The Va'lis (VAH - LIS)

Creation and the First Age of Gods
  Before any realm was known, before the stars twinkled in the vast darkness, there was Elrod, Fayeth, and Lucx. They floated through the emptiness, pondering creation and the potential of existence. Elrod, with his boundless power, radiated light and warmth, which would later become the celestial stars that shined over every realm. Fayeth, through her wisdom, visualized worlds, towering mountains, and the echoing valleys. With a gentle touch, she breathed life into the first elves, shaping them with the essence of the Weave and the Primordial. Lucx, with a gaze that transcended mortality, took on the sacred duty of guiding the souls, ensuring the cycle of existence remained unbroken.
  The Lesser Gods and the Age of Emotions
  As creation blossomed, the three great gods weren't the only divine beings to emerge. There was Valindria, who wielded fire with the same passion and vigor as her father, Elrod. Nienna, the daughter of Lucx, embodied the mysteries and rage of the stormy seas. And Thoran, Fayeth's offspring, walked alongside every beast, bird, and creature of the wilderness, understanding their heartbeats and whispering secrets. This age, marked by the lesser gods' discoveries of their emotional depths, became a time of great creations and wonders.
  But emotions were a double-edged sword. As beauty, love, and compassion found their place, so too did anger, jealousy, and hatred. Among these emotions, love seemed the most dominant, sparking the emergence of many diverse races across the realms, each with their distinct cultures, desires, and struggles.
  The Twist and the Age of Corruption
  In time, the Weave and the Primordial, previously neutral forces, became more active participants in the fate of the universe. The Twist was more than just a cosmic event; it was a fundamental change in how magic permeated and affected everything. New planes of existence sprouted up, from heavenly paradises to nightmarish hells. New gods and spirits, born from the Weave’s newfound complexity and the emotions that saturated the cosmos, sought dominion over these realms.
  The ancient trinity of Elrod, Fayeth, and Lucx watched with heavy hearts. The purity of their original intent was being distorted. The universe they lovingly crafted was now a place of contradictions—of both beauty and chaos.
  Evermeet and the Age of Devotion
  Driven by a desire to offer solace to the souls that remained loyal to the ancient ways, the Va'lis and their offspring channeled their collective power and love into crafting Evermeet. This ethereal realm became the promised land for those who lived and died in veneration of the Va'lis. In Evermeet, pain and sorrow were unknown, and time flowed differently. It was a place of rest, a stepping stone in the cycle of rebirth.
  Yet, reaching Evermeet wasn't simple. The universe was filled with entities that envied its perfection, wishing to corrupt it or prevent souls from attaining this divine peace. Living a virtuous life became both a challenge and a necessity. The Va'lis watched over, guiding those they deemed worthy and offering grace to the lost.
  The Everlasting Vigil
  While the universe continues to evolve and new tales are written every day, the Va'lis stand as a beacon of hope, a testament to the original intent of creation. Their love and compassion serve as a guide for all those who walk the paths of the realms, reminding them of the sacred bond between gods and mortals. The path to Evermeet, though fraught with challenges, remains open for those whose hearts are true. And in this ever-changing cosmos, one thing remains certain: the watchful eyes of Elrod, Fayeth, Lucx, and their descendants will forever guard the souls of the devout.
Religious, Pantheon
Controlled Territories

Articles under The Va'lis