Roc Riders

In the country of Nelanor, the primary police force is known as the Roc Riders. They are responsible for maintaining law and order across the vast territory of Nelanor. What sets the Roc Riders apart is their unique mode of transportation: giant eagles called Rocs. The Roc Riders undergo extensive training to learn how to ride and control these majestic creatures.   To become a full-fledged Roc Rider, individuals must complete a rite of passage. This rite involves establishing a mental bond with a chosen Roc. This bond is crucial for effective communication and coordination between the rider and their Roc partner. Once the bond is formed, the Roc Rider is assigned a specific section of Nelanor's land to patrol and enforce the law from the skies, utilizing the aerial advantage provided by the Rocs.   The Rocs themselves originate from a mysterious floating island that remains inaccessible to all except the Rocs due to a perpetually raging storm that surrounds its airspace. The turbulent winds within this storm are too dangerous for any other means of transportation. This floating island is home to a thriving society of Rocs, governed by a hierarchical structure. At the pinnacle of this hierarchy is the King of the Roc, an enormous and powerful Roc.   Long before The Collapse, the King of the Roc established friendly relations with the rulers of Nelanor. In an agreement between the King of the Roc and the council of Nelanor, it was decided that the Rocs would protect Nelanor's people in exchange for certain conditions. One crucial condition is that the Roc Riders should solely focus on safeguarding the citizens of Nelanor and not engage in activities beyond their designated responsibilities.   This agreement forged between the Roc society and the council of Nelanor ensured a mutually beneficial relationship. The Rocs' aerial prowess and the Roc Riders' dedication to upholding the law combine to provide unparalleled protection and surveillance capabilities for the country of Nelanor. The Roc Riders act as the guardians of the skies, ensuring the safety and well-being of the people they serve.


1. Grand Roc Master

Role: The highest-ranking officer, responsible for overall command of the Roc Riders and strategic decisions. Duties: Oversees training, operations, and the coordination with the Nelanorian military. Advises the King on matters involving the Roc Riders.  

2. Roc Commander

Role: Senior officers who command large units or specific regions within Nelanor. Duties: Implement strategic plans, manage regional patrols, and report directly to the Grand Roc Master.  

3. Wing Captain

Role: Officers in charge of smaller units known as Wings, each consisting of several Roc Riders. Duties: Lead and coordinate Wing missions, ensure the welfare of their riders and Rocs, and maintain discipline within their ranks.  

4. Roc Lieutenant

Role: Junior officers who assist Wing Captains and lead smaller groups of riders. Duties: Support mission planning and execution, provide training and mentorship to lower ranks, and handle administrative tasks.  

5. Senior Roc Rider

Role: Experienced riders who have demonstrated exceptional skill and leadership. Duties: Lead patrols, mentor newer riders, and take on specialized missions requiring high levels of expertise.  

6. Roc Rider

Role: The core of the Roc Riders, these are fully trained and bonded riders who patrol and protect Nelanor. Duties: Conduct regular patrols, enforce laws, engage in reconnaissance, and support military operations.  

7. Junior Roc Rider

Role: Newly trained riders who have completed their bonding rites but are still gaining experience. Duties: Participate in patrols under supervision, continue advanced training, and assist senior riders.  

8. Roc Initiate

Role: Trainees who are in the process of bonding with their Roc and completing their initial training. Duties: Undergo rigorous training in riding, combat, and aerial tactics. Complete the rite of passage to establish a mental bond with a Roc.  

9. Roc Handler

Role: Support personnel responsible for the care and training of the Rocs. Duties: Ensure the health and well-being of the Rocs, assist in training exercises, and manage the logistics of the Roc Riders’ operations.  

10. Roc Scout

Role: Specialized riders focused on reconnaissance and intelligence gathering. Duties: Conduct surveillance missions, gather critical information on enemy movements, and report findings to higher command.   These ranks ensure a clear chain of command within the Roc Riders, allowing for efficient operation and coordination in their role as the military police and aerial guardians of Nelanor.
Military, Other
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Neighboring Nations