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The god of the deceivers

Asmodus is the lord of The nine hells  one of the elder gods and is as ancient as the most ancient entities in existence but Tharizdun , he resides in  Nessus, the deepest lair of the nine hells    It is not known how he became the lorn of the nine hells but it is known he is not originally from there from the fact he is not a fiend but a celestial, among other gods he is one of the most hated even among his evil kin    He is a common god of many duergar along aide with power seeking advisers, many evil prophets and many many devil worshipers   Some time ago three of his devil lords subordinates imprisoned him in his lair on Nessus, the deepest lair of the nine hells what gives them more freedom in their contracts and limits asmodus's ability to get out of the hells and use his powers outside of his realm

Divine Domains

Death, trickery, blood, war, law

Tenets of Faith

  1. Find power over other so you will be as strong as the lord of the hells 
  2. Exploit other's weakness for your own gain, if others cant keep their position they do not deserve them 
  3. Return evil in evil, if someone tried to hart har take your revenge
  4. Do not ever show mercy the weak deserve to be crushed under your feet

Mental characteristics

Personal history

His personal history before becoming the leader of the devils and the god of the deceivers is unknown by anyone but asmodus himself

Accomplishments & Achievements

He has killed the first devil lord for the purpose of replacing him, he also blocked hundreds of revolutions against his rule

Failures & Embarrassments

On one of the many conspiracies against him three of his subordinates have managed to imprison him in his lair of the nine hells

Intellectual Characteristics

Asmodus is one of the smartest entities in existence only behind Ioun  and a few more gods of magic and intelligence

Morality & Philosophy

You take what you can by any means possible

Personality Characteristics


None is known about his plan but his longing for freedom

Wealth & Financial state

Divine Classification
God, devil lord
Lawful evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The tyrant of the nine hells, the god of deceivers
Current Residence
Nessus, the deepest lair of the nine hells
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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