
Nestled on the eastern fringes of the vast Toln Expanse lies Orunthar, the city of perpetual twilight. Under the protective embrace of the Twilight Canopy, this unique urban marvel stands as a testament to the resilience and adaptability of the Drow, as they charted their epic journey from the shadowy depths of the Underdark to the sunlit world above.   The city's population presents a harmonious blend, predominantly of Drow (65%) and Orcs (25%). This multicultural integration has birthed an architecture that marries the Drow's intricate elegance with the Orcs' robust might. Dark stones, reminiscent of the Drow's subterranean heritage, are intertwined with luminescent fungi and the vibrant woods from the adjacent Whispering Woods. Orcish designs, on the other hand, often feature strong totems and symbols of their fierce warrior heritage.   Orunthar operates under a theocratic monarchy, anchored in the divine guidance of the Church of Eilistraee. Queen Nonsi's legacy lives on in the city's governance, with the clerics at the helm, bolstered by a council that includes voices from the Orcish clans.   The city's defenses are the stuff of legends. From the Twilight Barrier that keeps the Drow safe from sunlight and repels invaders, to the towering obsidian walls and the shadowy moat that neutralizes threats, Orunthar is a fortress that has withstood the tests of time. Its military strength is fortified by the elite Twilight Guard and complemented by the Orcish War Camps, trained masters of guerrilla warfare.   A major hub on the continent of Eos, Orunthar's industries and trade are its lifeblood. The city resonates with the hum of magical artisanship. From the crafting of enchanted artifacts to the weaving of luminous textiles and potent elixirs from the bounty of the Whispering Woods, the city's prowess is renowned far and wide. The Emerald Bazaar stands as a vibrant testament to this, drawing merchants and visitors from all corners of the world.   Guilds like the Twilight Guard, the Luminous Conclave, and the Merchants of the Emerald Veil play influential roles in the city's daily affairs, ensuring that Orunthar remains a beacon of unity and progress.   History is etched into every nook and corner of the city. From the towering Grand Bastion, a symbol of strength and unity, to the enchanting Gallery of Echoes, Orunthar offers tales of valor, magic, and evolution. The city also features a plethora of attractions, such as the Moonlit Pools' serene beauty and the raw magical energy of the Arcane Nexus.   Tourists are drawn not just to the city's historical and cultural allure, but also to experience the unique phenomenon of endless twilight. Accommodations offer a range, from ethereal Drow establishments infused with subtle magics to the grounded and earthy Orcish lodges.   In essence, Orunthar stands as a glowing emblem of unity, adaptability, and the magic that emerges when diverse cultures, histories, and heritages meld. It is a city where history, culture, and commerce intertwine, shining as a luminous jewel on the vast tapestry of Eos.


  • Drow: 65%
  • Orcs: 25%
  • Mixed heritage (including Drow-human): 7%
  • Other races (Elves, Humans, Dwarves, etc.): 3%


Theocratic Monarchy, led by the clerics of the Church of Eilistraee, with a council representing various factions, including the Orcish clans.


  • The Twilight Barrier:
The first line of defense is a magical barrier, an extension of the Twilight Canopy. While it primarily serves to protect the Drow from direct sunlight, it can be intensified to deter aerial invasions and certain magical attacks.  
  • Walls of Orunthar:
Encircling the city, these towering walls seamlessly merge Drow aesthetics with Orcish sturdiness. Carved from obsidian and reinforced with enchanted iron, they stand as a testament to the city's impenetrability.  
  • Moat of Shadows:
Surrounding the walls is a moat filled with a unique, inky liquid. This isn’t mere water; it’s an alchemical concoction that reacts to unauthorized entities, ensnaring and neutralizing potential threats.  
  • Sentinels' Towers:
Strategically placed along the walls and within the city, these towers house the sharp-eyed archers of the Twilight Guard. Equipped with various projectiles, from traditional arrows to enchanted bolts, they provide a comprehensive surveillance system.  
  • The Grand Bastion Gates:
The primary entrance to Orunthar is heavily fortified. The gates are crafted from a blend of mithril and darkwood, ensuring both resilience and agility in operation. Runes are etched into their surface, providing additional layers of magical protection.  
  • The Arcane Wardens:
Special members of the Luminous Conclave are stationed at critical points in the city. Their primary role is to detect and nullify unauthorized or harmful magic.  
  • Orcish War Camps:
Located at the outskirts and blending with the adjacent forests, these camps house battalions ready to mobilize at a moment’s notice. Skilled in guerrilla warfare, they're crucial for repelling ground invasions.

Industry & Trade

Primary Industries:  
  • Magical Artifacts and Enchantments:
With the Drow's inherent magical prowess and the convergence of ley lines beneath the city, Orunthar is a hub for producing magical items, ranging from simple enchanted trinkets to powerful arcane artifacts.  
  • Textile and Craftsmanship:
The Emerald Bazaar is famous for its rich textiles, many of which are woven using a combination of traditional Orcish techniques and Drow intricacies.  
  • Forestry:
The adjacent Whispering Woods provide ample resources, including rare herbs and luminescent fungi, crucial for both alchemical and culinary purposes.   Key Exports:   Enchanted Wares: The magical artifacts produced here are sought after in distant lands.   Luminous Textiles: Unique to Orunthar, these shimmering fabrics are a favorite among nobility across Eos.   Elixirs & Potions: Crafted from ingredients of the Whispering Woods, these are renowned for their potency.   Major Imports:   Metals & Gems: Used in the city's various constructions and for crafting jewelry and ceremonial items.   Exotic Foods: To cater to the diverse populace and the numerous visitors, many unique food items are imported.   Books & Scrolls: The Luminous Conclave and Twilight Academy have a voracious appetite for knowledge from around the world.   Manufacturing:   The city is also home to several workshops and forges. While Drow craftsmen specialize in delicate, intricate works, Orcish forges produce robust weapons, tools, and armor. The combination ensures a wide variety of goods, catering to various needs and tastes.   Orunthar's position as a gateway for diplomacy and its rich blend of cultures ensures its continued prominence in trade and industry on the continent of Eos.


  • Military: The elite Twilight Guard, responsible for city defense and maintaining peace.
  • Trade: The bustling Emerald Bazaar, a hub of intercontinental commerce.
  • Diplomacy: Embassies and consulates of various nations, facilitating diplomatic relations.


  • Twilight District: Where the elite and clerics reside, close to the Grand Bastion.
  • Emerald District: Centered around the Emerald Bazaar, a commercial hub.
  • Forest Edge: Residences merging with the adjacent forests, mainly populated by orcs and other nature-tied races.
  • Sunrise Quarters: Easternmost part, a blend of residential and commercial structures, catching the first light of dawn.


  • The Emerald Reserve:
Located deep within the Grand Bastion, this vault safeguards the city's wealth. It’s not just gold and gems; many magical artifacts, crucial documents, and ancient relics reside here.  
  • Twilight Armory:
This massive repository holds a vast collection of weapons and armors, ranging from traditional Drow rapiers and Orcish battle-axes to more intricate enchanted gear.  
  • Enchanted Beacons:
Dotted around Orunthar, these structures emit signals in times of distress, summoning aid or alerting specific factions. Their glow can be seen from miles away.  
  • The Orunthar Stables:
Housing a diverse range of beasts, from the swift Drow spiders to the sturdy Orcish wargs, these stables ensure rapid mobility for patrols and quick response teams.  
  • Alchemical Laboratories:
Run by a skilled consortium of alchemists, these labs not only produce potions for healing and enhancement but also concoctions for defense such as the inky fluid of the Moat of Shadows.  
  • Granaries & Food Reserves:
Ensuring that Orunthar can withstand prolonged sieges, these vast reserves stockpile grains, preserved meats, and other essentials. Special chambers within even contain magical crops that can grow without sunlight.  
  • Repository of Scrolls:
Maintained by the Luminous Conclave, it holds valuable knowledge, including blueprints, ancient treaties, and magical formulae.  
  • The Fleet of Shadowships:
Moored at Orunthar’s riverbanks, these swift vessels are designed for both trade and combat. Their dark sails blend with the twilight, making them nearly invisible at a distance.   Orunthar’s combination of traditional and magical assets, coupled with its robust defensive measures, ensures its position as a stronghold on the continent of Eos.

Guilds and Factions

  • The Twilight Guard:
Housing the most elite warriors and spellcasters, this faction primarily handles Orunthar's defense. Although originally formed to protect the Drow during their transition to the surface, it now serves the entire city, embodying unity.  
  • The Luminous Conclave:
A coalition of mages and scholars, they oversee the magical endeavors of Orunthar. Responsible for the maintenance of the Twilight Canopy and the Arcane Nexus, they hold considerable sway over the city's magical resources.  
  • Merchants of the Emerald Veil:
These influential traders control the bustling Emerald Bazaar. Their network spans continents, and they are pivotal in ensuring Orunthar's prominence in international trade.  
  • Clan Council:
Representing the Orcish clans of Orunthar, they often collaborate with the Drow leadership to maintain peace and prosperity in the city. Chieftains or their representatives discuss matters of internal and border security, trade routes, and cultural exchanges.  
  • Disciples of Eilistraee:
This religious faction is devoted to the goddess Eilistraee. Besides their spiritual duties, they serve as peacekeepers and healers, promoting unity and harmony within Orunthar.  
  • The Undercraft Collective:
Consisting of artisans and craftsmen, they ensure that the unique blend of Drow and Orcish architecture thrives. They're also responsible for many of the city's infrastructural projects.  
  • The Silent Network:
This secretive faction is a syndicate of spies and informants. While their operations might often be shadowy, they play a critical role in gathering intelligence and ensuring Orunthar's safety.


While the Nation of Uthar's history is closely tied to the epic journey of the Drow from the Underdark to the surface, Orunthar's tale begins at the cusp of this transformation. As the Drow emerged, they sought solace in an area that would allow their culture to thrive without too much interference from the surface's stark sunlight. The location on the eastern borders of the Toln Expanse provided the strategic depth they needed, both in terms of defense and diplomacy. Orunthar was born from necessity and grew through diplomacy, trade, and resilience.

Points of interest

  • The Grand Bastion:
At the city's heart, this towering fortress not only serves as a testament to Uthar's strength and unity but also as an architectural marvel. With its spires reaching for the skies, it is a symbol of the Drow's ascent from the depths of the Underdark to the vast expanse of the surface world.  
  • The Twilight Canopy:
A magical construct hovering over Orunthar, this vast expanse of shimmering energy creates the perpetual twilight that the city is renowned for. This magnificent phenomenon is both a protective shield and an ever-present reminder of the Drow's adaptability.  
  • The Emerald Bazaar:
More than just a marketplace, this expansive trading hall is an experience. With traders from across the continent and beyond, it's a riot of colors, scents, and sounds. Rare artifacts, mystical potions, and vibrant textiles can all be found here.  
  • Whispering Woods:
These enchanted forests at the edge of Orunthar are a sanctuary of ancient magic. The trees, older than the city itself, are believed to communicate with one another and protect many secrets of the past.  
  • The Spire of Memories:
This tall monument is a living record of the city's history. Each inscription, carved with magic, occasionally comes to life, depicting holographic images of significant events for visitors.  
  • The Moonlit Pools:
Found at the city's western edge, these are serene water bodies that reflect the soft light of the moon and stars even during the day, thanks to the twilight canopy. They serve as places of relaxation and are believed to possess healing properties.  
  • Chieftain’s Hall:
A nod to the Orcish influence, this hall stands as a symbol of unity between the Drow and Orcs. It is here that the chieftains of various clans meet to discuss matters of importance.  
  • The Arcane Nexus:
Deep beneath the city lies a point where multiple ley lines intersect. This powerful hub of magical energy is a mecca for mages, scholars, and researchers who come to study and harness its raw energy.  
  • The Gallery of Echoes:
This underground chamber, reminiscent of the Drow's former life in the Underdark, contains crystal formations that capture and replay sounds from the past, serving as an aural museum of Orunthar's history.  
  • Bridge of Unity:
Spanning the Orun River, this bridge is a marvel of engineering and magic. Built with Drow craftsmanship and Orcish strength, it symbolizes the unity between the two cultures.   Orunthar's rich tapestry of history, culture, and magic offers diverse points of interest that cater to the curious traveler, the studious scholar, and the intrepid adventurer alike.


Orunthar is a melting pot of cultures and a site of historical significance. Tourists are eager to:   Explore the Grand Bastion and learn about Queen Nonsi's legacy.   Traverse the Emerald Bazaar, seeking unique artifacts and spices.   Experience the perpetual twilight phenomenon.   Participate in Drow and Orcish cultural festivals and feasts.   Accommodations range from luxurious Drow establishments with magical amenities to rustic Orcish lodges in the Forest Edge.


The architecture in Orunthar showcases a symbiotic blend of the Drow's intricate designs with the Orcs' robust craftsmanship. Buildings primarily use a combination of dark stone sourced from former Underdark caverns and wood from the adjacent forests. Traditionally, structures are adorned with bioluminescent fungi and intricate silver motifs. Orcish structures are often decorated with totems and war emblems.

Natural Resources

  • Forests: A source of wood and medicinal herbs.
  • Fields: Cultivated lands yield grains and vegetables, feeding the city's populace.
  • Hills: The rolling hills are home to sheep, supplying wool and meat.
  • Earth's Bowels: Rich deposits of iron, silver, and precious gemstones are mined, a reminder of the Drow's subterranean origins.
Alternative Name(s)
Emerald City
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization