The Academy of the Eight Pillars

The Academy of the Eight Pillars stands as the epitome of arcane mastery within the mystical realm of Eos, a vast land steeped in legend and enchantment. Governed by a council comprising eight remarkable individuals, each hailing from diverse corners of the continent, this esteemed institution commands immense power and reverence among both the political elite and practitioners of magic alike. Shrouded in an aura of mystique, some of the council members remain elusive figures, whispered about only in hushed conversations due to their reclusive nature. Nevertheless, their collective wisdom and influence have made the academy, nestled in the illustrious city of Edoran, an enduring symbol of magical prowess and the foremost sanctuary for those seeking a profound understanding of the arcane arts.   At the helm of the academy's leadership are the eight heads, each presiding over a distinct school of magical study, their titles resonating with ancient grandeur. The Head of Abjuration, known as Demi, possesses an unparalleled command over protective spells and wards. Garrik Roren, the Head of Conjuration, wields the extraordinary ability to summon beings and objects from other realms. Guiding the path of Divination and Chronurgy is the enigmatic Kai-Mordrin, an individual whose mastery over time and foresight shapes the destiny of both the academy and its pupils. Aburabi Isshi, the Head of Enchantment, possesses an intrinsic understanding of imbuing objects with magical properties, rendering them both awe-inspiring and bewitching. The fiery Crozbec Cunningham, as the Head of Evocation, harnesses the elemental forces to unleash devastating spells of destruction. The cunning Anzu Luhana presides over the intricate realm of Illusion, wielding illusions that bewilder the senses and deceive even the most astute minds. Savasha, a figure whispered about only in hushed tones, reigns over the forbidden arts of Necromancy and Sangromancy, delving into the mysteries of life and death. Lastly, Etria Olafina, the Head of Transmutation, manipulates the fundamental elements of existence, molding and reshaping reality with extraordinary finesse.   These esteemed heads possess centuries of accumulated wisdom and arcane might, their prodigious knowledge only surpassed by their commitment to nurturing the next generation of exceptional magic wielders. Entry into the academy is an arduous feat, for its standards are exacting and the competition fierce. Only the crème de la crème of aspirants manage to secure a place within its hallowed halls, and even fewer have the privilege of receiving instruction directly from one of the esteemed heads. Nevertheless, those fortunate enough to embark on this extraordinary journey can be assured of an education par excellence. A myriad of teachers, private tutors, and a plethora of meticulously crafted courses await the eager minds that traverse the grand corridors of the academy, ensuring a comprehensive and enlightening path towards mastery of the arcane arts.



Entrance Examination: A combination of written, oral, and practical tests to gauge an aspirant's innate magical abilities and their foundational knowledge.   Interview: A face-to-face meeting with a panel, often including one of the esteemed heads, to understand the candidate's motivations and aptitude.  


    1. Fundamental Courses (Common to all Novices):
  • Arcane Theory: The basic principles behind magical energy and its sources.
  • History of Magic in Sirion: An overview of magic's evolution and major milestones.
  • Ethics of Arcane Usage: Responsible use of magic, understanding its implications and consequences.
  • 2. Specialized Courses (Based on chosen Pillar):
  • Deep dives into the respective schools of magic, covering theory, application, and advanced techniques.
  • 3. Practical Training:
  • Hands-on sessions where students apply their theoretical knowledge.
  • Use of designated training grounds and controlled environments for safe practice.
  • 4. Field Studies:
  • Short trips to places of magical significance in United Leona.
  • Exposure to real-world applications of magic, understanding its role in society.
  • 5. Workshops and Guest Lectures:
  • Sessions conducted by alumni, visiting scholars, or experts in specific fields.
  • Progression

        Novice to Adept:
  • Successful completion of fundamental courses.
  • Proficiency in at least one chosen pillar.
  • Passing a comprehensive examination.
  • Adept to Master:
  • Mastery over the chosen pillar's specialized courses.
  • Successful defense of a thesis or major project related to their field of study.
  • Recommendation from at least two faculty members.
  • Master to Graduate:
  • Fulfillment of a research or exploration project, which adds to the academy's body of knowledge.
  • A viva or presentation before the heads of the academy.
  • Extracurricular Activities

        Magic Dueling Club: A platform for students to compete and showcase their prowess.   Alchemy and Potion Brewing: An optional but popular club, focusing on the subtler arts of potion-making and alchemical transformations.   Cultural Exchange Programs: Interactions with other magic schools or institutions from different parts of Sirion or even foreign lands.   Library Committee: A group of students dedicated to the upkeep, organization, and expansion of the academy's vast library.  


      A grand ceremony held annually, celebrating the achievements of Masters becoming full-fledged graduates. It's a day of great pride for the academy, often attended by notable personalities from Edoran and other parts of United Leona.  

    Post-Graduation Opportunities

      Research Fellows: Exceptional graduates may be offered positions to stay and research under the academy's auspices, often delving into deeper and more secretive subjects.   Teaching Positions: Some graduates choose to give back to the academy by joining as junior faculty or tutors.   Field Magicians: Many graduates find positions in various parts of United Leona, serving as court magicians, defenders of cities, or advisers to important figures.  


      While the academy promotes freedom of thought and exploration, there are strict rules against unauthorized magical duels, forbidden magics, and other activities that might endanger students or the reputation of the academy. Breaches can result in disciplinary actions ranging from warnings, remedial classes, to expulsion in extreme cases.


    Central Edifice

      Hall of Echoes: A grand hall where major events, announcements, and gatherings occur. Its name comes from the enchanted acoustics that allow even a whisper to be heard throughout the hall.   Council Chamber: Where the eight heads of the pillars meet. It is said the chamber is arranged in an octagonal configuration, with each head's seat representing their respective pillar.  

    Pillar Halls

      Eight distinct wings or annexes dedicated to each school of magic:   1. Hall of Flames (Evocation): Contains safe zones for explosive magical experiments.   2. Oracular Observatory (Divination/Chronurgy): Features magical telescopes, time-watching pools, and astrological instruments.   3. Sanctum of Shadows (Necromancy/Sangromancy): Designed with layers of protective magic, ensuring that necromantic rites don't harm or disturb the academy.   4. Labyrinth of Illusions (Illusion): A training ground where students practice casting and seeing through illusions.   5. Bastion of Barriers (Abjuration): A fortified area, teaching students about protective spells, wards, and barriers.   6. Alchemy Atelier (Transmutation): A combination of labs and workshops dedicated to altering and transmuting materials.   7. Enchanter's Enclave (Enchantment): Where items are imbued with magic, and students learn the delicate art of ensnaring minds.   8. Conjurer's Courtyard (Conjuration): An open space, sometimes leading to pocket dimensions, to practice summonings and banishments.  

    Living Quarters

      Mage Towers: High-rise structures where students and faculty reside. Each tower is enchanted to have more floors inside than it appears outside.   Guest Spires: Dedicated towers for visiting scholars, dignitaries, or any esteemed guest.  


      The Arcanum Archive: A sprawling multi-story structure, housing magical tomes, scrolls, and texts from across Sirion. Features restricted sections for advanced students and faculty.  

    Practical Grounds

      Elemental Arenas: Open grounds, each attuned to an elemental force (Fire, Water, Earth, Air), where students can practice without causing unintended damage.   Illusionary Battlegrounds: Areas where illusion magic is cast to simulate various scenarios, from battles to complex puzzles.  


      Enchanted Gardens: A serene spot with magical flora. Some plants are sentient, while others have curative or mystical properties.   The Astral Pier: A secluded spot where advanced rituals to connect with other planes or astral projection are practiced.   Subterranean Chambers: Beneath the academy, for underground studies, including earth magic, deep meditation, or secretive meetings.   Transportation Platforms: Magical pads that allow teleportation between different sections of the vast academy for ease of movement.   Guard Posts: Stations for the academy's guardians, equipped with alarms and scrying tools to monitor the grounds.  


      Wards and Barriers: The academy is protected by layers of magical wards against intruders, dark magic, and eavesdropping.   Golems: Animated statues that patrol the academy grounds, especially at night. They act as the first line of defense against any threats.   Watchful Statues: Statues with embedded consciousness that alert the academy's guardians to any anomalies or threats.
    Education, Magic
    Training Level
    Veterancy Level
    Ruling Organization