The Dark Seldarine: Summarized

The Dark Seldarine, a stark contrast to the radiant and revered Seldarine, stands as a testament to the complex tapestry of elven divinity and the divergent paths that deities can take in their pursuits of power and dominion.
  Origins and the Great Schism: The origins of the Dark Seldarine can be traced back to a period of tumult and upheaval among the elven deities. As the elven realms flourished and spread, so too did their passions, desires, and ambitions. Differences in philosophy, power dynamics, and visions for the future of elvenkind led to tensions among the deities. A schism emerged, dividing the once harmonious pantheon into two distinct factions: the Seldarine and the Dark Seldarine.
  While the Seldarine upheld principles of harmony, beauty, and the natural order, the Dark Seldarine were swayed by darker desires. They craved dominance, reveled in chaos, and sought to harness the untapped, forbidden powers that lurked in the shadows.
  Key Members and Their Domains:
  • Lolth (or Lloth in some circles):** Perhaps the most infamous of the Dark Seldarine, Lolth is the goddess of spiders, lies, and schemes. Once a part of the Seldarine, her ambition and hunger for power led her down a darker path, where she became the principal deity of the drow, the dark elves who reside in the Underdark.
  • Selvetarm: The god of drow warriors, Selvetarm is a deity of battlelust and martial prowess. Though under Lolth's influence, he embodies the relentless strength of the drow.
  • Vhaeraun: Known as the Masked Lord, Vhaeraun is the god of thievery, drow males, and the surface world. He often opposes Lolth's matriarchal domain and advocates for drow expansion into the surface world.

  • Kiaransalee: The Lady of the Dead, Kiaransalee is the drow goddess of vengeance and undeath. She revels in necromancy and holds power over the spirits of the departed.

  •   Eilistraee's Role: Eilistraee, often seen as the outlier of the Dark Seldarine, is the drow goddess of song, dance, and beauty. Unlike the other deities who dwell in the malevolent shadows, Eilistraee is a beacon of hope for the drow who wish to return to the surface and live in harmony with other races. She embodies redemption and provides solace to those drow who feel lost or oppressed under Lolth's tyrannical rule. Her followers, often drow but sometimes other elves or even non-elf races, dance under the moonlit nights, hoping for a world where drow are free from the shackles of their dark heritage.
      The Underdark and Their Dominion: The primary realm of the Dark Seldarine is the vast, intricate labyrinths of the Underdark, a subterranean network of caverns and tunnels that span beneath the world of Sirion. Here, in the oppressive darkness, the drow have built their civilizations, worshiping and fearing the deities that watch over them. The Dark Seldarine's influence spreads through the Underdark like a web, touching every corner and shaping the fate of all who dwell within.
      In essence, the Dark Seldarine symbolizes the duality of the elven spirit. They are a reflection of the temptations that can pull at the hearts of even the most divine beings, and their tales serve as a warning and lesson for all of elvenkind.
    Religious, Pantheon

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