Uthar (OO - THAR)

The Nation of Uthar lies in the northernmost region of the continent Eos, proudly representing the Drow, a unique subterranean race known for their powerful connection with darkness and magic. Historically, the Drow were inhabitants of the enigmatic underground regions known as the Underdark. However, due to a cataclysmic event named The Collapse, they were forced to abandon their homes and migrate to the surface of Eos.   Transitioning from the familiarity of the Underdark to the glaring brightness of the surface could have devastated the Drow, but Queen Nonsi, their inspirational leader, along with the clerics of the Church of Eilistraee, utilized their potent magic to form a perpetual twilight above their territories. This was a masterful adaptation that enabled them to thrive in their new environment.   In modern times, the Nation of Uthar is a testament to the enduring spirit and adaptability of the Drow. Despite their tumultuous history and the various challenges they faced after The Collapse, Uthar has not only survived but has flourished. Its choice of neutrality in regional conflicts has become its strength, turning Uthar into an influential player in regional politics.   The tale of Queen Nonsi, born Rion Noni, is intrinsically tied to the history of Uthar. Of mixed heritage, being the daughter of a Drow woman, Lujaria, and a human slave named Dresdin, she was once an outcast in her society. Having experienced the oppressive rule of the Spider Queen Lolth, Rion harbored a profound desire for freedom. It was her indomitable spirit and longing for justice that caught the eye of the goddess Eilistraee, who chose her to lead the Drow towards redemption.   As The Collapse wreaked havoc, Queen Nonsi, newly empowered by Eilistraee's blessings, led her people to the surface. Using her mystical abilities, she altered the skies to protect her people from the unforgiving sunlight, creating the now-symbolic perpetual twilight of Uthar. Her journey didn't stop there. The land they surfaced on was fraught with conflict, especially with the dominant orc clans.   However, Queen Nonsi's diplomacy and the intervention of allies like Chieftain Shakah of Clan Hig allowed Uthar to establish a sense of peace and unity, even in the face of staunch opposition from certain orc clans. The War of Black Blood, a fierce conflict with Chieftain Gorthank of Clan Utgar, ended with Queen Nonsi's display of unparalleled magical might, solidifying her and the Drow's place on the surface.   Today, with Uthar as a beacon of hope and unity for Eos, the Drow live harmoniously with other races, and the legacy of Queen Nonsi remains. Her journey from the dark confines of the Underdark to the luminous expanse of the surface world is an inspiration, highlighting the power of resilience, hope, and unity.


The Utharians have deeply ingrained values of adaptability and resilience. The shift from their subterranean homeland has influenced a mix of Underdark traditions with new surface world practices. This has resulted in a culture of both pragmatism and reverence for the arcane. Rituals to Eilistraee are common, often involving moonlit dances and songs. The ever-present twilight has given rise to numerous festivals celebrating light and shadow. While they've had a history of slavery, Queen Nonsi's leadership and their new circumstances might be leading them towards more enlightened practices.

Public Agenda

Uthar seeks to remain neutral in the continent's affairs, focusing on self-sustainability, preservation of their unique way of life, and ensuring their people's security against the threats that the post-Collapse world might bring. They also aim to promote understanding between them and other surface nations, trying to break away from old prejudices.

Demography and Population

  • Drow
  • Percentage: As the original inhabitants and founders, Drow would be a significant portion, possibly around 30-35% of the population.
  • Settlements: Mostly urban, concentrating around capital Freygarde and other major cities. Some Drow may choose to live in semi-underground dwellings, blending surface and Underdark life.
    • Orcs
  • Percentage: Given the history of Clan Hig's integration and subsequent orc migrations, Orcs might constitute 20-25% of the population.
  • - Settlements: Primarily in the Toln Expanse, but there would be urban orc communities as well.  
    • Bugbears
  • Percentage: Being a part of the goblinoid family, but not as numerous as goblins, they could be around 5%.
  • Settlements: Scattered across the nation, with a preference for woodlands and hills.
    • Goblins
  • Percentage: Their adaptability and fast breeding might place them around 10-15% of the population.
  • Settlements: Everywhere from urban centers to the outskirts, adapting to various environments.
    • Elves
  • Percentage: Given the Great Exodus and the influx of elven refugees, they might make up around 10% of the population.
  • Settlements: Likely concentrated in specific refugee zones initially, but as time progresses, spreading out across the nation. Their integration would be supported by the Church of Eilistraee and the Utharian government.
    • Half-Orcs
    - Percentage: As natural offspring of the integration between orcs and other races, particularly drown and humans, they might make up 5-10%.
  • Settlements: A mix of urban and rural, bridging the cultural gap between orcs and other races.
    • Humans
  • Percentage: Given their adaptability and the natural migrations, they could account for 5-10% of Uthar's populace.
  • Settlements: Varied, from bustling cities to tranquil countryside.
    • Other Races
  • Percentage: This would encompass a myriad of races, from dwarves to tieflings to dragonborn and more, making up the remaining 5%.
  • Settlements: Depending on their preferences, scattered throughout Uthar.
  • Military

    • The Twilight Guard: An elite force trained by the Church of Eilistraee, specialized in magic and combat. They play a dual role, both as defenders of Uthar and enforcers of its laws.
    • Rochnora Defenders: A regiment specifically trained to utilize the Rochnora Range's natural defenses, acting as Uthar's first line of defense. They also guard the collapsed entrances to the Underdark.
    • Union Brigade: Comprising both Drow and Orc warriors, symbolizing the unity between the two races.
    • Reserve Units: Consisting of volunteers and conscripts from other races, they play a supporting role in Uthar's military endeavors.


    • Church of Eilistraee:
  • Representation: Undoubtedly the most significant religious institution within Uthar. It stands not just as a religious body but also as a symbol of hope, redemption, and the Drow's transformation. The church's primary sanctuary is likely situated in the capital, Freygarde.
  • Power: Given the divine intervention of Eilistraee in Queen Nonsi's life and her direct involvement in the nation's founding, this church holds considerable power, both religiously and politically. The Twilight Guard, with its magical prowess, is directly affiliated with this church.
  • Practices: Worship includes song, dance, and rituals that celebrate liberation from oppression and the harmony of surface and underdark life.
    • Traditional Orcish Pantheon:
  • Representation: With the inclusion of the orcs, particularly from Clan Hig, their deities and practices would also find a place in Uthar's religious tapestry.
  • Power: While not as politically influential as the Church of Eilistraee, the Orcish pantheon would still command respect and hold significant spiritual influence, especially among the orcish population.
  • Practices: Likely includes rituals of strength, honor, and kinship, perhaps held in sacred groves or stone circles within the Toln Expanse.
    • Surface Religions:
  • Representation: Due to the influx of surface dwellers, various smaller sects and deities from the continent of Eos would be represented in Uthar.
  • Power: These religions would have limited political power, mainly serving the spiritual needs of their respective communities.
  • Practices: These would vary widely based on each sect or deity but would add to Uthar's cultural richness.
    • Cult of Lolth:
  • Representation: Given the history of oppression under Lolth and the Drow's liberation from her tyranny, the worship of Lolth would be minimal, if at all present.
  • Power: No political power and minimal underground following. The government and the Church of Eilistraee actively works against the spread or establishment of this cult.
  • Practices: If it exists at all, it would be in secret, given the taboo nature of Lolth worship in Uthar.
  • Taboos: Worship of Lolth is forbidden, given the nation's history and Queen Nonsi's personal experiences. The association of Lolth with cruelty, tyranny, and oppression makes any adherence to her teachings not just taboo, but also illegal.
    • Other Underdark Deities:
  • Representation: Other deities from the Underdark might have small followings, especially among the older Drow who remember the days before the surface migration.
  • Power: Very limited power and are more about personal faith rather than political influence.
  • Practices: Rituals reminiscent of Underdark life, probably practiced more in private or small communal settings.
  • Laws

    • Equality and Non-Discrimination: In light of Queen Nonsi's mixed heritage and the nation's core values, laws ensure equal rights regardless of race or origin.
    • Religious Freedom: While the Church of Eilistraee plays a significant role, there's freedom of religion, but harmful cult practices, especially those relating to Lolth, are prohibited.
    • Slavery Prohibition: Given the Drow's past with slavery, it is strictly outlawed in Uthar.
    • Peaceful Coexistence: Aggression or hostility towards any allied clans or tribes is punishable.
    • Trade and Commerce: Strict regulations ensure fairness in trade, especially with the precious commodities from the Underdark.

    Agriculture & Industry

    • Agriculture: The Toln Expanse's plains are cultivated with both traditional Underdark crops and surface crops, ensuring a diverse food supply. Special twilight-adapted plants, likely developed through magical means, might also be cultivated.
    • Mining: The Rochnora Range, rich in precious minerals and gems from the Underdark, is the center for mining operations.
    • Textile Industry: Uthar is known for its unique textiles dyed in twilight shades, a blend of Drow artisanship and surface world techniques.
    • Magical Artifacts Production: Leveraging the Drow's affinity for magic, Uthar produces and exports a variety of magical goods, from simple enchanted items to powerful relics.
    • Craftsmanship: Both Drow and Orcish artisans contribute to a rich industry of handcrafted goods, representing the confluence of their cultures.

    Trade & Transport

    • Main Commodities
  • Crystal Exports: Extracted from the mines of Lustraeya, these crystals are not only prized for their beauty but also for their magical properties.
  • Forest Goods: The edges of Orunthar yield exotic woods, herbs, and magical flora, highly sought after in neighboring nations.
  • Artifacts: Blessed by the Church of Eilistraee, certain artifacts, including moonlit amulets and twilight staffs, are traded to those interested in their divine properties.
    • Major Trade Partners
  • United Leona & Nur: interested in magical crystals and artifacts.
  • Goblin and bugbear tribes, trading ores and minerals for Uthar's forest goods.
  • Nomadic merchants, bringing in spices, textiles, and foreign luxuries.
    • Trade Routes
  • Rochnora Pass: A mountain route, mostly used for trade with northern territories.
  • Forest Paths: Connecting Orunthar to the woodlands and neighboring nations.
  • Toln Plains Highway: A vast network of roads facilitating trade throughout the Toln Expanse.
    • Transport
      1. Mountain Cableways: In the Rochnora Range, intricate systems of cableways have been established, allowing swift travel between different levels of the mountainous city of Lustraeya.   2. Horse-Drawn Carriages: Across the Toln Expanse, these remain a popular means of transport, especially for merchants and travelers.   3. Magical Portals: Limited to the elite and emergencies, certain spots in Uthar, particularly within the Church of Eilistraee, have portals to expedite travel to distant regions.   4. River Boats: Uthar has a few rivers stemming from the Rochnora Range, and riverboats, often magically enhanced, are used for both trade and travel.   5. **Sky Caravans:** A rare and wondrous sight, these floating caravans harness the magic of Uthar's crystals and the blessings of Eilistraee, providing an aerial means of transport and trade.   By integrating both traditional and magical means, Uthar ensures efficient trade and transport, further solidifying its position as a key player in the regional politics and economy.


    • Basic Education
  • **Duration:** All children in Uthar undergo a mandatory ten-year basic education, starting at the age of six.
  • **Curriculum:** It includes foundational subjects such as Utharian history, mathematics, language arts (including both Common and the native Drow language), and basic magical arts.
  • **Facilities:** Basic education schools, often sponsored by the Church of Eilistraee, are scattered throughout the nation, with larger institutions found in major cities like Orunthar and Lustraeya.
    • Advanced Studies
    - **Magical Academies:** For those showing an aptitude in magic, they can enroll in specialized academies. Here, students are trained in various magical disciplines, harnessing the innate magical affinity of the Drow. - **Vocational Schools:** For those inclined towards trades and crafts, vocational schools offer courses in areas like crystal mining, carpentry using the unique woods of Uthar, and crafting magical artifacts. - **Theological Studies:** Sponsored by the Church of Eilistraee, these institutions delve deep into religious texts, teachings, and the divine arts, preparing students for roles as clerics, advisors, and spiritual leaders.  
    • Universities
    - Located mainly in the city of Orunthar, universities provide higher education in diverse fields ranging from political science, to advanced magical research, to the arts and humanities. - Some notable universities include the "Orunthar University of Arcane Studies" and the "Lustraeya Institute of Natural Sciences."  
    • Extracurricular Activities
    - Emphasizing the importance of holistic development, schools and universities offer a range of activities from sports (like the popular twilight ball game), to musical ensembles, to clubs that delve into the rich history of Eos and the Underdark.   **5. Scholarships and Grants:**
  • To ensure that every citizen, regardless of their background, has access to education, Uthar provides a range of scholarships. These are often sponsored by the state, the Church of Eilistraee, or wealthy patrons.
  • Special grants are available for those pursuing research in fields deemed crucial for Uthar's advancement, such as sustainable magic or innovations in crystal mining.
  • **6. International Relations:**
  • Uthar, with its unique position in the continent of Eos, has exchange programs with neighboring nations. This allows students to experience diverse cultures and brings a mix of different perspectives into Utharian institutions.
  • **7. Continuous Learning:**
  • Recognizing that education doesn't end with formal schooling, Uthar has established community learning centers in various towns. These centers offer courses for adults, ensuring that the populace remains informed and adaptable in the face of a changing world.
  • Education in Uthar is a blend of tradition and innovation, ensuring that its citizens are not only well-versed in their rich history but are also equipped to face future challenges. It reflects the resilience and adaptability that the nation has shown throughout its existence.

    Twilight's Resilience

    Geopolitical, Country
    Alternative Names
    The Twilight Realm, Utharian Dominion
    Predecessor Organizations
    Ruling Organization
    Head of State
    Head of Government
    Government System
    Monarchy, Absolute
    Power Structure
    Economic System
    Mixed economy
    Legislative Body
    • The Twilight Assembly
    Composition:   Representatives from each district or region of Uthar, ensuring that both the Drow and other races have a voice. Special seats for spiritual leaders from the Church of Eilistraee to provide spiritual and moral guidance on legislation.   Responsibilities:   Creation, amendment, and repeal of laws and regulations. Approval of national budget and resource allocation. Oversight of executive actions and policies. Addressing concerns and aspirations of the citizens.
    Judicial Body
    • The Court of Eilistraee's Justice
      Composition:   A chief justice, appointed by the Queen and approved by the Twilight Assembly. Associate justices, representing different regions and races, ensuring a fair and balanced interpretation of laws.   Responsibilities:   Interpretation of Uthar's constitution and laws. Ensuring justice and equality for all citizens, irrespective of their race or background. Settling disputes between districts or communities. Reviewing decisions made by lower courts and ensuring the consistent application of law.
    Executive Body
    • The Queen's Council
    Composition:   Queen Nonsi, as the head. Councilors or ministers appointed by the Queen, each responsible for different domains like defense, trade, diplomacy, internal affairs, and magic. Advisors, representing different races, providing insights from their communities.   Responsibilities:   Implementation of laws passed by the Twilight Assembly. Day-to-day administration of the nation, ensuring peace, prosperity, and progress. Defense of the nation and maintenance of the armed forces, including the Twilight Guard. Diplomatic engagements with neighboring nations and tribes. Ensuring the well-being and protection of all citizens, including marginalized communities.
    Official State Religion
    Subsidiary Organizations
    Controlled Territories
    Related Ethnicities


    During the Great Exodus, a significant number of refugees fled from Va'len, a place they were familiar with, and entered unfamiliar territories. Uthar, a relatively young country, decided to open its borders to provide shelter for these displaced individuals. The Order of Valindria, a group responsible for safeguarding the people of Va'len, collaborated with the Utharian Army, along with specialized knights and clerics from The Church Eiliestraee, to ensure the safety and protection of those seeking refuge in Uthar.