Coranellia Prospertine

Examiner Coranellia Prospertine, Defter (a.k.a. Cora)

Examiner-Defter (D-Ex or 2-Ex) of the Exploratory Research Vessel Camulos, which has undertaken the long-awaited exploratory project to investigate Fey, a tiny planet that appears to be interfering with near-celestial radio waves.   Examiner Prospertine is three degrees removed from Blood Condatis. The Prospertines have served in good standing for several generations, mostly in research roles similar to Cora's.   Since the Camulos cannot use most of its Avranev technology when orbiting Fey, linguists like Cora have been vital in learning more about the planet. Cora herself has become centered around a town called Duinbaile, the only known place where the Durin language is spoken.   ENNEAGRAM: The Perfectionist/Reformer. Hard working, thorough, and responsible. Prioritizes doing things the "right way," which can come at the expense of results. Ego Fixation: Resentment. Holy Idea: Perfection. Fears: Corruptness, Imbalance, Being "bad." Desires: "Goodness," Integrity, Balance.
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