Eos (Major Events)

Major events that take place on the continent of Eos after The Collapse.

After The Collapse

0 BTC 2368 ATC

all major events that occurred after The Collapse

  • 0 ATC

    The Collapse
    Disaster / Destruction

    In a mysterious and unprecedented event, the world experienced a cataclysmic occurrence that reshaped the course of history. The event had a continent-shattering impact, causing widespread devastation and affecting every nation, as well as every individual, regardless of age or gender. The catastrophe was characterized by the eruption of mountains and volcanoes, the splitting of countryside, and the sinking of landmasses into the sea. This event remains unexplained, and its scale and magnitude were unparalleled in recorded history. The aftermath of this catastrophe left a lasting impression on humanity, with people from all walks of life praying that such a calamity never repeats itself.

  • 1 ATC

    18 ATC

    The Nonsi Rebellion
    Civil action

    Rion Nonsi, a drow, receives visions from the deity Eilistraee, which inspire her to lead her people to the surface world. Seeking to escape the clutches of the Spider Queen Lolth, Rion Nonsi, now known as Queen Nonsi, guides the drow to safety. They establish a new nation called Uthar in the Rachnora Range. This fledgling nation marks the drow of Uthar's newfound freedom and independence from their previous underground existence under the dominion of Lolth.

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  • 35 ATC

    Leona is changed to United Leona
    Civil action

    In a significant development, the capital of Leona has been relocated from Afield to a new city called Edoran. This change coincides with the rise of King Leona III, who leads the now united nation of Leona. Under King Leona III's leadership, Leona has expanded its borders, aiming to offer protection and shelter to those affected by The Collapse.

  • 50 ATC

    The Silver Accords
    Diplomatic action

    Uthar and Leona sign a treaty of friendship and cooperation called the Silver Accords. This treaty facilitates trade, culture exchange, and mutual defense, strengthening the bond between the two nations.

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  • 75 ATC

    97 ATC

    The War of Black Blood
    Military: War

    Queen Nonsi of the drow, oppressed by the Spider Queen Lolth, leads her people to freedom after The Collapse. They settle in the Rochnora Range and encounter warring orc clans. Nonsi advocates for peace and forms alliances, but Chieftain Gorthank declares war. The War of Black Blood lasts 22 years, with Nonsi's forces ultimately emerging victorious. In a climactic battle, Nonsi reveals her power and mercy, sparing Gorthank's clan. Nonsi and Chieftain Shakah found the nation of Uthar, promoting unity and diversity. Nonsi's legacy as a liberator and visionary lives on, inspiring future generations.

  • 126 ATC

    Palacor Valley is settled
    Cultural event

    The Palacor Valley is a region that was initially settled beyond the jurisdiction of any specific nation. It served as a refuge for individuals who desired to live independently and free from the governance of established countries. Over time, people from various parts of Eos, have chosen to make the Palacor Valley their permanent residence.

  • 500 ATC

    516 ATC

    Age of Discovery
    Era beginning/end

    Utharian explorers venture to uncharted territories, aiming to establish diplomatic relations and trade routes. The discoveries from these expeditions boost Uthar's economy and further its cultural richness.

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  • 745 ATC

    765 ATC

    Years of Harmony
    Diplomatic action

    Uthar, leveraging its position as a bridge between the surface and Underdark, fosters diplomatic ties with various nations. Numerous treaties and accords get signed, reinforcing peace and cooperation.

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  • 868 ATC

    872 ATC

    Goluk War
    Military: War

    In the Toln Expanse, which is now within the country of Uthar, a conflict erupts between a cult called The Goluk and the elven inhabitants of Va'len. Initially perceived as a minor group of humans who held prejudice against elves, The Goluk swiftly grew in numbers, forming a powerful military force. This sudden escalation leads to a full-scale war between The Goluk and the elves, pitting their military might against each other.

  • 869 ATC

    The Great Exodus
    Population Migration / Travel

    The inhabitants of Va'len, a forest nation, were forced to leave their homeland due to the Goluk War. They took different paths to escape, with some choosing to travel by land and others by sea. Several nations, such as Nelanor, Uthar, and United Leona, provided immediate refuge for those who fled Va'len. However, there were also individuals who decided to stay and fight alongside the armies of Va'len in defense of their homeland against the impending threat.

  • 872 ATC

    Desolation of Va'len & the Toln Fragmentation
    Disaster / Destruction

    The complete destruction of the remaining woods of the original Va'len marked the end of the Goluk War leaving the once flourishing elven kingdom in total ruins and both military factions wiped out. The land where The Goluk came from was integrated into the nation of Uthar and is still heavily policed in the modern day for concerns of orcs, goblins, bugbears, and other monsters having moved into the area during the war.

  • 873 ATC

    The Order of Valindria is founded
    Military action

    After the Goluk War, the nation of Va'len was left defenseless as its military was decimated. However, the survivors of the final and deadly battle came together to create an organization known as the Order of Valindria. This newly formed group assumed the role of protectors for the displaced refugees of Va'len. With their primary purpose being the safeguarding of the war-ravaged land and its people, the Order of Valindria dedicated themselves to ensuring the safety and well-being of the vulnerable survivors in the aftermath of the conflict.

  • 875 ATC

    The Palacor Agreement
    Diplomatic action

    A comprehensive set of magical laws known as The Palacor Valley is established through a collective agreement between all nations. These laws are designed to govern various aspects of society. The initial act passed under these laws is the declaration of sanctuary for all elves who sought refuge during the Goluk War, regardless of the nation they currently reside in. The elves are granted political representation through Lady Faeloda, who serves as their representative in matters of governance and decision-making for the elven people.

  • 880 ATC

    900 ATC

    The Greening Initiative
    Geological / environmental event

    The Greening Initiative, led by the Order of Valindria and supported by Utharian druids and mages, aims to restore the ravaged lands of Va'len. Over two decades, they manage to rejuvenate significant portions, setting the stage for the forest nation's eventual restoration.

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  • 902 ATC

    905 ATC

    Days of Ash
    Disaster / Destruction

    Shortly after the hard-won success of the Greening Initiative, the rejuvenated lands of Va'len tragically regress. Magics tied to Va'len, whether due to an unforeseen backlash or latent curses, obliterate the Greening Initiative's progress. The landscapes are scorched, making the lands barren and ashen. Rumors spread like wildfire across Eos that the land of Va'len might be forever cursed, further discouraging attempts at restoration.

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  • 920 ATC

    The Va'len Exile
    Population Migration / Travel

    Given the seemingly unending misfortunes that befall Va'len, a majority of its remaining inhabitants decide to leave for good, seeking homes in other parts of Eos. The exodus is somber, a march of those defeated by the land they love.

  • 945 ATC

    960 ATC

    The Arcane Research Renaissance
    Technological achievement

    Uthar becomes the forefront of researching various arcane methods to stabilize the disrupted magical energies in Va'len. Academies, mage guilds, and institutions collaborate to dissect the essence of the land's curse. While complete restoration remains elusive, they achieve minor breakthroughs that prove beneficial in other areas of study.

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  • 985 ATC

    1000 ATC

    The Centennial Peace Summit
    Political event

    With the turn of the millennium approaching, leaders from various nations, including Uthar, United Leona, Quazadun, and Nelanor, come together in a peace summit. The focus is on global stability, economic prosperity, and potential solutions to the Va'len crisis. The summit concludes with multiple treaties signed and renewed vows of cooperation.

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  • 1055 ATC

    The Silver Spires Academy
    Construction beginning/end

    A major arcane institution is founded in Uthar. Named for its gleaming, towering spires, the academy becomes a haven for magical study, drawing in students and scholars from all corners of Eos. While its primary focus is on advanced arcane research, a special wing is dedicated to solving the mystery of Va'len's cursed land.

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  • 1100 ATC

    The Utharian Expeditions
    Era beginning/end

    A new age of exploration begins as Uthar sponsors expeditions beyond known borders. These journeys lead to the discovery of new lands, civilizations, and mysteries, adding to Eos's rich tapestry of cultures and histories.

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  • 1115 ATC

    The Mystery of the Missing Priests
    Religious event

    Priests of Eilistraee from various temples across Eos, including the First Church of Eilistraee in Freygarde, mysteriously vanish without a trace. Investigations are launched, but no concrete answers are found. This event heightens tensions in an already politically charged environment.

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  • 1120 ATC

    King Leona 30th is assassinated
    Life, Death

    King Leona the 30th is assassinated by a Mist Walker assassin during a festival procession, with suspicion pointing towards a Quazadun operative. The assassination triggers a series of events that result in a full-scale war between the nations of United Leona and Quazadun. This conflict becomes known as the Quazad-Leona War.

  • 1121 ATC

    1125 ATC

    The Quazad – Leona War
    Military action

  • 1125 ATC

    The 2nd Palacor Agreement
    Political event

    The Quazad-Leona War, a conflict between the nations of Quazadun and United Leona, concludes. As a result, the Palacor Agreement, which served as a framework for negotiations and peace talks, has been amended. The amended agreement successfully brought both nations into an armistice, marking the end of hostilities between them. This armistice has endured up to the present day, suggesting a period of sustained peace between Quazadun and United Leona.

  • 1126 ATC

    2138 ATC

    The First Tranquility
    Era beginning/end

    "The First Tranquility" refers to a period following the Quazad-Leona War when a lasting peace was established across the land of Eos. This era was characterized by significant advancements in various fields such as science, politics, and arcane knowledge. Overall, during this peaceful phase, Eos witnessed notable progress in scientific, political, and arcane endeavors.

  • 1127 ATC

    1150 ATC

    Rebuilding & Renewal
    Era beginning/end

    After the Quazad-Leona War, the affected regions undertake massive reconstruction efforts. Supported by the amended Palacor Agreement, nations collaborate in rebuilding infrastructure, restoring art and culture, and reinforcing diplomatic ties.

  • 1300 ATC

    1330 ATC

    The Enlightened Age
    Era beginning/end

    During this period, Eos experiences significant advancements in art, philosophy, and science. The drow of Uthar contribute immensely, especially in the realm of magical arts. The era sees the blending of science and magic, leading to the creation of innovative arcane machinery and tools.

  • 1400 ATC

    The Dwelling is Erected
    Construction beginning/end

    A grand library is established in Uthar after amassing the collective knowledge over the centuries, aiming to preserve the vast knowledge of Eos. The library becomes a major hub for scholars, researchers, and historians, providing resources from various eras and nations, thus making it the oldest source of knowledge in Eos.

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  • 1600 ATC

    1625 ATC

    The Arcane Anomaly
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A strange magical anomaly begins to affect various parts of Eos. While it's mostly harmless, the phenomenon sparks curiosity and concern. Researchers from the Silver Spires Academy lead the investigation, collaborating with arcane experts from across the continent.

  • 1700 ATC

    1710 ATC

    The Decennial Festival
    Cultural event

    Celebrating Eos's rich history, a decade-long festival takes place, with different nations hosting events each year. This festival strengthens international relations, fosters cultural exchange, and showcases the beauty and diversity of Eos.

  • 1900 ATC

    1915 ATC

    The Va'len Resurgence
    Gathering / Conference

    Driven by new research and breakthroughs from the Silver Spires Academy, efforts to restore Va'len intensify. Slow, yet promising progress is made as sections of the land show signs of recovery.

  • 2000 ATC

    The Millennial Celebration
    Cultural event

    Marking 2000 years since The Collapse, a grand celebration takes place across Eos. Events commemorate the resilience, achievements, and unity of the continent's nations and peoples.

  • 2100 ATC

    The Starlight Symposium
    Gathering / Conference

    Scholars, mages, and scientists from across Eos gather in Uthar for a symposium focusing on the exploration of the cosmos. The event highlights the latest advancements in astrological and arcane sciences.

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  • 2125 ATC

    The Shadow's Whisper
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Reports emerge of a strange shadowy figure appearing in various parts of Eos, whispering cryptic messages to those it encounters. These sightings stir unease, as many believe this to be a harbinger of an impending event.

  • 2139 ATC

    2150 ATC

    The Siege of Koth
    Military action

    In the Siege of Koth, the dwarf holy-land of Koth is attacked by an army riding wyverns, led by a powerful black dragon named Ukifune. King Darkstone, the ruler of the nation of Nur, takes charge of defending Koth and leads his people into battle. Despite his efforts, King Darkstone sacrifices his own life while bravely holding off the dragon, allowing his armies to retreat from the battle they were losing. The siege represents a significant conflict as the dwarves of Koth fight to reclaim their sacred land from the invading forces.

  • 2145 ATC

    Va'len's Relentless Magic
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Despite the technological and arcane advancements Eos experiences, Va'len's magics continue to resist. The more restoration is attempted, the stronger and more chaotic the magic becomes. Tales of ground swallowing entire buildings overnight or springs turning to thick tar are not uncommon. Many begin to question if Va'len is simply too cursed to ever be habitable again.

  • 2152 ATC

    Queen Orthane takes the Throne of Nur
    Political event

    Following the siege and the death of her husband, Queen Orthane of the Orthane clan assumes the throne of Nur. Despite the loss of their holy land, Queen Orthane leads her people towards stability and vows to reclaim Koth for her people before her reign ends.

  • 2175 ATC

    Ghostly Remembrance
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Whispers spread throughout Eos, particularly in Uthar, as apparitions begin appearing. The most prominent of these occurrences are seen in the Toln Expanse, where spectral warriors from the War of Black Blood roam. Reports from Uthar's major cities also tell of ghostly sightings. The spirits appear restless, often re-enacting scenes from their mortal lives. Scholars and mages from Uthar form a coalition to study and understand the phenomenon, believing the rise of these specters is related to the previously mentioned shadowy figures.

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  • 2193 ATC

    The 3rd Palacor Agreement
    Political event

    the third revision of the Palacor Agreement established an alliance between the United Leona Council and the nation of Nur. As part of this agreement, Queen Orthane of Nur was granted a seat of representation within the council. Additionally, Leonan troops were deployed to Nur to secure the nation's trade routes and major cities, which had been affected by the Siege of Koth. Their presence aimed to assist in restoring and maintaining order in Nur until such time when their assistance is deemed unnecessary.

  • 2252 ATC

    15 /3

    The Day of Western Thunder

    The Day of Western Thunder marked a significant event in human history when the Violet Queen, accompanied by her dragon husbands Volk and Nyrsos, flew over the Nane forest and appeared before the city of Edoran. The queen, an otherworldly being with immense power, shattered the entrance to the royal castle and demanded an audience with the Untied Eos Council. She revealed herself as the offspring of a red and blue dragon and the ruler of the united red and blue dragon factions. Curious about humanity, she observed their kingdoms and created a mirror called the "Dragon's Eye" to monitor their meetings. After her departure, her worship spread, leading to conflict and attempts to suppress it. It is believed that the queen seeks worshippers to gain more power and ultimately ascend to godhood. Her arrival continues to be remembered as a moment of great power and fear in Eos.

  • 2257 ATC

    Cult of the Violet Queen
    Religious event

    Following the Day of Western Thunder, a cult dedicated to the Violet Queen emerges in various parts of Eos. The cultists believe that by serving her, they can obtain a fragment of her immense power. They engage in rituals and ceremonies, often hidden from the public eye, causing friction with existing religious organizations.

  • 2275 ATC

    The Mysterious Shadows
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    After a long hiatus, the shadowy figures return, this time more active than before. Sightings are reported across Eos, tied to isolated incidents of the dead coming back to life. These resurrections are not true rebirths; the risen beings are often soulless or driven by an unknown force.

  • 2288 ATC

    The Utharian Alliance
    Diplomatic action

    In light of the increased supernatural and political threats, Uthar, in coordination with Neleanor, establishes a research alliance. The main objective is to combine arcane and scientific knowledge to unravel the mysteries of the shadowy figures, the undead occurrences, and the stubborn magics of Va'len.

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  • 2295 ATC

    The Black Market of Dragon Relics
    Criminal Activity

    Artifacts believed to be connected to the Violet Queen, Volk, and Nyrsos begin circulating in the underground markets. These relics are rumored to possess immense power and are sought after by many, including powerful mages, influential leaders, and the Cult of the Violet Queen.

  • 2303 ATC

    The Day of Friends

    Port Illarin, a trade town in the country of Nur, was attacked by orcs, goblins, and hobgoblins from the Toln Expanse. The city's defense was led by the Sisters of Battle, a female dwarf battle faction. During the attack, they were unexpectedly assisted by a group of drow called The Twilight Guard and a band of human warrior women known as the Red Arrows. Together, they defeated the enemy forces and helped rebuild the city. This event led to the formation of The Protectorate, a female-only guild of powerful warriors based in Port Illarin.

  • 2308 ATC

    The Emergence of the Dragon Priests
    Religious event

    A faction separate from the Cult of the Violet Queen rises, known as the Dragon Priests. Claiming to be chosen intermediaries between Eos and the dragons, they focus on diplomacy and aim to bridge the divide between the Violet Queen and humanity. Their emergence causes further religious tensions and conflicts across the continent.

  • 2350 ATC

    The Council of Elders
    Diplomatic action

    Notable figures from different nations form the Council of Elders, aiming to address and mitigate the escalating supernatural and political tensions in Eos. Their influence grows rapidly, and they become a central force in diplomatic negotiations, conflict resolutions, and ensuring the well-being of Eos's inhabitants.

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  • 2365 ATC

    The Twilight Portal
    Discovery, Exploration

    Scholars from the Silver Spires Academy in collaboration with the Utharian Alliance discover a portal believed to lead to another realm. The entrance is heavily guarded, and its study is in the early stages. Some believe it might hold the key to understanding the rise in supernatural occurrences and the challenges plaguing Va'len.

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  • 2368 ATC

    Present Day

    As of the current date, there exists a state of relative peace in specific regions of Eos. However, despite the peace agreement between United Leona and Quazad, tensions between them continue to escalate. Additionally, organized groups of orcs, goblins, and various other monsters have been observed migrating in certain areas of northern United Leona, southern Uthar, and western Nur. This influx of creatures has caused considerable challenges for travel and trade. In response, Neleanor has been compelled to permit passage through their southern sea ports, resulting in an increase in taxes to offset the costs incurred.