
Lady of the Dead

Kiaransalee is known as the Lady of the Dead and is revered as the drow goddess of vengeance and undeath. She is particularly associated with necromancy and holds dominion over the spirits of the departed. Kiaransalee's role in the pantheon of the Dark Seldarine emphasizes darker aspects of divinity, such as revenge, manipulation of the dead, and the use of dark magic. Her presence in the Dark Seldarine underscores the complex and often morally ambiguous nature of these deities, contrasting sharply with the ideals of the Seldarine, which uphold principles of harmony and natural order.

Divine Domains

Kiaransalee, as a deity in the Dark Seldarine, presides over several distinct but interrelated divine domains that reflect her nature and the aspects of existence she governs. These domains include: Vengeance: Kiaransalee is intimately associated with the concept of revenge. She embodies the dark, relentless pursuit of retribution, often championed by those who have been wronged and seek to balance the scales through any means necessary. Her followers might be driven by personal vendettas or a broader sense of rectifying perceived injustices.   Undeath: As the Lady of the Dead, Kiaransalee exerts control and influence over undead creatures. Her domain encompasses all aspects of undeath, from the creation and manipulation of undead beings to the understanding of unlife as a state of existence. This domain also covers the prevention of restful peace for souls, binding them to unending servitude or unrest.   Necromancy: Closely tied to her domain of undeath, Kiaransalee is a patron of necromantic magic. This includes not only the animating of the dead but also the harnessing of life force, communicating with spirits, and potentially even the manipulation of the soul. Her followers might be necromancers who seek power over death or those who use the dead as tools to achieve their goals.   Dark Sorcery: Beyond necromancy, Kiaransalee’s influence extends to darker forms of magic and sorcery. This domain involves spells and magical practices that are often considered taboo or forbidden, including curses, hexes, and other forms of dark enchantments.   Spirits and the Afterlife: Kiaransalee's domain encompasses the realm of spirits and the afterlife, particularly the darker aspects of these realms. Her influence might be felt in places where the veil between the living world and the realm of the dead is thin, and she could have sway over the destinies of souls that have not found rest.


The Shroud of Shadows: This artifact is a testament to Kiaransalee's dominion over death and vengeance. The Shroud of Shadows is a funereal cloak, woven from the ethereal essence of shadow and despair. It is said that whoever dons this shroud gains the ability to walk unseen among the living and the dead. The wearer can call upon the spirits of the vengeful dead, invoke curses of suffering, and even slip into the realm of the dead temporarily. However, the shroud also carries a curse – it gradually saps the warmth of life from the user, binding their fate ever closer to the realm of the undead.   The Scepter of the Baneful Queen: This scepter is a symbol of Kiaransalee’s rule over the undead. Crafted from bone and adorned with dark gems, the scepter is a conduit for powerful necromantic magic. It amplifies the user's ability to raise, command, and communicate with the undead, as well as to cast spells related to death and decay. In the hands of a capable necromancer, the scepter can raise entire graveyards to form undead armies. Legends say that the scepter was once used by Kiaransalee to enact a great vengeance, and it still harbors a fragment of her wrathful spirit.   Both artifacts are not only powerful but also deeply infused with Kiaransalee's malevolent and vengeful energy. They serve as potent symbols of her domains and are highly sought after by practitioners of dark magic, especially those who serve or worship Kiaransalee. However, these artifacts are believed to be dangerous, not just in their powers but also in their potential to corrupt or overwhelm their users with the dark essence of the Lady of the Dead.

Holy Books & Codes

Holy Book: "The Chronicle of Endless Night"   Description: "The Chronicle of Endless Night" is a revered text among Kiaransalee's followers. Written by her high priests and priestesses, this tome contains a compilation of dark rituals, necromantic spells, and philosophies revolving around vengeance and the manipulation of the dead. It also narrates the transformation of Lysara into Kiaransalee, offering insights into her motivations and the depth of her power.   Purpose: The book serves not only as a religious text but also as a manual for necromancy. It provides guidance on harnessing dark energies, conducting rituals to raise the undead, and invoking curses. Additionally, it includes tales of Kiaransalee's most devout followers, setting examples of how to live and act in accordance with her tenets.   Three Important Codes:   The Vengeful Creed:   Essence: This code details the principles of exacting vengeance, an act considered sacred to Kiaransalee. It outlines the appropriate circumstances for revenge, methods to plan and execute retribution, and rituals to invoke Kiaransalee's favor in such endeavors.   Usage: Often recited in ceremonies dedicated to Kiaransalee, this creed reinforces the belief that vengeance is not only a right but a duty for her followers.   The Shadow Pact:   Essence: This code delves into the relationship between the practitioner and the undead. It sets the rules for necromancers on treating the undead, ways to bind and command them, and the ethical lines that should not be crossed, even in dark practices.   Usage: It is a guide for those who walk the path of necromancy, ensuring their practices align with Kiaransalee’s vision and the natural laws of the dark arts.   The Doctrine of Night Whispers:   Essence: This mystical code is a collection of prophetic whispers said to be from Kiaransalee herself. It is cryptic, filled with predictions, warnings, and guidance for her followers. It emphasizes the importance of secrets, the power of hidden knowledge, and the interpretation of omens and signs.   Usage: Used by the seers and oracles of Kiaransalee, this doctrine aids in divination and in understanding the deeper, often hidden meanings of events and signs in the world of the living and the dead.   Each of these texts and codes is central to the worship and practices of Kiaransalee’s followers, embodying her essence and guiding them in their spiritual and necromantic pursuits.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Divine Symbol - The Vengeful Skull: A primary symbol associated with Kiaransalee is the image of a skull with eyes that burn with a ghostly flame. This symbol is often used in rituals and ceremonies dedicated to her, and it can be seen adorning the altars and sacred spaces of her followers. The skull represents her dominion over death and the undead, while the ghostly flames symbolize the unending thirst for vengeance that drives both her and her worshippers. This symbol is a stark reminder of the eternal unrest of the souls under her sway and the relentless pursuit of revenge that characterizes her essence.   Sigil - The Coiled Serpent and Dagger: A sigil often associated with Kiaransalee is that of a serpent coiled around a dagger. The serpent represents cunning, deceit, and the cold, calculating nature of vengeance, while the dagger symbolizes the act of exacting revenge – a strike that is often sudden and lethal. This sigil is particularly used by her covert worshippers or those who wish to invoke her favor in matters requiring stealth, subtlety, or the execution of a well-planned vendetta. The Coiled Serpent and Dagger sigil might be found in hidden places, engraved on weapons, or used in clandestine rituals where the subtler aspects of Kiaransalee's power are called upon.

Tenets of Faith

Seek Retribution: Followers of Kiaransalee are encouraged to pursue vengeance as a sacred duty. Any wrong, real or perceived, must be answered with retribution. This tenet emphasizes the sanctity of personal justice and the importance of balancing the scales, even through dark means.   Embrace Undeath: Undeath is not to be feared or shunned but embraced as a profound state of existence. Kiaransalee's followers see undeath as a path to power, immortality, and a means to serve their deity beyond the constraints of mortal life.   Master Necromancy: Mastery of necromantic arts is highly valued. Her worshippers are expected to delve into the secrets of life, death, and the realms in between, using this knowledge to gain power and further Kiaransalee's influence.   Manipulate from the Shadows: Subtlety and cunning are vital. Working from the shadows, using manipulation and deceit to achieve one's ends, is seen as both wise and practical. The faithful are encouraged to be as serpentine and unpredictable as their deity.   Respect the Restless Dead: The spirits of the dead, especially those bound to undeath, are under Kiaransalee's dominion. Her followers must respect these entities, understanding their role within the goddess's grander scheme.   Spread the Cult of Vengeance: Spreading the worship of Kiaransalee and her tenets is considered a sacred task. Her followers seek to expand her influence, especially in regions or among populations where her presence isn't strongly felt.   Cherish Secrets and Dark Knowledge: Gathering and safeguarding forbidden knowledge, particularly that which pertains to death and the dark arts, is crucial. Such knowledge not only empowers the individual but also serves to deepen the collective understanding and power of Kiaransalee's followers.   Uphold the Supremacy of the Dark Seldarine: As part of the Dark Seldarine, Kiaransalee’s followers must recognize and support the supremacy of these deities over their counterparts in the Seldarine, actively working against the latter's interests where possible.   Never Forgive, Never Forget: Forgiveness is seen as a weakness. Grudges and grievances are to be held onto and acted upon, as they fuel the pursuit of vengeance and align with Kiaransalee's nature.   Defend the Realm and Secrets of the Underdark: The Underdark, being Kiaransalee's domain, is sacred. Protecting its secrets, territories, and denizens from external threats or the uninitiated is seen as paramount.   These tenets define not only the worship practices and rituals dedicated to Kiaransalee but also offer a moral and ethical framework for her followers, deeply rooted in themes of vengeance, death, and the darker aspects of magic and existence.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Mastery of Life and Death: Beyond her rule over undeath, Kiaransalee harbors the ambition to master the very forces of life and death. This would grant her unprecedented control over the mortal and immortal realms.   Creation of a Deathly Realm: Kiaransalee aspires to create or discover a realm where she can reign supreme, a place where the boundaries between life and death are blurred, and she can exercise absolute control.   Ascend to Higher Divinity: She secretly desires to elevate her status among the deities, possibly seeking to become a major deity with broader domains and greater powers.   Manipulate the Weave of Magic: Kiaransalee is interested in manipulating the Weave—the fabric of magic itself—for her own ends. By altering the fundamental nature of magic, she could gain significant advantages over other deities and beings of power.   Unravel Mysteries of the Cosmos: There is a part of Kiaransalee that is driven by a desire to uncover and understand the deepest mysteries of the universe, including those aspects hidden even from gods. This pursuit of forbidden knowledge is both a source of power and a deeply personal quest.   These divine goals drive Kiaransalee's actions and strategies, shaping her relationships with other deities, her interaction with the mortal world, and her long-term plans for the future of her domain and influence.
Divine Classification
Minor Deity