

Dresdin's life was a series of stark contrasts, from the brightness of the world above to the haunting depths of the Underdark. While much of his origins remain shrouded in mystery, his journey intertwined with the drow society and, in particular, with Lujara Nonsi, revealing facets of his character.  
  • Early Life and Capture
  Before his life took a dark turn, Dresdin lived in the world above. The details of where he came from remain obscure, but snippets of memories paint a picture of a simpler time. Open skies, bustling markets, the sounds of laughter, and distant lullabies. Yet, destiny had other plans. On a fateful night, Dresdin was captured during a drow raid, one of the many unfortunate souls to be dragged into the abyss of the Underdark.  
  • Life in The Underdark
  Chains and darkness greeted him in this new world. Dresdin, like many human captives, was treated as property, traded, and shuffled between drow houses. However, unlike most, Dresdin's spirit remained unbroken. His resilience and determination not to let his spirit be crushed made him stand out among the other slaves.   His innate ability to adapt allowed him to pick up bits of the drow language, customs, and even their subtle politics. Though he was surrounded by darkness, he became a beacon of hope for other slaves, offering whispered words of comfort and even managing to steal brief moments of joy.  
  • The Forbidden Romance
  It was during one of the sacrificial ceremonies that Lujara's gaze fell upon Dresdin. Their first encounter was fleeting, but the spark was undeniable. As their secret rendezvous grew frequent, Dresdin unveiled his multifaceted personality to Lujara. He told her stories of the world above, of open fields, and clear skies. In Lujara, he found an ally, someone who understood his longing for freedom and the pain of confinement.  
  • Character and Personality
    Dresdin was a man of depth and complexity. He possessed an unwavering spirit, juxtaposed with a gentle heart. His courage was evident in the way he faced the harsh realities of the Underdark, and his kindness showed in his interactions with fellow slaves. His laughter, rare yet genuine, echoed hope in the caverns, reminding all of the joys that once were.    
  • Demise
  The love story of Dresdin and Lujara was one fraught with danger, and the shadows of the Underdark were never far behind. Their union, though beautiful, became a threat to the drow's intricate web of power and politics. In a tragic turn of events, their love story was cut short, but the legend of their bond persisted.   In Dresdin's story, one finds the resilience of the human spirit, the depth of genuine love, and the strength to stand against overwhelming odds.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Dresdin, with a robust dark-skinned complexion, stood tall with a muscular build, reflecting years of hard labor. His amber eyes radiated a mix of strength and sorrow, and despite the physical strains of the Underdark, he showed no signs of illness or abnormalities.




Towards Lujara Nonsi

Lujara Nonsi


Towards Dresdin

Lujara Nonsi (spouse)