Church of Eilistraee

The worshipers of Eilistraee consist mainly of drow who yearn to escape the dangers and darkness of the Underdark, seeking refuge from the evil influence of Lolth, the Spider Queen, and establishing a new life on the surface world. Eilistraee's ideals, however, extend beyond the drow, as she welcomes beings of all races. Among her non-drow followers, elves, humans, and especially half-elves form the largest contingent. The followers of Eilistraee share a common desire to witness races coexisting harmoniously, free from discrimination and unnecessary conflicts. They actively work towards this goal, and even the drow among them strive to carve out their own place in the Realms above. The worship of the Dark Dancer primarily revolves around song and dance, preferably under the moonlight in wooded areas of the surface world. If possible, worship is accompanied by a joyous feast, a celebration of life and community.   Eilistraee's teachings encompass various aspects:   Helping Others:   Eilistraeens are tasked with aiding and protecting all individuals in need, regardless of their race, strength, or disposition. They promote harmony and acceptance among all races and extend their assistance to those who fight for good whenever possible. Except when confronting evil, they are expected to exhibit kindness, even towards those who display rudeness, and to engage in acts of kindness towards others.   Promoting Joy, Arts, and Beauty:   Eilistraeens are encouraged to spread happiness and merriment wherever they go, lifting people's spirits through acts of kindness, joviality, songs, jests, and revelry. They are urged to foster and create beauty, to practice and promote music and dance, to learn new melodies and dances, and to develop skills in playing, crafting, and repairing musical instruments. Sharing these skills and experiences with others is encouraged, allowing them to bring joy to both friends and strangers. It is believed that feasts should always be joyous occasions, with food consumed amidst the accompaniment of music, except during solemn events. The faithful are also advised to train in swordplay, continuously honing their skills with the blade.   Food:   Eilistraeens are taught to regard food as a source of joy. They are advised to learn the art of cooking, gather new recipes and spices whenever possible, and sustain themselves through their gardening and hunting skills. They are encouraged to assist hunters when feasible. When an abundance of food is available, a portion is set aside to be shared with those in need, particularly outcasts and individuals from other races. Therefore, Eilistraeens are advised to carry some food for this purpose. Any remaining food is given to the priestesses of the Dark Maiden, who, in turn, distribute it to ensure that none go hungry.   Conflict:   Eilistraeens are instructed to respond swiftly with violence when faced with violence, thereby swiftly eliminating threats and minimizing harm. The bodies of evil enemies are typically burned as an offering to the goddess, unless they are non-sentient and edible, providing sustenance to hungry individuals nearby. In the unfortunate event of the faithful, friends, or allies falling in battle, priestesses of the Dark Maiden are tasked with offering solace and comfort to those mourning the loss, providing a funeral song and burial.   Possessions:   Wealth is to be utilized to acquire food, swords, armor, and musical instruments, as well as to support the endeavors of the goddess. When assisting others, the price for their aid should not exceed the value of a single tool, favor, sword, or armor that can be used to further the will of Eilistraee.   Slavery:   Eilistraee and her church vehemently detest slavery, actively opposing it whenever possible   . Followers of the Dark Maiden are strictly forbidden from engaging in slave ownership. Prisoners of war, usually Lolth-worshiping drow or untrustworthy individuals possessing dangerous knowledge, may be required to work in exchange for food and shelter. However, they are not considered property and cannot be commanded by anyone except designated supervisors appointed by the decision-makers among Eilistraeeans, and only in specific cases.


1. Moondancer (High Priestess/Priest)     Role & Responsibilities: The Moondancer holds the highest position in the church, serving as a spiritual guide and the primary conduit for Eilistraee's teachings and blessings. They are responsible for making major decisions, overseeing sacred rituals, and providing spiritual guidance to the congregation. Appointed By: Emergence through divine signs or through a council of Starlight Envoys, based on wisdom, experience, and spiritual connection with Eilistraee.   2. Starlight Envoy:   Role & Responsibilities: These are seasoned priests who act as the primary advisors to the Moondancer and oversee large sects or branches of the church in various regions. They're also responsible for diplomacy with other religious orders and races. Appointed By: The Moondancer or through consensus among existing Starlight Envoys, based on merit and devotion.   3. Moonblade Guardian:   Role & Responsibilities: Serving as the martial arm of the church, they protect its sacred sites and ensure the safety of its followers. They are also the chief trainers for young drow wishing to learn the sacred dances of swordplay. Appointed By: Based on martial prowess, dedication, and a recommendation from existing Moonblade Guardians or Starlight Envoys.   4. Silverbard Adept:   Role & Responsibilities: These are the musicians, dancers, and artists dedicated to expressing Eilistraee's teachings through arts. They organize festivals, performances, and ceremonies, infusing them with magic and music. Appointed By: Recognition of their artistic prowess and spiritual connection to Eilistraee's tenets.   5. Loommistress/ Loommaster:   Role & Responsibilities: Custodians of knowledge, history, and elven lore, they maintain the church's libraries and chronicles. They also serve as educators, ensuring the next generation understands their rich history and the teachings of Eilistraee. Appointed By: Based on knowledge, wisdom, and dedication to preserving elven culture.   6. Novices of the Dance:   Role & Responsibilities: The initiates of the church, they are still learning the ways of Eilistraee. They assist in daily chores, ceremonies, and are under the tutelage of higher-ranking members. Appointed By: Entry upon expressing a genuine desire to follow Eilistraee's path and undergoing a preliminary rite of dedication. 7. Lay Followers:   Role & Responsibilities: These are the regular worshippers and followers who, while not holding any clerical status, are crucial to the church's community. They participate in ceremonies, offer their skills and services, and spread Eilistraee's teachings in their daily lives. Appointed By: Self-declaration of faith and regular participation in the church's activities. Each title and role within the Church of Eilistraee holds significance, ensuring that the goddess's teachings are spread, understood, and lived by her followers. This structure, while hierarchical, still values the principles of freedom, individual expression, and mutual respect that Eilistraee stands for.

Cosmological Views

Origins of the Universe:  The universe came into being through the intertwining forces of the Weave and the Primordial. Their interplay, fueled by the powerful emotions of entities like Elrod, Fayeth, and Lucx, gave rise to existence and all the planes. The Twist and Birth of Planes: The cataclysmic event known as The Twist, influenced heavily by surging emotions, birthed the many planes of existence. Each plane, from the Material to the Astral and the Feywild, encapsulates specific emotions and elemental forces.   The Age of Gods:  Before the realms and planes were fully formed, beings like Elrod, Fayeth, and Lucx pondered creation. Their interactions, emotions, and ambitions crafted the initial layers of the universe.   The Dual Nature of Eilistraee:  Eilistraee's unique position between the Seldarine and the Dark Seldarine is symbolic of the universe's duality. Just as there is light and shadow in the cosmos, so too is there in every soul. The Church believes that Eilistraee herself embodies this balance, and her dance is a cosmic reflection of the universe's rhythms.   The Role of Emotions:  Emotions play a pivotal role in the Church's cosmology. The universe is not a static entity; it's ever-evolving, shaped by the collective emotions of all beings. Eilistraee, with her emphasis on love, redemption, and hope, seeks to channel these emotions positively to mend rifts and foster unity.   Evermeet and the Cycle of Rebirth:  The ethereal realm of Evermeet, created during the Age of Devotion, is seen as a place of rest and reflection. Souls that venerate the Va'lis and the Seldarine find solace here, experiencing a brief respite before being reborn. Eilistraee's followers believe that even souls that have strayed can find their way to Evermeet, provided they seek redemption and embrace the dance of unity.   The Everlasting Vigil:  The universe, though vast and diverse, is under the watchful gaze of the Va'lis and deities like Eilistraee. They serve as guardians, ensuring that the balance between light and shadow, order and chaos, is maintained.   The Promise of Redemption:  Central to the Church's cosmology is the belief in redemption. No matter how far a soul has strayed into the darkness, there's always a path back to the light. Eilistraee's dance serves as a beacon, guiding those lost in the shadows back to harmony and balance.

Tenets of Faith

Dance of Unity: Believers are encouraged to dance under the moonlit sky, not only as a form of worship but as a way to bridge the gap between the drow and other races. This dance symbolizes unity, acceptance, and reconciliation. Embrace Duality: Eilistraee's own dual nature, hovering between the Dark Seldarine and the Seldarine, reminds her followers to understand and accept the dual aspects of themselves. Shadows are as much a part of the world as light, and understanding this balance is crucial.   Champion Redemption: Every soul, no matter how tarnished, has the potential for redemption. Followers should extend a helping hand to those seeking to find their way back from the darkness, especially the drow trying to break free from the shackles of their oppressive heritage.   Harmonize with Nature: Eilistraee's connection to music, art, and the natural world signifies a need for her followers to live in harmony with the environment, respecting its rhythms and cycles.   Defend the Oppressed: Eilistraee's desire to provide solace to the oppressed means her followers should always stand up against tyranny, oppression, and cruelty. They are to be the voice for the voiceless and the shield for the defenseless.   Cherish Freedom: Personal freedom and the right to choose one's own destiny are paramount. Followers are reminded never to let anyone dictate their path and to always resist any force that seeks to shackle their spirit.   Encourage Artistic Expression: Music, art, and dance are not just forms of worship but are also essential for the soul's nourishment. Followers are encouraged to create, express, and share their artistic gifts.   Build Bridges, Not Walls: Eilistraee's constant effort to bridge the gap between the light and dark elves serves as a reminder for her followers to always seek dialogue, understanding, and cooperation over conflict and isolation.   Promote Equality: In the eyes of Eilistraee, every individual, regardless of race, gender, or background, has value. Her followers are taught to treat everyone as equals, fostering a community where all can thrive.   Seek the Silver Lining: No matter how dire the situation, Eilistraee's followers believe in hope. They are taught to always look for the silver lining, believing that even in the darkest times, a flicker of light awaits.


1. Understanding and Acceptance:   Valuing Duality: The faithful are taught to recognize the duality in all things and in themselves. They believe that understanding one's own shadows is the first step to finding balance. Open-heartedness: Judgment is discouraged. Instead, followers are urged to approach others with empathy and strive to understand their perspectives.   2. Embracing Redemption:   Second Chances: The Church believes in giving others, especially those who have strayed, a chance at redemption. This is a reflection of Eilistraee’s own journey and her belief in the potential for good in all beings. Active Outreach: It is seen as a pious act to reach out to those lost in darkness, be it literal or metaphorical, and guide them towards the light.   3. Responsibility and Stewardship:   Guardians of the Balance: Given Eilistraee's connection to both the Seldarine and the Dark Seldarine, her followers are taught to uphold the balance between light and shadow, ensuring neither overwhelms the other. Protectors of Nature: Like other elves, followers of Eilistraee are stewards of nature, charged with its protection and preservation.   4. Cherishing Arts and Expression:   Dance as Worship: Dance is not just a form of worship but also an expression of one's feelings, thoughts, and aspirations. Followers are encouraged to incorporate dance into their daily routines, seeing it as a way to connect with Eilistraee and the world around them. Promotion of Arts: Followers are urged to engage in various art forms, be it music, painting, or crafting, viewing these as channels to express their devotion and understand their inner selves.   5. Sin and Contrition:   Betrayal: Given the Church's emphasis on understanding and community, betraying the trust of another, especially within the Church, is viewed as a grave sin. Suppression of Redemption: Preventing someone from seeking redemption or holding their past against them goes against the very core of Eilistraee’s teachings. Contrition through Dance: Those who sin are often asked to engage in a dance of contrition, where they reflect on their misdeeds and seek guidance and forgiveness from Eilistraee.   6. Valuing Freedom:   Breaking Chains: Oppressing or enslaving others, even in subtle forms, is considered a significant sin. The Church values freedom in all its forms, be it physical, emotional, or spiritual. Supporting the Oppressed: Actively aiding those who are oppressed or enslaved is seen as a pious act, embodying Eilistraee's spirit of liberation.


1. Moonlit Dances:   Central to Eilistraee's worship is the ritual of dancing under the moonlight. As a goddess of song and dance, Eilistraee's followers believe in celebrating her grace by dancing barefoot, often in clearings or by water sources. These dances are seen as an offering to the goddess and a way to connect with her essence.   2. Song of the Wind and Water:   Melodies, especially those sung during dances, play a crucial role. Followers often sing hymns praising Eilistraee's duality, her promise of redemption, and the hope she brings. The songs are hauntingly beautiful, echoing with the memories of the past and hopes for the future.   3. Sword Blessings:   Given Eilistraee's association with swordplay, many of her followers practice and perfect the art of the blade. They often partake in rituals where their swords are blessed in moonlit pools, believing this grants them the goddess's protection and guidance.   4. Sharing of the Feast:   Followers often gather to share communal meals, especially after dances or significant rituals. These meals, often consisting of hunted game, fresh fruits, and bread, symbolize unity, sharing, and community.   5. Silver Circlets:   As a token of their devotion, many followers wear silver circlets or other jewelry pieces. These items are often enchanted in rituals, providing the wearer with Eilistraee's blessings.   6. Ritual of Redemption:   For those drow who wish to return to the surface or seek redemption from a life of deceit or violence, a special ritual is performed. It's a rite of passage, involving confession, atonement, and a pledge to walk in Eilistraee's light.   7. Pilgrimages:   Certain sacred groves, clearings, or ancient ruins are considered holy to Eilistraee's followers. Pilgrimages to these sites, often undertaken during specific phases of the moon, are seen as a way to deepen one's connection to the goddess.   8. The Weaving of Tapestries:   Drawing from the collective elven history of weaving destinies, followers often create intricate tapestries that depict their personal journeys, challenges, hopes, and dreams. These are displayed in their places of worship, serving as reminders of the personal and communal journeys of the faithful.   9. Ceremonies of the Weave:   Given Eilistraee's connection to the Weave and its patterns, special ceremonies are held where magic is celebrated. Followers gather to experiment, learn, and share magical knowledge, ensuring their connection to the arcane remains strong.   10. Celebration of Dualities:   Eilistraee's followers regularly hold ceremonies where they acknowledge and celebrate the dualities within themselves and the world around them. This might involve narrating tales of light and shadow, performing plays, or holding debates.


1. The Moon Dancers:     The priests and priestesses of Eilistraee are commonly referred to as the "Moon Dancers," an acknowledgment of the deity's nocturnal dance rituals that symbolize hope, redemption, and the balance between light and shadow.   2. Appointment and Ascension:   Path of Redemption: Many Moon Dancers were once followers of the Dark Seldarine who found redemption through Eilistraee's teachings. Their personal journeys from shadow to light make them powerful testimonies to the Church's core tenets. Call of the Song: Some are chosen after hearing Eilistraee's haunting melody, a divine call that resonates with their souls and draws them to her service. Mentorship: Established Moon Dancers often identify potential candidates within the Church, guiding and mentoring them until they're ready to assume their roles fully.   3. Distinguishing Marks:   Silver Crescent Amulet: Moon Dancers typically wear an amulet shaped like a silver crescent moon, symbolizing their deep connection to Eilistraee and her nocturnal dances. Moon-Touched Robes: Their ceremonial robes, often diaphanous and shimmering, are said to be touched by the light of the moon, reflecting different hues under the night sky. Tattoos of the Dance: Some Moon Dancers bear intricate tattoos, representing significant moments from Eilistraee's dances that they've personally witnessed or experienced.   4. Roles and Responsibilities:   Guardians of the Dance: Moon Dancers lead the sacred dance rituals, especially during significant lunar events, guiding the faithful in their steps and ensuring the dance's purity. Keepers of Knowledge: They maintain the oral histories, songs, and tales of Eilistraee, ensuring that her teachings and the lessons from the past are preserved for future generations. Mediators: Given Eilistraee's unique position between the Seldarine and the Dark Seldarine, Moon Dancers often act as mediators, seeking to mend rifts and foster understanding between divergent groups. Guides to Redemption: They actively seek out drow and other beings who've lost their way, offering them a path back to the light through Eilistraee's teachings.   5. Training and Pilgrimage: Newly initiated Moon Dancers undergo rigorous training, both in the art of the dance and in the deeper theological aspects of Eilistraee's teachings. Many undertake pilgrimages to significant sites associated with Eilistraee, seeking personal revelations and blessings.   6. The Dance as Prayer: While other priesthoods might use chants, scriptures, or rituals, for Moon Dancers, the dance itself is the highest form of prayer and connection to Eilistraee. Through their movements, they channel divine energy, seek visions, and offer solace to the faithful.

Political Influence & Intrigue

1. Mediators and Diplomats:   The Church, with its understanding of both light and shadow, often acts as mediators in disputes, especially between surface elves and drow. Their unbiased stance and their goal of unity make them valuable in negotiations.   2. Advocates for Drow Rights:   In political systems where drow are oppressed or looked down upon, the Church actively advocates for their rights, pushing for policies that promote equality and understanding. This can lead to political tensions, especially with hardliners who view drow through a lens of mistrust.   3. Challenging Matriarchy:   The Church's emphasis on redemption and understanding sometimes brings it into conflict with traditional drow societies ruled by matriarchal structures, especially those under Lolth's strict dominion. They seek to break the rigid hierarchies and promote a more egalitarian society, leading to political intrigue within the Underdark.   4. Alliances with Surface Kingdoms:   The Church often forms strategic alliances with surface kingdoms, promoting trade, cultural exchange, and mutual defense pacts. These alliances are beneficial for both parties, providing the surface kingdoms with access to the riches and magics of the Underdark and giving the Church political leverage.   5. Infiltration and Espionage:   Given Eilistraee's teachings of understanding one's surroundings and being several steps ahead, followers are often adept at gathering information. This ability is leveraged to infiltrate political circles, ensuring the Church is always well-informed and can act proactively.   6. Cultural Integration:   The Church promotes festivals, dances, and arts that integrate drow culture with that of other races. This soft influence often leads to a change in political perspectives as races begin to understand and appreciate each other more, leading to more harmonious relations.   7. Opposition and Surveillance:   The Church, given its unique position and influence, often faces opposition from both traditional drow houses and suspicious surface kingdoms. They're constantly under surveillance, leading them to develop intricate networks of communication and encrypted rituals to ensure their plans remain concealed.   8. Promotion of Magical Research:   Eilistraee's followers, given their connection to the Weave, often promote magical research and advancement. This has political implications as regions under their influence often become centers of arcane advancements, attracting scholars, mages, and potential allies.


1. The Moonlit Blades:     Dogma: This sect believes in a more martial interpretation of Eilistraee's teachings, emphasizing her association with swordplay. Distinguishing Features: Members are expert swordsmen and often take on roles as protectors of the faithful or as emissaries of Eilistraee's justice. Mainstream Perception: While the mainstream respects their martial prowess, they sometimes see them as overly zealous or too quick to resort to violence.   2. The Harmonious Choir:   Dogma: They focus primarily on Eilistraee's patronage of arts, especially music and song. Distinguishing Features: Comprised mostly of bards and musicians, they travel and spread Eilistraee's message through heart-touching performances. Mainstream Perception: Widely appreciated and adored for keeping the essence of song and dance alive, although occasionally perceived as not being proactive in matters of defense and strategy.   3. The Silver Weavers:   Dogma: Drawing from the ancient elven tradition of weaving destinies, this sect believes in understanding and subtly influencing the threads of fate. Distinguishing Features: Skilled in divination and fate-related magics, they often act as oracles or advisers. Mainstream Perception: Respected for their wisdom, though some traditionalists are wary of their meddling with destinies.   4. The Shadowed Path:   Dogma: This sect believes in embracing the darkness to truly appreciate the light, much in line with Eilistraee's duality. Distinguishing Features: Members often venture into the darker aspects of the world, acting as spies or infiltrators, to bring about change from within. Mainstream Perception: A necessary but sometimes unsettling sect. Their methods might be questioned, but their intentions are believed to be pure.   5. The Luminous Veil:   Dogma: They emphasize Eilistraee's connection to the moon and the ethereal beauty it represents. Distinguishing Features: Members often practice nocturnal rituals, drawing power from moon phases, and have a unique affinity for illusions and light-based magics. Mainstream Perception: Seen as mystics, their moonlit ceremonies are a beloved spectacle, though they are sometimes seen as too detached from the day-to-day affairs.   6. The Reconciliationists:   Dogma: This sect focuses on bridging the gap between the drow of the Underdark and the surface elves, fostering dialogue and understanding. Distinguishing Features: Diplomats and ambassadors, they engage in peace talks, negotiations, and cultural exchanges. Mainstream Perception: Highly respected for their noble mission, although their optimism is sometimes seen as naive.

Twilight's Vigil

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