History of Uthar

This marks signifigant moments in the nation of Uthar's history.

  • 1 ATC

    18 ATC

    The Nonsi Rebellion
    Civil action

    Rion Nonsi, a drow, receives visions from the deity Eilistraee, which inspire her to lead her people to the surface world. Seeking to escape the clutches of the Spider Queen Lolth, Rion Nonsi, now known as Queen Nonsi, guides the drow to safety. They establish a new nation called Uthar in the Rachnora Range. This fledgling nation marks the drow of Uthar's newfound freedom and independence from their previous underground existence under the dominion of Lolth.

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  • 19 ATC

    34 ATC

    Rise of Utharian Culture
    Cultural event

    Amid the aftermath of the Nonsi Rebellion, the newfound nation of Uthar sees a flourishing of arts, culture, and traditions. Queen Nonsi's advocacy for unity and diversity brings together various races under the Utharian flag. Architects, artists, and musicians collaborate, blending surface and Underdark influences into a unique Utharian identity.

  • 50 ATC

    The Silver Accords
    Diplomatic action

    Uthar and Leona sign a treaty of friendship and cooperation called the Silver Accords. This treaty facilitates trade, culture exchange, and mutual defense, strengthening the bond between the two nations.

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  • 68 ATC

    Founding of the Academy of Bioluminescence

    The city of Freygarde, with its streets lit by bioluminescent plants, sees the founding of an academy dedicated to the study and cultivation of these unique flora. Researchers from various nations flock to the academy, contributing to Uthar's growing reputation as a center of learning.

  • 75 ATC

    97 ATC

    The War of Black Blood
    Military: War

    Queen Nonsi of the drow, oppressed by the Spider Queen Lolth, leads her people to freedom after The Collapse. They settle in the Rochnora Range and encounter warring orc clans. Nonsi advocates for peace and forms alliances, but Chieftain Gorthank declares war. The War of Black Blood lasts 22 years, with Nonsi's forces ultimately emerging victorious. In a climactic battle, Nonsi reveals her power and mercy, sparing Gorthank's clan. Nonsi and Chieftain Shakah found the nation of Uthar, promoting unity and diversity. Nonsi's legacy as a liberator and visionary lives on, inspiring future generations.

  • 82 ATC

    94 ATC

    Days of Peace
    Era beginning/end

    Post the War of Black Blood, Uthar experiences a relatively peaceful period, where focus shifts towards reconstruction, infrastructural development, and cultural festivities. Queen Nonsi’s legacy of unity and peace becomes the foundation of this era.

  • 90 ATC

    The Dawn Address
    Diplomatic action

    This speech, known as the "Dawn Address", remains one of the most iconic moments in Uthar's history, capturing the essence of Queen Rion Soliana Nonsi's vision for the country and its people. It is often recited during national ceremonies and taught in schools, reminding generations of Utharians of their shared purpose and legacy.

  • 100 ATC

    20 /10 06:00

    The Inaugural Day of the First Church of Eilistraee in Freygarde
    Religious event

    The city of Freygarde, bathed in the unique twilight of Uthar, prepared for the grand inauguration of the First Church of Eilistraee. Bioluminescent plants lit the streets as music harmonious with Eilistraee's teachings filled the air. The church, a blend of gothic and Underdark designs, awaited its sanctification. Queen Nonsi, leading a procession of clerics and citizens, spoke at the church's entrance, emphasizing hope, unity, and acceptance. As she spoke, a divine manifestation of Eilistraee appeared, dancing gracefully above the congregation. Her dance connected everyone present in a shared, euphoric experience, concluding with a permanent moonbeam established above the temple. This divine event, symbolizing Eilistraee's blessings and the Drow's unity under Queen Nonsi, became an annual, cherished celebration in Freygarde.

  • 105 ATC

    120 ATC

    Nightsong Festival
    Cultural event

    Initiated five years after the inauguration of the First Church of Eilistraee, the Nightsong Festival is held annually. The festival commemorates the euphoric dance of Eilistraee and celebrates unity, hope, and acceptance. It attracts pilgrims from all over the continent of Eos.

  • 200 ATC

    Creation of the Utharian Guard
    Military action

    A military division is founded to protect Uthar's borders and maintain peace within. Trained in both traditional warfare and arcane arts, this guard becomes renowned across Eos for its discipline and prowess.

  • 500 ATC

    516 ATC

    Age of Discovery
    Era beginning/end

    Utharian explorers venture to uncharted territories, aiming to establish diplomatic relations and trade routes. The discoveries from these expeditions boost Uthar's economy and further its cultural richness.

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  • 700 ATC

    740 ATC

    Rise of the Undercities
    Construction beginning/end

    Embracing their origins, the drow of Uthar start constructing Undercities, vast subterranean settlements, balancing their surface world establishments. These cities become marvels of engineering, attracting tourists and scholars alike.

  • 745 ATC

    765 ATC

    Years of Harmony
    Diplomatic action

    Uthar, leveraging its position as a bridge between the surface and Underdark, fosters diplomatic ties with various nations. Numerous treaties and accords get signed, reinforcing peace and cooperation.

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  • 810 ATC

    867 ATC

    Days of Awareness

    As signs of The Goluk's rise start appearing, Uthar invests in the education of its populace about the various races, cultures, and potential threats. This era strengthens the nation's unity, preparing it for the forthcoming challenges.

  • 874 ATC

    The Uthorian Building Effort
    Political event

    Post the Goluk War and Desolation of Va'len, Uthar dedicates significant resources and manpower in aid of the affected areas. This effort not only involves infrastructural rebuilding but also psychological support and rehabilitation for survivors.

  • 880 ATC

    900 ATC

    The Greening Initiative
    Geological / environmental event

    The Greening Initiative, led by the Order of Valindria and supported by Utharian druids and mages, aims to restore the ravaged lands of Va'len. Over two decades, they manage to rejuvenate significant portions, setting the stage for the forest nation's eventual restoration.

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  • 902 ATC

    905 ATC

    Days of Ash
    Disaster / Destruction

    Shortly after the hard-won success of the Greening Initiative, the rejuvenated lands of Va'len tragically regress. Magics tied to Va'len, whether due to an unforeseen backlash or latent curses, obliterate the Greening Initiative's progress. The landscapes are scorched, making the lands barren and ashen. Rumors spread like wildfire across Eos that the land of Va'len might be forever cursed, further discouraging attempts at restoration.

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  • 945 ATC

    960 ATC

    The Arcane Research Renaissance
    Technological achievement

    Uthar becomes the forefront of researching various arcane methods to stabilize the disrupted magical energies in Va'len. Academies, mage guilds, and institutions collaborate to dissect the essence of the land's curse. While complete restoration remains elusive, they achieve minor breakthroughs that prove beneficial in other areas of study.

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  • 985 ATC

    1000 ATC

    The Centennial Peace Summit
    Political event

    With the turn of the millennium approaching, leaders from various nations, including Uthar, United Leona, Quazadun, and Nelanor, come together in a peace summit. The focus is on global stability, economic prosperity, and potential solutions to the Va'len crisis. The summit concludes with multiple treaties signed and renewed vows of cooperation.

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  • 1015 ATC

    The Oracle of Freygarde
    Religious event

    In the city of Freygarde, a young drow named Elria gains attention for her prophetic visions. Many believe she is a chosen oracle of Eilistraee. Her most haunting vision foretells of a shadow looming over Eos, but she remains a beacon of hope, urging nations to come together to avert impending disaster.

  • 1055 ATC

    The Silver Spires Academy
    Construction beginning/end

    A major arcane institution is founded in Uthar. Named for its gleaming, towering spires, the academy becomes a haven for magical study, drawing in students and scholars from all corners of Eos. While its primary focus is on advanced arcane research, a special wing is dedicated to solving the mystery of Va'len's cursed land.

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  • 1090 ATC

    The Nightshade Accords
    Diplomatic action

    Anticipating potential conflicts and understanding the need for unity, Uthar, along with its neighboring nations, signs the Nightshade Accords. This set of agreements strengthens alliances, eases trade restrictions, and emphasizes the importance of mutual defense and cooperation.

  • 1100 ATC

    The Utharian Expeditions
    Era beginning/end

    A new age of exploration begins as Uthar sponsors expeditions beyond known borders. These journeys lead to the discovery of new lands, civilizations, and mysteries, adding to Eos's rich tapestry of cultures and histories.

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  • 1115 ATC

    The Mystery of the Missing Priests
    Religious event

    Priests of Eilistraee from various temples across Eos, including the First Church of Eilistraee in Freygarde, mysteriously vanish without a trace. Investigations are launched, but no concrete answers are found. This event heightens tensions in an already politically charged environment.

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  • 1200 ATC

    The Lunar Conclave
    Religious event

    On the 100th anniversary of the Oracle of Freygarde's prophetic visions, clerics, priests, and followers of Eilistraee from across Eos convene in Uthar for the Lunar Conclave. The focus is on unity, deciphering the prophecies, and determining the path forward for the worship of Eilistraee.

  • 1400 ATC

    The Dwelling is Erected
    Construction beginning/end

    A grand library is established in Uthar after amassing the collective knowledge over the centuries, aiming to preserve the vast knowledge of Eos. The library becomes a major hub for scholars, researchers, and historians, providing resources from various eras and nations, thus making it the oldest source of knowledge in Eos.

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  • 2100 ATC

    The Starlight Symposium
    Gathering / Conference

    Scholars, mages, and scientists from across Eos gather in Uthar for a symposium focusing on the exploration of the cosmos. The event highlights the latest advancements in astrological and arcane sciences.

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  • 2175 ATC

    Ghostly Remembrance
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Whispers spread throughout Eos, particularly in Uthar, as apparitions begin appearing. The most prominent of these occurrences are seen in the Toln Expanse, where spectral warriors from the War of Black Blood roam. Reports from Uthar's major cities also tell of ghostly sightings. The spirits appear restless, often re-enacting scenes from their mortal lives. Scholars and mages from Uthar form a coalition to study and understand the phenomenon, believing the rise of these specters is related to the previously mentioned shadowy figures.

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  • 2180 ATC

    Festival of Shadow & Light
    Cultural event

    Uthar, attempting to cope with the frequent ghostly sightings, integrates them into their culture. They create a festival to honor the spirits of the past and provide a platform for unity and healing. It involves a mixture of respect for the dead and a celebration of life. Residents light candles, create intricate floating lanterns, and offer prayers, hoping to bring solace to the restless spirits.

  • 2288 ATC

    The Utharian Alliance
    Diplomatic action

    In light of the increased supernatural and political threats, Uthar, in coordination with Neleanor, establishes a research alliance. The main objective is to combine arcane and scientific knowledge to unravel the mysteries of the shadowy figures, the undead occurrences, and the stubborn magics of Va'len.

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  • 2350 ATC

    The Council of Elders
    Diplomatic action

    Notable figures from different nations form the Council of Elders, aiming to address and mitigate the escalating supernatural and political tensions in Eos. Their influence grows rapidly, and they become a central force in diplomatic negotiations, conflict resolutions, and ensuring the well-being of Eos's inhabitants.

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  • 2365 ATC

    The Twilight Portal
    Discovery, Exploration

    Scholars from the Silver Spires Academy in collaboration with the Utharian Alliance discover a portal believed to lead to another realm. The entrance is heavily guarded, and its study is in the early stages. Some believe it might hold the key to understanding the rise in supernatural occurrences and the challenges plaguing Va'len.

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