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The lady of luck Avandra (a.k.a. The traveling god)

Avandra or the traveling goddess is one of the ancient gods and like most of them one of the oldest entities in existence, out of The twelve elder gods she is the one who most commonly interact with mortals directly    Her temples are almost never inside a settlement but are on roads, in oasiss ans forests and give travelers and adventurers a place to stay and rations made by the clerics  Halfling  are some of avandra's favourite and many of her chosen and clerics are of that race

Divine Domains

Luck, nature, unity, change , freedom

Tenets of Faith

  1. Change is inevitable do not try to prevent it, try to change it to the right side 
  2. Do not stay at one place for long, the world has so much to offer to stay at one place 
  3. Break the chains of the weak and unlucky 

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Avandra's goal is mainly to keep the world changing and try to make it to the better,

Physical Description

Body Features

Her avatar's skin is tanned to the point of sun damage

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

Avandra believes in freedom, not the freedom to do anything you want but true freedom to explore, to be free from tyranny and to every person to have control of their destiny


She will never support in anyway anyone who tries to enslave or control others

Personality Characteristics


She wants everyone in all world To be free to pursue their dreams with no one enslaved

Likes & Dislikes

She loves adventurers thrill seekers and explorers while she dislikes enslavers and rulers of kingdoms and other settlements


Contacts & Relations

She has a good relationship with all of the The twelve elder gods especially with Melora and Sehanine as she represents similar but leas extreme sides of their Ideal, she is the least friendly out of the twelve toErathis and Bahamut for Thier association to progress and law can oppress the freedom of people ] She is most oppose to the gods of tyrants Asmodeus  and Bane and the god of jailers Torog

Wealth & Financial state

Almost non for a goddess
Divine Classification
Chaotic good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The traveling goddess, the goddess of freedom
Current Residence
None, she is traveling between the planes
Long and tangled earth brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Very tanned
Aligned Organization


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