
The Matriarch of Creation

Description: Fayeth embodies the splendor of the natural world. Tall and elegant, she appears as a figure whose skin shimmers like the facets of polished gemstones, capturing the essence of the world's beauty. A cascade of hair, as green as the densest forests, flows down her back, with flowers and leaves intertwined as if nature itself acknowledges her as its creator. Draped in robes resembling the skies during twilight, her very presence exudes the serenity of untouched landscapes and the vitality of life. In one hand, she often holds a staff made from the oldest tree, which is said to have been the very first of her creations.   Personality: Compassionate and nurturing, Fayeth carries herself with a grace that comes from understanding the intricate balance of existence. As the matriarch of creation, she holds a fierce love for all things living. She rejoices in the beauty of a blooming flower, and mourns the fall of a leaf. Though kind-hearted and patient, she can also be fiercely protective, rising in wrath against those who harm her creations. Above all, she values harmony and seeks to ensure that the natural world remains a sanctuary for all.   Divine Realm:
  • Evermeet: In this divine refuge, Fayeth has a radiant glade, a place where souls find nurture under the shade of ancient trees and beside tranquil streams. Here, she welcomes those devoted to the old ways, offering solace and preparing them for the next chapter in their existence.
  • Astral Plane: Residing alongside Elrod and Lucx, Fayeth's territory in this plane is a lush expanse of celestial forests and meadows, where stars take the form of flowers and the cosmic breeze carries melodies of ancient times. It is here that she often reflects on the balance of the cosmos, seeking ways to maintain harmony.
  • Plane of Earth: A volatile and dynamic realm, this plane sees Fayeth in her element. Channeling her immense power, she shapes terrains, forges mountains, and carves out valleys. The constant state of creation and destruction in this plane mirrors her endless endeavor to create perfection in the Material Plane.
  • Material Plane: Nearly every corner of this plane holds Fayeth's touch. From the towering mountains to the gentle brooks, her influence is everywhere. She often walks this plane in various guises, watching over her creations and guiding those who seek to understand the natural world.
  • Worshippers: Fayeth's followers are many and varied. Druids see her as the ultimate guardian of the natural world, often invoking her blessings in their rituals and ceremonies. Rangers, with their deep connection to the wilderness, pay homage to her, seeking her guidance as they traverse dense forests and treacherous terrains.   Many elves, given their historical connection with Fayeth, have temples dedicated to her in their woodland realms. There, they sing songs of her kindness and recount tales of the time when she first breathed life into them.   A sect known as the "Earthshapers" is dedicated to understanding her teachings on the Plane of Earth. These individuals often embark on pilgrimages to the world's most treacherous terrains, believing that facing such challenges brings them closer to Fayeth's essence.   In every forest grove, atop each mountain peak, and along every flowing river, there are those who whisper prayers to Fayeth, thanking her for the beauty that surrounds them and seeking her protection in their journey through the natural world.


    Aundriel, God of the Forest & Nature

    Son (Vital)

    Towards Fayeth




    Mother (Vital)

    Towards Aundriel, God of the Forest & Nature




    • Origins of Their Connection
    It is said that when Fayeth first breathed life into the Material Plane, she yearned for a guardian who would watch over her creations with an equal measure of love and fierceness. Thus, Aundriel was born from her wishes, emerging from the shadows of the densest forests. While Fayeth embodies the overarching majesty of nature in all its forms, Aundriel personifies the specific spirit and essence of the forests.  
    • Their Roles in Nature
    While Fayeth oversees the grandeur of the natural world – shaping terrains, forging mountains, and creating rivers – Aundriel delves deep into the heartbeats of forests. He ensures that every tree grows strong, that every grove remains sacred, and that the secrets of the forests are guarded from those who would misuse them. The balance they maintain together ensures that while the world evolves, the sanctity of nature remains untarnished.  
    • Shared Memories and Moments
    Their interactions are the stuff of legends. It's whispered among the elves that during twilight, Fayeth and Aundriel can sometimes be seen wandering the woods together, their forms illuminated by starlight and their laughter echoing like the wind. They share an eternal bond, manifesting in moments like these where they revel in the beauty they've co-created.  
    • Confrontations and Conflicts
    No relationship, even among gods, is without its trials. There have been instances when Fayeth's desire to expand and create clashed with Aundriel's protective instincts. Yet, each conflict only deepened their understanding and respect for each other. They've learned that while their approaches might differ, their love for the natural world remains the same.  
    • The Covenant
    To ensure that their energies never work against each other, Fayeth and Aundriel established a covenant. Within this sacred pact, it was agreed that while Fayeth would continue to breathe life and expand the natural realm, Aundriel would have the authority to guard specific places that hold immense power, ensuring they remain untouched.  
    • Worshippers and Rites
    Many rituals and ceremonies invoke both Fayeth and Aundriel, recognizing their symbiotic roles. Druidic rites often begin with praises to Fayeth and conclude with offerings to Aundriel. In elven temples, dual altars are erected, honoring their combined blessings. Pilgrims who trek to woodland temples understand the necessity of paying respects to both deities, for the land flourishes through their combined will.   In essence, Fayeth and Aundriel are two halves of a greater whole. Their relationship exemplifies the intricate balance of nature, reminding their followers that creation and protection are two sides of the same leaf.
