
Head of Necromancy & Sangromancy Savasha

Amid the ancient corridors and revered chambers of the Academy of Eight Pillars, Savasha is a figure shrouded in mystery and allure. Her tall silhouette, with its graceful posture, commands an imposing presence that turns heads wherever she walks. Hailing from the distant shores of Quazadun, her exotic features – from her chocolate-hued skin that contrasts vividly with mesmerizing, luminescent orange eyes, to her mane of dense black curls – have become the subject of both admiration and whispered rumors throughout Edoran.   Her voice, a blend of dark honey and velvety shadows, has a haunting quality that draws listeners into a trance, compelling them to hang onto every word she utters. It's no surprise that the aura she exudes is both seductive and intimidating, an entwining dance of light and shadow that has captivated many over the ages.   To the general populace and the majority of the academy, Savasha's history remains obscured. Few are aware of her undead nature, the eternal heartbeats of a vampire echoing within. Her ascension to the esteemed position of the Head of Necromancy and Sangromancy was no accident. The rulers of United Leona, centuries ago, recognized her unparalleled expertise in these arcane arts. They brokered a pact with Savasha: her vast reservoirs of knowledge and capability would be bestowed upon the nation, and in exchange, her existence and identity would be safeguarded, allowing her to continue her unending journey through time.   The apprentices who are fortunate – or perhaps unfortunate – enough to study under Savasha's direct tutelage are few. These chosen individuals undergo a rigorous selection process, not just for their magical prowess but also for their loyalty and discretion. The sanctity of Savasha's secret is paramount, and any apprentice who poses a threat to this veil of secrecy finds their memories altered, ensuring that the academy's and Savasha's reputation remains untarnished.   Despite her undead nature, or perhaps because of it, Savasha's contributions to the world of Sirion, especially Eos, have been groundbreaking. Her deep understanding of life, death, and everything in between has transformed medical practices. Surgeons and healers across the land have Savasha to thank for pioneering techniques and sharing knowledge that has saved countless lives. Her influence is not just confined to Eos; scholars and practitioners from various corners of Sirion have, knowingly or unknowingly, benefited from her centuries of accumulated wisdom.   Yet, for all her contributions, Savasha is not without her shadows. Beneath the surface of her alluring demeanor lies a survivor, a strategist who has navigated the intricate webs of politics, power, and passion for longer than most mortals can fathom. To ensure her position and influence remain unchallenged, she has cultivated a network of devout acolytes. These followers, bound by unwavering loyalty, serve as her eyes and ears across Eos, executing her will with precision and discretion.   The juxtaposition of Savasha's allure and her cold, strategic mind paints the portrait of a woman who, throughout the ages, has seamlessly blended vulnerability with power, compassion with ruthlessness. In the ever-changing landscape of Sirion, especially after The Collapse, Savasha remains an enduring pillar, a beacon of both hope and caution, as she continues to shape the destiny of the arcane and the mundane.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Savasha boasts a statuesque figure, exuding an ageless vitality and strength. Her lithe, athletic build hints at both agility and endurance, while her flawless chocolate-brown skin, untouched by time, betrays no sign of ailment or affliction. The only anomaly is her luminous orange eyes, which shimmer with an otherworldly intensity, a fair trait alluding to her fairfolk heritage.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Savasha’s shared history is a careful blend of truth and artful omissions, weaving a narrative that is as enthralling as it is elusive.   Born in the golden deserts of Quazadun, Savasha often speaks of a homeland where the sands told tales and where every dune held a secret. As a child, she was enthralled by the mysteries of life and death, a fascination nurtured by the ancient rituals and traditions of her people. The desert, she would often recount, taught her the delicate balance between existence and oblivion, where life clung on with fierce tenacity amidst the vastness of the barren expanse.   In her narratives, she describes her early years as a time of seeking and wandering. As a young woman, driven by an insatiable curiosity, Savasha ventured to various parts of Sirion. From the verdant forests of Melorin to the icy peaks of Thandral, her journey was one of learning, absorbing, and understanding the myriad magical traditions of different cultures.   She often alludes to mentors, wise men and women, shadows of the past whose names she gently keeps to herself, from whom she gained insights into the arcane arts. These figures, while kept ambiguous, are credited with shaping her into the formidable mage she would become.   The tragic loss of her family, a detail she shares with a touch of genuine sorrow, was what she says propelled her deeper into the realms of necromancy and sangromancy. Their passing, under undisclosed circumstances, was a pivotal moment, forging her path as one of both reverence for life and a profound understanding of death.   Upon reaching United Leona, Savasha speaks of being drawn to the land's rich magical tapestry, sensing its potential and resonance with her own energies. She embraced the country and its people, and in turn, United Leona welcomed her expertise, eventually leading her to the esteemed halls of the Academy of Eight Pillars.   Her history, as shared with the world, is one of a seeker of knowledge, a woman shaped by personal tragedies and a relentless quest for understanding. She presents herself as both a student of the world and its teacher. The gaps, the silences in between her tales, are where the allure lies, inviting listeners to wonder, to speculate, but never truly unveiling the depths of the enigma that is Savasha.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • The Codex of Life and Shadow: Savasha penned a magnum opus that stands unparalleled in the realm of necromantic and sangromantic studies. This monumental work dives deep into the intricacies of life force manipulation, the cycle of life and death, and the ethereal bridges between them. Not only does it address magical techniques, but it also delves into philosophical ruminations on the nature of mortality and the implications of meddling with life's natural order. The Codex is considered a foundational text at the Academy of Eight Pillars, but only the most advanced students, under strict supervision, are granted access to its knowledge.
  • The Revitalization of Dead Zones: Following The Collapse, several zones across Eos became barren, devoid of life, with the very soil refusing to support any form of growth. Savasha spearheaded an initiative using her profound understanding of life energies to rejuvenate these lands. Through a blend of arcane rituals, alchemical processes, and collaboration with experts from other magical disciplines, she managed to breathe life back into vast stretches of desolation, ensuring that Eos could heal and thrive once again.
  • The Ethereal Accord: Recognizing the dangers of unchecked necromancy and the potential for abuse, Savasha established a set of guidelines known as the Ethereal Accord. This not only outlined the ethical boundaries for practicing necromancers but also set up a framework for conflict resolution between the living and spirits who might have grievances. The Accord is now accepted in many parts of Sirion, ensuring that necromancy is practiced with respect and restraint.
  • The Elixir of Vital Essence: While she never publicly claimed credit, whispers among the arcane elite suggest that Savasha was the mastermind behind a miraculous elixir that could extend one's life, heal the gravest of wounds, and even pull individuals back from the very cusp of death. While its recipe remains one of the best-guarded secrets, and its use is incredibly rare and selective, its very existence has solidified Savasha's reputation as a mage of unmatched prowess.
  • The Conclave of Shadows: Recognizing the need for a space where practitioners of often misunderstood and stigmatized magical arts could convene, learn, and share, Savasha founded the Conclave of Shadows. Hidden from the prying eyes of the world, this gathering happens once every decade. Under Savasha's guidance, mages from across Sirion, specializing in the darker arts, come together in a spirit of collaboration rather than conflict. The Conclave ensures that these magics are practiced responsibly and that the practitioners themselves have a support system.
  Each of these achievements, in its own right, has left an indelible mark on Eos and Sirion at large, cementing Savasha's legacy as not just a master of her craft but also a visionary leader in the arcane world.

Intellectual Characteristics

Savasha's intellect is a beacon in the realm of arcane knowledge, characterized by an insatiable curiosity and a wisdom honed over centuries. Her analytical prowess allows her to deconstruct complex magical theories with ease, while her strategic thinking has enabled her to navigate the intricate socio-political landscapes of Eos. Her memory, sharp and expansive, retains vast repositories of information, and her capacity for abstract thought allows her to draw connections that elude many of her peers. Yet, she also possesses an open-mindedness, always willing to explore new paradigms and perspectives.

Morality & Philosophy

  • Guarded Opinions: Those who have the privilege – or perhaps the burden – of truly knowing Savasha find it difficult to pin down her moral compass. While her accomplishments within the academy and her contributions to Eos speak volumes, there's always an underlying ambiguity about her personal stance on many matters, especially within her domain of expertise.
  • Connections in United Leona: It's evident that Savasha's deep-rooted connections within the power structures of United Leona grant her a degree of immunity. Many of her experiments, research, and studies, which might raise eyebrows elsewhere, come to fruition without any evident barriers or restrictions. These ties also suggest a deeper understanding or agreement between the ruling elite and Savasha, binding them in a dance of mutual benefit.
  • Justice and Integrity: While she operates in realms that many consider morally gray, Savasha possesses a surprisingly strong sense of justice, particularly when it comes to her fields of expertise. She has been heard remarking on those who misuse necromancy and sangromancy for petty gains: "Such actions are most uncivilized, reflecting an ineptitude that borders on the imbecilic. It baffles me how one might wander so far from the path of conventional wisdom."
  • Condemnation of Ostentation: Savasha holds a disdain for those who crave validation and public acknowledgment for their arcane exploits, especially if they veer into the forbidden. "There are those," she says with a tone of measured restraint, "who are driven by an insatiable need to flaunt their discoveries, fully aware that to the average eye, their revelations are but grotesque oddities. This compulsion to lay bare one's deepest secrets is an enigma to me."
  • Subtle Admissions: Despite her overt criticisms, the astute can discern subtle hints that perhaps Savasha herself has ventured into territories others might deem unsavory. Her comment about the proclivity of certain individuals to "show their hand" might very well hint at her own explorations beyond the accepted, and her astuteness in ensuring they remain concealed.
  • A Question of Motivation: What drives Savasha's sense of morality is a question that remains unanswered. Some speculate it's a timeless wisdom accrued over centuries, while others suggest it's a deep personal code, born out of experiences she's yet to share. Regardless, her philosophy remains a blend of stringent principles, pragmatism, and an unyielding pursuit of knowledge, irrespective of its source.


Social Aptitude

  • Charisma: Savasha's charisma is both natural and cultivated. Her presence in a room is magnetic, drawing individuals towards her, whether through genuine interest or mere intrigue. This magnetic allure comes from a combination of her vast knowledge, her air of mystery, and the way she engages with those around her.
  • Confidence: Years of experience, a wealth of arcane mastery, and the ability to navigate political and social landscapes have instilled in Savasha a deep-seated confidence. She rarely second-guesses herself and holds her ground in discussions, debates, and even confrontations.
  • Ego: While confident, Savasha's ego isn't overtly flamboyant. Instead, it manifests as a quiet self-assuredness. She knows her worth and doesn't feel the need to flaunt it unnecessarily. However, when challenged or undermined, she's quick to assert herself, making it clear that she's not one to be trifled with.
  • Extroversion: Savasha isn't an extrovert in the traditional sense. While she's comfortable in social settings and can hold court with ease, she often prefers meaningful, deeper interactions over superficial exchanges. She has the capacity to be the life of the party but chooses her moments and her circles.
  • Etiquette: Savasha's understanding of etiquette is impeccable. Her time in Eos, especially within the elite circles of Edoran, has familiarized her with the nuances of high society. She knows when to be formal, when to let her guard down slightly, and how to navigate various social situations with grace and poise.
  • Mannerisms: Her mannerisms are a blend of her Quazadun heritage and the refined behaviors of Eos's upper echelons. She moves with deliberate grace, ensuring that every gesture, from the way she holds her glass to the way she greets dignitaries, exudes elegance and purpose. Her gaze is often intense, giving the individual she's interacting with a feeling of being truly seen and acknowledged.


  • Measured Movements: Savasha never makes sudden or erratic movements. Each gesture, each step she takes is deliberate and graceful, exuding an aura of control and assurance. It's as if time bends slightly around her, allowing her the luxury of measured pace.
  • Enigmatic Smile: Often, when engaged in conversation or when listening to others, a subtle, almost enigmatic smile graces her lips. It's a smile that reveals little, leaving those who witness it to wonder what thoughts and secrets hide behind it.
  • Finger Tapping: When deep in thought or assessing a situation, she has a habit of lightly tapping her fingers on a surface, whether it's the armrest of a chair or the table before her. It's a rhythmic, almost hypnotic pattern that many find entrancing.
  • Piercing Gaze: Savasha seldom breaks eye contact. Her luminous orange eyes seem to pierce through one's very soul, making it feel as if she's reading the essence of the person she's conversing with. This intense gaze can be both reassuring and slightly unsettling, depending on her disposition toward the individual.
  • Subtle Tilts of the Head: When intrigued or challenging a statement, Savasha often tilts her head slightly to one side, her eyes narrowing just a fraction. This simple gesture speaks volumes, conveying curiosity, skepticism, or even amusement without a word spoken.
  • Etheral Laughter: Savasha's laughter is rare, but when it graces the ears of those around her, it's a soft, melodic sound, reminiscent of a gentle wind rustling through the leaves. It adds to her allure and the sense of mystery that constantly surrounds her.
  • Graceful Hand Gestures: When explaining complex concepts or sharing tales of her past, Savasha employs elegant hand gestures. These motions, whether it's the tracing of an arcane symbol in the air or the mimicry of a bird in flight, add depth and vivid imagery to her words, making her narratives even more engaging.
  • Protective Stance: Around her students or those she cares for, her posture subtly shifts to a more protective stance. It's a slight positioning of her body, almost imperceptible, but it signals her readiness to shield or defend should the need arise.


  • Tone of Voice: Savasha's tone is consistently measured and confident, laced with a sultriness that many find both captivating and slightly intimidating. There's a gentle yet persistent authority in her voice that demands attention and respect.
  • Pitch: Her pitch is lower, imbued with a rich depth that resonates in the ears of her listeners. Yet, it can occasionally rise slightly when she's expressing surprise or amusement, offering a rare glimpse into her emotional landscape.
  • Accent: Savasha has a distinct, exotic accent that hints at her Quazadun origins. It's a musical blend that combines the lilting nuances of Quazadun speech with the more refined tones of Eos, revealing her extensive travels and diverse experiences.
  • Dialect: While her Quazadun roots occasionally shine through in her choice of words or phrasing, her extensive time in Eos and interactions with its populace have largely molded her dialect to fit the standard speech of the Academy and Edoran elite.
Current Location
bright orange/yellow
curly black hair, mane, afro
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Chocolate brown
Aligned Organization