The Twilight Communion: Queen Nonsi's Annual Procession to the Grand Temple

The Twilight Communion is one of the most anticipated and grandest events in Uthar's calendar. It symbolizes the deep connection between Queen Nonsi, Eilistraee, and the people of Uthar. It's not only a journey of a monarch to a temple but a reenactment of the Drow's emergence from darkness into twilight, and a reaffirmation of Queen Nonsi's commitment to her people and her goddess.


  • The Origins of the Twilight Communion
The beginning of the Twilight Communion is intricately tied to the tumultuous events of Queen Nonsi's early reign and the establishment of Uthar on the surface world.  
  • The First Emergence
After the catastrophic events of The Collapse, Queen Nonsi led her followers from the collapsing Underdark to the surface. This emergence wasn't merely a geographical transition but also a symbolic shift from a life of secrecy and oppression to one of hope and freedom under the perpetual twilight.  
  • The Initial Challenges
The early days on the surface were marked by skepticism, confusion, and uncertainty. The Drow, having lived beneath the earth for millennia, found the surface unfamiliar and intimidating, even under the cloak of twilight that Queen Nonsi had created. They faced hostility from neighboring nations, unfamiliar climates, and the immense psychological strain of adapting to a new world.  
  • Eilistraee's Guidance
In these trying times, Queen Nonsi frequently sought guidance from Eilistraee. The goddess would commune with her, providing solace, advice, and often visions of what Uthar could become. One of these visions was a grand procession, a journey taken annually to reaffirm the bond between the Drow, their queen, and their deity.  
  • The First Communion
Acting on her vision, Queen Nonsi decided to recreate the emergence journey in the form of a procession from her palace to a site chosen for the grand temple of Eilistraee. This ceremonial walk was symbolic of the Drow's journey from the Underdark, their struggles, and their hope for the future. At the end of this first procession, Queen Nonsi performed the Dance of Communion, a divinely inspired dance that allowed her to channel and commune with Eilistraee.  
  • The People's Embrace
The spectacle of their queen, so publicly displaying her devotion and vulnerability, deeply resonated with the Drow. They saw in this procession a reflection of their collective journey and aspirations. It became a source of inspiration and unity, and from then on, the people of Uthar eagerly anticipated and participated in this annual event.  
  • Institutionalization
Recognizing the profound impact of this procession on the national psyche, Queen Nonsi institutionalized it as an annual event. Over time, various elements were added to the procession, turning it from a simple walk to the grand and multifaceted celebration of the Twilight Communion as it's known today.  
  • Conclusion
The Twilight Communion began as a divine vision, a beacon of hope in uncertain times. Over the years, it has transformed into a cornerstone of Uthar's cultural and spiritual identity, celebrating the nation's past struggles, present unity, and hopes for the future.


  • The Morning Preparations
The event starts at dawn with the Palace's Bell Tower ringing a harmonious tune, signaling the beginning of the festivities. The Palace's courtyards are filled with priests, artisans, and performers preparing for the grand event.  
  • The Silver Walkway
A long path leading from the palace to the Grand Temple is adorned with silver and moonstone decorations. This pathway, known as the Silver Walkway, is lined with thousands of bioluminescent flowers, creating a mesmerizing path of shimmering light.  
  • The Royal Procession
Dressed in a magnificent gown made of the finest spider silk, adorned with twilight sapphires and moonstones, Queen Nonsi emerges from the palace. Accompanying her are the Twilight Guard, the Choir of the Nightingales, and select nobles. The procession is led by dancers performing the Dance of the Emergence, a dance form that chronicles the Drow's journey from the Underdark to the surface.  
  • The Song of Gratitude
As the procession reaches the halfway point, the Choir of the Nightingales serenades Queen Nonsi with the Song of Gratitude. This song recounts Queen Nonsi's heroism, her divine connection with Eilistraee, and her tireless efforts in establishing Uthar.  
  • Interactive Rituals
Throughout the procession, Queen Nonsi engages in a series of interactive rituals. She lights ceremonial candles, sprinkles moonwater (specially consecrated water) onto the fields for a good harvest, and even personally blesses some fortunate citizens she meets on her path.  
  • Arrival at the Grand Temple
Upon reaching the Grand Temple, Queen Nonsi is greeted by the temple's High Priestess and the senior clergy. A special platform is set up in the temple's forecourt where Queen Nonsi performs the Dance of Communion, a sacred dance that she performs annually as a tribute to Eilistraee. It's believed that during this dance, Queen Nonsi receives visions and messages from Eilistraee, guiding her in ruling Uthar.  
  • The Twilight Feast
Following the Dance of Communion, a grand feast known as the Twilight Feast is held in the Gardens of Redemption. Here, citizens of Freygarde, irrespective of their status, join Queen Nonsi in a communal meal, symbolizing unity and mutual respect.  
  • Concluding Rituals
The event concludes with a special night-time ceremony in the Grand Temple. Here, Queen Nonsi, accompanied by the temple's priests, offers prayers and thanks to Eilistraee. The ceremony culminates with the release of thousands of luminescent butterflies into the night sky, representing the hopes and dreams of the Drow and their continuous ascent towards a brighter future.

Components and tools

  • The Moonblade
This is a divinely forged blade that Queen Nonsi carries during the procession. Unlike the aggressive weapons of war, the Moonblade emanates a soft, ethereal glow that resonates with the energy of Eilistraee. The blade symbolizes guidance, protection, and the divine connection between the goddess and her people.  
  • Twilight Incense
A unique blend of underground and surface herbs, the Twilight Incense, when burned, produces a silvery smoke that carries an intoxicating scent. It's believed to strengthen the connection between the Drow and their deity and create an ambiance reminiscent of their days in the Underdark.  
  • The Star Chalice
A beautifully crafted goblet adorned with gemstones representing constellations. During the procession, it's filled with Moonwine, a sacred drink made from nocturnal fruits and enhanced with magical properties. This drink serves as both a communal offering and a celebratory beverage.  
  • Dancing Silks
Participants, especially those leading the dance rituals, adorn themselves with lightweight, luminescent silks. These shimmering fabrics flow gracefully, amplifying the beauty of their movements during the Dance of Communion.  
  • Ritual Ribbons
Tall poles with cascading ribbons are placed along the procession's path. These ribbons are touched and twirled by participants, symbolizing their individual threads in the larger tapestry of Uthar's history.  
  • Eilistraee's Lyrandar
A sacred lyre, believed to be a gift from Eilistraee herself. Its enchanting music sets the rhythm for the Dance of Communion, with tunes that resonate deeply within the souls of the Drow.  
  • Obsidian Circles
Small obsidian stones carved into circular amulets. Participants wear them as a reminder of their subterranean origins and the unity they've forged in Uthar.  
  • Sacred Spices
An array of exotic spices is scattered along the procession route, reminiscent of the rare trade items the Drow once bartered with in the Underdark. As participants walk over them, they're crushed, releasing evocative aromas that evoke memories of times past.  
  • Moonblossoms
These are delicate, luminescent flowers that bloom only in the perpetual twilight of Uthar. They're offered at altars along the procession path, symbolizing the beauty and resilience of the Drow in their new homeland.  
  • The Veil of Shadows
A gossamer fabric held aloft by the Twilight Guard as Queen Nonsi passes beneath. This veil symbolizes the protective cloak of twilight she conjured, shielding her people from the harsh sunlight.   Each of these components, whether serving a ritualistic purpose or symbolizing a chapter in Uthar's history, enriches the Twilight Communion. Together, they craft a multi-sensory experience that deeply connects the Drow with their past, present, and the divine blessings of Eilistraee.


  • Queen Nonsi
As the spiritual and political leader of Uthar, her presence is central. She leads the procession, carrying the Moonblade and symbolically re-enacting her journey from the depths of the Underdark to the surface, representing the entire Drow community's journey. She concludes the procession by publicly communing with Eilistraee, marking the climax of the event.  
  • The Twilight Guard
Queen Nonsi's elite protectors, they form the honor guard during the procession. They not only ensure the queen's safety but also perform intricate sword dances, demonstrating their skill and the beauty of Eilistraee’s teachings.  
  • High Priestesses and Priests of Eilistraee
Leading figures of the Church of Eilistraee, they conduct various rituals throughout the procession. They sing hymns, offer blessings, and officiate the communal sharing of the Moonwine from the Star Chalice.  
  • Dancers of the Silver Moon
A dedicated group of dancers, they lead the Dance of Communion. Cloaked in the Dancing Silks, they perform sequences that recount tales from Drow history and Eilistraee's divine intervention.  
  • Lyrandar Bearers
These musicians play the sacred Eilistraee's Lyrandar, setting the rhythm for the dances and hymns. They play specific melodies that are unique to the Twilight Communion, passed down through generations.  
  • Ribbon Weavers
Primarily children and young adults, these participants twirl and weave around the Ritual Ribbons, symbolizing the future and hope of Uthar. They also hand out the Obsidian Circles to attendees.  
  • Moonblossom Maidens
Young maidens chosen for their dedication to the church, they scatter Moonblossoms along the procession route and make offerings at the altars.  
  • Spice Walkers
Mostly traders and merchants, they symbolically scatter the Sacred Spices, representing Uthar's ties to the ancient trade routes and their transition to surface life.  
  • Veil Bearers
Members of the Twilight Guard hold the Veil of Shadows aloft for Queen Nonsi to pass under, reenacting the magical protection she provided for her people.  
  • General Attendees
The broader population of Uthar, they join the procession to show their unity, gratitude, and devotion. Their presence is crucial as they form the living tapestry of the nation and bear witness to the spiritual communion.  
  • Foreign Delegates
Given Uthar's political significance, foreign dignitaries often attend, observing and paying their respects. Their participation reinforces Uthar's neutral and influential position in regional politics.  
  • Historians and Scribes
Tasked with documenting the event, they capture both its spiritual essence and its evolving nature, ensuring that the tale of the Twilight Communion is preserved for future generations.   Each participant, whether playing a ceremonial role or being a general attendee, contributes to the success and sanctity of the Twilight Communion. Their combined efforts and faith make it a powerful event that resonates deeply within the hearts of Uthar's populace and beyond.


The rites of the Twilight Communion are observed based on a celestial event which perfectly embodies the drow's connection to both the darkness and the light: the Lunar Eclipse.   In the continent of Eos, a lunar eclipse is not just the alignment of the moon, earth, and sun, but it's also a time when the energies of both the Underdark (symbolized by the darkness of the eclipse) and Eilistraee's light (symbolized by the moon) are in perfect balance. It's a significant celestial phenomenon for Uthar and the Drow, symbolizing their transition from the Underdark to the surface, and the perpetual twilight they now live under.   To determine the exact date:  
  • Moonseers of Eilistraee
A dedicated group within the Church, the Moonseers are skilled in both astronomy and divine magic. They predict the occurrence of the next lunar eclipse using a mix of celestial charts, telescopes, and divine visions granted by Eilistraee.  
  • Lunar Tablets
These are ancient stone tablets inscribed with celestial patterns and calculations. They are said to be gifts from Eilistraee, providing guidance on predicting the exact date and time of the lunar eclipses. Over the generations, these tablets have been safeguarded and studied meticulously by the Moonseers.  
  • Star Chanters
Another group within the Church, the Star Chanters are diviners who interpret signs and omens in the stars. While the Moonseers rely on hard data and celestial charts, the Star Chanters provide intuitive and spiritual insights, ensuring that the chosen date for the Twilight Communion is auspicious and aligns with Eilistraee's will.   Once the date of the lunar eclipse is determined, preparations for the Twilight Communion begin in earnest. The lunar calendar system ensures that the event retains its sanctity, and its occurrence varies, making each Communion unique. The unpredictability of the event also adds to its allure and significance, as the entire nation of Uthar eagerly awaits the Moonseers' announcement and prepares to partake in the sacred rites.
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