
The Landscape of Evermeet   As a plane of existence designed by the Va'lis for the chosen, Evermeet reflects the combined power and essence of Elrod, Fayeth, and Lucx.   1. The Radiant Shores: These shores are bathed in the perpetual light of Elrod, giving them a golden hue. The sand is soft to touch, like powdered diamond, and every grain glitters with a star's light.   2. Forests of Memory: Within these lush woods, the leaves whisper tales from the lives of those resting in Evermeet. Overseen by Fayeth, these forests are dense with flora that blooms irrespective of seasons, each flower, tree, and shrub holding the essence of a memory.   3. The Starlit Meadows: Under Lucx's grace, souls find solace here, dancing with ethereal figures under the sky's canopy, painted with constellations of past lives and future promises.   4. Elysian Waters: Clear, serene rivers and lakes, where Nienna's touch seems apparent, offer reflections not of one's visage but of one's soul, revealing the deepest desires and purest intentions.   Dwellers of Evermeet   Besides the souls granted entry, Evermeet is home to unique creatures that are extensions of the Va'lis' power:   1. Lumina Birds: These radiant birds, similar to the Celestials in their light, sing songs of the cosmos, echoing Elrod's presence.   2. Weave Sprites: Tiny, fluttering beings who carry with them fragments of the Weave, ensuring magic flows harmoniously across Evermeet.   3. Whispering Willows: Sentient trees with deep knowledge, they are repositories of ancient tales and wisdom. They're often consulted by souls seeking clarity or wanting to connect deeper with the Old Ways.   Evermeet's Purpose   As a realm, Evermeet's primary purpose is to be a sanctuary where souls can rejuvenate, re-align with the teachings of the Va'lis, and reflect upon their mortal lives. Time flows differently, allowing souls the tranquility they need. While some souls eventually choose rebirth, returning to the Material Plane with new purposes and lessons, others find eternal peace, becoming one with Evermeet's essence.   Protection of Evermeet   Given its significance, many entities envy Evermeet's sanctity. To protect it:   1. The Celestial Guard: Elrod's Celestials often patrol the boundaries, their luminous forms acting as deterrents to malevolent forces. 2. The Veil: A mystical barrier crafted by Fayeth, it shrouds Evermeet, making it almost impossible for unwanted entities to locate or access. 3. Pathway Lanterns: Guided by Lucx, souls journeying to Evermeet follow lanterns lit by her very essence, ensuring they don't lose their way.   Connection to the Mortal Realm   While secluded, Evermeet isn't entirely detached. Dreams, meditative states, or sacred rituals occasionally grant mortals fleeting visions or feelings of Evermeet. These experiences, though brief, deeply impact the individuals, often guiding them towards the Va'lis teachings or comforting them in times of despair.   In Conclusion   Evermeet, the Green Isle, stands as the epitome of hope, devotion, and the eternal promise the Va'lis made to those who follow the Old Ways. In a universe of contrasts and constant change, it remains a beacon of unchanging beauty, solace, and peace.
Dimensional plane
Owning Organization