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Errich Swallowtail

Errich Swallowtail (a.k.a. Bearrich, Errich the Werebear Cleric, Bearrich the Werecleric)

I have a lot of nicknames: Bearrich, Eclipse Guardian, "small fry", . . . but you can just call me Errich! I like wielding Jakka's power and travelling with my friends; it feels very natural and fulfilling.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

very diminutive, but stout for his size

Facial Features

a soft, handsome, and affable countenance

Identifying Characteristics

his short height, pointy ears, and big green pointy hat; might also be recognized for eclipse shield

Apparel & Accessories

Earthly toned travelling garments, such as a cloak, conical hat, and half-plate armor; carries a big shield with an eclipse engraved on it that always emits light

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When Errich was born, his biological father Desmond Moonbloom was killed. This event has been kept secret by Errich's mother, Rezelda. During his childhood, Errich and his twin brother, Fenrin, always looked up to their adventerous Uncle Erwin Freefinch. When they turned 20, both Errich and Fenrin started their worldwalk. Early in their venture, they happened upon a hag disguised as a halfling outlander. The hag placed a lycanthropic curse on them both, and they split up after some heated dissension. Errich wandered off to look for his missing mother and bumped into a cleric-hunter named Peter Wycliffe. Errich would train as a cleric-hunter among Peter and his comrades until Errich discovered his lycanthropy on a devastating moonlit night that would result in many deaths. In his shame and confusion, Errich retreated to the woods near Goldencrest where his belongings would be stolen, he would be captured, and the Hot Grails would eventually free him and accept him as a member of the party.

Gender Identity



Likes female halflings, can appreciate the attractiveness of other races, too. Has had a few questionable sexual encounters in the brothel of Metrodoven and even after a party in Goldencrest as a werebear.


Errich has recieved a basic education provided by the Commonwealth and military and magic training by the cleric-hunters of Jakka.


Errich would be a cleric-hunter for a short time before becoming a full-time adventurer with the Hot Grails.

Mental Trauma

The foggy memories of slaughtering the cleric-hunters and the separate occasion of losing control and hunting down innocents throughout Dormondport (during the housewarming party) has haunted Errich for a while.

Intellectual Characteristics

Errich has an average intelligence but advanced wisdom, especially for his age.

Morality & Philosophy

Errich tends to be good-natured and likes to help others and see others happy. While he tends to be lawful, Errich has seen some of the flaws inherent in the legal system. For instance, the once-evil Yolana had decieved many in the Maru Kingdom, including the king, and confronting this issue led to exile and allegations of treachery. Errich detests evil and doesn't tend to see much opportunity for redemption in those emersed in wickedness. The softening of Fenrin's heart has shown Errich that change to that degree is possible, but dangerous.

Personality Characteristics


Errich is motivated by the love and encouragement of his friends, family, and deity. He aims to protect his loved ones, maintain control over his lycanthropy, and fulfill Jakka's purpose for him.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

talented with spellcasting, fierce as a werebear, good at creating and retaining riddles

Likes & Dislikes

Loves to smoke Loveleaf, a mildly psychedelic weed; likes to tell people what he thinks they want to hear.

Virtues & Personality perks

desires to do the right thing, any suffering is a call to help, devout to his god and loyal to his loved ones.

Vices & Personality flaws

Smokes too much.


Because of his fervor for the outdoors and camping, Errich doesn't worry too much about bathing. However, he bathes every opportunity he gets because baths are scarce in the life of an adventurer. On his filthiest of days, Errich tends to smell like grass and dirt and accumulates some grime and dirt on his face, hair, and clothing. The spellcasters of the Hot Grails party clean garments with prestidigitation in order to be presentably publicly.


Contacts & Relations

His biological father's name was Desmond Moonbloom. Errich's parents are his stepfather Boris Swallowtail and his mother Rezelda (maiden name is Freefinch). He has a twin brother named Fenrin and an uncle they both looked up to named Erwin Freefinch. Errich has been acquainted with a cleric-hunter, Peter Wycliffe. His crush that he intends to marry is a halfling named Jilwyse Rivereyes. Among all of the people Errich has met on his adventures, the closest friends of his would be Benebarak, Valentine, Clover, Lazuli, and Alphinaud. Errich also likes Queeris (Clover's half-orc husband), Tamara (the drow beauty at Outpost Ju), Tespin the minotaur, and Salen Greenoak the kalashtar dream druid.

When his worldwalk began, Errich suffered because of his lycanthropic affliction. Since he has joined the Hot Grails, Errich has learned to control his lycanthropy and become the conduit for the divine power of the Eclipse.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
The Commonwealth
Current Residence
a manor in Dormondport
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
3 ft 1 in
50 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Everyone is afraid, but it takes a heroic spirit to overcome that fear. When you overcome that fear, you can achieve great success or great failure. If you succeed, you have your reward. If you fail, the wisdom attained from that failure is an even greater reward than the reward of success. Either way, you gain something great by overcoming fear."
Known Languages
Common, Halfling, Sylvan, Undercommon

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Errich Joins The Hot Grails

Anniversay 9/5/21 and I joined around 1/4/22 DND notes: Sirivill: advanced civ that disappeared   The Hot Grails (group) Valentine (Josh) half-elf warlock Clover (Kat) Tiefling Paladin Lazuli (Jaden) Water Genasi Druid Alphinaud (Preston) half-elf bard Benebarak (Dalton) Aasimar sorceror Errich (me) Halfling Cleric Queeris (cody)   Clover gets married to Queeris. We break into the Mayor's house looking for ? . While visiting Goldencrest City, Valentine is arrested and taken into the bottom of their cave jail. Given a job by the family (?) and by the king(?)'s vizier. Side quest for Errich by Goldencrest blacksmith; Devexian wants resource/shipment, but hasn't received it. Figures there was a disagreement between dwarves and drow. Main quest given during visit at Jakka's temple early morning to search for evil (woman/entity) in the east and deal with her (slay?). Suspicion leads Errich to believe that this evil is the Collector (hunting V) and is hiding in Dormondport. Drow city Gloomrun to settle dispute between them and the miner/diggers and nobles that oversee them. Deephunter's Guild in Gloomrun; has a list of 3 contracts: Remorhaz (huge monstrosity), Glabrezu (large fiend) or FireGiants (huge giant) Ask Devexian(?) if he can make Errich some Half Plate armor (and if he will still roll w/ disadvantage for stealth) To dos (Errich): up in Ithocrest are practiced lycantrhopes. Emerald Enclave (druidic guild in Goldencrest). suspicion of Yolana; Itthumb, right hand man of king, agrees that Yolana is suspicious. Going to use clairvoyance and augury to spy on Yolana and to make sure it will be safe to do so. Evil bastards: Rundrexx (crazy dragonborn) Khadir (dead) Larz (rogue that stabbed Ben) Blaize (caster) Zuurdec (half-dragon) Krerrin (wyvern) Drog (war troll) Werebeast invited me to seek him out sometime and learn to harness my lycanthropy. Kurran fought Valentine in a duel and defeated him, taking Lemfilla (one of V's shadow weapons) and vanished. Go the church in Goldencrest to investigate Valentine's "demons". 4/24/22 Clover had her cursed scar removed (still scarred, but no longer magical). Leader of Divina Church recommended Errich visit the temples/altars dedicated to Jakka's children within Gloomrun. Confessed to the party (excluding V) that I've been a werebear and that I'm keeeping it secret from my church. First is temple of Eisos (one of three Jakka's sons darkness domain; the shadowed scholar; black thief. The Dark Keeper -- collects dark powers, not for himself, but for prevention. Temple of Plysus -- god of death. Patron of sorrowful love. Resides in Shadowfell (realm). Mo-Vren -- Second god of magic (first went caput). Dictates arcane influence; naturally manipulates through lode stones. The three of the these gods are confirmed to have been born at the same time, but as for when this occured or how is up for debate. Alphinaud learned that his father is imprisoned under Goldencrest. 5/22/22 Valentine is fighting a shadow demon(?) in a different realm; my guess is Eisos's darkness domain or some "void". Left for Outpost Ju to prepare to face the remraz. Temmeria - head of the outpost. Errich suspects that Tamaria might be into him. Ventured through the underground tunnels; it dark and Errich can't see anything, so is riding Laz in badger form. Entered a room and awoken a basilisk (Errich can't see it nor knows what it is). What will happen next? 6/12/22 Defeated Remraz and are still at Outpost Ju. Also, Laz turned a basilisk into a chicken. Grim Enchantments: potion of climbing, quiver of arrows +1, potion of growth, folding boat, 2x spell scrolls of true seeing, wand of the warmage. Met Salen (teenage human male) who took on the shape of squirrel for incognito. Is a blonde druid. Also left a message to meet us in the town center of Gloomrun. Tells us that he keeps seeing us in his dreams; is a "dreamstrider". Salen sends us through a mushroom portal and we end up in a dark cylindrical room embedded with roots and featuring a druidic circle. Learned that Errich and Alphinaud share a relationship with a hag. Benebarak and Lazuli also share a similar type of bond? Salen offered to allow us to spectate on our dreams. Ben/Laz dream: Ben is younger and playing in the woods to the left of Havensgrove, avoiding the guard that supervises Ben. Laz is there, following Ben. Ben comes upon a tree that has grooves that resemble Ben's staff, as though the staff was a chunk taken out of the tree. Waylines coming from Ben's house and up to a well. Ben sees lines, Laz sees chains and has bad feeling about where they lead. As they approach the Havengrove estate and climb the steps, they eavesdrop in Ben's father's conversation, accented with metal rod pounding. Ben and Laz grab the wooden staff from the armory and continue back to the well. When they get there, Ben's grandfather Vokil is there, but does not notice Ben and Laz sneaking up. They step on a platform where the well was, and descend into a subterranean tunnel. They come upon a door that when opened, creates a cacophony. Notes are produced by spontaneous "rays?"; the whole place seems to be an old construct created by someone potentially immortal; maybe created by a deity or deities or something else powerful. The air is thick like honey, and walking through proves to be difficult. As Ben and Laz push on, the sparks/rays become more frantic and frequent. A smokey black sphere surrounds a lode stone that seems to be the key of the power of the room. There is a figure, obscured in darkness with gaunt fingers turning pages of a book; the lightning seems to be controlled by the figure, used to provide light to read the book. Ben chooses to confront the figure. When Ben asks the figure who he is, all of the lighting converges at the top center of the room, taking on a humanoid shape. Combat ensues between Ben and Laz and the dark figure that was created from the lightning. Errich and Alphinaud join together in a dream. A devious voice taunts Alphinaud and then Errich, and then Vines keep Errich from avoiding the full moon, turning him into a werebear. Alphinaud creates meat for me to eat and I eventually take control of my werebear form. We continue to Amberreach and confront Alphinaud's dream Papa. His papa is scarred and chained and told us to help him; they are hurting him and others to find us. I realize that we are actually in a dark cell, probably a jail cell. In their dream, Valentine walks through a mirror. Clover looks around to find that they are at the entrance of the castle of Goldencrest; she notices that something is missing, but cannot pinpoint what or where. They enter the castle; stumble upon a massive cauldron over a heating element; the room is boiling hot. Clover perceives that something is off/weird/amiss; investigates a plate (on the ground?). Valentine invokes Dovanin, who arrives in person, confused. Then, V looks to Clover, but perceives her as a mass of tentacles??? Both notice a vacancy/void that seems to move around the room; wherever the void resides in the room looks to be missing. Dovanin knocks on a door, but no answer. As they pass through the door, Clover notices that they are on an invisible bridge. Afterwards, they both come across a group of sad, mindless looking people, reminiscent of Valentine (probably the missing Zorn). Both come across a staircase; They choose to go upstairs. As they reach the top, a door opens. A mysetrious individual invites them in, but seems upset, maybe hostile. Also casts silence on Valentine. Asks Clover, whom is silenced, where she got that mark, but suggests that he(?) left it. After everyone is awakened, we plan to leave to the south (where elves live and a civil war is occurring). Unfortunately, only Salen and Alphinaud make it through the portal before it closes and the rest of the party in confronted suddenly by Yolana. We fukt. 6/19/22 Yolana teleports us to cave (I think) and fights us with a few gnolls at his side. We defeat him, and then he enters phase 2. During this phase, he absorbs spells (slots) and Errich notices a faint being highlighted in divine magic (grotesquely obese, covered in chains, flat nose, big mouth, tusks). Was given small idol of Jakka by Edmund and was told to give to the Temple of Jakka and to keep a low profile concerning the demon/devil I saw until I get to my people. Edmund, Clover's clerical guardian, shows up, heals us, and calls upon Bree Valerian, whom shows up and teleports us to Goldencrest. We have a montage trial. Hot Grails are declared innocent of treason (expunged). King asks a favor: wants us to search through Yolana's quarters and appoints Bree as new High Mage (or whatever). 7/3/22 When I visit the temple of Jakka in Goldencrest, I see Benebarak unconscious. His arm seems to be getting worse, but the archpriest tells Errich that Ben must deal with it on his own. Dreggur Tull is the entity I saw devour Yollana; was a god, which is why I felt radiant energy. Keep it secret. Dreggur Tull was banished by Jakka himself for the sin of glorifying himself; god of pain. Those not protected by Jakka are susceptible to his influence, madness takes over those weak of will and convinced to commit suicide. Keeping everyone in ignorance of Dreggur Tull is the best option, as acknowledgement and fear empower the entity. Spent the three weeks in Goldencrest retrieving his Shillelagh Staff, re-upping on his weed (which provided temp inspiration - roll any d20 roll with advantage), taking idol to archpriest of Jakka's temple and learning about Dreggur Tull, catching up with Jilwyse, and hanging out with Tespin the minotaur in order to get arrested for three days in case Errich fails resisting the werebear transformation during the full moon. Afterwards, the party ends up in Dormondport, where we meet Pete Moss, and set sail (hired to guard the ship, but not clear on destination). The captain tells us that we're looking for a pirate ship known by the moniker "The Blind Dragon". We discover a ship that had white smoke, cannonball holes, no bodies, missing nav charts, etc. We're told that the blind dragon pirates usually hang bodies from the side of the ship as a warning/effigy, so this ship must've had something else going on. Very mysterious. We get pursued by a kraken, whom almost capsizes us until a ship rescues us by firing cannonballs at the kraken until it was deterred and left. Laz notices that the ship that rescues us has black sails and a flag with a green dragon with a censer over the eye. The captain seems to be a green dragonborn with an eyepatch and wings. 7/24/22 Last time on Dragonball Z . . . post-kraken, Laz and Vayne opt to go for land; explored a temple?; following a trail of smashed doors; room full of chains and dead cultists; found a notebook; heard footsteps behind them, so they set a trap; Vayne is pushed in by captain of the Blind Dragon; our ship being towed by Blind Dragon; Rogar (god of draconic bishes) kills captain of Blind Dragon; dragon god tells us that we had what he was after; received a gem that does cool stuff for Clover; everyone has waterbreathing . . . We climb aboard The Traversing Storm (our ship) with the remaining pirate crew (who were being charmed by the pirate captain). Rogar gave us a lead concerning the asshole that is holding the remaining Zorn. Errich helps Bliss (the Tiefling) whom requests for me to check on Laz and investigate the pirate ship concerning the nature of the magic behind the crew being charmed. Errich finds secret room on pirate ship Blind Dragon; finds a golden bathtub filled with jewels, baubles, crowns, sceptres, etc. Captain's secret booty . . . $360,000 is Captain Vayne's debt, my god . . . the party, Hot Grails, discusses how we're splitting the half millions worth of gold found on the ship; after opting to bail Vayne out of his debt and take 20k each for ourselves, we split the rest among the two crews. After leaving the tiny nameless island, we split the magic loot from the pirate captain among us. Alphinaud gets the rapier of life stealing, V gets the ring of water walking, and we agree to keep the leather armor in our party inventory until we need it or decide to sell it. We head toward the next nearest island to port on the Blind Dragon while the Traversing Storm heads in a different direction . . .? (Iwasn'tpayingattention) 7/31/22 We have to beat cultists to the four temples or whatever; two have already been taken down; two left. We confront cultists in the third temple: Initiative -- Laz, Clover, Pete, bad, Alph, bad, V, bad x4, Errich, bad We almost die; Cody rolled a 1 and ended world??? . . . . . . to be continued . . . 8/14/22 Laz made a new friend. Then he died. Benebarak arrives after shit has hit the fan. He looks fancy. Same haircut. Laz saw a vision (kind of; had a conversation with a dying man) of a giant flying bird. Elysial Woods: tall trees with homes crafted into them and tall elves. Elves escort Laz to tree. Laz gon talk to a tree; secret area; meditating . . . Bear comes and goes. Elves return and heal everyone. Errich needs a pair of platinum rings for the spell 'Warding Bond' which lasts an hour. We're off to see the Sealed Burrow Tomb in Burrowdale. Laz needs mushrooms, libraries, and metal \m/n n\m/ for a ritual. We need three teams for each: Mush= Clover and Ben Metal= Alph n Errich Research= Laz n V Bree Valerian says she can get us to Goldencrest. We use circle of transportation and then will seek out Salen, the druid kid that can travel via trees. Researchers: 8 hours of research; small note about a king/ruler that went missing; his name was Soleil; Laz has a brainblast. Shroomers: Go to Gloomrun; then Outpost Ju; being sherpa'd by Gary; attempting to harvest mushrooms out of the lava; finally got a shroomie; 8 hours. Metal: we need to go to Metrodoven. We got to Goldencrest to ask Salen for help; we go through a tree portal; Metrodoven, a literal city that walks and is pre-rift. Lots of mushrooms and vines and foliage; very colorful and aesthetic; Dragonball Z 'Kami'; perfectly cut crystals imbedded throughout the city seem to carry a signal or current, maybe magic; met with human druid w/ fungus growing on his shoulder whom gives us visitor passes (two giant crystals outside the door of the blacksmith; 2 hours; Firesteel is what we need btw; 5 pounds of pure mythril and 20 pounds of pure steel are required by blacksmith; Alph and Errich split up, Alph to get steel and Errich to get mythril respectively from depositories; trip takes another 2 hours; blacksmith Jare rearranged his workshop so Alph and Errich can help; make way to warping center and travel to Burrowdale; 9 hours had gone by altogether. Cody threatened us with exhaustion, so we should rest next session. 8/21/22 We start waking up, and teleporting to the fire domain. We approach a 9ft tall, 4 ft wide portal: field of ash and soot with nearby lava river. Clouds above are actually smoke. There are mountains with a fire vortex above and a tower across the river from us. There is also a city made of metal. We encounter a large fire elemental, but bamf out, leaving the ingots to saturate/marinate in the fire plane for 24 hours. After divining and a conversation with Jakka, Errich asks Laz where she learned of the ritual. She answered that a spiritual, ancient tree in the Elisial Woods revealed the ritual. Book the we found and donated to Bree has information the day of the rift; a diary, translated, written by a researcher; lode stone has been acting strange; drawing more magic and won't stop. Something happened and the energy was displaced, which seemed to terrify the researcher who authored the journal/diary. Ben researched the phoenix and it is magically powerful. Very helpful research. We should return firy ingot to blacksmith on walking city; he said he'd make something for us. ] Laz performs the ritual; Salen helps; 9/4/22 Final showdown with the phoenix (on ship/in sea Laz seals the phoenix away and transcends to being a guardian (?) . . . 9/11/22 We decide to shift our focus towards rescuing Queeris and dealing with the Collector. Ben gets a message from Bree pleads for help and informs that there is crisis in Goldencrest. Errich casts Divination, communes with Jakka about whether to prioritize Queeris or Goldencrest; Jakka did not point me in a direction, but told me that helping Queeris would be helping a friend and performing a request by Jakka, but Goldencrest would be helping more people. Then Jakka lit the tobbaco I used for ritual and blew a ship of smoke out. As the contact come to a conclusion and Errich comes to, he goes to speak and, instead, exhales a smoke ship . . . "Holy Ship!" (could have been holy smokes) Ben has Errich message Ben's little brother Livel concerning family; Ben's parents are in Goldencrest, grandpa is missing . . . Next morning, we teleport to Goldencrest. Goldencrest is in turmoil, smoke and death smother the city. Errich notices that smoke is hitting something invisible in the sky. Then, a griffin rider from another kingdom/land swoops by and we introduce ourselves to him. Bree finds us and relays the situation, and takes V with her to the front. Errich rides Laz as she is wild shaped as a polar bear. SKILL CHALLENGE!!! Clover fucked :( Alphinaud reverse bowls/snowball . ? Errich and Laz charge through as many zombies as possible; Laz distintegrating zombies in her path with her claws and Errich blowing zombies up with channeled divinity. V, invoking Dovanin, beheads zombies in a flurry of martial acrobatics. Ben also fucked :( Clover succd :D Alphinaud inspires the soldiers to kick ass! Laz changes into a bird midair and napalms herds of zombies while Errich clears zombies with one throw of a boomerang (seemingly helped by Jakka maybe?)   After slaying all of the zombies and saving Goldencrest, we reconvene and meet with the griffin riders, and then with Bree at the Copper Cups. Alphinaud discovers that his mom is a leader of one of the Griffon Rider factions and is famous, and Alphinaud runs off in excitement(?). V drops a barrel of liquor that he and Tespin drink off the floor. Ben visits with his family, then rallies Alphinaud and heads back towards the Copper Cups. Errich, Ben, and Clover head to the temple to heal the wounded from the battle/invasion. 9/18/22 After resting, we ask Bree about the lodestone (exploded, destroyed by a dragon cultist Ruundrix), zombies (, Alphinaud's doppleganger(created by his hag), the invisible whatever in the sky above Goldencrest, and "charmed" Queeris and still looking for V's clan. Clover wants to visit Ungert; we still need to visit blacksmith in moving city to trade fire ingots for whatever. Bree tells us that, after the lodestone disappeared, the zombies appeared in the city out of thin air (as opposed to shambling into the city). A royal Dortunal Household was assassinated at home and robbed blind before the zombies invaded Goldencrest. We go to Mythhill (where Mayor Brinn exists) and meet with Quentis; he gives us a contact name of someone that could help us get to the collector and, hopefully, rescue/free Queeris. We make a side venture to meet with Clover's parents and, in retalitation of their unfriendy and cheap hospitality, we attempt to steal all of their best wine to spite them. While trying to teleport to Burrowdale to find Left, Benebarak's magic was interfered with and we ended up at the entrance of Mayor Brinn's house (shit!). Laz uses Find Traps, Errich uses Dispel Magic to remove Alarm, and Alphinaud styles on us by faking Mayor Brinn's voice, convincing the three guards that Mayor Brinn is having friends visit and that they (the guards) can take the rest of the evening off. Ben leads the party to the end of the hallway towards the lodestone; Ben reaches his good hand out to contact the stone; V also contact the lodestone and Ben and V battle it out with the stone with the aid of Laz and Alhpinaud. Soon enough, while glowing, Ben wins and the lodestone vanishes, the orbiting rings fall to the ground, then vaporize. Ben gets a new ability that allows rerolling(?). Mythhill was the first city founded after Goldencrest, and is known for bad luck; only the mayor, whom lives above the artificial lodestone, had any luck. Now that we destroyed the lode stone, who knows what fate has in store for Mythhill. 9/25/22 Benebarak suggests that we walk to Havensgrove, so we do. Alphinaud suggests we stop by a house that was haunted that Hot Grails had blessed (somehow). We decide to stop down by Burrowdale first. We visit Alphinaud's dad so he could confront him concerning the news about Alphinaud's mother. While in Amberreach, Errich splits off, led by sunlight, to a dealer's house named Jared. During this exchange, the rest of the party meed with Edmund, Clover's cleric/paladin trainer/father figure. Edmund tips us off that our horse, Jethro, might be in Whehaven for a race or something. On the way to Burrowdale, we decide to stop by Old Man Bones to stock up on potions. We buy four healing potions and a potion of sneaking that we can brew and share. Old Man Bones has a human-like growth on his back that moves and resembles him, yikes! Apparently the party wants to see Bernadette as well . . .? We run into a blonde half-elf (male) in the streets of Burrowdale (Left?) Visit Bernadette's Blacksmithed Beauties; V got a new toy. We teleport with Left to Dormondport; to the Collector's estate; The Collector was expecting us; my detect magic cannot single out the school of magic on her sceptre, very powerful; Queeris to her right, and Left on her left (we were set up). Left hands blood-red sapling to Collector. Clover reaches out to Queeris, who somewhat forces himself to shoot his leg, then Clover and collector 1v1, then Queeris shoot collector, then she tries to leave as bat, but Clover entangles her in vines, Collector summons all her bat helpers and thralls and shit, Ben and Errich are double trouble with Daylight and ChannelDivinity:TurnUndead. We should kill the hag with ashwood (Queeris used ashwood to make weapons to deal with vampires; kills fey and ???) We get manor in Dormondport. 10/2/22 On our way to visit Ben's grandfather Vokeil (sp?), we get the paperwork sorted concerning Laz's ship (once the Blind Dragon, needs to be renamed) and process some jobs, people hiring our ship for transporting "goods". We want to visit the mayor of dormondport to hire a groundskeeper and suggest throwing a celebration at our manor for the city; celebrating the removal of The Collector. We should also hire security, cooks, etc. Ben visits Mayor Renn to set up party, job openings for manor, and to purchase bar in town; bar was too expensive for now = 25k gold. Geff the teenage, stoner half-orc .Hired as our gardener. Dirty dirt-loving goblin named Glove. Hired as maid/cleaner. Jackson, wood elf, the butler; seems very good at butlering/cooking. Tiefling, androgenous, Ji, not sure what to hire for. Gorm, goliath, applying for security position; probably hired! 18-19yr old human male, short brown cropped hair, Kyle, wants to be gardener and bard; We went with Geff, Glove, Jackson, and Gorm; Glove gets paid in copper and dust; the other three will be paid 50g/month. Errich goes to bed; its weird having a calm, comfortable home and bed; dream takes place in a forest, powerful moonlight, become werebear, feels like I have control; I wake up in the middle of the night, and smell something that I want to chase; Errich gives into instinct and pursues the origin of the scent; as he is running, he shifts in a werebear and goes full ham; gets six or so undead. After returning home, Errich cleans himself, collects with a bowl of loveleaf, and joins the party for breakfast; a sense of relief and satisfaction coming over him because he feels confident in his newfound ability to call upon and control his werebear form. After breakfast, a guard visits our manor and asks us to help look into something; we come upon a middle aged woman that was ripped in half by some feral beast. Laz asks plants if they know anything; Alphinaud investigates footprints. 10/9/22 Benebarak's father Inlir gave us a job to collect dyes. Threw the party. 10/16/22 Kirran the asshole dwarf arrives and challenges everyone to a fight; if he wins, he lets the void inside him consume Laz. If WE win, V gets the swords. Kirran, as he gets fucked up, becomes consumed in abyssal/voidy tentacles (Phase two?/ The Alchemist, which apparently is an anceint deity/old man bones) Loooooongest combat without me eeEVERrrrr . . . . . Ben flew up in the air, did a flip, V lets go of Ben's shield, dive-bombing towards Kirran with his sword pointed down, then Ben dives for Kirran, dual wielding daggers. The abyssal tentacles retreat back inside Kirran and Kirran dies; then the achemist brings Kirran back to life, only to rip him apart (to seize his soul?). Then the alchemist reverts back to old man bones and leaves. wtf just happened?? While camping out by his self in the forest (during the Kirran combat), Errich is visited by a werewolf. He tells me to seek out The Werebeast and leave his woods. Errich is shocked by his ability to control his shape, so he is persuaded to do so. The party regroups at the manor. V has a conversation with his patron (nobody realized what is going on, of course) and learns that there is another sword to get up north in Ithocrest in the sea. Laz tries to pick a job for the ship; a sketch transport job, an astrology expedition, or simple/local good transport. We rename the ship The Knights' Lightning. Laz also opts for the sketch job first. 11/13/22 City of Lidiria - lacking in life and fun. Party enters a wicker church, high elf with purple robes, we try to convince her to give us access to the tree and are up front about the hag. 30,000 steps up the tree - yikes! We opt to stock up on supplies before the journey and get some scrolls, potions, and magic items. We come upon a stone building resembling a church. Dungeon start: lots of hallway several holes and statues in first room 1700c 800s 120g decorative sword 25g tankard 25g cloth cloak coated in copper 25g pewter rapier set with amethyst 25g crystal dice 25g silver pendant engraved with arcane runes 25g agate crystal 25g vial of mysterious liquid (oil of etherealness) potion of superior healing room no. 72 V found a chest full of more money - Laz logged it 11/27/22 This campaign sucks. Errich no heal. :( After defeating a couple of gelatinous cubes, mud mephits, and a troll we come across an entity (liquid-like) who wants to make a deal with us for help finding the hag. V negotiates with it. Alphinaud drills a hole in the ceiling. We're right outside the room that the hag is in. Everyone is bless. Alphinaud gives Errich bardic inspiration. 12/11/22 BOSS FIGHT HYPE!!!!! HP 102 /135 We won and nobody died! Errich sleeps as a bear after combat and wakes up in his own halfling body, celebrating with the werebeast. Benebarak scryes to find Errich. Party found a chest of gold. V finds 410 platinum. 250 gold in artifacts. Laz finds 530 gold. 2510p 15,000g 2000s 12,369c Tree becomes revivified. We meet up in Ithocrest at the Werebear lair. Party is planning to retrieve the fourth sword for Valentine . . . and Clover?? Valentine add his portion to the party fund, what a freakin chad. 1/8/23 We teleport to Crysillis in Ithocrest (for hot springs bathhouse) before we head out for the lode stone. 3 dwarf clans in Ithocrest; differing politics from Rome and Sparta. Everyone knows that during the Metrodova incident (walking city lost control and laid waste to a good deal of Sirivill), Ithocrest remained untouched. Errich suggests seeking out the dwarven lordships for knowledge concerning the area and the lode stones in Ithocrest. Errich failed to bless Alphinaud; asked Jakka why and Jakka explained that Errich didn't need Jakka's help anymore. Ranalla Hemvrum We teleport to Hemrum; hire some goats and ride them up north towards the lode stone tower. We traveled five hours from camp to the tower. Ben had a creepy conversation with himself. We are calling upon allies such as Bree and Queerus in order to coordinate a synchronized effort at deactivating the lode stones and the tower the powers them. 1/15/23 V goes to the lode stone with the old Zorn. V calms him with his usual charm. my holy symbol (now a perfect circle) is glowing while the moon is out Errich gives the signal to everyone and Ben touch the lode stone in the tower A disembodied voice, while threatening, monologues at Ben and I; tells us about an Asgog the conqueror that was used by mages to bring together Sirivill (?). Combat ensues: a suppressed memory comes to me during combat; I recall the hag threatening me over my body after she cursed me and says she's seen her death because of me and has also seen my death. After Ben finished with the first stone, he starts working on the next and unexpectedly summons a magic rod. homebrew: if you grapple a creature, they are restrained. Ben finishes with the last lode stone and the magic finally relinquishes its hold on the lode stones. Channel divinity: turn undead; beams of light, sun, the man himself, Jakka, pushes both the death knight and Azgog away. Ben bounces lightning like Moira from Overwatch bouces her balls. He fails, much to his despondence. Death knight bursts sword into flame, flame swordsman. Ben crits a twin spell and does big lightning damage out both ends of his rod while balancing on a thin crystal wall. woah Azgog demands the celestial errich summoned to "free" him; Azgog is wearing a holy symbol around his neck. He is ascended and goes peacefully into the sky. woah Ben cups hands around face and balls and fucks up the deathknight with inflict wounds. it dead. woah Alphinaud has an encounter with a halfling. Jimmy/halfling is actually an imp that has been spying on us. Alphinaud smashes it with an anvil that Alphinaud created with his bard magic. The imp survives. Ben has me spend my last spell slot for Sending to send a message to his dad; warned him of danger but forgot to tell him who it was broadcasting the message. 1/29/23 Found the fourth sword and learned that V's mother, whom was killed by Kurran (the dwarf asshole), possesses the sword with her spirit. Now, we are on a mission to rescue Bree (and others) from the castle in the sky (Miyazaki wants to sue). Our first challenge of the session was to cross a stairway that is so high in altitude that we have to find a very powerful wind and avoid being blown off the stairway. We succ'd - yay! - clover strongarmed everybody across the bridge. Portrait of a young elvish woman - long white hair and golden eyes (well-tended portrait, no age, well-curated) even with high rolls, nobody can figure out who she is/was. Maybe pre-rift? Directly across the hall, another portrait hangs, not as well kept, a man in fine wizardry robes, dark hair, well made staff, tired and disheveled. We find a platform in the hall and Alphinaud determines it is a spell-powered elevator, which we take upstairs. There, we find a storage room full of spell components in crates that are being processed and packed by unseen servants. There is a safe, magically and mundanely locked and inaccessible and made of an unfamiliar metal. The last room at the top of the bottom half of the castle has 12 beds, and empty bookshelf, and runes that indicate the schools of magic. There is a teleportation circle as well, which we take to teleport to the upper half of the castle. After we teleport, we find ourselves in a room with floor missing. On the opposite side of us, a familiar group of dragon assholes. Bearich pounces the wyvern and knocks him down two floors (we almost died). It was epic! Valentine used Lamara (flame sword) and charges the troll off the edge and he tumbled to his death. Clover stabs guy in eye and pulls head off. Alphinaud dives from above with jetpack through the hole Errich made and elbow drives the wyvern, but . . . (he rolled a nat 1). Benebarak uses Sirivill's Chance to make Alphinaud reroll that shit natty 1. He blows another hole through the floor and Alphinaud, wyvern, and Errich drop another level. We find an unlocked door with stairs behind; there is an empty room at the top of the stairs. Three doors; all have magic that is somehow connected to us (genetically?). Etherium (magic solidified into crystal form). Errich and Ben discover a giant lode stone made of Etherium, and it is an amazing spectacle. Suddenly, Ben and Errich are isolated in bubbles that disconnect us from magic. An undead guy welcomes us to his castle and seems to know Ben pretty well. Valentine and Alphinaud finds V's father, whom attacks them. As they defend themselves against his onslaught, everyone in the room starts falling. Clover and Laz are led by Ruundrix (asshole dragonborn) to a room filled with gold, an elf sitting in a chair (throne?) who seems important, and 13 robed people, all but Bree donning a collar. Bree is gagged and bound. Everyone is free falling towards Goldencrest. 2/5/23 The free falling castle feels like the alien ship fair ride; its hard to move. Valentine "doesn't have time to deal with daddy issues" and invokes both swords and disappears in thin air (goes invisible). Alphinaud is holding up the tower, Laz saved Bree, Galliard, first archmage of Sirivill. He created the lode stones. V destroys the collar controlling his father. Bree and wizards bamfed out. Laz is a fire bird. We need a hero. Alphinaud frantically sings and plays air guitar. Zorn are liberated. Some vomit. We're spinning. we're falling. Alphinaud breaks the rules of magic (for a "good" reason) and gets praised by a god clad in a blue wizard robe. It's Mo'Vren. Alphinaud was deemed a hero. The giant statue is Fortschinault, Alphinaud's dad, holds up the tower while Bree and the wizards hold up the party, zorn, rubble, etc. We did it. Castle was teleported away, everyone saved. Yay! Everyone meets V's dad, the wizards Pre-rift era, mages took over Sirivill. Galliard is the baddest baddie. He made the lode stones. he was in all the texts that Bree. . . ? Back with the monster slayers, arcana texts about things too powerful to fuck with, some creatures stood out, sacrficing his own soul to become unimaginably powerful. Errich asks Bree about how one could use their own soul to sustain themselves. Follows up by asking Ben about the dream he shared with Gilliard concerning Gilliard's soul and fighting Yolana. Next day, we meet with Zudus and V's dad and then bamf to Ithocrest. V uses his four swords to open the door. shards of metal lining the cave; broken swords littering the hallways. There is a 5' half-elf with dwarven blood. It's the smith of the swords, Ungert. Kirran is his brother. Errich learns that V's mom died by freezing herself before Kirran killed her in a duel for her sword. Ungert says something about "splitting someone" that they were "dormant" Clover reactivates the forge with her dragon breath. Ungert smells her box. Tells her it is ancient. We go back to Goldencrest. Level Up! 3/5/23 Preston DM for Cody's birthday! We left off defeating two devas and deactivating the gold light crystal. 3/12/23 Homecoming to our mansion/estate/manor in Dormondport. There is a newly hatched dragon, already assuming the form of a human, roaming the estate. Alphinaud has remorse from killing and skinning the giants, I think . . .? Atraund is the dragon's name. The following morning, half the party does some quick materials shopping. Scrying: -Jakka shows me to the south, there is a castle over a massive battlefield where the dead bodies are raising; Galliard is in denial while looking over a lot of tomes, many Errich does not understand; Galliard seems frustrated, snaps his fingers and a gnoll appears; he flays the skin off the gnoll with a stare until it dissolves. Errich is forced out of scrying and goes to lay down because of the toll of Galliard's presence and power. Clover prays to Divina and learns that Divina is responsible for Galliard's imprisonment back before the rift. Clover gets her new sword, which is apparently very important for taking down Galliard. There is a temple of Divina that she wants Clover to pursue and end a "follower" of the temple; temple has been defiled by Galliard. Baddest ass pep talk from Jakka. Tells me (Errich) that he is the only one who can wield all of Jakka's powers . and will probably die for everyone. 3/19/23 Preston sesh 2: Divina and Jakka are represented in the mural; something so tall to view the sun and the moon. story of the architecture/construction of the temple. Inscription: "Moon silvery glow, darkness it protects" When V puts his shadowy sword in the darkness slot, all shadows seem to be absorbed. Mural changes: a burning city with a colossus eclipsing the city, king riding a pegasus climbing towards the sky begging for help from gods. Ray from sky. The rest is blank gate/bars are gone: "the sky shall strike the Earth and take loving memories" When Ben puts his staff in the slot and Tarhun puts a pendant in the other, this happens: the alternative paths crumble away , a mirage of a path going to the sky Ben uses his staff to pilot the platform that we are on, and we go in a direction for 2-3 hours. Tarhun tells us about his wife and daughter, whom were killed by a young military leader than Tarhun didn't know and he himself was stabbed in the back. The Colossus is relinquished from the crown. 44/80 121 107 81 83 60 = 452 Everyone ded xp Then Jakka come up and gives me a superpower that fully heals everyone and restores their spell slots. The 452 hp healed was redirected towards the colossus as 452 damage . . . DAMN! Then V envelopes us in a shadow-imbued shield that provides 30 temp hp. (also, I cast aid twice, increasing everyone's max hp: Ben +35, V and Tarhun +20, and Errich and Clover +15) 4/9/23 Errich takes a path to the edge of the floating island. Another island catches my eye; covered in thorns, dripping black tar ichor, smokey, menacing. Run into an old man who wants to give me advice: "Ya got good in the world. It's easy to see 'cause its big and in your face. There's always a little bit of evil. Just deal with it." Calls himself Guru. Learning constant state of prayer/meditation for 3 days. Seeing the purpose of prayer is what I need. Fasting, zen, no physical demands or needs. Jakka is the sun, the sun is Jakka. Jakka shares light with his daughter, Devina. Start to see past the normal world, not just islands, feel everything around me. Jakka is all around me. Don't feel tired, or estranged. The things I've been dealing with in my life can be dealt with with raw magical power. Enter state of meditation, maybe ascending? Calm. I can feel that Alhpinaud is in the light, but my other friends are in darkness. On third day, I can feel the newborn griffon. Alphinaud and griffon have a close spiritual bond that I can sense. Then, eruption from underneath. This is the presence of a god I have not felt before. Errich is in a constant state of prayer, I can choose to sleep and eat. I have advantage on divine interventions. Ben and Laz reunite with Alphinaud and Oona, his baby griffon. Ben and Laz were in prison for three days. Clover and Valentine have a dojo/arena to themselves to train with their new swords, too much magical power for the people of the island. I get to Alphinaud's place following his voice (because of my constant state of prayers raises awareness), and dude names Davis lets me in. Alph is surprised to find out that I'm already aware of Oona. We follow Davis up through the roof to his own hut. His hut is yuge. Almost a mansion. Davis is a good host. Cooks us what we want and share plenty of smoke. Tells us we are going to be stuck on this island for a month because it takes that long for the griffon to mature. Training montage: Round one: teamwork. Laz made sandcastle, Ben made glass, Alph got sand in his eye, and Errich popped the rest of the sand critters with Spirit Guardians. Round two: tactics. Foes are out of range of spells. Laz and Ben tag team create a storm, Laz blesses Errich, Alph inspires Ben and summons dude that gives us 10 ft extra speed, Errich channels divine energy. Round three: endurance. Laz casts insect plague. Alphinaud curls up into an iron ball, nearly suffocates. Ben teleports us a mile up and casts feather fall to buy time away from the threat, and Alphinaud tells Ben not to cast feather fall on him because he has a plan. He didn't have a plan. He shattered his femur. Despite this, we pass the three trials of training. Ben meets Guru. Guru tells Ben to talk to his parents. Tells Ben he has an immense purpose. Look into lineage. Ben meditates with Guru. zone into prayer: there is a storm cloud that floats by, Vesi(?) is there. She tells him that he needs to learn more about the lodestone in his house in Havensgrove. Alphinaud, while resting at Davis' house, hear a voice in his head asking "Where are you?". It is Oona, the griffon. She shows up on the roof. Davis gives Alph a saddle for Oona. Alphinaud hops on Oona for their first ride together through the skylands. Laz receives a message from Bree. She tells Laz that an Eladrin (elves man has come to Goldencrest to see Laz. Laz tells the party something about a funeral. Alphinaud's mom offers 15 griffon riders to accompany us. Laz is dropped off at a cave. She enters the cave with caution. An enormous gold dragon resides here in the cave. Notices that she smells of "The Guardian" (?). The great old dragon expels a golden mist upon Laz. It did something. 5000 gold appears in front of Laz (from the breath I guess). There is a funeral being held for the guardian that was the guardian before Laz became guardian. We bamf to Bree's office in Goldencrest. Messenger from the feywild greets us. They're having a difficult time getting the High Lord of the Moon Court (the guardian) because his trees are poisonous and there are werewolves running rampant. Essentially, we have to fetch a corpse in this dangerous part of the feywild. We are planar travelled to the feywild, and are overwhelmed with the sensation of smells and colors. A deer approaches Errich, stares for a moment, then tells him that he knows what his insides smell like and gallops off. Yellowmist is a town within the feywild. We are greeted by Faenor Goldensun, whom has a seat on the Yellowmist court (council). (there are four courts of season, but also a court of the moon? any other courts?) 4/16/23 Meanwhile on island (retcon before feywild) Tried to scry on mother, Jakka told me that she is likely in/on another plane of existence. Brother is also on a different plane. Don't pray to Jakka when I'm with V . . . why? dunno cuz he bamfed out. great god. the best. V is learning draconic Laz is learning sylvan Now we in feywild (not island) Faenor Goldensun took us there, the summer court in the city of Yellowmist. Before we enter the dangerous fey forest (poisoned forest of death), Laz uses commune with nature as a ritual. The forest feels like it wants us out, very daunting. Small grey striped cat with wings, we stumble upon. We follow the creature to a clearing. We feel safe here, so we choose to rest. The forest is dense, but colorful. A bevy of trees withholds a decaying corpse of a troll. Clover notices a spectre of the troll nearby. ROLL INITIATIVE: We kill the spectral troll, Clover finishing it off with a glaive up the ass. During the next night, guardian of faith keeps an eye out for us, V takes the downtime to converse with Dovanon (sp??) Barvos (read a passage concerning Jakka's brother) Jakka fought and defeated his own brother in combat. AFter Jakka defeated his brother, Jakka suddenly had three sons: Mo'vren, shortly after, Jakka split the prime material plane into three mirror planes: material, feywild, and shadow realm. The group has a group prayer. As we are sitting in this temporary plane. Sunlight shines as Jakka jigs his way in, family reunion!! Everyone gets along and makes peace. V and I make a pact to stick together, regardless of what happens if we find the void. Essentially, if either of our gods get into a fight, V and Errich will fight the void, regardless of what gods are taken by it. There is always an "X" on V's hand and Errich's hand. Third day in the forest. We encounter a bog in the midst of the forest. It slows us down, thus taking 7 and 1/2 days to get to our destination. Alphinaud makes a hovercraft of magic. We actually make up for the 1/2 day lost, thus not losing the 1/2 day at all. Laz can sense that something or someone in these woods is watching us. Using conjure animals as a diversion while we try to stealth. Just as midnight comes, a 40' tall creature has arrived while we hide. When he leaves, the sun returns. Laz casts treestride and we teleport from one tree to another, making up for the time we would have lost in the denser part of the forest. We survive many encounters of hiding from the giant that shows up at midnight. We call the tressym Socks. He speaks, tells us to follow, and we do so. He coot We stumble upon the guardian FINALLY. Laz gets a new sword. It's all magical and solid gold. There are stones that will warn us of . . . some danger. Everything seems to turn to sand when interacted with? Laz makes friends with Socks, who wants to join us. My eye catches a big stone flat on the ground. As I approach it, the vines recoil to reveal a map. It is a map of the moon court. symbol of a moon in front of the sun Sunlight shines on the map, a sigil for scrying, Jakka encourage me to try and scry again. Old temple (older than pre-rift, older than feywild inside, on stage, "I smelled him today, he's got to be around here somewhere". my brother, Fenrin. He is jacked. howling "So who wants to hunt?" My brother is a big doggo, twice as large as any other beast there. The midnight beast returns, we hide, it notices the empty stump where the previous guardian rested, and howls. When it does, we all nearly lose consciousness because of how loud and intense the sound was. Next time on Dragonball Z, ROLL INITIATIVE! 4/23/23 We are fighting a nightwalker (I think). Valentine put a pretty gash in its side with his Banishing Smite. Clover continued to put slashes in the huge creature with her moonlit divine smite. When the thing attacks Clover, Alphinaud yells (silvery barbs) at it, Errich flashes light in its face (Warding Flare), and Ben uses Sirivill's Chance (a bolt of blue lightning) denying the monster its hit. Alphinaud does a flip stunt off of Oona, his griffin, to land on one of the antlers of the monster. Alphinaud gives it another flip and successfully pulls the creature down to the ground. Celestial 32/40 The giant nightstalker creature, after getting its ass kicked, kneels in front of Laz and tell her "The Night is yours" yada yada. It finally recognizes her as The Guardian. While drifting in and out of sleep, Errich hears a whistle (reminds me of my brother when we were children) and goes towards the source. Laz follows, but Errich doesn't notice. My brother drops out of the trees, gives me a lunch mom made me, and told me he doesn't want me to cause the eclipse and die. Errich has mixed feelings. Laz pops out and informs Fenrin that she would die for me (Errich). He turns wolf and leaves. (9' tall werewolf). Laz prays, has a religious experience, and shares with Errich. We try to reach Jakka and Devina at the same time, praying in a circle with the whole party. When is the eclipse going to happen? My choice What will happen if I don't go to this temple? no eclipse, unsure. gods wouldn't tell me much of anything I didn't already know Devina's advice: "you think like a mortal man" "that's only half of who you are" V is told by some mysterious entity to visit shrine Laz primordial creatures - water, earth, then air. Double check the spells, see if I want to switch any prepared spells out. 4/30/23 Clover and V disappeared while we traversed the poisoned woods. Laz and Socks, the tressym, lead the way, now. It's just the four of us (Alph, Ben, Laz, and I). Laz asks me if I am stronger during the night. After some consideration, I decided I just didn't know but that I've never felt stronger. The forest closes in, trees bending. While scary, Laz tells us that the forest is protecting us, perhaps because she is respected as The Guardian. During night, I hear howling and other creepy noises. I can hear it, but cannot determine direction of source. I stay awake for fear of ambush. Take exhaustion Skill Challenge objective = get to the temple need 5 succs before 1 fucc we wait until daytime to I can stride longly thx Laz she also guidanced me Laz conjures animals to help clear path SUCC Ben casts fly on everyone and casts fog cloud behind us to obscure view of pursuers SUCC I cast Silence to stealth. SUCC (haven't seen my brother, just random werewolves) Alph inspires me Performance of Creation to make illusory doplegangers of the party SUCC Laz casts Wrath of Nature spirits cause nature to become animated roots and vines FUCC Ben casts Earthquake throws lightning so hard from his staff 15-20 werewolves fall into crack FUCC We successfully lose the werewolf pusuers. Long rest. still exhausted tho Us nerds make it to the temple. There is a small problem, sitting ahead of me on the stair is my brother holding a greatsword. he seems calm, brimming with well-tempered confidence. Alph inspires me, Laz gives me stride longly, and Ben guidances me. Power of friendship Laz casts pass without a trace and Ben spreads fog cloud. Ben casts haste on me We approach Fenrin. Combat Alphinaud's Oona bestows curse - weaker strength . Alphinaud grabs Fenrin by the cock and balls and power lifts him right off the ground. Alphinaud is kicking ass Fenrin cannot do anything this turn Ben casts haste on himself and I. Going to ready an action, when Fenrin touches ground, will pounce in werebear form. Laz casts Blight on Fenrin, does 11 necrotic damage. The necrotic energy seems to be absorbed by Fenrin and he hardly seems phased. Alphinaud drops Fenrin on his knee and Fenrin rolls onto the ground. In reaction, Wereberrich launches himself at Fenrin while he is prone, destroying some of the ground. No damage tho. Alphinaud continues to grapple fenrin again, picking him up. Oona follows up with some slashing damage Fenrin stands up and wails on Alphinaud with a couple of slashes from his greatsword. Alphinaud loses concentration and drops Bestow Curse. Action surge: fenrin does some critical necro dmg. Alphinaud is getting pretty fucked up (advantage on next attack) Ben staff forms, then inflict wounds. fat dmg Fenrin loses consciousness, but remains on his feet with a strange fixed gaze after hag, we spent time together, talked about nightmares, I was worried about letting ppl down, he was worried about losing fights. in trying to talk him out of fighting, I did opposite and triggered him. He goes wolf form! Laz Moonbeams him and does a bit of damoooj Alphinaud takes a moment to cure his wounds. Second wind heal too. Oona attacks normally Fenrin is resistant to radiant damage, but is a little afflicted by the moonbeam. He goes for Ben this time: bites Ben. Oona gets attack of opportunity yhay Ben tries to shove Fenrin, but fails. Fenrin reacts by tossing Ben 70' :( Fenrin is delusional, cannot talk out of fight. I maul him with a couple of claw and bite attacks. Laz casts Ice Storm. does 8 cold dmg Alphinaud wants to suplex choke slam Fenrin for 9 dmg. Oona does 11 slashing dmg Fenrin pounces at me and tries to knock me prone, but I stand my ground like a boss. "How about we have a talk, brother" and picks me up, carries me, and chucks me 25' . "I told you while I'm awake and breathing you will NOT go inside that temple!" He finishes by throwing his sword at Alphinaud, doing some pretty good damage. Ben casts Mind Sliver. Alphinaud also chads it up with the best spell ever, Silvery Barbs. Ben also shoots lightning, using his staff like an imaginary bow. Resistant to lightning. Devina "feel free to take a walk on the wild side from time to time" echoes in my mind as I charge Fenrin in bear form. Epic anime badassness while Fenrin and I wrestle in our were-forms. Laz casts tidal wave "nonlethally" and washes both Fenrin and I away. Fenrin reverts back to halfling. Mom is here at the temple, woah! She doesn't seem to know where she is or that she is in the feywild. She lead me to further inside the temple, looks like prayer place, thereis a mural on the wall: moon in front of the sun w/ eladrin. Jakka is represented. Added later, the mural continues with four large creatures made up of elements rising up and fighting, and Jakka is not there. He seems to be gone for this particular moment. Eladrin turn to someone sealing the portals. Realm turns to conflict now because of this creature/guy. Portal sealer divides the world and leaves. The last panel of the mural is covered in dirt, not well kept, but as I approach, the dust clears: shows a being fighting an inescapable power, something far greater than anything before, artist depicted this entity as a dark black spot with tentacles. One person, however, brings moon and sun together. Last panel is blank. There are divot in both the eclipse. My holy symbol gets warmer when it gets close to the divot. I put holy symbol into divot. at first nothing, but then rumbling. wall shifts to the side, figures and shapes move on wall, reveals new eclipse (shield sized), in the middle is holy symbol. I grab the shield thing, entirely made of light, eclipse in middle of shield where holy symbol is. Eclipse Cleric Shield - +3 shield acts as a cleric spellcasting focus, makes user immunity to necrotic dmg, adds 2d8 damage to any spell or attack that does radiant damage (buffs my attacks) it emits light always. "I hope the weight this shield carries doesn't become a burden for you" - Jakka 5/7/23 At the Eclipse Temple Alphinaud and Ben doing Errich's mom's dishes. Fenrin, Errich's brother, awakes on the floor. Fenrin is worried because mom is supposed to take her herbs. Also worried about traps 19 or so soldiers? show up. they were the werewolf pack and survived falling through the fissure brother is finally coming to terms with getting ass kicked, Errich being capable, and Errich becoming pack leader Jakka prayer gods have knowledge of what could be, not really capable of predicting future because of possibilities. A long time ago, Jakka was created as a shield god because there need to be a safe place to expirement with magic. divine power comes from worship. Jakka created the eladrin. Jakka had to choose a champion, the shield of the common folk, was Jakka the "eclipse" god back in the day. Jakka tells Errich that he is an unregularit. Devina was created to end eclipse age. Errich is blessed by both lights. Errich has taken up the role of shield bearer. visit the temple in Goldencrest and go downstairs again. end Jakka prayer Laz left note stating "I had a dream and need to go find it" Eladrin dressed in blue w/ bluish skin. Makes portal to material plane for us. Errich loses his memory from feywild. Ben cures his memory loss and Alphinaud calms emotions. Ben is going to teleport us to Metrodoven, but has never been there. To help familiarize him, Alphinaud portrays Metrodoven w/ minor illusion. Successful teleport, now we in/on Metrodoven Blue crystals allow us safe entry and visitation, Alphinaud and Errich still has theirs City is circular, five building stand out, NWES quadrants have security centers. We buy a temporary "fly" spell. As we approach the center of the city, greenery becomes more prevalent. The guard bots are starkly clean compared to everything else that is mushroom covered A mythril golem that is huge and has mushrooms spilling out of it greets us when we enter; His name is HD. Tells us city is powered by the sun and the dead. The building we are in is the capitol center Alphinaud asks about the screaming he heard. HD tells us that it is someone raging, they've been raging for 64 years. ? We leave via conveyor belt, a little prematurely. Ben might be getting lodestone vibes. We walk by the brothel Alphinaud and Errich visited last time. The crystal HD gave Ben made Ben an administrator. We visit the brothel for a moment as patrons. oooooo Cleaning robots offed themselves, except for the one by the capitol center. That one snapped, but still lives. Alphinaud takes cheapest room, Errich takes room 7, Ben takes room 10 . . . O.O We come across a building after the brothel visit, following Ben, and it seems a bit more protected than other buildings. We walk inside; no greenery or mushrooms or anything. Very clean and orderly, with a staircase that goes below. When Errich brandishes his shield to provide light, automatic lights come on, and reveal just how immense the place really is. Ben asks for assistance to the vast nothing, and another robot calling themself The Curator shows up. He points us in the right direction of the lodestone. Alphinaud creates a three seat bike and we ride for 8 hours or so. Such a long time such a big place. We finally come upon the lodestone, and Ben recognizes it's a powerful version, like the one from his home. Alphinaud uses identify on the lodestone, which fights back and Alphinaud hears Galliard's voice with threaten. Errich tries to dispel the runes that are fading in and out randomly and the lodestone fights back, attacking me occasionally with the black magical ward. Alphinaud and Ben help by protecting me from elements and inspiring me. Alphinaud attacks the lodestone, and it damages him back . Errich channels divinity, blows through spell slots, and transform into bear in reaction to my own mixed lights (moon and sun). Errich rips apart the barrier and Ben steps on my shoulder and touches the exposed lodestone. Ben starts to bleed profusely from his face while this happens (having a psychic encounter with Galliard) and Alphinaud sustains him with cure wounds (thank god because I am out of spell slots). Curator comes in noticing Ben's injury and heals him some. The conflict between Ben and Galliard intensifies to the extreme. Alphinaud and Errich have expended almost all of their resources to support him. Victory! The barrier disappears and the magic about the lodestone lessens. Ben's afflicted arm seems a little improved. But only slightly Errich . . . is . . . exhausted . . . Alphinaud investigates with magic and discover that there is a soul, full of anger and hatred, dwelling inside the center of the stone. There is a small part of this soul that wants to pass on, but the rest of it won't allow itself to pass on. A medical droid performs surgery on ben, healing him for 20 hp. It was kind of scary af *We ordered weapons from the blacksmith of Metrodoven that helped us with the Phoenix encounter Highlights (as of 5/15/23) ⦁ The Collector is missing ⦁ There is still a bounty out for a glabrezu (Deephunter's Guild in Gloomrun) ⦁ There is a civil war going on among the elves in the south ⦁ What is the source of ashwood and how can we use it? ⦁ Check on the city of Lidiria ⦁ research Dreggur Tull ⦁ research Etherium ⦁ where did Galliard's castle teleport to? (Errich scryed once) ⦁ there is a black ichor island in Jur' Suirrar ⦁ there was an eruption beneath the island we stayed on in Jur' Suirrar ⦁ Is Alphinaud still the only friend in the light? (Errich specific) ⦁ Have we been to Waterdeep? (history of Sirivill) ⦁ Are there still 'x' markings on V and Errich's hands? ⦁ Where can we find the water, earth, and air elementals that Laz must face? ⦁ How many more lodestones are there and what other secrets do they hold? ⦁ Lodestones known: Gloomrun(x), Mythhill(x), Goldencrest(x), Ithocrest(x), Galliard's Castle( ), Havensgrove( ), and Metrodoven(x). 5/21/23 (Clover and V exclusive): Clover and V roll a lot of wisdom based checks. There are some human-like abominations approaching with war drums. skin tents. Clover and V whoop the demon boss's ass and chase the demons into the portal that they came from. Clover and V tp to Metrodoven. Hopefully this means that party can reconvene. V crumbles the lodestone Galliard is pissed, probably. Ben gets feedback from a series of lodestones. Suddenly, a siren is heard in the distance above us. The curator robot comes and escorts us to the entrance of the building. There is a bubble shield around the entire city. Galliard's castle has appeared above the city, probably the source of the lodestone vibe. Galliard monologues inside all of our minds. Corpses start raining from the castle. we are tp'd to central chamber of Metrodoven. HP tell us that we are heading east to the ocean for power. HP uses druid magic to teleport us back to Goldencrest via tree. Ben calls Bree to update her on what is happening and HP lets Alphinaud know that the castle has disappeared from above Metrodoven. We make calls to all loved ones and prepare for shit to hit the fan as Galliard's castle looms overhead. We converge at the gates. A red dragon approaches us from the southwest (direction of Amberreach) He wrecks on of the turrets on the gate. ROLL INITIATIVE 6/11/23 Jaden's temp character - an owlin - Carvyre Preston's temp - Rosco Tealeaf - has a silver/gold prosthetic arm - halfling Dragon threatens us. Ruundrix is here 3 - knights 2 - archers 1 - footsoldiers Bree removed Ruundrix's heart with magic. he ded Valentine has Barvos gouge his eye to hurt the dragon, we don't know what happened yet. . .dun dun DUN!!!! to be continued . . . REMINDER: V and I make a pact to stick together, regardless of what happens if we find the void. Essentially, if either of our gods get into a fight, V and Errich will fight the void, regardless of what gods are taken by it. 6/18/23 Happy dad day! Buda m bugbear figher Piston m pacifist minotaur bard Zarien (Z) f leonin monk Ellia f halfling cleric Zihq m murid pally Alphinaud is the hero Having a drink to celebrate a previous job. Castle in the sky, its raining undead. a majority of the undead are wood or high elf Alphinaud shows up as a hero We go to see Edmund, Clover's adopted father. an undead troll drops out of the sky behind Edmund. Alphinaud recognizes the troll from before Alphinaud's family has a curse; needs to defeat a devil within a year. Fourchenalt is dead. That's Alphinaud's father. x_x V is missing an eye because he made a deal with a god. Fourchenalt's funeral. Everyone has a word for him. Alphinaud's mother shows up at the end. 6/25/23 Salen gives us powder that allows us to enter Laz's dream. We're wearing sailing outfits and in the feywild. We arrive at dream Yellowmist. Laz and gang are led to a palace in Yellowmist. We are made to stay outside because reasons, except Laz. Apparently Laz needs to marry, because they are the guardian. There is the funeral of the last guardian. It was relatively uneventful. Guardian (Laz) is told they have access to powers from the four different courts: summer, winter, autumn, and sprrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiing!! boi-oi-oing! Mushy is a teenager now. Not happy with his parents. Bree Valeria's quarters: she updates us on the Elven war in the south and how they are providing Galliard with corpses for his undead army. The best library is in Burrowdale. We go there. We visit Friend Guard Tom, who is at the gate of Burrowdale. He is doing well, in great shape. Next is Old Man Bones. time and space is unnatural within his residence. It was unsettling. must forget. V bought a potion from him V goes to visit Bernadette. she a blacksmith At the library, we do research on the leviathan. Laz wants to find info on the cultists that opposed us during the Phoenix event. Laz is from Caedor, and thinks she is being hunted. I ask for books on Dreggur Tull and Etherium. The books on Dreggur Tull are back at the temple of Jakka in Goldencrest. However, the librarian brought me Bree Valeria's collection on etherium. I read that etherium is the epitome of magical refinement. It is concentrated magic that can be used to amplify magic. The refinement process is a skill that "only the elite few of the pre-rift age had the ability to figure out" . I realize how powerful Galliard is through the information. We fap to Havensgrove afterwards. Ben goes to his pop. The rest of us are led to a hall to be fed and given good wine. Sucks to be ben rn We're sneaking into the place where the lodestone is and there are guards everywhere and a net. one of the guards recognizes Ben, but Ben persuades him that we have good intent. The friendly guard distracted the other guards to give us a chance to do our thing. We head down the elevator, torches light themselves, we enter a room; it is metal, lightning as black as darkness, creating different sounds/pitches. There is a work station in the room that hasn't been touched in a few days. Laz learns that this lodestone was placed by a god. The way lines are actually coming from the lodestone. raw etherium. divine magic, the black sphere is necrotic. Ben investigates the desk. Doesn't seem to find much, but learns that whoever used this desk was able to calculate advanced magics. Scrawled onto the table, as if by fingernail, is a name: Aaried. After investigating the room some, Ben convinces the room that its time to deal with the lodestone. V and I determine that this will be harder than the one in Metrodoven. Clover slices at the lodestone with her glaive. Clover is being singed and lightning, both light and dark, dances wildly, starts to carve through the black forcefield around the stone. After one last maneuver with her glaive, the dark orb is gone. Galliard whispers to Ben. Then we hear someone teleport into the room. NEXT TIME ON DRAGONBALL Z . . . 7/9/23 Galliard, V, and Ben have a conversation after combat in a different realm/dimension. When we go back up the elevator shaft, Grond, a guard, tells us that something isn't right. The trees are thinning, the leaves are dying, etc. Clover has business in the northwest area of the Maru Kingdom, so we opt to teleport to Lidiria, where the birth tree resides, and camp. We are outside the wicker temple of Deidorna, they provide free room and board. Myre Kuill, the area north of Lidiria, has mountains and is abandoned (a lot of expirements were done there on living creatures). The Blooming Kettle is where we stay the night.gorgeous, beautiful vibrant flowers. only one bed, but Ben and V sleep on the floor. LEVEL UP!! 7/23/23 V and Ben have private interactions with thier deities, Barvos, Den and Vesi. Strange woman shows up, Ben recognizes her as the girl that lost her hand to V. Aegis Krisora is her name. She has papers regarding the big aetherium lode stone that Galliard has in his castle. Ben and Aegis make a deal concerning her wine and his bar. We teleport to Bree in Goldencrest with full party and Aegis. On Statue Fortschinault's head. Laz turns lizard to go to tower and get . . . Some character development as we travel to other side of Maru Kingdom to see the wizard Zudus. We finally get to Zudus's tower so he can help us find Galliard's castle. Zudus gives us 3d glasses. We use his scrying device to peek in on Galliard's castle. Through the different filters of the glasses (undead, draconic, and living), we determined that there were many undead, but no sign of Galliard or the dragon. Castle is above the elven lands to the south, where a civil war between the high elves and the wood elves is going on. We successfully tp to the castle. The cauldron of black death is missing, and it is cold here where it was hot the last time we were here. Errich dispels the hidden trap magic circle on the other side of the door. As we enter the room, we observe that the room has an energy/magic that is very powerful and haven't seen/felt anything like it. Clover has invokes her new sword and it has cool moonlight on it. Clover strikes the barrier around the aetherium crystal. When she pierces the barrier, chaos ensues as we feel the raw power of the crystal push us back like a forceful gale. Ben can feel every lodestone on the planet at his fingertips, as if entry to the crystal permits him access to them. Spells don't use up spell slots, infinite magic? a seeminlgy infinite wave of undead horde us and we take turns holding them back for Ben to do his thing. Somehow, Ben attempts to pilot the castle towards Havensgrove. Alphinaud, who is assisting Ben, is becoming overwhelmed with the magic surging through him. Alphinaud takes 22 damage. Nosebleed. We don't have time, so Ben makes a risky attempt at using his helm of teleportation to teleport the castle, which was successful. Galliard is quite irked. Ben casts immolation, which doesn't damage the crystal much but hurts Alphinaud for 23 fire damage. Alphinaud heals himself 15, but took another 16 damage. After these failed attempts, Ben tries to shut down the network of lodestones, one by one. Alphinaud takes 4 damage. Alphinaud takes 30 something damage. NOt looking so well, Alphinaud collapses to the floor. Finally, Ben seems successful at hacking the mainframe, but not finished yet! Ben takes 30 dmg. Ben has succeeded. He now holds more power magically than ever before. Ben decides he wants to release all of the magic energy into the aether, space. 19 dmg. The beam of magic goes past the sun and Errich, with his connection to Jakka, senses the level of power and Jakka's inability to contain the passing power. Galliard disappears . . . is gone? defeated? Laz windwalls to give us a moment of respite to try and escape, as our spell slots are no longer returning and exhaustion is becoming overwhelming. Ben and Alphinaud are unconscious. Clover grabs Alphinaud, Aegis grabs Ben, and both head into V's portal thing. After using water and wind to fend off the zombies, Laz turns eagle and flies through the portal. V grabs Errich and throws him on his back and we tumble through the portal last. We are all falling. Before hitting the ground, Clover tosses Alphinaud and misty steps to the ground to catch Alphinaud. I'm sure that checks out with physics. Clover successfully catches Alphinaud like the epic action hero she is and, with words of reassurance, heals him with lay on hands. The horde of zombies are flooding in our direction, and we are spent. 7/30/23 We run away towards the Havensgrove estate. We barricade any entry points and head upstairs. Turned bear to carry Ben's unconscious body. Everyone else is barricading the top floor. Apparently the Havensgroves have an astronomy tower. Helm of teleportation crumbles and Ben wakes up. We are stuck on the rooftop of the 7 floor Havensgrove Estate. Aegis lost her pinky to help Ben I think? Everyone holds the zombies off with cantrips until Ben goes Gauntlet Form and casts earthquake or some shit. . . crit fail . . . still, many zombies do fall into the crevices, but now the structural integrity of the building has been compromised. We fly off and then head towards Mythhill, where we warn the guard of the zombies and take a short rest in Quentis' estate. After 5 hours, the zombies have caught up with us at Mythhill. Bree finally shows up and checks on Ben; she seems pretty worried about his condition and his recently crystallized blood capsules in his hands . . . this could mean that he is losing his magical aptitude. Bree goes off and blows up a bunch of zombies. We all pray to our gods, but with no success. Except for Alphinaud, who pleads to Mo'vren to help Ben go out with a boom since his magic is dwindling. After scrying, Errich discovers that the ressurrected Lars has picked the lock to the main door downstairs, allowing the zombies to flood the building. fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff SKILL CHALLENGE!! (beat 17) goal is to pinpoint Lars Laz turned into a dire wolf, using her sense of smell to find Lars. FUCC Ben, with spite for Lars, peers through the crowd, using his insight to identify the correct zombie. SUCC Errich casts Spirit Guardians and guards the front door, spectral werecreatures flitter around, double SUCC SUCC Clover covers herself in zombie guts and blends into the crowd, then her sword shifts in a glaive and she hoists a zombie into the air, whom happens to be Lars, for Ben, double SUCC SUCC Ben casts 66 lightning damage at the skewered Lars zombie, with words of encouragement from not Den or Vesi, but Mo'vren, which doubles the damage to 112. SUCC We win! Zombies get fukt. City is cleared out, burn piles of corpses, the whole nine. Now we gon' crash the party meant to celebrate the downfall of the Havensgroves. 8/6/23 We at Goldencrest. Aegis is conspiring with Ben to steal from the Heimenor Now, Aegis is trying to talk us into something of a heist during/at this party. Most of us need to provide distraction while the others commit the illicit activity. Shopping for clothes for the partry. We go to a store ran by Jinx, a white-fur tabaxi. After placing our order, we head to Enticing Enchantments. +1 mace +2 maul +2 quarterstaff Instrument of the bards: Anstruth Harp Obsidian Steed Robe of the Archmagi scroll of dissonant whispers scroll of etherealness scroll of fireball scroll of grasping vine scroll of Otiluke's Freezing Sphere spellguard shield wind fan We get our hair did. Next door is hairdressor's husband, who owns a sandwich bodega. Original party was kidnapped and met a vampire tree . . . ? After a bit of downtime of bathing and drinking some wine reserves from Aegis, we are pre-gamed for the party. We go pick up our party garments. We arrive at the party. Queeris shows up, all fancied up, and provides fives rocky talky earrings. Clover runs into a noble stranger. . . she eventually recognizes him. V summons a demon and talk over the band for metl karaoke. Ben starts a mosh pit. Alphinaud and Clover work together to dispel the magic most nobles are using, causing embarassement, particularly for a gnome disguisded as a longshank. Errich reaches for his inner Michael Jackson and pulls a thriller shapeshift for this older woman noble. Laz is going to stealthfully polymorph the captain of the guard into . . . A BOAR! Meanwhile, Clovers does some secret agent snooping. Min wants more Bearrich. Errich tells her where to find him, at the inn. Clover successfully stole Party bumps into Pete Moss. Traveling to the commonwealth. While Ben is at his brewery that he opened in Dormondport, Ben's father brings a box that he gifts to Ben. He is proud of Ben. Believes, still, in the Havensgrove name. Also, his father informs him that Vokeil, his grandfather, has been missing for 10 days. big father-son hug followed by profession handshake Ben has passed on to each of us, two sorcery points each. Ben has officiallly retired as an adventurer. 8/13/23 Picking up from when Ben and Aegis left to start a brewery/vineyard. Hooked up with older lady from the party. She left me a note that apologizes for leaving before I woke up, but wants to see me again. We meet downstairs the inn for breakfast, and are greeted by Pete Moss. There are carts that hover called hovercrafts and there are actual airships called airships. We want to buy an airship, but they cost 150,000 gold, which we actually can't afford as is. V goes to his dad to see if that Zorn have made and money and beg for some. There are 8 crewman rooms for sleeping and leisure and a captain's quarters. Comes with autopilot and locking mechanisms. We are warned about pirates that would target our airship if we went across the seas. Visit temple of Jakka in Goldencrest. Since the lodestone is gone, the temple seems dimmer. "Sanctuary" is the word. Go downstairs of the temple, which is far below ground level, enter room, smoke/mist fill it. I pray at the spear, doing mosh dancing. a shadow overcasts me, Jakka enters. The spear was used to seize Dreggur Tull, who was a god of pain made to consume everyone's pain. Became corrupted, asking people for sacrifices, became a threat to the other dieties. Jakka's parents, creators, asked Jakka to deal with Dreggur Tull. Now, his soul is trapped in nine hells, but body is being held by spear. Barvos is the only god with the only ability to destory other gods. Jakka tells Errich to keep an eye out for those seeking pain out on a grand scale. And help those suffering from great pain. Got a hint that Galliard is suffering and isn't the evil that we have assumed. Perhaps something has led Galliard to be the way he is? A good reason for it, justifiable. As I leave the temple, I remind myself that Dreggur Tull's body, a god that Jakka couldn't destory, is there just beneath the surface of the temple basement. It has been approximately 7 months since Errich and his brother Fenrin left for their worldwalk. 5 more months and it will be their 21st birthday! Mushy is coming with us on the airship. Are we bringing Queerus? Oona? Pete Moss? Ship has no name and needs to be christened. Clover calls the crew to the outside of the ship, and we christen the ship with a bottle of wine and toast with another. Ship is propelled by magic crystals that funnel magic from the air and filter it through the ship. Errich messages Uncle Erwin and Fenrin. Tells Erwin to visit Dormondport. We're going to do a quest that Clover's deity told her to do. 9/10/23 Inside the desecrated temple of Devina, entrance of dungeon: Clover leads the way marching order: Laz and Clover, Alph and V, Errich in back spike trap easy to avoid enter room one north side has four levers large test tube with demon in it? door on east wall and door on the south wall came from west Alphinaud pulls one and then four, and south door opens, levers lock in place Tries to pull lever two, but like earlier, stops halfway and resets all levers Errich suggests levers 2 and 4 Glabrezu is free INITIATIVE! Laz makes the Glabrezu withered short rest open south door again down hallway Alphinaud attempts to open door at end, but is locked, Clover and Laz help. Clover struggles to pick the lock, breaking one of her lockpicks. V attempts to punch the lock loose, and while the effort was admirable, failed and took damage. Alphinaud breaks the door open with brute force and his chair Next room combat with gelatinous cube that is large and fell from ceiling INITIATIVE AGAIN! V causes the cube to explode from eldrich blasts, freeing Alphinaud and ending the combat. There is a poison and spike trap that both hurt most of the party. another room, came from east, north has two levers, doorway also on north, test tubes with trolls one has a key around its neck, west wall has two doors 9/24/23 room w/ stuff; four statues: take one, leave one. Vorpal sword, ring of 3 wishes, storm giant belt were traded for Left Ioun stone, which grants 50 uses of absorption room with a guy, boss fight room Devina Guardian gave us a compliment and a chance to leave instead of fight V recognizes dude's red sword Errich didn't die. just got shit kicked out of em defeated boss, next room arcane carvings, madness scribblings, Galliard was trapped in here a long time ago as a ploy by Devina, magically sealed, trapped Devina's servant that had tricked him with him and tortured her while he was trapped. Clover's sword is only thing that could break her curse Galliard used to lead pre-rift Siriville, morally questionable, but wife kept him in line ethically. Wife was killed as a sacrifice by gnolls (order of Devina) and Galliard snapped. Hates gnolls. Aterog, the dragon, freed Galliard in exchange of becoming a draco-lich. Galliard is creating a potion to kill a dragon. Needs to kill dragon to make it a lich. Find info on Eisos to learn what Galliard stole. Ominous silence from Galliard . . . what is he busy with? skeleton girl said Clover looked like Galliard's wife, but as a tiefling. can make weapon "exalted" legendary -> ascended -> exalted 10/1/23 on the airship Alphinaud goes to bed Mushy made a spore-based intercom Clover dream - beautiful brunette with platinum armor shakes Clover's hand, thanks her, and walks off Pete is a cooking chad, providing breakfast, brunch, lunch, afternoon tea, etc. Errich going to learn to be perceptive while traveling (need to train 4 days) got 2/4 days done - 50% V is learning draconic - 30% Laz learns some religion On our way to Wildehall (SE coastal town of Maru Kingdom) We arrive to Wildehall and decide to use Sending to message Mushy when we need to be picked up. Cody made his step goal. good job Making chains to hold the next titan: 3 day ritual, deepsteel, sea mushroom from merfolk The Leaking Sailor - a bar with no stilts, but a stone foundation, kind of flooded and cockeyed, ran by a goblin named Gassy. very lovable, cellar is flooded rn. Her friend, Dirt, is still in the Underdark. Wildehall is a cove city all along the coast; very weather protected by, pirate bay that was taken over by Maru Kingdom, poorly enforced law. has a peninsula that encloses it and has lighthouse there. The Ringing Cliffs hang over the coast, protecting the town and providing nice, random music depending on the wind. The merfolk we seek are in the water beneath this overhang. Gassy asks a favor of us; real name is Gas. Ran away from Mythhill. Tell Dirt to go see Gassy in Wildehall. The Night's Lightning - a ship . . . ? We go to Trader Jo's Trading Hall. Asks if Errich is looking for work because his assistant left. We'll need to give a heads up to Met Pastor (sp?), the ship's doctor. Laz casts waterbreathing on everybody. We dive down to find the merfolk. After a few leagues, we see pillars and other architecture indicitave of a civilization We enter the city. As we travel through the chasms and corridors, being followed by merfolk that are cautious/suspicious of us. Eventually, we are confronted by a macho merman. He asks what we want, but we don't know what to give in return. He has others lead us to the court. We are led to a place deep in the city that resemble palace architecture. The "king" wants Laz and Clover to fight for them . . . ? There is a sea cave with elementals that the merfolk are concerned with procreating too much. So we're culling elementals. King K?? is dude's name. 10/8/23 Errich Perception 2/4 V Draconic 35% Laz Religion 2/8 Clovrer Orcish Captain Laz, Mez is the navigator. Cook isn't good, like Pete Moss was. Alphinaud rips a bench that was bolted to the ship out of the floor . . . We finally get to the spot where the water elementals are, and King K??? shows up to surprise-help us. We get in the water after Laz casts waterbreathing on us. Beneath the ship is a massive coral reef that somewhat resembles a temple. Laz notices how large the water elementals are and how broodish their mannerisms are. Laz casts Pass without a Trace King Kand (?) and Laz discuss trying to be diplomatic with the elementals before resorting to violence Laz observes an unused entrance to the coral temple; we use it and Laz navigates us through it We end up in a room that looks like a synagogue?(room for worship n stuff) ROLL INITIATIVE Laz turned into a whale, so thats cool. we win there is a geyser where the magic Laz is tracking seems to be coming from we find a merfolk who reveals self to be a cultist King Kand shifts, revealing to not be who we thought he'd be skin pale, eyes blood red, strange armor of wood that is constantly shifting, blond hair, its Left Alphinaud, Errich, and V chase after Left. He read a scroll and teleported, getting away. Alphinaud went with him because he grappled last minute. Clover and Laz fight the cultist merfolk on their own. It's a monk. What will become of Alphinaud? Next time on Hot Grailszzzz! 10/15/23 Errrich scryed on Alphinaud: Running in a dark tunnle underground, covered in blood and bite marks, hear familiar voice of Left, Alphinaud runs up stairs, bursts through adoor, and in a place I don't recognize that is outside, terra cotta buildings. Laz and Clover defeated the monk. the monk had texts on him; Clover has those. Apparently they are enchanted so that the ink doesn't wash away in the water. Ogech Roscoe pops up out of the fountain and tags along Errich 4/4 done! Perception Laz 3/8 religion V 45% draconic Clover 90% orcish We got the mushroom Back in Wildehall Go to Dock/Dark? Sunrise, the nice bar, everyone is fancy, staff is high elvish, greeted by friend of the pary Herma. She returns with a very old bottle of wine the wine talks to us as we drink it, was apparently very horny wine V went to bed early without drinking, which is unusual. We go to bed. Everyone has peaceful, undistrubed sleep. Except Laz. She gets some creepy, threatening message (via telepathy or sending) concerning the titan. V wakes up early. (in secret, communes with Barvos about Gloomrun) Cast Sending to check on Alphinaud. Says he is three weeks out and saw Jimmy kill himself We get back on the airship, more mushrooms than last time We set off for three days Laz 4/8 V 60% We arrived to our destination Laz casts waterbreathing on the party. Clover notices that Laz is stressin'. We dive, deep, its dark, even with light cantrip, we come upon a sunken ship for exploration, there are skeletons Errich, because of his small stature, is able to swim through holes made for cannons. Laz turns into a seahorse and joins me while Clover and V try to pry the trap door on the deck. Roscoe Tealeaf follows as well because they are a halfling Clover discovers a cabin that seems indicative of Laz's ownership Laz is thrown back as the chains are broken 10/22/23 on a small beach(of an island) in the middle of an ocean , there is a man?, Urabara, says we will find the leviathan east of Siriville, hard to know where it is and harder to know where it's going, its very fast ask his daughter for more information V studies Draconian "almost there baby" Clover tries to train Mushy for combat Laz works on the ritual with the Deepsteel and the mushroom titan grew power by absobring other water elementals, so it is a giant water snake physical attack will be weak, try lightning prayer to Vesi in a cloud in the sky surrounded by storm, gorgeous babe in view, wasn't super helpful conflict between titans and gods (just like greek mythos) we'll need magic and lightning, going to need speed, Roscoe called the Tinkerer's Guild (in Goldencrest) Word of Recall V, Roscoe, and Errich to Jakka's Temple in Goldencrest. Not much help from archpirest of Jakka. Roscoe goes to Tinkerer's Guild, led by Gentry, a halfling that doesn't like Roscoe. The Rod and Line are almost done. V goes to see Bree, who is with Ithumb, they are already discussing the primordial threat. Bree and V teleport to Burrowdale to study up in the library Clover prayed to Eisos V communes with Barvos, who gives advice on how to wield his swords against the Leviathan effectively Tinker's Guild installs the giant rod to the ship. Clover goes to purchase health potions There is a random vendor on the street, he sells me a Bowl says "E Swallowtail" . I will use this gem encrusted bowls for Heroes' Feast. Ice damage in large quantites could freeze it in place momentarily known to create tidal waves immune to acid and poison Laz sees a scarred fire genasi with drow . . . cultists? Leviathan pops out of the ocean! Next time, a fight ensues.

The Wanderlust Of The Hot Grails

To And Fro Once More; A Halfling's Tale.   11/12/23   1. we need to capture/catch the leviathan (skill challenge) while trying to stave off 4 red wyverns and fire genasi cultists. 2. second phase, we have lassoed the leviathan with lightning, but now we must break its primordial shield (25 dmg per round) and help Laz chain down the titan. The cultists jumped on the ship 3. Laz has to stay alive while fighting a CR 20 Leviathan, bring it below 50 max HP.   HIGHLIGHTS: Laz turned into an octopus, summoned an air elemental, turned into a whale, cast 6th lvl Sunbeam, tanked a BUNCH of damage, and successfully (finally!) sealed the leviathan into the fire plane. Clover and V did FAT damage; Clover rescues Mushy; V dealt final blow.   VICTORY! and LEVEL UP!   (wisdom score raised -- adjust for werebear stats)     11/26/23   Bree informs V that she has information on Galliard that is crucial; sealburrow tomb?   We depart for Goldencrest to get the airship restored. The trip will take three days, and then we plan to either hoof it to sealburrow or hire a carriage/wagon.   We arrive to Goldencrest; Clover gets a gift from Queeris -- a collapsible wagon.   After getting the wagon setup and receiving our horses back from Edmund (Clover's papa), we head for Burrowdale. After arrival, we visit with friendguard Tom, and then head to Bree Valeria's White Tower (ooh la la)   Bree's debrief: Galliard wants to turn Aterog into a dracolich; Going to use mind control magic on Aterog's gemstone and will essentially dominate Aterog's will. We need to do some research, and Bree suggests reaching out to Eisos, god of the veil.   Before we teleport (fast travel) to Gloomrun, Clover sneaks that weird wine into Bree's pocket(?).   To the temple of Eisos, built into the ground, blackstone, seems kind of dangerous due to poor lighting, an unsettling place. As V prays to Eisos, all light fades, including the light emitting from my shield, and V is abducted.   (parts of Barvos, when Barvos was "destroyed," he was split into three persons: Eisos, Plysus, and Mo'vren)   Bree teleports us to a coastal cliffside. there are vines and patches of moss. A figure before us appears, somewhat transparent and ghastly in a supernatural way. The stone beneath us crumbles some as Barvos absorbs the orb that V obtained from Eisos. This pleased Barvos, who said something about not needing that part of Eisos anymore. Barvos grasps V's head and V succumbs to astral projection. After returning from his little trip with Barvos, V tells us that Galliard will be found somewhere on the west coast, with lodestones.   Destroyed the phylactery lodestones: one in castle (Aetherium), one in metrodoven, one in Havensgrove One rests at the bottom of sea within Pillars of Defiance, another is deep underground and channeling heat into magic (only two left)   We return to Gloomrun to ask the mayor about the two rivers beneath ground; one river of water and another of molten rock.   We arrive at Outpost Ju. Apparently Temmeria isn't here, and is pissed at Errich. (should probably look into that). We are led by Gary, the guardsman of Outpost Ju. We walk with Gary for eight hours. He gave V some mushrooms and is tripping balls.   We finally get to the magma river, and need to cross. Clover is immune, so she carries V across on her glaive (so strong!). Alphinaud uses his superhuman strength to toss me over successfully (such amaze) . Laz turns into a bat to get over. Alphinaud ramps off a rock and leaps across the molten river.   We walk down a tunnel pathed between the two rivers. We come up a structure where the two rivers converge, and believe the lodestone to reside here.   12/3/2023   Getting through the front door; Clover unlocks it. There is a pit at the very entrance, shrouded in darkness. We get to the bottom of the tunnel pit. The architecture transitions from cathedral architecture to something more organic. There is a fleshy doorway ahead of us as we reside at the base of the tunnel pit. V, who is a paladin now, uses divine sense. Doesn't see any celestials, fey, or undead, but he does sense evil. There are five humanoid entities in the next room. Considering where we are, Errich assumes they might be illithids, or mind flayers. Bree is going to help, but we need to protect her. Errich has volunteered to stick by Bree's side and use warding flare and any other means to keep her from losing concentration on her spells. Don't let the mind flayers close to prevent them from eating our brains. we beat em! Alphinaud reflects on what he knows of illithids, including information on their controller: the Elder Brain. Bree explains that there will be more illithids and there is a elder brain just based on what the last illithid said ("They know") before it died. There is a door to the south and door to the east. The doors look like sphincters and there is "piping" that looks like tentacles or something. We head to the east into the empty room. The room is a hallway. We continue down the hallway. Laz hears someone walk into the room we just left; we are being followed. Two illithids walk down the hall towards us as three approach from the rear flank, and combat ensues. Roll initiative.   Mid-combat, Bree urges us to continue on despite being assaulted. She has an idea of casting Globe of Invulnerability, which will cheese this dungeon. She needs a propellent, which Alphinaud offers his jetpack. Skill Challenge to manipulate/steer the globe. Clover used plant growth to pave a path in vines and roots for the globe to travel along. V enhances the globe defensively with his tentacle shadow magic. Laz uses wind wall and shapes it in a way the helps the globe into the hole in the floor we're trying to get to.   Now we find ourselves in another room, with three illithids and a lodestone Elder Mind hybrid thing.   After much fighting, we destroyed the lodestone and then Bree bamfed us out of there!   TO BE CONTINUED . . .   12/17/23   Out in the streets of Mythhill. Bree's staff broke :(   Apparently, we tore a rift in time and went back 4 years. Clover must relive her past perfectly, so as to not change time. Meanwhile, Bree is going to look for her staff in this timeline.   While Bree is off looking for pieces, the rest of us discuss a plan for what to do with our time. Alphinaud wants to eliminate Left, but Errich, V, and Laz think we should take advantage of this opportunity to gain intel without disturbing the timeline.   Bree returns with news that she found a piece of her staff, but a thief ran off with it.   Let's split up, gang! Laz is going to join young-Clover-possessed-by-older-Clover while V, Alphinaud, and Errich go to retrieve the staff piece for Bree. Meanwhile, Bree will inform us of when to reconvene.   Laz turns raven and accompanies Clover to the rebellious outing towards the concert hall where famous emo alt rock travelling band, My Alchemical Bromance.   To the sewers! V, Alphinaud, and Errich head to the sewers, which reminds Errich of fond memories. We come up on the thieves guild entrance, where one guy is standing watch. The guard seems unfocused and is drinking from a flask, so Errich suggests that V and Alphinaud act as a diversion in order for Errich to sneak by and scout out the next part of the guild hideout. After nearly succeeding in sneaking in without being noticed, Left notices Errich as soon as Errich grabs the staff piece. As Left attacks, Errich casts daylight on a coin and throws it at his forehead, running off after. As we regroup, we try to escape, but Alphinaud is convicted to kill Left now. Alphinaud does a lot of damage to Left before Errich turns bears and tackles Alphinaud. V, brooding, approaches Alphinaud on the floor, grabs his chin, looks him dead in the eyes, and intimidates Alphinaud, convincing him to let it go and leave.   Time warp again, now its Bree's backstory. In Burrowdale, white tower is blue. Bree approaches us, holding books, and looks shocked and 20 YEARS OLD.   To be continued . . .   1/7/24   Back in the past. Bree demands that we not interfere with here past today; let Ruundrix do his thing while we find a piece of her staff. V, Clover, and Errich head towards the sealburrow tomb. Upon entrance, we find intstructions inscribed on the wall. Every time you go through a prior door, it behaves normally. However, if anyone opens a new door, it could take us a down a level. There are only 10 known floors, nobody has been further. We walk through the first door: small contained room with a couple of shelves, nothing of value in here nor monsters. Next floor: very similar, but looks like a study. No items, traps, or monsters. written on the wall "here lies the Joneses".   Alphinaud meets Bree's master (I think, some old elf with a staff). Alphinaud convinces the town to start a festival/fair just outside of town.   Third floor: clear. storage room for books. sign on wall say "Joneses II: Revenge of the Joneses lies here". Floor four: no staff. Floor five: building infrastructure seems to be lacking down here. Things are going to start getting dangerous. No staff. Floor six: there are acid pits, Errich almost falls in and V saves me. no staff. Floor 7: no staff. Floor 8: two creatures, giants, want to fight. The staff is here, in one of the giant's pockets. Two storm giants vs V, Clover, and Errich. Clover Divina smites one's shin and Errich follows up with a fireball.   Alphinaud is trying to make this festival a big event, trying to limit the amount of people to be victimized by the coming Ruundrix. Alphinaud is offered a potion to make everyone listen to him. Alphinaud hears a building explode on the other side of town.   Meanwhile, V is trying to use a spell previously used to bring a building down to bring down the giant with the staff. Finishes with a hexblade's curse. Both giants fuck us up with lightning. Clover goes down. Errich uses his most valuable spell slot to pick her back up. Giants fuck us up, knocking Errich against a wall with the impact of their hilt, breaking ribs, a hip, and rendering Errich unconscious. Clover heals for 80 with Lay on Hands. Errich turns bear and claws and charges the giant's foot. V is going to try and stun the staff-bearing giant. Storm giant, with a vengeance, attacks V and puts him down with his thunderfist bullshit. Clover amputates the legs off of the giant. As a bear, I heal V, grab the staff, V, and Clover, and carry us out the entrance. MISSION accomplished!   Bree is pretty much the best evocation mage during this time. Her master, an abjuration wizard, saves the day! After much magic sparring between the two, Bree's master casts a bubble invulnerability spell that slowly suffocates them and the flames Ruundrix casts.   After retrieving the staff and playing out the traumatic events of the day, we return to the present day.   Instead of arriving in the present day, we go back to V's past when he was 18. We don't feel like we're in the material plane, anymore.   We follow V to a brothel, where he maintains to act like a total degenerate. Bree recommends that Errich pray to Jakka for information/wisdom. Alphinaud volunteers to pray to Mo'vren as well. Everything is written in sylvan. Jakka tells me we are in the faewild, and Jakka is subordinate to his father, Time.   45 minutes later, V returns. He's urging us to leave as he already has a staff piece. We do another time warp.   We go back to when Alphinaud loses his father. Alphinaud is riding Oona while the rest of us are down below on the ground. V chases after the dragon that got away. Bree, Clover, and Errich follow after V. V hits the dragon (plasma dragon) with three eldritch blasts. The dragon doesn't go down, but looks shook. In reaction. the dragon panic-hyperbeams and fuck us up pretty good. V and Clover are down, Errich loses bear form but is still up. Bree is still up as well.   Alphinaud is doing cool shit; dual-wielding shield-frisbees.   Bree tps us to the city (Goldencrest?). There are undead everywhere.   Alphinaud saved his dad. Next time on DRAGONBALL Z . . .   1/28/24   woke up in temple outside of the commonwealth where I was trained by the cleric-hunters. wake up to sunrise. Peter heads outside for drills. revisiting this experience, I notice Peter's attitude towards other creatures is somewhat hateful. After training, Peter informs me that he wants me to join the hunt tonight. Tonight, there will be a full moon. For the remainder of the day, I regroup with Clover, V, Alphinaud, Laz, and Bree and we rest in the temple for seeking out the missing piece of Bree's staff. Inspired, Clover and Errich prepare Locate Object to help find the piece in this part of the timeline. Before shit hits the fan, we travel to the next part of the timeline in order the find the last piece of the staff. We are all sharing a perspective, Galliard's perspective. He is liched up. Galliard starts talking to the skeletal remains, confiding in her. She, despite being beyond, is being kept alive by some unknown and dark magic. Clearly, she is utterly miserable in her condition and powerless to do anything about. Galliard seems unconcerned and continues to monologue to her. Discussing making the dragon friend become a dracolich. Galliard reveals his plan for mind-control technology, which he had used on the Zorn clan. Galliard seems to hold some ulterior plan to mind control the dracolich. Plans to take on Plysus, and thinks the power of controlling this dracolich will be the boon necessary to over a deity like Plysus. To Bree's surprise, her staff has been made whole again. Bree bamfs us back to where we should be according to time. We're inside Bree's archmage quarters. Bree encourages us to investigate the world and see what our ventures through time have changed. We bump into Ithumb; he tells us that Yolana wants to talk to us. Apprarently Bree and Ithumb are married and Clover had married them. We enter the king's courtroom and the king, who is how we remember, is talking to Yolana, who is not quite as we remember. Yolana is way older than we remember, and is still a high elf. Yolana tells us about how he helped us to clear our name in Ithocrest. Errich remembers that Bree told the Hot Grails that when resolved, our memories will catch up to us. Yolana informs us that, because Galliard and his gang came down to attack Goldencrest disguised as us The Hot Grails, there were new laws established to keep civil peace. Yolana asks us to avoid raising suspicion concerning our time travel, which he deduced by our obvious questions. Before leaving, Yolana urges us to seek Left. After Yolana makes his tp exit, we receive a message via sending spell by Bree to meet her in the tea room. In the tea room, Ithumb, Bree, and Left await us. In this timeline, Errich apparently joined the Hot Grails because they rescued him in the sewers from a troll. Apparently Left killed the Collector. Clover checks in on Queeris to make sure they are still married and that Mushy is okay, which seems to be the case. Also, Queeris tells us that he is working on cannons for Goldencrest. End of call, back to tea time with Left, Bree, and Ithumb. V has a moment with Barvos. Allegedly, Alphinaud's dad is stil alive and is getting back with Alphinaud's griffon-riding mother. The wedding is tonight and Oona is the ringbearer. Unfortunately, Alphinaud is missing his precious chair. We head to the fancy clothes place to pick up our suits (and dress for Clover) for the wedding. Oona, through their shared mind connection, informs Alphinaud that she found his chair. Yolana (gonna have to smoke some loveleaf with that guy) teleports us to Amberreach for the vow renewal (they never split up). V casts a mirror image decoy while he sneaks out to look for Alphinaud's mom, who is inside the house. V does some mirror image shenanigans at the wedding/vow renewal. Finally having the room alone with Alpinaud's mom, who does not seem interested in V anymore. V tries to blow up the house the ceremony is being held, but Alphinaud uses his cage magic to limit V's movement. V is mad. The vow renewal ceremony was genuine and romantic, very nice! V arrives to Deaville and has a very candid talk with his pa, concerned that his family is a pack of alcoholic, smelly losers. Papa Zorn starts building a shower. V has discussions with his kin that was mind controlled by Galliard in the tower for most of their lives, seems painful for V. V's edicts: first, temple to Barvos. Second, more bathrooms. Next time . . .   2/11/24   We have a month of downtime. Zudis and Udis doing the big magic togethers ;)   Laz is wanting to train in sword combat. V and Clover are unavailable and Alphinaud and Errich don't know anything Laz doesn't know, so she hunts down our minotaur friend Tespin for help. Mortal Coils Arena: weirdly quiet. No crowd. Doors just left open. It looks like the arena was locked and someone busted in. Laz finds Tespin curled up in a ball in the middle of the field. Tespin called Laz the mean lady lol. Tespin wields a bone from the ground to help Laz train. Training goes well and her and Tespin are better friends. Her sword allows her to change what elemental damage is done and that's pretty cashmoney.   Alphinaud wants to open an orphanage, but his mom tells him he has shit to do. He grabs Oona and follows his mom to meet with Fourchenault. Fourchenault wants to teach Alphinaud the proper way to wrestle, but is having mom do the training. Also, something about Jimmy the Imp and Alphinaud having to fight some devil or something, idk.   Bree poofs me back to the commonwealth. Jilwyse's house and mom's house are here. Boris is back home. And temple of Jakka just outside. I avoid the cleric-hunters that are about and go to visit Boris, my stepdad. I fill him in on where I've been, what happened to mom and Fenrin, and my being a werebear. After I grabbed him some milk, I turned into a werebear to help fix the unlevel house, which I do with ease because of my werebear strength. Then I confide in him that I'm planning to propose to Jilwyse and invite him to Dormondport so my family can get to know her and she can get to know them. Boris starts packing. I head over to Jilwyse's house, which she has her own that she inherited. Because of turning into a werebear, Errich is hungry and eats on of Jilwyse's whole cakes. They spend the evening together and Errich comes clean with his proposal. Bumped into Peter Wycliffe, he wanted to kill me; had a scar from when I attacked as werebear in backstory. With some miraculous persuasion, Errich inspires Peter to explore his faith and forgive Errich. Errich word of recalls (word = Jakka?) he, Jil, and Boris to the temple of Jakka in Goldencrest. After a discussion about my shield (Jakka artifact) with archpriest, we get bamfed to Dormonport. When we walk up to the mansion, which impresses Jil, and learn that our staff has changed because of our time travel adventures. Glove, our dirt goblin, stayed the same. The butler sucks, though. Our other hire is Rain Man - counted with precision the number of roof tiles and the blades of grass. (Errich going to commonwealth and dormondport took up the first week).   (our airship is being repaired in Goldencrest, just btw)   Laz and Errich are going to bear it up together. Errich shapeshifts in a werebear and starts meditating. Laz observes that Errich pulls from a divine source to enhance his form; she believes that maybe she can tap into a similar source of power and do the same.   Alphinaud has trained with his parents for a few days and returns to Goldencrest with Oona. Oona asks Alphinaud for a saddle. After asking his mom where to get a saddle, he is pointed in the direction of the floating dragon islands. When he gets there, he runs into Davis the daydrinker. Davis uses a restoration scroll to sober up and then lead Alphinaud to get saddle. Alphinaud is not fucking his mom. Apparently Davis has seen Alphinaud in his dreams, as in visions. Alphinaud is a griffin rider, just like his mom. Saddlemaker made sure to include extra seating for the saddle in case Alphinaud has a passenger.   Alphinaud has the idea to have Salen investigate Davis' dreams. Salen and Alphinaud enter Davis' dreams: things seem mundane so far. For a while, Davis is walking. In dream, he gets to Goldencrest. They play out the vision as Davis has always experience it, ending with Alphinaud and his mother greeting each other before the door closes and the vision ends. Then a new vision begins; Alphinaud is in a fight. There are demons and devils raising a ruckus around in an arena. The devil things threatens Alphinaud, saying that he has 10 years.   End of dream. Everyone is sweaty. Salen told Davis and Alphinaud that they have been asleep for 3 days. Alphinaud confesses that his great great . . . grandfather made a pact with a devil. Apparently Davis has a similar history with his family. (Errich is Alphinaud's shoulder angel and V is the should devil sitting naked on the toilet).   Jil and Errich's dates: our first date is at Benebarak's bar Storm's Brewing. Ben pleads that the party visits. Second date to crystal city in Ithocrest. It is beautiful and Jilwyse loves it. We got to the hot spring, but Werebeast had reserved it. Errich goes bear to get through security and take Jil in to the hot spring. The werewolf dude reminded Errich that he has were-allies that he can call upon with just a "howl". For third day, Errich takes her on boat tour of Dormondport, dine on the pier, and then proposed in front of the full moon. Also, Glove, who visited Ithocrest apparently, was also at the pier earlier and cleaned the algae up, making the view and smell pleasing. Jilwyse SAID YES!!!   2/18/24   Wedding day!   Waiting a month, still, for Zudis and Udis to search for Galliard. In the meantime:   Queeris, Clover, and Mushy are enjoying a "day off" together over the month, doing chores and errands. They travel throughout the Maru Kingdom to visit family and whatnot. Clover's parents are stand-offish, just a tad. Surprised by Clover's visit. After visiting Clover's parents, the three of them go check out the Mythhunter's Guild. Clover runs into a one-eyed homeless stranger that calls himself Gregory and swears that Clover's face is familiar to him. Mike and Gary, members of the guild, welcomes Clover and friends. Clover's parenting is put into question.   Valentine is trying to help rehabilitate the Zorn clan from being mind-controlled. Emphasis on personal hygiene. Paul is in the mud. Next, V wants to fix the architecture of their home(s). Also tries to teach the Zorn etiquette. V is working hard, here. Has the Zorn get their shit together within a week, which is huge progress. Itham is asking Valentine for military assistance in hopes that V will rally the Zorn in battle. In return for their service, V requests steel , stone, and education. Itham grants V and the Zorn the town of Deaville, a home in the Maru Kingdom. Queeris wants V's dad to wear his new cannon-backpack invention. The two of them (V and his dad) run through the forest; testing out the cannon. V inquires Barvos concerning a shard of something? V decides to make his way to Gloomrun. On his way, V stops by Goldencrest to check on Laz. She is training with Tespin. Continuing on, V travels through the underdark until he gets to Gloomrun. While there, V investigates the three temples there: Eisos (darkness), Plysus (death), and Mo'vren (magic). V prays at the praystation 3 to the god of death, Plysus. Plysus is also the patron of sorrowful love. V's mind is immersed in darkness and gravestones gradually appear to V as well as the occasional tree with a crow and the full moon looms always; man (Plysus?) has a bouquet of flowers (looks like Barvos if he was completely eladrin the character puts the flowers down at a certain grave and then offers V to walk and talk with him. Valentine is trying to find out who reached out to him to warn/prophesy to him that the world is changing and that V needs to put a stop to it or the consequences will be his fault. Hatred permeates the tone of Plysus's voice when he mentions Galliard - probably doesn't like liches and others that defy death. The two reach a gravestone, Galliard's late/ex lover. Suddenly, V notices that he is not in a graveyard, but the Shadowfell. Galliard's soul is fading, so says Plysus. Plysus picks up a sword and offers V power in exchange for life. V accepts, taking the "sword". Immediately, V comes to from the state of prayer, nothing in his hand. Off to Mo'vren's temple: prays; V find himself standing in a space enveloped in magic-infused veins. Mo'vren suspects that Galliard threatens to kill Plysus - can you kill a god? Mo'vren bitches a lot. V asks Mo'vren for advice on the ring of three wishes. Mo'vren doesn't know or care. Finds out that Mo'vren is not the one speaking to V; Mo'vren claims that its actually Barvos whispering and continues to pull a magic orb out of V after revealing to V that everyone is made of the magic veins. Mo'vren prompts V with "what do you want?" and Valentine responds "to find the rest of Barvos". Mo'vren wants to be convinced by V for his help(?). Mo'vren needs V to prove to him that if he grants the piece of Barvos, V won't make Mo'vren regret it. Mo'vren makes some mention towards the pact V and Errich made and that some ancient god played a part in that pact. The magic orb of Barvos is given to V and he returns from state of prayer. The next day in the underdark, V tries again to get Plysus's attention again. RIP V's eye. Barvos summons a mysterious power and enchants the blade that V got from Plysus (I think). Barvos is made whole because of V and returns to his domain. V is called Barvos' champion. V is free from Barvos living in his mind all the time.   Laz travels to the Elisial Wood. Stag, bear, and ferret greet her, one returns to their elven form. She gets to the Elisial Tree and starts praying to it to bring her to and back from the feywild. The tree opens up like a portal and Laz enters. Here in the feywild, Laz starts meditating. While doing so, she gets harassed by the fey cat thing names Socks that helped us last time we were in the feywild. Laz is looking for some kind of sacred stones or something and the purpose . . . what started this? Laz decides to train since these things will take a long to travel around and find. Laz is going to experiment with plants for a day.   Alphinaud time! He is asked to put on a performance for the city to boost morale. Alphinaud tries to intimidate someone saying "I'd take 1000 gold any day!" and that person turns out to be Dravius, captain of the guard of Goldencrest. Alphinaud's performance starts with pyrotechnics while playing Tenacious D on lute; the crowd is loving it! The next song is Stairway To Heaven. Then he plays the Undertale ost. The next song is some metl song. Many panties were thrown. Alphinaud gets a feat, then goes to Mythhill to buy a plot of land. Sees Quentis (Queeris's father) to ask about purchasing said land. Alphinaud wants to help out the "disenfranchised" aka the poor orphans. Alphinaud purchases the plot of land from Quentis in order to found an orphanage. Alphinaud signs the fucking contract, he SIGNS THE FUCKING CONTRACT! Alphinaud hires some stewards to look after the place while he is gone.   Fenrin wants to go for a walk with Errich. Fenrin confides in Errich that he is terrified of the coming war with Galliard. Boris, Fenrin, and Errich all learn from Rezelda (mom) that Boris isn't the father. Errich then learns about Desmond's fate and personality, which Errich is akin to.   Wedding time: Errich travels with his friends and family via cart. This is the day before the wedding. Invitation list: Laz, V, Clover, Queeris, Alphinaud, Benebarak, Bree, Itham, Yolana, Old Man Bones, Friendguard Tom, Tespin, Agis, Fortchinault, Alphinaud's mom, the Zorn clan, Edmund, Glove, The butler, the rest of the mansion help, Tamaria, Salen, Pete Moss, Errich's parents, Fenrin, etc. Night of the wedding: Clover is officiating. Alphinaud wanted to be the best man, but Errich picked Valentine to be the best man. The furniture is made of roots and vines and stuff and is a very open ceremony without division of people. With difficulty in deciding, Errich chooses V to be the best man. Jakka appears to Errich to congratulate him and tell him that he has a gift for Jilwyse. When Jilwyse walks down the aisle with Boris, her blonde hair glows as if shining sunlight. After the vows and exchange of rings, V casts Divine Sense. After kiss, we feel the warmth of love and Jakka. V, using Divine Sense, sees a figure bound with will and magic alone goes to Errich and Jilwyse during ring exchange and places hands over theirs as if to bind them spiritually/magically. Alphinaud is dragged back in by a bear . . . where did he go?? Old Man Bones gives Alphinaud something and leaves. V tells Errich that he saw an elder god bind Errich and Jilwyse in marriage, also bound V and Errich in their pact. V gifts Errich and Jilwyse the skull of Kieran (the dwarf), Clover gifts them an awesome baking set, Laz makes feywild pastries made from psychedelic plants and blesses us with Enhance Ability for tonight ;) ;), Alphinaud gives a drinking bird toy with a bitter message in elvish (reminds Errich of distracting Clover's parents with Alphinaud), Itham reminds us to file our marriage for taxes, Old Man Bones gives Errich a potion of plasma resistance, Edmund bitches about the horses that we left at his home, etc. Valentine gives best man speech (rolls nat 20).   2/25/24   Bree brings us all back to Goldencrest after our down time. Bree advises us to take some time to prepare, get spells ready, etc.   We meet with the king and Bree in Goldencrest. Bree briefs us: They've found where he might be, but we'll probably have to track Galliard down. Zudis and Udis believe that Galliard is working in a subterranean laboratory. We need to stop him before he turns the dragon into a dracolich; if too late, play it by ear.   List of allies: Bree, Itham, Laz's ship crew, werebeasts, Ameliance (Alphinaud's mom), Queeris, Salen, Herma, Gas and Dirt (notorious thieves), Old Man Bones, Yolana, Tespin, Edmund, and Left. Nobody else is available (rest of griffon riders, friendguard Thom, etc.)   We pray together to Rogar, the god of draconic hunt. By prayer, we shift to the dimension/plane of the gods. Clover tries to persuade Rogar to help. Alphinaud makes a pact with Rogar to get his help/power. Also, Alphinaud has green skin now.   We return to the Prime Material Plane.   We are teleported to the base that the wood elves were using for the civil war. We head downstairs, looking out for trouble and traps. We are all inside the room with griffon. Door shuts behind us. There are three statues in the room. (Queeris/Deaville) (Forchinault/Caedor)(Jilwyse Rivereyes/Swallowtail) The word Rivereyes was scratched out and replaced with Swallowtail, which means that whoever wrote these words did this before the month of Errich's wedding AND came back afterwards to amend the change. There are a series of papers to investigate: V checks them out. Errich makes an arcana check and determines that there is magic about that prevents us from easily teleporting out of here.   V learns that Galliard will need a large gemstone to trap the dracolich soul. Will also need an immense amount of life/light energy to counterbalance the necrotic energy produced by the ritual. also going to need a platform in the sky   DAMN WE'RE IN A TIGHT SPOT   3/3/24   We're in the room with the three constructs. Biter (Clover/V) Muter (Alphinaud/Laz) The Knight (Errich)   We win! V learns that the constructs are valuable when taken apart for pieces. Meanwhile, Alphinaud is using his mighty strength to hold the door up for escape.   Using clues to determine where Galliard might plan to perform ritual: large gemstone for soul, abundance of life/life energy to counterbalance the necrotic energy, platform for dragon's ease. We call up Bree for help, she tells us there was an attack on Chrysallis up in Ithocrest and we suspect that Galliard acquired his giant gemstone there. Bree agreed with Errich that the Tree of Birth is the most likely source of life energy for Galliard's ritual. We call back and get Salen to come up help us get to the Birth Tree with his tree-portal magic. We arrive in Lidiria. Errich notices that the city is thriving. The Archpriest greets us, we fill them in on Galliard's plan, and are teleported up to the tree. The sentrees are being watchful. Someone says they noticed some magical presence somewhere nearby, but the precise whereabouts are still to be discovered. Alphinaud and V fly around on Oona. The two find it, and it is a flat platform floating in the sky that is really big. We start to think about how we are going to get up to the platform and how to go about taking on Galliard. Laz suggests using her last wild shape to turn into a big bird and carry two while Alphinaud's pet griffon Oona carries the other two.   Laz casts Bear's Endurance, granting temp 4 hp and advantage on CON SAVES   3/10/24   Salen joins us as we fly up to the Gally platform. "Ah, the Hot Grails. I see you've . . . blah blah . . . I'm not super surprised". Suddenly, Ben shows up to aid us. The dragon's name is Atorig fmi (for my info). ROLL INITIATIVE BBBBB . . . .   Galliard has lair actions (and probably legendary actions). Cast haste on the Atorig.   In the center is Galliard, shielded by magic and pillars. There is a giant ruby thing.   1 counter for ritual. Galliard needs X amount of counters.   When Ben casts a spell, one of the four rings on his staff starts glowing. Ben tries to banish the dragon, a good idea, but Cody had dragon use one of its three legendary resistances.   Galliard casts a spell and summons five crown things. Laz and Alphinaud lose their bless and gain bane.   Ben's fourth staff ring is lit up and Ben uses his super special awesome staff power to shapeshift Oona into a dragon. CoooOOOooool . . .   Galliard casts some gravity spell and makes Errich, Clover, and Laz float 100 ft in the air.   Errich uses sending stone life alert for help! Also throws a rope to Laz so we can maneuver through the air. Old Man Bones is the first help we get and he makes Errich a philter of Plasma Resistance.   Galliard disintegrates Alphinaud and Benebarak, reducing them both to a pile of ash.   Clover pretends to be Galliard's lost lover, Aariad. Clover already looks just like her, but red.   3/24/24   A pile of artifacts lay where Benebarak's ashes lie, including his staff which stands on its own. V does 111 damage to Atorag and banishes him to the party dimension. Galliard's body is destroyed and is consequently revived wherever his phylactery is. Atorag is slain and Alphinaud tears into its eyes, retrieving four eyeballs. Alphinaud tries to eat one of the eyes, but its a crystal. Alphinaud then dislocates his jaw and swallows the crystal whole . . . wtf. He is rewarded with fire breath, fire resistance, etc. He also has astral/spectral wings, four apparently.   Loot-time! V finds a portable hole near Benebarak's remains. Ben requests that we return his staff to his brother.   Bree Valeria shows up,   Ben's corpse: potion of greater healing cloak of displacement ring of spell storing undermantium cloak Havensgrove signet ring cube of force instrument of the bards - canaith mandolin   Galliard's corpse: ring of protection ring of spell storing ring of invisibility sphere of annihilation amulet of proof against detection and (anti-scrying) wand of binding scarab of protection the Defender (sword)   V dumps his jar of toenails out and fills the jar with Ben's ashes.   Yolana shows up and then teleports V, himself, and the dragon corpse away to Deaville.   Bree tps her and Errich back to Goldencrest. Alphinaud and Clover are going to move the cauldron of black acid.   We reconvene in Goldencrest. LONG REST AND LEVEL UP!!   4/7/24   Errich goes to the Copper Cups and finds Tespin there. Errich heals his hand from punching the dragon's mouth. Then Errich challenges Tespin to a drinking contest and blacks out (loses). Clover is also here in Goldencrest, but goes to see her husband and Mushy. Queeris is working on cannon for the airship. While in Deaville, Valentine is praying to Barvos (Barvos's holy symbol is a rock split by a lightning bolt?). Valentine offers to trade his whole clan for Barvos to enchant sword that V forges. Valentine, in his sleep, feels a surge of new power, both magic and spirit. Alphinaud and Laz offer the black acid of death to Old Man Bones, aka The Alchemist. Alphinaud duplicates himself and visits Old Man Bones. He receives from Old Man Bones a vial of viscous yellow liquid: FOR ALPHINAUD ONLY. V calls Errich and asks him to come to Deaville, which Errich will ride Tespin for. Alphinaud takes a nap. Laz wants to go to the Sealburrow Tomb and research Galliard, phylacteries, etc. Clover drops Mushy off at Edmund's so he can be trained in case he's caught in combat again. Preston forces V into red-blue dragon-scale armor that looks purple. We dug a fighting pit to train while we prepare to kick Galliard's asssss . . .   4/28/23   The wizards that were mind controlled by Galliard were scattered and started raising hell elsewhere. Zudis discovered that the wizards were still being mind-controlled by lodestones. Near Fort Maru, my friends are underground searching for a lodestone and fighting a mummy lord. There are mummies here and we're in the middle of fighting them. The place has a strange atmosphere (the sand seems to float in the air and the zombies are hyperaware of our presence/location).   We defeat four mummies. Alphinaud finds five mummies that seems to have their fingers dipped in molten metal.   Galliard intercepts our call with Bree Valeria to razz us. He said something about killing the god of death to steal its power and raise his lover back from the dead.   We meet back on the airship. Alphinaud tries to persuade the party to stave off resting in pursuit of the phylactery. Unfortunately, we don't know the location of the phylactery.   The king of Maru asks to join us and then teleports onto our airship.   type type type type type type type type words words words words words all work and no play makes Jakc a d ull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack adull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and noo play makes jack a dull boi   V has a chat with Plysus, the god of death. He is certain that only his papa Barvos can kill gods, not Galliard. Barvos corrects V that Galliard won't kill Plysus, but absorb his power.   Plysus pulled Alphinaud out of reality mid-piss to have a talk with him.   We go to Metrodoven. Supposedly, the phylactery is here somewhere. Alphinaud tries to touch the way/ley lines. We go to visit the person that became a robot that we know as HD, or Herpaderp. HD tells us how the conduit uses magic as source of energy. HD asks for our help as it seems the city of Metrodoven is moving on its own without the will of HD.   "Oh God . . . He's here . . ."   5/19/24   We fly up the tower all Han Solo like. When we get to the top, we can see out to all of Metrodoven. V has the Zorn evacuate the city. Galliard, who has arrived, is being regenerated. Around Galliard is a maelstrom of pure magic. Three circles of platforms and a central platform that Galliard stands on. Galliard tethers himself to Alphinaud. V casts banishing smite on Galliard and buffs it with divine smite. V crits, and the damage is a record-breaking 233 dmg. Alphinaud takes 117 dmg consequently because the tether split the dmg between Galliard and Alphinaud. For a moment, Galliard has been banished to the party plane. Errich finishes off Galliard with a guiding bolt, but he threatens us that he will return in 6 to 10 somethings . . . (days?) We need to find the phylactery right now.   HD informs us that Metrodoven is absorbing energy from Sirivill, putting lives in danger.   To the ocean to find the last phylactery. Laz finds it. Cannot fuckin' breathe underwater, who knew?   Queeris provides us magical breathing apparatuses.   There is a wall, but we beat it.   Galliard's soul fades out of the phylactery. We did it! HOORAY!   We dungeoned and dragoned and yes dad, we're winning.   ONE MORE SESSION   THINK ABOUT WHAT PATH OUR CHARACTERS WILL TAKE FOR THE NEXT TEN YEARS   WE LEVEL UP AND GET PAID 500 PLATINUM EACH! WOOOOOOooooooooooooo . . . . . . . . .   5/26/24   Metrodoven back under the control of HD. Every inhabitant of Metrodoven survived and some even chose to move to Deaville in light of its development. Maru King made it back home safely. The Zorn make it back to Deaville. Undead attacks down to zero; good for morale of the kingdom's people. Havensgrove Estate has been turned into a national park.   After the big fight, we turn in early for the night. The following morning, we smell breakfast cooking and . . .   We all want to get tattoos.   V goes to Burrowdale. talks to friendguard Tom. then visits Bernadette. V shares his plans of rivaling Quentis in the business of assassination and proposes to Bernadette.   Errich is going to check on Peter Wycliffe, who was apparently in Mythhill fighting for the cause against the undead. Go to the Ghosthunter's Guild; I walk in on Peter sharing a "war" story and coming off as a badass. Mythhill is doing much better than when Errich started the journey (campaign) . We walk and talk and Errich learns that Peter has decided that Jakka is a protector god, not an aggressor god. Apparently, the leader of the hunting party was not interested in Jakka's work but interested only in bloodshed. Peter wants to visit the Werebeast, maybe Errich will tag a long?   Alphinaud goes to Mythhill. Introduces himself to Peter as Benebarak (whom is dead). Afterwards, Alphinaud goes to the orphanage that he contributed to funding. The dude overseeing the construction of the orphanage lectures Alphinaud for eight hours on race and the plight of being a shorter race, such as a dwarf.   Laz bumped into a familiar face: someone trying to pay off a debt. Marcus is the prostitute from the zero G brothel in Wildehall.   Clover wants to open a school with Queeris.   Tattoos:   V gets his done by Yolana, Errich's by Jared (the loveleaf dealer), Clover's by Devexian (Goldencrest blacksmith), Laz's by the nameless elves (in Feywild), Alphinaud did his own tattoo, almost bleeding to death and dying of infection, but the tattoo turned out pretty well.   V announces his proposal/wedding/marriage with Bernadette.   With the world in a better place, the Hot Grails settling down in their lives . . .   END OF CAMPAIGN ONE. FIN.                


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