Etria Olafina

Head of Transmutation

Etria Olafina, from Fairview in Uthar, is the stern and enigmatic Head of Transmutation at the Academy of Eight Pillars. Known for her rigorous teaching methods and high standards, she commands both fear and respect. Etria's mastery of transmutation is unparalleled, making her a powerful and respected figure. Despite her cold demeanor, Etria is dedicated to advancing the field of transmutation and produces highly skilled students. Her secretive nature adds to her mystique, and she is regarded with a mixture of awe and trepidation by her peers and the public alike.  


Etria Olafina is a formidable human wizard from the city of Fairview in Uthar, serving as the Head of Transmutation at the Academy of Eight Pillars. Known for her stern demeanor and exacting standards, she commands both fear and respect from her students and peers. Etria's personality is often seen as intimidating and enigmatic, with an unyielding pursuit of excellence that defines her approach to magic.  

Personality and Teaching Style:

Etria is renowned for her rigorous and often harsh teaching methods. She demands the highest level of discipline and precision from her students, tolerating no mistakes. Her cold and distant demeanor creates an aura of mystery around her, leading many to view her with a mix of awe and trepidation. Despite this, her exceptional skill in transmutation magic is undeniable, and those who endure her tutelage emerge as some of the most skilled transmuters in Sirion.   The other heads of the academy regard Etria with a mixture of respect and wariness. Her aloof nature and secretive tendencies make it difficult for them to fully trust her, yet they cannot deny her mastery over transmutation.  

Contributions and Influence:

Master of Transmutation: Etria's expertise in transmutation is unparalleled. She has developed groundbreaking spells and techniques that have significantly advanced the field. Mentorship: While her teaching methods are harsh, they produce highly skilled transmuters who are well-prepared for the rigors of magical practice. Her students, though few, are among the best.
Current Location
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white
Aligned Organization