
Geography and History

Nelanor, a land deeply affected by The Collapse, saw its southern half sink into the sea, leading to the loss of many ancient settlements. Since then, the country has been steadily regrowing and reclaiming its former glory. It played a crucial role during the Great Exodus, providing refuge to elves fleeing the war-torn lands of Va'len. The present-day kingdom is ruled by King Derrik Obsidian of House Obsidian, a fairfolk man whose clan strives to lead Nelanor into a new age of strength and ambition.  

Major Cities

Fa'sari: The capital city, established post-Collapse, is a sanctuary for survivors and descendants of Va'len refugees. It features architecture built into the massive trees of Westwood and is a hub for culture, commerce, and politics. Ethis: One of the last original cities, Ethis has preserved its ancient architecture and knowledge, standing as a testament to the resilience of Nelanor. Rafnas: Known as "The Drowned City," Rafnas was rebuilt after The Collapse split it in two. Despite efforts, it has never fully recovered from the damage. Port Demoli: A major trade town facilitating commerce between Nelanor and Nur, it plays a vital role in the Palacor Agreement, ensuring emergency supplies to the Great Palacor Settlement.  

Key Regions and Organizations

  Westwood: Eos' second oldest forest, filled with unpredictable portals to the Feywild. It is a significant gathering place for the Order of the Galahad. United Eos Council: Formed in response to The Collapse, this council includes representatives from various races and factions, aiming to maintain unity and stability within Eos.  


The Fairfolk, a significant but reduced population in Nelanor, are deeply connected to nature. They possess brown skin with gold Ryojoku markings, glowing eyes in various colors, and often adorn their hair with natural elements. Revered as guardians of nature, they practice druidic and nature magic, maintaining a balance between advanced technology and mystical heritage. Their society is governed by the Verdant Council, with a High Councilor at its head, and organized into clans with specific roles and responsibilities.  

Social Structure and Culture

Fairfolk society is communal and collaborative, valuing wisdom, kindness, and spiritual harmony. They celebrate seasonal festivals, maintain eco-friendly infrastructure, and blend their architectural achievements seamlessly with the natural environment. Their technological advancements include enchanted tools, sustainable agriculture, and efficient communication methods.  


Nelanor is currently led by King Derrik Obsidian, a fairfolk ruler committed to guiding the kingdom into a prosperous future. The Fairfolk's governance system is a blend of hierarchical and communal elements, ensuring a balanced approach to leadership and community well-being.   Nelanor, with its rich history, diverse population, and commitment to growth and harmony, stands as a beacon of resilience and ambition in the world of Eos.


Core Beliefs and Values

  Nelanorians are unified by a deep sense of resilience and harmony with nature, shaped by the catastrophic event of The Collapse. Their culture emphasizes collective strength, the importance of rebuilding together, and a profound respect for the natural world. This respect is evident in their sustainable practices and environmental stewardship.  

Monarchy and Governance

Monarchy: The kingdom is ruled by King Derrik Obsidian of House Obsidian, a fairfolk man whose clan is dedicated to leading Nelanor into a new age of strength and ambition. Councils: While the overall governance is a monarchy, local councils are implemented in cities, villages, and other communities where Fairfolk are the majority. These councils, inspired by the Fairfolk's Verdant Council, help manage local affairs and ensure fair representation of diverse cultures.  

Customs and Practices

Seasonal Festivals: Grand festivals mark the changing seasons, honoring the gods with music, dance, feasting, and rituals that strengthen community bonds. Naming Ceremonies: Community events where names are chosen to reflect personal traits, birth circumstances, or desired qualities, involving blessings from elders and druids. Communal Gatherings: Regular gatherings for discussing important issues, celebrating milestones, and performing religious rituals, fostering a strong sense of belonging and ensuring every voice is heard.  

Social Structure

Local Councils: In communities with a Fairfolk majority, councils oversee local governance. These councils include powerful druids, respected warriors, and influential mages, ensuring balanced leadership. Clans and Families: Society is organized into clans with unique traditions and specialties. Elders provide guidance and make important decisions, emphasizing the value of experience and wisdom. Roles and Responsibilities: Every Nelanorian has a respected role, whether as a druid, mage, warrior, artisan, or farmer. Collaboration and mutual support are fundamental to their way of life.  

Art and Architecture

Integration with Nature: Buildings crafted from living wood, stone, and other natural materials are often enchanted to grow and adapt over time. Settlements are designed to be unobtrusive, preserving the natural beauty of their surroundings. Artisan Goods: Nelanorians create exquisite goods that blend traditional techniques with magical enhancements, reflecting their deep connection to nature and artistic heritage.   Technological and Magical Balance Eco-friendly Infrastructure: Advanced eco-friendly systems for water purification, renewable energy, and waste management demonstrate their commitment to sustainability. Magical Innovations: Enchanted tools, healing potions, and advanced communication methods combine technology with magic, ensuring efficiency and harmony with nature.   Education and Knowledge Lifelong Learning: Education is a continuous process, with an emphasis on learning from nature and the elders. Mentorship and hands-on experience are key components of their educational system. Knowledge Preservation: Learning centers and libraries store vast amounts of knowledge on magic, nature, and technology, encouraging research and innovation.  

Blending of Cultures

Nelanor welcomes and smiles upon the blending of different cultures, fostering a diverse and inclusive society. This cultural integration is reflected in their festivals, communal gatherings, and everyday interactions, creating a vibrant and harmonious community.

Strength in Unity

Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Va'len's Refuge, Sanctuary
Predecessor Organizations
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Related Species
Related Ethnicities