascension to power and prominence. She wishes to see them rise, dominate, and be recognized for their strength and resilience, both within the Underdark and beyond.   Challenge the Seldarine: Lolth, leading the Dark Seldarine, constantly challenges the ideologies and dominions of the Seldarine. This ongoing rivalry is as much about personal vendetta as it is about ideological differences between light and dark, order and chaos.   Mastery over Forbidden Magics: Having ventured into harnessing the chaotic elements of the Weave and the Primordial, Lolth aims to master these forces fully, believing they hold the key to unparalleled power and control.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Weaver Before the Spider: Before her descent and association with the chaotic forces of the Underdark, Lolth was known as Lysara, the Gossamer Weaver. As a member of the Seldarine, she was responsible for weaving the destinies and dreams of the elves. Her ethereal loom was a sight to behold, and her tapestries, interwoven with threads of magic and fate, adorned Corellon's grand hall.   Lysara’s Fall from Grace: Lysara's unparalleled talent was both her gift and curse. With time, she grew frustrated with her creations' impermanence, seeking a way to weave destinies that were unbreakable and eternal. This pursuit led her to experiment with forbidden threads from the Weave and the Primordial, leading her astray from the pure path of the Seldarine. Her once shimmering tapestries turned dark, filled with webs of deceit and treachery.   The Birth of Lolth: The transformation from Lysara to Lolth was gradual. As her obsessions deepened, so did her need for control and dominion. Her tapestries, which once foretold the elves' destinies, now ensnared them, pulling them into her intricate webs of manipulation. Those who resisted her pull were met with venomous retribution. It was during this transformation that she developed an affinity for spiders, creatures known for their cunning and intricate webs.   The Gossamer Schism: Lysara's transition to Lolth and her new path resulted in a profound rupture within the Seldarine. Those who sided with her became part of the Dark Seldarine, embracing the allure of her newfound power. The Gossamer Schism, as it was later called, was a testament to the dangers of ambition unbridled by wisdom.   Lolth’s Dominion: As Lolth, her dominion grew within the depths of the Underdark. The cavernous realms offered her the isolation she desired, away from the prying eyes of the Seldarine. The drow, attracted to her power, became her devout followers, and she, in turn, shaped their destinies according to her whims. But even in her grandeur, whispers of her past as Lysara, the Gossamer Weaver, lingered.   The Dance of Redemption: Eilistraee, ever the beacon of hope, viewed her mother's transformation with sorrow. She believed that deep within Lolth, Lysara's essence still existed. Eilistraee’s dance became more than just a bridge between light and shadow; it was also an invocation, a call for Lolth to remember her former self and the beauty she once created. While Lolth often dismissed these overtures, there were fleeting moments when the Spider Queen paused, entranced by Eilistraee's haunting melody, hinting at a potential for redemption.   Conclusion: The tale of Lolth, or Lysara, serves as a poignant reminder of the thin line between ambition and hubris. It speaks of the transformative power of choices and the consequences they bear. But above all, it’s a tale of hope, hinting that even in the darkest of souls, a glimmer of their former self remains, waiting to be rekindled.



Mother (Important)

Towards Eilistraee




Daughter (Important)

Towards Lolth




  • Personality Dynamics
  Given the complexities of both deities, the relationship between Lolth and Eilistraee is far from simple. While Lolth embodies ambition, manipulation, and control, her daughter stands for compassion, redemption, and unity. Despite these seemingly conflicting ideologies, both gods share an intrinsic connection: they are mother and daughter, shaped by the same elven tapestry, albeit with threads of contrasting shades.   Lolth is simultaneously proud and perplexed by Eilistraee's kindness and compassion. On one hand, she admires the strength of her daughter's conviction; on the other, she sees it as a direct challenge to her dominion in the Underdark.   Eilistraee, in her nurturing nature, views her mother not just as the Spider Queen, but as the fallen Gossamer Weaver, Lysara. She believes that the darkened loom can once again weave threads of light.  
  • Contrast in Worship and Influence
  While Lolth's worshippers bow in reverence and fear, compelled by the intricate webs of fate she weaves, Eilistraee's followers dance in celebration of freedom and hope. This stark contrast is not lost on Lolth, who is well aware of the silver threads of Eilistraee's influence weaving through her darkened domain in the Underdark.  
  • Eilistraee's Evangelism
  Lolth takes a double-edged view of Eilistraee's missionaries. She despises their attempts to sway drow from her web of control, viewing such acts as direct affronts to her power. Yet, somewhere deep within, a fragment of Lysara may appreciate her daughter's drive to bring light into the darkest corners. In these fleeting moments, the Gossamer Weaver gazes through the eyes of Lolth, pondering what could be.  
  • The Rift and the Thread
  The rift between the Seldarine and the Dark Seldarine is mirrored in the strained relationship between Lolth and Eilistraee. However, Eilistraee’s message of redemption and unity finds a subtle resonance in Lolth's unspoken, hidden desires for reconciliation and balance. Eilistraee dreams of mending the rift, not just among the drow, but perhaps, one day, even between her and her mother.  
  • Aravandor and the Underdark
  In Aravandor, Eilistraee walks among souls with the freedom that she wishes for her drow kin, a realm that contrasts sharply with the controlled hierarchy Lolth has established in the Underdark. Whenever their domains intersect, the tension is palpable. Yet, the silver threads of Eilistraee’s songs sometimes reach even Lolth’s hidden sanctuaries, serving as both an irritation and a haunting lullaby for the Spider Queen.  
  • Hidden Hopes and Secrets
  While Lolth would never admit it openly, she may secretly admire Eilistraee’s independence and resilience. Eilistraee's harmonious goals, her attempts at reconciling light with shadow, could be the echo of the balance that Lolth, in her innermost hidden layers, knows the universe needs.  
  • Divine Goals and Aspirations
  Eilistraee's aim to guide the drow towards the light directly undermines Lolth's plans for drow society and her grand web of fate. Yet, the existence of a path to redemption through Eilistraee might serve as a contingency that even Lolth finds pragmatically useful. After all, a deity of complexities appreciates having multiple threads to pull, even if some threads glimmer with the light she usually shuns.   ---   In essence, the relationship between Lolth and Eilistraee is a delicate dance around a web of intricate destinies, unspoken desires, and contrasting ideologies. It’s a relationship filled with tension yet held together by the fragile threads of shared history, familial bonds, and perhaps, the subtle yearning for reconciliation.

Divine Classification
Minor Deity
Neutral Evil
Current Residence
The Underdark

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